Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Your Only Obstacle is YOU!

Yes you read that right!

"It is a true miracle when a
man finally sees himself as
his only opposition."

- Vernon Howard

Some of the most profound
words I've ever read.

Depending where you are currently
on your path to consciousness you
may or may not believe those
words or even be ready to hear
them. But if you are keep

Words DON'T teach, life experience
teaches. But it can only teach if
you LEARN from it. Have you
noticed that there are a few areas
of your life that you seem to keep
repeating? You can't seem to get
past the hurdles and break free.
THOSE are the very areas you have
yet to learn from.

You may be experiencing life in
those areas but you're not learning
from it. And as you've experienced,
the school of life WILL give you
opportunity after opportunity and
circumstance after circumstance to
learn that same lesson UNTIL you
get the teaching.

If you have even ONE of these areas
where you seem to keep circling in
the same pattern month after month
and year after year I have good news!
I'll share this news with you here:

Think of it as Manifesting 101, 202,
303 AND 404!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

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5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
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