Friday, March 23, 2012

Your 'Friday Follow-Up Newsletter' Has Arrived!!! DANDELIONS!! ;-D

Happy Friday!!

Spring has sprung in Las Vegas!!
Even the bulbs in my window
boxes have begun to sprout!!! I
can't wait to smell my lilies!!  ;-D

Wooo Hooo!!

I LOVE this time of year.  There is
SO much growth and the newness
of Spring REALLY makes me smile!!

My gardeners come every Tuesday
and on Wednesday of this week I
noticed something that REALLY
made me think.

The DANDELIONS had grown almost
9 inches OVERNIGHT!!  I mean the
garners were here cutting the lawn
on Tuesday and on Wednesday
morning the dandelions were 9
inches tall.  And guess what.......

No one planted them!!!

They grow naturally.  Weeds grow
naturally.  JUST LIKE IN YOUR
MIND!!  The weeds grow and you
don't even have to plant them.

And they grow FAST.  Overnight
in some cases.  And guess what
else.........THEY MULTIPLY like
rabbits, LOLOL  ;-D

All they need is a little contrast
(in their case WIND) and things
naturally take care of themselves!

So what do YOU do with weeds
or dandelions in your own mind?

Do you tend to them?  Do you TRY
to pretend you don't have any? 
Do you tell yourself that they don't
grow?  Do you believe that they
won't eventually KILL the small
seedlings of your dreams and

Do you FERTILIZE the weeds of
your mind with Worry, Anxiety,
Stress or Doubt??

Are you ready to PULL a few??

If so............

Even though my BRAND NEW mp3
audio program 'What Your Reality
Says About Your Thinking AND
What You Can Do To Change It'
IS now available on my website for
$37, I'm going to offer the FULL
60+ min audio, download NOTES
through Sunday (March 25th).

You've got TWO full days to save
OVER 55%!!!

Use this SPECIAL link (NOT
available on my website) to receive
your special pricing:

With Spring here and Spring
Cleaning in the air, TEND to the
weeds of your mind!
! They grow
whether we want them to or not
and they WILL take over the crop
if you let them!!!

Grab my newest audio and WATCH
what you begin to notice!!!  Things
will change for you....and QUICKLY!!

Have a FABULOUS weekend!!  YOU
deserve it!!!  ;-D

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
xoxo - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, March 19, 2012

Your 'Monday Mind Shift Newsletter' Has Arrived!!! Read it Now!! ;-D

Happy Monday!!

Today is the LAST day of fall. 

Can you believe it?  It's time for
some mental Spring cleaning if
you know what I mean!!  ;-D

Today's newsletter is a really good
one. Be sure to read it a few
times for optimum results.

I want to talk about WHY.

It's interesting....As I talk
with clients they can name 100's
of 'things' that they want, but
when I ask them 'WHY' they
want these things, I always hear
silence at the other end of the

And the REALLY interesting part's the WHY that attracts.
It's NOT your list of 100 or 1000
things that you wish to accumulate
or own, it's the FEELING underneath
having those things that you're
searching for. So today's newsletter
will help you more clearly identify
'WHY' you want these things.

OK I have a few questions that
I want you to think about. Once
you've read ALL the below questions,
come up with 25 reasons WHY
you want the things that you want.

It's important to push yourself to
come up with 25 AND it's doubly
important to FEEL the feelings as
you're writing and thinking. It's
these very feelings that will begin
to sweep through your body that
will begin to attract and magnetize
what you WANT to you.

Remember, It's the FEELING that
gets the blessing, so here we go.....

Think about the list of 'things'
you desire to have or achieve.
Think about having more money,
better health, an ideal body, ideal
relationships in EVERY area of your
life, a booming business and/or
career, the houses, cars, vacations,
outfits, ALL of it.

Now then.....

- WHY do you want more money?

- What would having more money
FEEL like?

- WHY do you want more clients
or a more successful business/

- What would having a waiting list
of 6 months feel like?

- Why do you want the cars, the
houses, the savings accounts?

- What feelings are you searching

- Why would they make you happy?

- WHY do you want your physical
body to improve?

- What would that FEEL like?

- How would you look?

- Why?

- What would be different in your
life or on your body?

- How does that feel?

- WHY would life get easier if you
had the things on your list?

- What would you delegate to
someone else?

- Why?

- What would that FEEL like?

- WHY would you want a soul

- How would that benefit you and
your life?

- Picture yourself in the ideal
relationship. How do you look?

- What's different about you?

- How do you feel?

- WHY would you smile more if
you had achieved ALL of your

- WHY are you waiting to smile?

- How does smiling feel?

Now write.

Write AT LEAST 25 'reasons' why
you want these things. These
reasons will invoke feelings from
you. It's these feelings of security,
peace, knowing, easiness, joy,
bliss and happiness that you're
seeking NOT the things.

YES, these things WILL possibly
make you happy, but you can be
happy NOW which will GUARANTEE
they happen!

Read your list of 25 reasons 'WHY'
at LEAST three times a day. If you
feel your faith slipping or doubt
creeping in, take out your list and
READ it and re-affirm what you know
and FEEL. This will become one of
your most powerful tools. Because
when you FEEL it, it is ;-D

GUESS WHAT......................

For a VERY limited time, Perception
University is ONLY $97 a month!!!!

Included EVERY month is:

- (2) 60-75 min Live Calls with me
- (2) Live Q&A Sessions
- (2) One Year Online Replays
- (2) mp3 audios
- (2) pdf transcripts
- (4) Dial-In Inspiration Audios
- (1) Monthly Mentoring Minute Hour
- (2) Online Check-Ins
- 20% of ALL purchases

and much, MUCH, more for ONLY
$97 a month for a VERY limited

Enroll NOW.  We have our Monthly
Mentoring Minutes THIS WEEK!!!  I
would LOVE to talk with YOU!!!  ;-D

EnJOY your Monday!!

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

Join me!!! - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Paddy's Day!! FINAL 12 Hours to SAVE OVER 55% On My NEWEST Audio Program!!! ;-D

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Here's sending you the LUCK of the
Irish!!!  ;-D

Earlier in the week I taught my
NEWEST program on:

'What Your Reality Says About Your
Thinking and What You Can Do To
Change it'

It was a SOLD OUT seminar with
hundreds of live participants on the

The comments have been flying
in and in fact I FEEL it's TOO GOOD
a program not to let you get it


FOR 12 MORE HOURS I'm offering my
audio program (including
60+ min mp3 audio, program notes
AND pdf transcript) for ONLY $27!!

This program is PACKED with ideas
on how to SHIFT your results. You
can't listen to this audio (even
once) and NOT BE CHANGED!!!

I cover my 20 r's, what life is
showing you WITH your results and
how to deal with hooks of UN-DEALT
emotions!!!  The notes included even
have PICTURES!!  ;-D

Now the transcript won't be ready
for about a week which is WHY
you're able to grab this package
for ONLY $27. But you WILL receive
the mp3 audio and program notes

This offer is only good through
Saturday March
So grab your copy NOW below!!!

You're going to LOVE what happens!!!!

What do you think ONE idea might
be worth???  You KNOW even ONE

Think about it!!

The complete program including
transcript will be for sale on my
website on April 1st for $57!!  This
is your chance to SAVE OVER 55%!!

Have a FABULOUS weekend and
listen to this audio again and again
and WATCH what begins to happen!!

It WILL change your life!!

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  The link to get my complete
'What Your Reality Says About Your
Thinking and What You Can Do To
Change it' program for ONLY $27 is:

HURRY!!  Offer expires MIDNIGHT
TONIGHT Saturday
March 17th!! - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Your LUCK Just Got Better!!! READ and Find out Why!!! ;-D

I hope you're week has been
FABULOUS so far.  I'll be in touch
with your Friday Follow Up
tomorrow, however I wanted to
share how FABULOUS yesterday's
call was on

'What Your Reality Says About Your
Thinking and What You Can Do To
Change it'

The comments have been flying
in all evening and this morning!!

In fact this audio program is TOO
GOOD to not let you get in on it!!!


I'm going to offer the COMPLETE
audio program (including 60+ min
mp3 audio, program notes AND
pdf transcript) for ONLY $27!!

This audio is PACKED with ideas
on how to SHIFT your results. You
can't listen to this audio (even
once) and NOT BE CHANGED!!!

It WILL change your results!!!

Now the transcript won't be ready
for about a week which is WHY
you're able to grab this package
for ONLY $27. But you WILL receive
the mp3 audio and program notes

This offer is only good through St.
Patrick's Day Saturday March 17th!! 
So grab your copy now!!

The complete program including
transcript will be for sale on my
website on April 1st for $67!!  This
is your chance to SAVE $40!!!

Have a FABULOUS rest of your
week and listen to this audio again
and again and WATCH what begins
to happen!!  ;-D

It WILL change your life!!

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  The link to get my complete
'What Your Reality Says About Your
Thinking and What You Can Do To
Change it' program for ONLY $27 is:

Offer expires at midnight Saturday
March 17th!! - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, March 12, 2012

Your 'Monday Mind Shift Newsletter' Has Arrived!!! Read it Now!! ;-D

Woooooo Hooooo a brand NEW
week.  Are you ready for it??

Did you have a fabulously relaxing
weekend? Did you enJOY
yourself and allow yourself to
bask in the delicousness of life? ;-D

Today's topic is self talk.

- Is your self talk positive or

- Do you expect the best out of
life or the worst?

- Do you believe in miracles or

- Do you believe IN your abilities
or more in your blocks to success?

- Do you believe it will be hard
or easy to get what you want?

This is an important topic. You
are your own best friend or shall
I say COULD be. And yet the
reality is most of us are our own
worst enemy. We're harder on
ourselves than we would be on
anyone else in our SAME position.

but as with IS a

You can choose to believe that
you ARE capable of finding or
manifesting a solution. You can
choose to believe that you CAN
attract the money. That your
business IS growing and maturing.
That you ARE aligning with the
relationship you've always wanted.
That life IS supporting you and
making SURE that you experience
whatever it is you desire.

But it all begins with you liking
yourself FIRST. If you believe
in you, the universe will mirror
that back to you through others
liking, supporting and believing
in you.

Rather than looking for support
OUTSIDE of yourself, BE that
support for yourself NOW with your
self talk. Then LOOK for the proof
of your new beliefs.

Monitor how you talk to yourself.
Treat yourself like the spectacular,
high achiever genius you are. Let
go of 'shoulds' and 'coulds'. Take
life by the horns.

I believe in you!!! And if YOU
believe in you, life will too ;-D

I would LOVE to work with you!! I
created Perception University so
individuals could interact with me

Included EVERY month is:

- (2) 60-75 min Live Calls with me
- (2) Live Q&A Sessions
- (2) One Year Online Replays
- (2) mp3 audios
- (2) pdf transcripts
- (4) Dial-In Inspiration Audios
- (1) Monthly Mentoring Minute Hour
- (2) Online Check-Ins
- 20% of ALL purchases

and much, MUCH, more!!!!

I know you're ready to TAKE CHARGE
of your life (thinking) and FINALLY
get ALL that you deserve, join now!!!

We have a call TOMORROW!!!  ;-D

Have a fabulous Monday and
remember.....EXPECT great things!!

Tune IN, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. TOMORROW's call is going to be
VERY enlightening!!! You're Ready!! - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, March 05, 2012

Your 'Monday Mind Shift Newsletter' (AUDIO) Has Arrived!!! Read Now!! ;-D

Happy Monday!

I'm super duper excited for today's
newsletter and to GIFT you today's
audio. It's 40 minutes long and it's
a fabulous tool for getting a visual
of what's going on in your life. ($35

I created this audio years ago and
I'm SO glad I found it going
through things this weekend!

It's on 'Your Wheel of Reality'.

Get a piece of paper, a pen,
bring an open mind and give it
a listen. You're going to LOVE

But you will definitely NEED a
pen and paper FIRST!!

You can download today's audio
with one click below. (audio will
begin downloading once clicked)

Speaking of reality...............

On March 14th I'm holding a
powerful LIVE teleclass!!
The topic is 'What Your Reality
About Your Thinking; And
What To
Do To Change It'
The call will be LIVE at 9am and
again 5pm pacific.  YES!!  Two
different times to choose from!!

You can attend this training via
phone, Skype OR your web
browser online!!!  And of course
you will get the mp3 audio of the
call, one year online replay AND
PDF transcript of every word ALL
for ONLY $47!!!

Unfortunately or actually
still doesn't have the web page fully
functional (at the time of this
newsletter being written) so YOU
can register and SAVE $20 FOR ONE
with this link here:

Which means if you register TODAY
(until midnight tonight Monday March
5th) you'll get the WHOLE training
package including: live calls, Q&A
session, transcript, pdf notes and
mp3 audio for ONLY $27 below.  I'm
even throwing in some SPECIAL PDF
!!! ;-D

In this 60+ minute training I'll be

- Your Inner Dialogue
- Your Mental Blocks
- Your Sabotaging Actions
- Your Limiting Beliefs
- Your Mindset

and MUCH, much, more!!

Basically all the things you don't
THINK you have a problem with
or think matter!!  ;-D

I'll also be including downloadable
NOTES and offering a Q&A period
during the call as well!!  This training
will become a new audio program
offered on my website.  Enroll now

training!!  In fact, if you attend
either LIVE call and don't feel
like you got a 500% return on
your invest, contact me!!!

Avoid disappointment and future
REGRET. Do yourself the favor
and enroll NOW here:

I mean after all........

don't you want to know 'What Your
Reality Says
About Your Thinking;
And What To
Do To Change It' .......
Have a FABULOUS Monday!! and be
SURE to enroll and SAVE $20
ENJOY the audio!!  ;-D

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  Here's your SPECIAL link to
register by midnight tonight
SAVE $20!!! - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Sunday, March 04, 2012

FINAL 14 Hours to SAVE HALF on my PUBLIC teleclass March 14th!! Open NOW!!

FINAL 14 Hours to SAVE!!  :-D

I'm THRILLED to announce that on
Wednesday March 14th I'm holding
my first PUBLIC LIVE Teleclass of
year!!  And it will be PACKED

Woooo Hooo!!!  ;-D

The topic is 'What Your Reality Says
About Your Thinking; And What To
Do To Change It'

The call will be LIVE at 9am and
again 5pm pacific.  YES!!  Two
different times to choose from!!

Wooo Hooo!!!  ;-D

You can attend this training via
phone, Skype OR your web browser
online!!!  And of course you will get
the mp3 audio of the call, online
replay AND  PDF transcript of every
word ALL for ONLY $47!!!

Now the web page isn't fully finished
so YOU can register and SAVE $20
FOR 12 Hours LONGER ONLY with this
link here:

Which means if you register THIS
WEEKEND (until midnight tonight
Sunday March 4th) you'll get the
WHOLE training package including:
live calls, Q&A periord, transcript and
mp3 for ONLY $27 here:

In this 60+ minute training I'll be

- Your Inner Dialogue
- Your Mental Blocks
- Your Sabotaging Actions
- Your Limiting Beliefs
- Your Mindset

and MUCH, much, more!!

Basically all the things you don't
THINK you have a problem with!!  ;-D

training!!  In fact, if you attend
either LIVE call and don't feel
like you got a 500% return on
your invest, contact me!!!

Do yourself the favor and enroll
NOW here:

I mean afterall........

don't you want to know 'What Your
Reality Says
About Your Thinking;
And What To
Do To Change It' .......

Have a FABULOUS Sunday!!
and be SURE to enroll and SAVE $20

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  Here's your SPECIAL link to
register by midnight tonight
SAVE $20!!! - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, March 02, 2012

Your 'Friday Follow-Up Newsletter' Has Arrived!!!

Happy Friday!!  :-D

I hope you had a fantastic week
and that you're ready for a fun,
FABULOUS weekend!! Be sure to
EXPECT great things ALL weekend
long, only YOU can!! ;-D

In today's follow up issue of the
week I want to talk about

This is a universal principal, the
law of reciprocity, but few of us
know what it is and quite frankly
how it works.

The easy way to understand it (at
least in the beginning stages) is
'what you put out, you will get back.'

Seems easy enough right?

I always think of it is
like a boomerang. It ALWAYS
comes back to you with stunning
accuracy and timing.

So you say, 'well I am a nice person,
I do nice things, I think positive
thoughts and yet I'm STILL not
attracting all that I want'. And I say
'ah yes', so think about this.

Anything that we mentally refuse
to permit others, we refuse
ourselves. What we BLESS in
others, we draw to us.

These two sentences may spin your
head a little. Isn't it perfect that
the divine universe would give US
that which we WANT for someone

Now read these two sentences.

What we give, we will receive. What
we withhold, will be with held from

Another turn isn't it. ;-D

I want you to take an HONEST look
at your behavior and thoughts for
the last week or so. How many
times have you caught yourself
thinking thoughts like:

- I should be the one getting that,

- I should be the one who has the
booming business,

- I should be the one they asked,
not her,

- I should be the one that has an
easier time with money,

- I should be the one getting married,

- I should be the one losing weight.

'This isn't FAIR.'

Now go back and read what true
reciprocity is. In lay mans terms
it truly is 'to want it MORE for others
than you want it for yourself.

I know it has NOT been taught to
us to want it more for others first.
In fact most of us have been raised
on the scarcity side of the tracks
which says 'I must fight for my
piece, they are the competitor, or
only one of us can have it'.

All these feelings of NOT wanting
someone else to have it, really is
a HUGE reason why we don't receive
it. When we think they shouldn't
have it we are holding ourselves
from it. Bottom line, it's judgment.

I know this is a new spin on life.
You must be ready to UNLEARN the
hard way. Re-learn to embrace the
EASY way. Look for those who
need what you want, and wish it for

See how you feel. See how you smile
when you want it for them even more
than YOU want it and then WATCH as
the universe rewards your effort
around EVERY corner.

Speaking of which.........

I'm THRILLED to announce that on
Wednesday March 14th I'm holding
my FIRST public LIVE Teleclass of the
year!!  Woooo Hooo!!!  ;-D

The topic is 'What Your Reality Says
About Your Thinking; And What To
Do To Change It'

The call will be LIVE at 9am and
again 5pm pacific.  YES!!  Two
different times to choose from!!

You can attend this training via phone,
Skype OR your web browser online!!! 
And of course you will get the mp3
audio of the call, online replay AND
PDF transcript of every word ALL for
ONLY $47!!!

Now the web page isn't fully finished
so YOU can register and SAVE $20
THIS WEEKEND ONLY with this link

Which means if you register THIS
WEEKEND you'll get the WHOLE
training, live call, transcript and mp3
for ONLY $27 here:

May all YOUR dreams will come true.
I want this for you MORE than you
know. ;-D

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  Here is the link to register THIS
Weekend and SAVE $20!!! - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved