Saturday, December 30, 2006

What I Have Been Up To......

Hi There!

I hope your holidays and celebrations have
been extremely enjoyable so far. I also
hope you are taking some much needed
and deserved time for yourself.

I personally have been extremely busy. I
have sold a house, moved my personal
residence and have been busy unpacking,
learning a new area, not to mention the

In fact, It has only been in the last 48
hours that I have had an internet
connection. More on that later.......

I can hardly begin to tell you the numerable
setbacks AND miracles that I have experienced
over the last few weeks. All of which have
made me stronger in some many ways.

I will be sharing some of these life lessons
on my weekly podcast this upcoming Monday.

If you aren't currently receiving my weekly
podcast you can enroll on the homepage of
my website! (link can be found at the end of
this email)

As we bring 2006 to a close and welcome
the brand NEW year 2007 it is critical to stay
focused on what we WANT. To take control
of where you WANT to go.

On Tuesday January 16th at 5:30 I will be
teaching my monthly teleclass on 'How to
Raise Belief in Yourself'. I cant think of a
better way to start the year.

You should definitely register for this training
and kick your New Year off right!

You can register at:

This year has definitely flown by for me both
personally and professionally. For just a moment,
think back to this time last year. What were you
doing? Who were you with? Where were you
living? Driving?

How many things have changed in your world?

Its amazing when we reflect the enormous speed
life takes on. And if you haven't noticed......the
older you get the faster it goes :)

I hope you will join me on the 16th and take
control of your life! Register at:

Please have a safe, healthy and fabulous New Year!!!

Here's to YOU.

Happy New Year,

Shelby Collinge

Author, Speaker & Mindset Expert

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 487-6334
Copyright (c) 2006 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Become Limitless Today!



There are fundamental laws in the universe
that govern the workings of all things including
your successes and your failures.


You can learn how to harness the immense power
of these laws to supercharge your productivity, business,
creativity, and energy; deepen relationships with your
spouse, friends, and family; banish all forms
of limitation, negativity, fear, and stress; and realize
permanent success far beyond your imagination.

Hidden deep within you is an unstoppable power.

This power is so extraordinary that even just a brief
glimpse of its infinite potential reveals the possibility
of touching the stars themselves. Its stirring inspires
us to change as we must to realize
the purpose of our own being.

The barriers that presently keep us from the success we
seek consist of; limitation, discouragement, bad luck, fear
unworthiness, depression, the list goes on and on.

When you awaken to higher possibilities, there is literally
nothing that can stand in your way.

I have complied the last three years of my mind and
business changing audio programs and have made them
available to those ready to make significant, lasting change.

The really incredible part of this is that I have made
these programs available on a monthly membership

And while this may sound too good to be true, let me assure
you it’s not. You can literally ‘rent’ my top selling
audio programs for 1/100th the cost!

There is a reason why most people don't know — and will
never know — the reality of their extraordinary inner-strength:

This is your opportunity to learn about an entirely new way to
approach success in ALL areas of your business and personal

In this empowering new community I lead you, step by step,
to a new understanding of how you can make permanent
shifts and results in your business, thinking and bank balance
as well as a connection with a deep, renewable well of higher
energy hidden within you.

This amazing community is different from anything you've ever
seen or heard of before. Once you learn the simple and profound
principles in this community, you'll wonder how you ever lived
without them!

Did you know that nothing in this world is supposed to have
power over you?


Just as an eagle is born to know the boundless freedom of the
open skies, so too are you — as a human being — created to
claim the unending freedom of your own higher consciousness.

No person, no situation, no thought or feeling — not even
money problems or poor health — is meant to hold you back
from realizing ULTIMATE SUCCESS in ANY moment of your life.

As you'll learn, the key to turning these possibilities into realities
lies in discovering, and applying, a special type of knowledge
hidden from the masses down through the ages. These ‘secrets’
enable you to unlock enormous amounts of new life energy lying
latent in your mind and heart.

There is a way — using the techniques revealed in my
Quantum Achievers Society.

Take the next step right now and go to:

It took me over three years to meticulously record and
digitally master these incredible 40+ hours of audio learning.
And even though the success secrets contained in this
membership are quite literally priceless — I am making
the membership available for a ridiculously low price!

Now is the time to build a bridge between your present
understanding and the unstoppable nature that dwells
within you. Use the following link to become a member of
my Quantum Achievers Society.

So, click the link below to enroll in my Quantum Achievers
Society, and take the next step toward the Extraordinary
Life waiting to be discovered within you!

Its on its way! Let me help you align with it.

Shelby Collinge

YES! I want to find out how to activate and unleash the
phenomenal inner power that will fundamentally transform
my life. Please enroll me The Quantum Achievers Society!
I look forward to accessing this life changing information.
I understand that if I am less than completely satisfied with
what I hear and discover, I can cancel no-questions-asked.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Food For Thought!!

Hi There!

I stumbled across this quote today and
HAD to send it to you. It really sums it
all up.....

'Real life isnt always going to be perfect
or go our way, but the recurring
acknowledgement of what is working in
our lives can help us not only to survive
but surmount our difficulties.'

By Sara Ban Breathnach

I hope this message find you well and
stirrs up some emotion in you.

Youre on your way!
Keep going.

On the 12th of this month, I am holding
my monthly teletraining. I will be talking
about the Power of Setting Intentions.

If there is ANY way you can join me,
register right away. Find out ALL about
it here:

MAKE it a fabulous week.

It's on it's way! Let me help you align with it.

Shelby Collinge

Sunday, November 26, 2006

You Must NOT Quit!

How are you?

Here we are with December on our
heels. Before you know it the New Year
will have come and gone.

As Im sure you have been feeling……
time waits for no one. We either get up
to speed with it or we get pushed to the

Keeping the holidays in mind, I thought I
would send out this update to keep you on
track as we head into these busy times and
soon the New Year.

Be sure to read word for word to enjoy all
there is to learn.

If ANY of the included links do not work, please
copy and paste the entire link in your browser.

In this Update Issue.........

** Weekly Podcasted Show – Do you listen?
** LIVE Monthly Tele-Trainings
** Client Comments – Word of Mouth Testimonials
** The Power of Persistence – Monthly Mind Expanding


Have you registered for my Weekly
Podcasted show? It's FR*EE and is
delivered every Monday to your email

Each show is approximately 10 minutes
and is FULL with seeds to expand your

You can listen right now by going to:


Have you been on a monthly tele-class
training with me?

I highly encourage you to clear your
calendar for these 60 minutes and join
me. You will be shocked with what you

Each call is fantastic one hour training
that will show you MANY errors in your
current thinking.

My LIVE monthly tele-class trainings are
now offered on a monthly membership

The good news is that when you sign up
for the monthly membership you save over

You can the LIVE call, MP3 audio of the
call, downloadable workbook AND question
and answer period.

To enroll in the my Monthly Tele-Class
membership, scroll to the bottom of this

**Classes through Feb 2007 are now posted**


Client Comments Section – Word of mouth
testimonials from all over the world!

Here are what fellow subscribers and clients
have to say.........

'Hi Shelby!

I have just listened to your 7 Natural Laws of
the Universe audio...fabulous!

I have been seeking clarity from the creative
forces of the Universe, and it has been delivered
thru' you...thank you!

Thank you for being a stand for me to get this
show. I GOT IT!!

You are a great teacher Shelby, a master
communicator. You speak the language I understand..
in a heartbeat.

Others I have listened to, I think now, just really haven't
gotten it themselves, and that impacts their delivery.
(My opinion)

Yes you are right, by virtue of, I found my way to you,
divine guidance will always bring me to where I learn,
always working toward my higher good.

Thank you, thank you thank you.

Onwards and Upwards,

Rhonda – New Zealand'

'Shelby excellent class (Power of Now Audio) ! I
could not really understand the Be/Do/Have until
you put it into perspective of being the person by
feeling what it would be like if you already had it .

Thanks!! Paul – OH'

'Shelby is one of the best speakers I have heard
so far. Her energy makes you want to follow along
and believe in what she says.

I have heard it all before, but not quite the same way
and I AM ready to do things differently. Lots of
things have happened that have made me take a
new look at my life. We only have today and dont
even know what the next minute will bring...

I want to thank you for having Shelby tonight and
for inviting me - AND... to me for attending!

Her message was superb. I taped it and will be
listening to it over and over again in the next few
days as I make some life-changing decisions.

Have a good night.

Roz – NY'

If you have a comment you would like to share,
please email me at


The Power of Persistence
By Shelby Collinge

I find that sometimes it is our own ability to stick
with it and push thought, and not give up that truly
makes us successful.

If it were easy everyone would be rich. Everyone
would be a Millionaire.

The fact of the matter is..... That is can be hard
sometimes to want to stick with it. To WANT to keep
pushing forward.

Its hard sometimes not to want to give up on our desires
and intentions. To just quit and go back to not trying.
Back to our comfort zone.

I found this poem years ago and I love it. I KNOW
there is a hidden message for you in these wise words.

The author unfortunately is unknown, however I really
think that he/she really sums it up perfectly.

Please read and re-read this poem. Print it out and
hang it on your wall, your cubicle, your desk, your
bathroom mirror.

But when you have a down day, moment or thought.

Please reflect back on this poem and remember,
that you CAN DO IT.

You must NOT QUIT. There are many who count
on you and believe in you. I believe in you.

Dont Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes well.

When the road you're trudging seem all up hill.

When funds are low and the debts are high.

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.

When care is pressing you down a bit.

Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns.

As every one of us sometimes learns.

And many a failure turns about

When he might have won had he stuck it out.

Don't give up though the pace seems slow.

You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out.

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.

And you never can tell how close you are.

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit

It's when things seem worst that you must not QUIT.

Please again, read and re-read this.

Are you now ready to take action and to persist
when others fail and give up?

Might I recommend my Quantum Achievers

This is a fantastic opportunity to really explore other
ways of attracting, converting and keeping new
opportunities in ALL areas of your life.

Did you know....Your potential for success increases
exponentially when receiving personal attention
and instruction. My Quantum Achievers Society
offers that idea rich atmosphere and structure.

Wont you join us?

If interested in joining our online learning community
or just want to find out more, click this link:

***For a limited time****

Join now for a full 7 days with FULL access for only $7.

If you would like to experience what my Quantum
Achievers Society has to offer, please click the below
link and start your $7 journey today!

To join for only $7 please use this link:


Until next time....

Please feel free to forward this valuable information
in its entirety onto your friends, colleagues
and family members, because EVERYONE can
benefit from something that has been mentioned.

Any comments or questions, please contact me. I would love
to hear from you.

Its on its way! Let me help you find it.

Shelby Collinge

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wishing You a Magical Thanksgiving Holiday!


This is the week that many of us turn
our attention to what we are most grateful
for as we celebrate Thanksgiving.

Be sure to spend some time in the quiet
of your mind and really BE grateful for
ALL that you have. You have more than
you really know.

I want you to know that I am grateful for
YOU. I love you, I appreciate you, and
there is no greater privilege that I have
than to serve you in your emotional
growth and spiritual evolution.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you,
thank you, thank you...

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving holiday to
you and yours.

With Much Love & Thanks,

Shelby Collinge

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Join Me Tuesday & Make Your Holidays Calm,.....

joyful, easy, and most importantly you
will be relaxed, comfortable and peaceful.

Sound too good to be true?

It isnt!

Tuesday evening November 21st at
5:30pm pacific / 8:30pm eastern I will
be teaching my monthly teletraining.

Because these calls are ONLY held once a
month, the energy of these calls is amazing.
You NEED to be on this call to experience
it for yourself!

In this specialized training you will learn:

'How to Leverage the 7 Natural Laws
of the Universe to Make Success Easy'

With this training you will learn how to
make being around the family these holidays
EASY and enjoyable.

Finally learn how to go WITH the flow of
life, instead of paddling against it.

If you suffer from struggle, disappointment,
frustration, depression or if you have just
plain had it with the results youre getting
you will really benefit from this call.

You will learn techniques that will work
in EVERY area of your life AND....

You get an MP3 audio of the call so you
can burn it to a CD or listen to it right
from your computer, you will get a
downloadable workbook AND I do LIVE
Q&A at the end of the training.

Thats right, you will have
EVERYTHING you need to take control
of what you attract and HOW you react.

Join me Tuesday and change everything!

I mean everything!!!

Go now to:

Have a fabulous week and Ill talk to you

Its on its way! Let me help you find it.

Shelby Collinge

I believe in YOU, youre a star!

Friday, November 17, 2006

You MUST Read This Quote.....Read Now!


I came across this quote and I felt like I
had to share it with you. Here it is.....

'Our duty as people is to proceed as if
limits to our ability did not exist. We
are collaborators in creation.'

- Pierre Chardin

What do you think? I LOVE this quote
and it 100% true. We DO create our
reality. Every single bit of it.

Do YOU like what your creating in ALL
areas of your life?

If you are NOT creating what you want
in your life or if you dont create what you
want ALL the time, then you MUST join
me on Tuesday November 21st when I
will teach you

'How to Leverage the 7 Natural Laws of
the Universe to Make Success EASY'

Have you registered yet? If not, go
right NOW to:

Tuesdays teletraining will be a full 60+
minutes of instruction and I will also open
the phone lines at the end of the call to
answer YOUR questions.

Not to mention you will receive the MP3
audio of the call for repeat listening again
and again, notes and much, much more.

For the cost of dinner you can learn NEW
avenues for increased success, money, joy
health and happiness. Wont you join me?

Go right now to:

Register for Tuesday November 21st at
5:30pm pacific / 8:30 pm eastern and
learn NEW ideas and strategies to make
success FUN and EASY.....

I promise......You WONT be disappointed.

Join me, youll be so glad you did:

Have a fabulouse weekend. Take some
time for yourself to relax, day dream,
smile, laugh and have FUN!

Until next time.

Expect Success!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. You can register with just one click
by using this link...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

FREE Breakthrough to Success Weekend!


I just had to send this note to all the people
I care about because I am in a unique position
to GIVE you an amazing gift that will benefit you
for years to come!

Christopher Howard is a world renowned expert
on Personal Development and Wealth Fulfillment
and has studied the world's greatest leaders and
billionaires, from Gandhi to Gates to Oprah.

He is going to be holding his FR*EE Breakthrough
to Success Weekend and I want YOU to be able
to go!

Register now at:

Here's what you can expect to gain from experiencing
this FR*EE (my gift to you) BREAKTHROUGH to SUCCESS

* Identify your critical success factors.

* Breakthrough the limitations of the past.

* Accelerate your success and gain propulsion
toward your dreams.

* Understand what causes inconsistencies in
your career, relationship, health and finances,
and how to 'install' the 'mind software' for
rapid success in all areas of your life.

* Take charge of your thoughts and release
false associations and limiting thoughts such
as 'it's hard to make money' or 'I can't have
a great relationship'.

Chris Howard teaches all around the world and I strongly
urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to see
Chris Howard 'live' at the Breakthrough to Success Weekend.

Claim your spot by going to:

Expect Success!

Shelby Collinge

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Re: Important, Life Changing and Time Sensitive

Hi There!

This is an important time sensitive message
regarding your future happiness and success.

If you have ever wondered about, or in fact,
yearned for a solution to being happier in life

...Please read this now

It will change your life.

MAKE it a great week!

Shelby Collinge

Sunday, November 12, 2006

My Mindset Matters Monthly Newsletter!

Hi There!

How are you?

Here we are with November in full swing.
Before you know it we will all be in mad
holiday swing.

This months 'Mindset Matters' is JAM packed
with mind enhancing information. Read it
word for word..... You wont want to miss a

There are MANY programs and resources
right at your fingertips right here. Be
sure to take advantage of as many of
them as you possibly can.

In this Issue.........

** Monthly Tele-class Training
** Weekly Podcasted Show
** Want to Create Miracles in Only 30 Days
** Gratitude Call for December
** Work with me personally - Quantum Results Program
** Your Cash Flow Scale of 1 -10
** Monthly Memberships You MUST Check Out
** Seem Stuck and NOTHING Is Working?

First things first.

Have you been on a monthly tele-class
training with me?

If not, then you MUST join me Tuesday
the 21st at 5:30 where we will be talking
about How to Leverage the 7 Natural
Laws of the Universe to Make Success EASY!

This will be fantastic one hour training
that will show you MANY errors in your
current thinking.

I highly encourage you to clear your
calendar for these 60 minutes and join
me. You will be shocked with what you

To register for Tuesdays call or to sign
up for a discounted monthly membership
to my tele-classes, go right now to:


Have you registered for my Weekly
Podcasted show? It's FR*EE and is
delivered every Monday to your email

Each show is approximately 10 minutes
and is FULL with seeds for your expanding

Go register right now at:


Would You Like to Create Miracles in Your
Life in 30 Days?

Here is what Rhonda (a recent finisher of
my 30 day Miracles Experiment) had to say:

'Shelby, I have really enjoyed receiving your
ideas, processes and ways to align with miracles
and life-changing events.

I have found them to be effective and consistently
evolutionary. I will be keeping my 30 day miracle
experiment, to use again, and probably again, again.

Thank you, I have your homepage stored for ease
of access. I am off to practice 'being' who I am.
I have spent 1/2 my life denying it, to myself, and
the other have avoiding it!!

Shelby, you are a gift to the world. I will honor
the work we have done here, so as to honor the

Here's to abundance, peace on earth, dignity, freedom
and love.

Muchness of Everything


You too can have these results. You can enroll
in my 30 Day Miracles Experiment by enrolling
mid way down on this page:


What Are YOU Grateful For?

If you havent registered for
my monthly Gratitude Call then you must
visit my homepage and register on the right
hand side right away. Space is Limited.

Give yourself this gift and Go now to:


How is your cash flow on a scale of 1 - 10?

Could you use someone to talk to? Can you
use an improvement in the results that you
are getting?

Is stress, frustration and anxiety something you
experience frequently?

Remember I offer personal one time sessions in
both 30 and 60 minute sessions AND I will record
our session for repeat listening at no charge.

Read about my personal sessions and schedule
yours today by going to:

This is an EXCELLENT way to end 2006 and get
on track for 2007!


Monthly Memberships for Learning:

I dont know if you knew or not but I have
two monthly memberships that you really
must consider.

One is my Quantum Achievers Society.

This membership give you access to over
3 years worth of audio programs, tele-class
trainings, eBooks, articles, interviews, and
ALL the current tele-classes I teach and much,
much, more.

The membership costs is so small I cant
even mention it here. There is also a
yearly membership which is only $257.

Thats right, a full 12 month membership is
only $257. New audios and workbooks
added every month!!!

Become a member of my Quantum Achievers
Society by going to:


My LIVE monthly tele-class trainings are
now offered on a monthly membership

The good news is that when you sign up
for the monthly membership you save over

You can the LIVE call, MP3 audio of the
call, downloadable workbook AND question
and answer period.

To enroll in the my Monthly Tele-Class
membership, scroll to the bottom of this

Both of these monthly memberships are TOTAL no
brainers to changing your thinking and your results!


Seem Stuck and NOTHING Is Working?

If this sounds like you. I can help!!!

Find out about my Quantum Results Program.
This is a full 6 month program with unlimited
email access to me, personal session, 6
months of tele-trainings and much, much, more.

Find out ALL about this incredible opportunity
to work personally with me by going to:


Give yourself the gift of EASE. Change
your thinking and you WILL change your

Allow me to show how EASY things can
be....How much more fun and more
enjoyable, prosperous and enjoyable
life can be.

Until next time....

Please feel free forward this newsletter
in its entirety onto your friends, colleagues
and family members as EVERYONE can
benefit from something mentioned herein.

Have an outstanding November. Any comments
or questions, please contact me. I would love
to hear from you.

Expect Success and see ya soon!

Shelby Collinge

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

No Tricks, But a REAL Treat!

Hi There~

Happy Halloween!

If you celebrate Halloween, today is the
Big Day.

I LOVE to see all the little trick or treaters
and how excited they are to show you
their costumes and of course.....load up
on the candy :) (My home gets about 400
or so trick or treaters by the way)

I dont know about you, but I am in total
shock that tomorrow is November 1, 2006.

Where has the year gone? Soon it will
be Thanksgiving and then Christmas.

Thought I would give you a treat this year.

Thats right.....No tricks here.

I thought I would announce my latest too
good to be true offer.

I like to call it........

My 7 days for $7 dollars program.

Thats right. You get a FULL 7 days access to
my Quantum Achievers Society knowledge
base for ONLY $7.

I want everyone to be able to experience
what my Quantum Achievers Society has to
offer. So....

If you are not currently a member of my
Quantum Achievers Society you can join
right now for a full 7 days for ONLY $7.

Try it out. IF you dont love it you can
cancel and owe nothing, BUT when you love
it, (like I know you will), do nothing and it
turns to full membership.

OK, OK, where do you go to sign up for
only $7 you ask?

You can use this link:

If you are not familiar with my Quantum
Achievers Society and would like to find out
more, you can find out ALL about it by going to:

Scroll to the very bottom and you will see
the $7 offer or you can use this link to sign
up for 7 days for $7 dollars.

If you have ANY questions, please email me

AND.... If you or your kids are dressing up
for Halloween this year and would like to share
your photos, please email me those as well.

If I get enough of them, I will post them to my

Have FUN with the holidays. Take time to laugh,
smile and ENJOY the fun. Life is so short.

Remember...... Life is about the journey, NOT the

MAKE it a Great Week, only you can.

Until next time, go right now and take me up on
my 7 day for $7 dollar offer by going to:

Expect Success!

Shelby Collinge

Monday, October 30, 2006

Join Me Thursday for Rich Dreams Secrets Revealed!

Hi There,

Happy Monday!

As I have mentioned quite a few times over the
last couple of weeks, this Thursday is a special

This Thursday November 2nd at 6:00pm pacific
I will be talkin with Tom and Penelope Pauley.

And the REALLY excited part is what they will
be talking about.......

'Rich Dreams Secrets Revealed'

Did you know that they discovered a system
so powerful that it has changed and empowered
the lives of thousands of people across the globe.

It is a system that is so simple a child can do it.
A system that works where others fail. It works
regardless of age, race, occupation, education,
nationality or sex.

You can have anything you desire. You can live
the life you know in your heart you came here to live.
You can live without fear or worry. You can have
anything, do anything, go anywhere.

But ONLY if you follow the system.

Join us this Thursday and we will SHARE this
system with you.

Go right now and register at:

Even if you can make it live go register right
now at:

Until tomorrow......

Expect Success!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Join me, Tom and Penelope Thursday by
registering at:

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Have You Gotten My Book & CD Package?

Hello There,

I hope your weekend has been relaxing
for you thus far. If you live in the United
States be sure to set your clocks back
one hour if you havent already done so.

We gain one more hour..... Yeah!

I wanted to make sure you have been
able to take advantage of my FR*EE
Autographed book and CD offer.

I have a limited number of books and
they have been going quick! I wanted
to make sure you already have your

If not, go right now to:

Youre really going to LOVE the CD!!

Be on the lookout for my email tomorrow
morning. I will be talking with Tom and
Penelope Pauley this week and YOU get
to listen in.....

More about that tomorrow.

Go right now and order your FR*EE book
and CD offer at:

Until tomorrow.....

Expect Success!

Shelby Collinge

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Where Are the Errors in YOUR Thinking?

Hi There!

Hope your doing well! I have had an
extraordinary weekend already!! It
was almost 90 degrees here in Norther
California and I had a GREAT day.

I helped a good friend of mine in her
Kidz Shoppe Store. It was so much
fun. Having clients in over 48 countries
now really makes my business an 'internet'

And with a phone Im all set, so to
interact with clients, use the cash
registers, credit card machines.....

Needless to say I was like a kid in a
candy store.

But I have to tell you I was really excited
when I got home and put the final touches
on the workbook for my Tuesday teleclass.

Let me ask you......

- Are there errors or limits in your thinking
right now?

- Do you tend to create the same negative
experiences again and again?

- Do you feel like you are running around
in circles and never really getting ahead?

- Are you depressed or really negative
about where you are in your life or business
right now?

- Do you work REALLY hard day in and day
out and yet you dont get results?

If you felt like ANY of these statements had
a ring of truth for you....

Then the next question I want you to consider

Are you ready for REAL change and to
completely start over?

If so then you MUST join me this Tuesday
October 24th at 5:30pm pacific.

I will teach you have to completely hit the
reset button in your life and get on a track
that is headed in the right direction.

A direction that will make you SMILE.

- I will teach you how to identify where you are
getting in your own way

- Give you a downloadable workbook to read
for even greater retention

- I will answer your questions at the end of our
60 minute training

- I will give you a downloadable MP3 audio of
or call for repeat listening on your computer OR
you can burn it to a CD to listen to ANYWHERE!!

To register and save your spot for this training use
this link:

To find out about my Discounted Monthly Membership
for this and other trainings, scroll to the bottom of
this page:

Because I only do trainings once a month I REALLY
put a TON of content and energy into them and I
KNOW you will get a TON out. This is truly a
one-of-a-kind training.

Youre reading this message for a reason. I can help
you! You are ready.

Take the first step and enroll at:

Make the rest of your weekend outstanding. Take a
walk, nap in a hammock or just sit by the beach.

Take in the beauty and abundance of Autumn. This
is a time for renewal. A time to step into your power
and CREATE your dreams!!

Expect Success!

Shelby Collinge

Monday, October 16, 2006

Call Delayed 1 Week...Read Why - Important!

Hi There!

Im sorry for the short notice and having to
move tomorrows teletraining back one week.

I think when you keep reading you will see

But yes, tomorrows call on Deliberately Creating
our Experiences has been moved to next
Tuesday October 24th.

Same time, same channel :>)

As you know, I am a mindset expert. I felt
it only right that when I came across this
information earlier this evening I HAD to
pass it on to you.

Read it in full and you can decide if it has any
meaning for you.

As with all of lifes experiences, you always
get to choose.

So here is what I have found. You too can
do a search on this on Google or any other
search engine as well.

But tomorrow October 17th is a VERY powerful
day for manifesting and creating our desires.

You need to be EXTREMELY careful what you
put your thoughts on.

Here is an excerpt from what I found:

'A cosmic trigger event is occurring on the
17th of October 2006.

The effect is every thought and emotion will
be amplified intensely one million-fold. Yes,
we will repeat, all will be amplified one millions
time and more.

Every thought, every emotion, every intent,
every will, no matter if it is good, bad, ill, positive,
negative, will be amplified one million times in

What does this mean ?

Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts,
i.e. what you focus on, this beam will accelerate
these thoughts and solidify them at an accelerated
rate making them manifest a million times faster
than they normally would.

For those that do not comprehend. Your thoughts,
what you focus on creates your reality.

If you are focused on thoughts which are negative
to your liking they will manifest into your reality
almost instantly. Then again this UV beam can be a
gift if you choose it to be.

Mission-1017 requires approximately one million
people to focus on positive, benign, good willed
thoughts for themselves and the Earth and Humanity
on this day. Your thoughts can be of any nature of
your choosing, but remember whatever you focus
on will be made manifest in a relatively faster than
anticipated time frame. To some the occurrences
may almost be bordering on the miracle.

All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity,
healing, wealth, kindness, gratitude be focused on.

No matter what time zone you are in the hours are
approximately 10:17am on the 17th of October to 1:17am
on the 18th October.

The peak time will be 17:10 (5:10pm) on the 17th October.

You do need to be in a meditative state through out this
time, though would be beneficial. The main key time no
matter what time zone you are in will be the peak time
of 17:10 (5:10 pm).

Perhaps at this time if you can find a peaceful spot or
location to focus. The optimum is out in the vicinity of
grounded nature, likened to that of a large tree or
next to the ocean waves.

Focus on whatever it is you desire. What is required for
the benefit of all Earth and Humanity is positive thoughts
of loving nature.

Please forward this message to as many people as you
know who will use this cosmic trigger event to focus positive,
good willed thoughts.

This is your opportunity to take back what is rightfully
yours i.e. Peace and Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind.

This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to speak,
an answer to your prayers. What you do with it and
whether or not you choose to participate is your choice.'

No matter what your beliefs are.....You have nothing to
lose by giving this a try. Its only 24 or so hours after all.

I KNOW that I will be practicing extra special care
tomorrow with my thoughts and words.

Be sure to post on my blog what your experiences are.

You can post and access my blog by clicking here:

I will have this email posted there so that we all know
where to post our experiences.


For those of you who will want to join my teleclass next
week on Tuesday October 24th you can go right now to:

There arent many things that come around twice!
Be sure to pay attention to the signs of the Universe.

MAKE it a Magical Day!!

Expect Miracles!!

Shelby Collinge

Join Me LIVE Tomorrow at 5:30pm!

Hi There,

I hope you had a relaxing and restful
weekend! As you may or may not know
tomorrow I am holding my monthly
telelclass on

'How to Deliberately Create Your Experiences'

I have been putting together the outline
and this call will really open your mind to
a new way of thinking.

I hope you will make yourself available
for the 60 minutes we will be together.

You will also receive a downloadable
workbook and MP3 recording of the call
to listen to again and again or even
burn to a CD!

Claim your spot now at!

MAKE it a marvelous Monday. Only you can!

Expect Success!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. If you havent registered for my weekly
podcasted show 'Mindset Matters' be sure
to register for FR*EE at:

A new audio will be podcasted shortly!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Your Mindset Matters - Read Now!

Hi There,

Believe it or not October is half way over.
We have a little over 10 weeks left to 2006.

My head spins when I think of how fast it
has gone and how time seems like it gets
faster and faster as I get gracefully older. :>)

This months 'Mindset Matters' is packed
full with information. Be sure to read it
in its entirety and forward it to everyone
you know!!

In this Issue.........

** Monthly Tele-class Training
** Weekly Podcasted Show
** Website Updates
** Article - The Abundance of Autumn
** Pre-Launch of My Lessons for Manifesting
Home Study Course
** Lets Meet In Person in February!
** Monthly Memberships You MUST Check Out
** Seem Stuck and NOTHING Is Working?

First things first.

Have you been on a monthly tele-class
training with me?

If not, then you MUST join me Tuesday
at 5:30 where we will be talking about
Deliberately Creating our Experience.

This will be fantastic one hour training
that will show you MANY errors in your
current thinking.

I highly encourage you to clear your
calendar for these 60 minutes and join
me. You will be shocked with what you

To register for Tuesdays call or to sign
up for a discounted monthly membership
to my tele-classes, go right now to:


Have you registered for my Weekly
Podcasted show? It's FR*EE and is
delivered every Monday to your email

Each show is approximately 10 minutes
and is FULL with seeds for your expanding

Go register right now at:


My website has been recently updated as
well. I LOVE getting your emails and
feedback so be sure to keep it coming.

If you have ANY comments or suggestions
I would welcome your feedback by
emailing me directly at:

But be sure to check out my website and
see if there isnt something that would be
perfect for you.

You can check out the changes by going to:


The Abundance of Autumn - By Shelby Collinge

I am amazed at the abundance of the Autumn
season. I walk my dogs twice a day (or attempt
to) every day and have noticed the changing
seasons more this year than any other year.

Not only does exercise make us healthier but
I find that meditating while walking has been
life changing for me and is something that I would
definitely recommend!

As I always say. Dont talk on it; walk on it.

Its mind shifting the clarity you can get from
a quick 20-30 minute walk. It is something
you absolutely must try for yourself.

As I have been walking and even though I
live in Northern California I have noticed the
leaves. The many thousands of leaves that have

I am amazed at the many kinds of leaves.
The different shapes, the different colors and
sizes. Yet each one individual and unique in
and of itself.

Have you ever noticed the abundance of
Autumn? Have you ever taken just a few
minutes to reflect in nature and just 'look' at
the plentiful abundance that Autumn represents?

I love kicking the leaves, hearing their crunch
under my shoes and the smell. Everyone can
appreciate the smell of Autumn.

That crisp, clean and oh so pure air rushing your
lungs. The deep breaths are so full and plentiful
this time of year.

Abundance is all around us.

Every day, ALL around us. It is our duty to look
for the abundance. To seek it out and notice
it. To claim it for ourselves.

In that claiming we receive more. Universe
will hear your claim and shower you with more.

Each and every time. No exceptions.

Notice the abundance around you. Take a walk
today. Notice the leaves. Imagine that every
leave you see is a $1 bill.

Walk around and kick the leaves. Run in the
$1 bills. See them everywhere. They blow
around, easily, effortlessly almost in a fun show.

If you can feel the feeling of abundance in the
leaves of Autumn you can HAVE the abundance
in every form of your life.

Feeling gets the blessing.

FEEL abundant today. Feel abundant just by
observing Autumn and the many $1 bills that
are all around you.

If you want to expand your consciousness even
more you can imagine the small leaves at $1,
the medium size leaves as $5 and the large leaves
as $20 bills.

When you start to really look around at the
MANY leaves and the worth of those leaves your
mind begins to shift.

To ALLOW that abundance to flow to you. If you
can just observe the abundance of Autumn you
will open the floodgates of prosperity on a direct
path to your door.

You deserve the abundance that is here for you.

Observe Autumn and claim what is yours today!


Pre-Launch of My Lessons for Manifesting
Home Study Course!

Im so excited that it is finally almost finished.
It is a full 12 CDs with workbook and too many
special bonuses to mention here.

There is a special pre-launch price which is
only good until October 31st.

Be sure to order your copy right away. I am
not listing the standard $3500 worth of
bonuses on my website.

Instead you will receive many unexpected gifts
that WILL pertain to manifesting and will
be great additions to my home study course.

OK. Ok.. Where to go to get your copy.

Go right now to:


Lets Meet In Person in February!

I am thrilled to let you in a little secret that I
am in the final planning phases of my upcoming
two day workshop.

The workshop will take place in Los Angeles, CA
on Saturday and Sunday February 17th & 18th.

When I do workshops they are very small
intimate groups. This workshop is limited to 40

If youre ready to awaken your personal power
and really rid yourself of blocks and limiting
thinking, please reserve one of the exclusive
40 spots.

Book your airfare now into LAX. Hotel arrangements
and facilities will be announced soon and made
available to all workshop participants.

AND.... For a very limited time there is an
early bird discount AND payment plan.

Go right now and reserve your spot. Your
breakfast, lunch, snacks, supplies, program
materials and workshop are ALL included.

I am so excited to meet you.

Grab one of these 40 exclusive spots now at:


Monthly Memberships for Learning:

I dont know if you knew or not but I have
two monthly memberships that you really
must consider.

One is my Small Business Success Library.

This membership give you access to over
3 years worth of audio programs, tele-class
trainings, eBooks, articles, interviews, and
much, much, more.

The membership costs is so small I cant
even mention it here. There is also a
life time membership which is only $397.

Thats right, a life time membership is
only $397. New contact and workbooks
added every month!!!

Become a member of my Small Business
Success Library by going to:


My LIVE monthly tele-class trainings are
now offered on a monthly membership

The good news is that when you sign up
for the monthly membership you save over

You can the LIVE call, MP3 audio of the
call, downloadable workbook AND question
and answer period.

To enroll in the my Monthly Tele-Class
membership, scroll to the bottom of this

Both of these monthly memberships are TOTAL no
brainers to changing your thinking and your results!


Seem Stuck and NOTHING Is Working?

If this sounds like you. I can help!!!

Find out more and how I can help you by
going to:


So many new and exciting things always
happening. Step into the flow with me.

Allow me to show how EASY things can
be. How much more fun and more enjoyable
life can be.

I can teach you the way as I see it. Make
that change.

Until next time....

Please forward this newsletter onto your
friends, colleagues and family members
as EVERYONE can benefit from something
mentioned herein.

Have an outstanding Autumn. Any comments
or questions, please contact me. I would love
to hear from you.

Expect Success and see ya soon!

Shelby Collinge

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How R You @ Creating Money, Health &.......?

Hi There!

How good are you doing at creating money,
health, good relationship and happiness?

No matter what you are experiencing right
now, Know this......

Its not as hard as you may think no matter
what people have told you or WHAT you
have experienced or are experiencing.

The REAL question is.....

Are you ready for something different?

Really ready?

If youre ready to change your story and
limiting beliefs about how to create money
health, great relationships and happiness,
then you MUST join me Tuesday for
my monthly teleclass training on:

'How Can you Deliberately Create Your Day
to Experience What You Want And NOT Want
You Dont Want?' Find out how.

Not only will you get the LIVE teleclass
but you will also get a downloadable PDF
workbook, MP3 audio recording of the call
and LIVE Q&A period.

Thats right!

I am going to open up the lines and answer
YOUR question.

Go right now and save your spot to join me
Tuesday October 17th at 5:30pm pacific
8:30 eastern.

<$firstname$> I thought you might like to know......

I have just created a monthly teleclass
training membership. You save over 30%!
You wont believe your eyes.

Go right now to:

For your 30% savings Scroll to the bottom of:

I look forward to talking with you Tuesday!

Im so excited. Its going to be GREAT!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Go right now and register for Tuesdays teleclass:

Monday, October 09, 2006

A Hug From Me To You - Watch Now!

Hi There!

Please watch this amazing video and pass
it on!

Consider yourself hugged :-)


Shelby Collinge

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Few Things You Will Really.......

Benefit from!

Hello There!

I KNOW you are going to be thrilled with
what I am about to tell you!

I have two very special gifts for you!
(well actually three, but youll see what I mean)

The first gift you can find at:

The second you will find at:

BOTH will make a tremendous impact
on you and the results you want!

I hope you will do yourself the favor and
take advantage of both these offers. You
will be soooo glad you did.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend! If
you dont quite know how you could try.....

- Making a great dinner tonight

- Taking a great walk

- Calling a close friend you havent talked to in
a while

- Making dessert tonight (my son and I made
cupcakes last night and had a blast)

- HUGGING EVERY person you talk to today.

When we appreciate the small things in life;
we receive the LARGE gifts of life!!

Until next time..... Pick up your two FR*EE
gifts at:


Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Friday, October 06, 2006

Join Me 10/17 For a 1 Hour..........

Hi There!

Hope your week has been tremendous
thus far.

On Tuesday October 17th at 5:30pm pacific
I invite you to join me for a one hour mind
enlightening teleclass training.

You will learn simple but powerful secrets that
show you exactly how to create your dream of
unlimited prosperity starting today by leveraging
the power of NOW.

You will learn:

- The power of focused attention - how to draw more
prosperity to you through an exercise that takes LESS
than a minute a day!

- The ONE thing you may do every week that could be
blocking your abundance!

- How to quadruple the speed with which you draw
money to you!

- How to free up the ENERGY you hold around money
and success so more flows to you!

- Exercises you can do at the end of each day which
will make you more magnetic to ALL good things in
your life!

- How to turn yourself into a Success Magnet and easy
strategies you can use daily!

and much, much more!

<$firstname$> you will receive an MP3 audio, the LIVE
teleclass training AND downloadable PDF notes.

I promise this training WILL change the results your
getting. So do yourself the favor and join me
on Tuesday October 17th!

Even if you cant join me LIVE you can still enroll and
receive this audio training to listen at your convenience.


So go right now and enroll and join me!

Have an outstanding weekend. You DESERVE it!!

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Look At THIS.......

Hi There!

October 1st is here!

Here we go again. The start of a
brand new week AND month. I am
excited to say that I have had some
major updates done with my website.

And guess what..........

There are 7 FE*EE programs, tools or
opportunities for you at my website.

You will definitely be able to find
something you can use.

Right NOW!!

Can you find all 7?

Give it a try by going to:

MAKE it a Great Week and month. Only you can!

Until next time.

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Author, Speaker & Mindset Expert

Want to listen to unlimited audio programs geared to help
you make more money, results in networking, leverage,
your beliefs, mindset and all aspects of growing your
small business for guaranteed success?
Go see what I have for you here.....

Would you be interested in a 12 week program that
will teach you how to manifest your TRUE desires
AND program your mind for success, prosperity and
abundance, all by listening to a weekly audio?

Learn ALL About it By Going To:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (800) 680-4438
Copyright (c) 2006 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Does FEAR Hold You Back?

Hi There!

If you answered YES or even thought about
answering yes, then you must join me tonight
for my monthly telelclass on FEAR.

Fear is the ONE AND ONLY aspect standing in
your way right now. I guarantee it!

For a full 60 minutes I will guide you to finding
out what fears are in your way and how you
can ELIMINATE them.

Move past them. Finally achive your Dreams.

Call begins promptly at 5:30pm pacific and will be
recorded. All call participants will receive an
MP3 recording for repeat listening.

To register for tonights call or any of my
other monthly teleclasses please visit:

Have a great week.

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Monday, September 25, 2006

Join Me Tomorrow At 5:30!

Hi There,

I hope you had a stunning weekend! As
you may or may not know tomorrow I am
holding my monthly telelclass on 'Fear'.

I have been putting together the outline
and this call will be amazing. I hope you
will join me.

You will also receive pdf notes and the
mp3 of the call to listen to again and again.

I really hope you will join me. Be sure
to go right now and claim your spot!

MAKE it a marvelous Monday.

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. If you havent registered for my weekly
podcasted show 'Mindset Matters' be sure
to register for FR*EE at:

A new audio will be podcasted shortly!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

An Audio Message For You!

Hi There!

I have lots of exciting news to share with

you! It is REALLY time sensitive so be

sure to listen right way.

You can hear what I have for you by.....

- Turn up your speakers and

- Click the link below and be ready to listen


To register for my 'Fear' tele-class:


To find out more about my 'Success Library':

Make it a fabulous weekend!

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I Need Your Opnion!

Hi There,

I have been updating a few things on my
website and can really use your opinion.
I am asking you to give me your honest
opinion about a program price.

My New Success Library is three years
worth of my most favorite audios, ebooks
articles and resources.

I would really appreciate it if you go to
my Success Library page at:

And give me your honest feedback as to....

1. What you think the program should be
priced at for a monthly membership.

2. What you think the highest price this
program could be priced at.

3. What you think the lowest price this
program could be priced at.

Please either respond to this email or email
me directly and
put 'Feedback' in the subject line.

If you have ANY comments that you want to
share, please let me know them as well. Thanks!

I will give you a special gift for your feedback.

Thank you so much <$firstname$>, for
your thoughts. I really appreciate you
taking the time to share your opinion.

I REALLY look forward to hearing from you.

Be on the lookout for my next email. I will
be sending you an audio message!

Until Then.....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. If you haven't read my recent Mindset
Matters newsletter be sure to read it at:

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sorry If You Couldn't Read My.....

Hi Again!

I apologize if you were unable to view my
Mindet Matters newsletter.

If you received a blank email please use this link:

Thank you so much for your patience. It
is JAM packed with information, you will
definitely want to read it at:

Until next time....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Read Now! Big News!!

Hello There!

I hope your weekend has been fantastic
so far. I have had a huge A-HA.

I am letting you know about this even
before the press knows! There will be
a HUGE press release about this out
on Monday......

If you have been on my subscriber list
or been a client of mine for any length
of time, you know that my business has
gone through some HUGE growth.

Well.....I have decided to leverage all
of that growth and really give YOU all
of the benefit.

I have compiled the BEST 40+ hours
of audios, articles, workbooks, programs,
PDFs, etc and put them all in one central
easy to find place.

I call it my 'Success Vault'

The contents of my Success Vault have
retailed individually over the past three
years at OVER $62,000.00

All of the programs I used to offer I have
put in my Success Vault.

Topics like:

- How to leverage the people you Already

- How to use the Power of Questions

- How to get Never Ending Referrals

- The power of your words

- Learn the power of Law of Attraction

- How to Master Time Management

- How to build rapport and develop
quality relationships in ANY business

- Discover the benefits of Mind Mapping

- Quarterly Planning, Systematizing and Focus

- The Life Long Value of a Client

- Developing Your Unique Selling Proposition

And This is JUST the beginning!

You really have to go check out even more
of the programs that are included in my
Success Vault.

Go right now to:

You can listen to these audios again and
again as many times as you like. You can
download the workbooks, articles and notes
right to your desktop.

This is literally a virtual classroom where you
will learn almost three years of my best
programs and audios.

Take advantage of this opportunity and be
sure to tell EVERYONE you know about this
one of kind learning.

See what I am raving about by going to:

Hope to see you there :)

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Be sure to get your hands on my Success
Vault by going to:

P.P.S. Please forward this to your friends, family
and colleagues.... Thanks :)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Know About My Web Forum?

Hi There,

I have noticed that you may not be
aware of another FR*EE resource available
to you.....

It is my online Web Forum.

This is an excellent place to state your
intentions, ask your questions, network
and meet others, online chat or just share
what is on your mind.

I encourage you to become a member right

I will be announcing a couple of prize
give-aways in the coming days on my web
forum. You will have to be a member for
your chance to win one of many prizes.

Be sure to go right away and for absolutely
no charge become a member. This is an
excellent community to meet other like
minded individuals.

This is far more interactive than a Yahoo
group or Google group, so be sure to take
full advantage of all the features! Another
way to stay in the success conversation and
plant seeds for abundance and prosperity.

Okay, Okay I will tell you where to go.

Be sure to tell your friends, colleagues and
family members about this great new

Remember.....Ask and you shall receive.

Hope to chat with you soon!!

Go right now to:

Until next time.....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Learn How to Make Fear Your Friend.

Hi There!

Hope your week has been great so far. Time
flies so quickly any more.

Did you know that I was going to be holding a
very special call talking about Fear?

I will share some of my most enlightening
secrets, processes and techniques for exploring
Fear and how to make it work FOR YOU, as
apposed to holding you back.

Fears are normal and can be a HUGE insight
to what we need to work on or improve.

I will be conducing a LIVE 60 minute call on
Tuesday September 26th at 5:30pm pacific
8:30pm eastern.

Space is limited for this unique teleclass so
be sure to save your spot.

If you are interested in joining me or finding
out more be sure to go right now to:

You WILL finally figure out what fears have AND
how they keep you on auto-pilot in your safe zone.

I promise that you will get everything you need from
this 60 minute adventure.

Join me and turn things in the right direction!!
Go now to:

MAKE it a great week....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Monday, September 11, 2006

New Mindset Matters Audio Available!

Hi There!

If you havent registered for my weekly
podcast 'Mindset Matters' you might want
to that right now.

You can register by going to:

I just posted a NEW show on planting the seeds
for success.

Register now and you will receive the link
to listen to or download the audio. Be sure
to go to:

Until next time....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Register For My Weekly Podcast!

Hi There!

How are you?

I wanted to make sure that I reminded
you to register for my weekly podcasted
program 'Mindset Matters'.

Bright and early every Monday morning
I will podcast a new show. Listen to my
7 minute podcast for enlightening, mind
enhancing knowledge.

Trust me, You are going to definitely want
to hear what I have to share with you.

Registering is FR*EE.

To be notified when a new show is available
register by going to:

Be sure to tell your friends and family!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Until Monday...... :)

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Upcoming Teleclass Information!

Hi There,

How are you? Hope you had a great holiday
if you were celebrating this past weekend.

In an effort to serve as many of you as I can,
I have been asked to do a monthly teleclass
open to the public.

I thought that was a GREAT idea!

So as a result, I am conducting a one hour
teleclass on:

'How to Identify and Face Your Fears and
Use Them to Catapult Your Success!'

It will be held on Tuesday September 26th
at 5:30pm pacific / 8:30pm eastern.

The LIVE call will be limited to available phone
lines. For more information and to enroll
be sure to go to:

I really hope you can make it. It is going to
be a FABULOUS call.

MAKE it a GREAT week! Only YOU can.

Until next time....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Monthly teleclass on Fear and how to
make it work FOR you. Find out more at:

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Just Double Checking!

Hi There!

Boy time flies. I can hardly believe that
it is already Thursday. Can you?

I just wanted to make sure that you have
reserved your copy of my 12 week Lessons
for Manifesting course. Today is the last
day to receive the $50 cash back bonus.

If you want to take a look one last time
be sure to go to:

This course WILL be available in the future,
however it will be at the higher price. I just
wanted to make sure you knew about this.

I LOVE having you as my subscriber.

Have a wonderful rest of your week.

Until next time..

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. $50 cash back bonus is only available
through today. Be sure to enroll in my Lessons
for Manifesting course right away!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Webinar Now Available - Hidden Keys Online!

Hi There!

I hope your week is off to a GREAT start.

I know it is late, but I had to tell you about
a fabulous new technology I just implemented
for YOU.

Thats right. Its for you <$firstname$>.

You can now participate LIVE in my Uncover
the Hidden Keys call ONLINE.

Thats right. No more long distance charges.

You can listen live online via a webinar. (You
can of course still listen via your phone if you

All you have to do is click on a web link and
you will be connected to our call each week.

This is something that a few of you have
asked for and it really helps with all of my
international clients.

You can also type and ask your questions
LIVE via our online chat board.

I really think this will make it even easier
for more of us to connect all over the world.

Join now and be online with us Thursday!!

To find out more go to:

Until Thursday.. :)

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. I have made some changes with the
price to accommodate even more of you. Be
sure to take advantage right away.

Monday, August 28, 2006

New Weekly Show For You!

Hello There!

I hope you are doing well! I have some really
exciting news. I am going to be doing a weekly
show. It is called 'Mindset Matters'.

This will be podcasted weekly Monday mornings
and will be a HUGE asset to you in your personal
growth. It will be available in over 16 directories
and will also be available for download via Itunes.

I HIGHLY encourage you to subscribe to the weekly
podcast notification list.

The weekly shows will be at no charge. Each episode
will be 5-8 minutes long and will DEFINITELY be worth
listening to.

To be notified when the first show airs be sure to go to:


If you havent enrolled in my 12 week Lessons for
Manifesting mp3 audio course you might want to right now.

There is a ONE TIME discount of $50 and right
now the program is ONLY $247.

This 26% discount ends on Thursday August 31.
Audio program will begin Friday September 1st.

To take advantage of this special offer and to find
out more about this amazing program be sure to go to:

This IS a life changing program. If you are
not ready for DIFFERENT results, please do
not enroll.

This is NOT a program that you will have to
keep taking again and again. But you WILL
need to listen to the weekly audios in order
as they arrive to get results.

If you cannot commit to 30 minutes a week
this is not for you.

If youre ready go to:

Be sure to tell ALL your friends, colleagues and
family members about this podcast. It will change
everyones life for the better!

Until next time.....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Be sure to enroll in my weekly show
Mindset Matters by going to:

Friday, August 25, 2006

Sample Audio For You!!

Hello There!

My video email should be arriving in your
inbox this weekend. It has been such a
blast to do :)

I have a sample audio available for you
to listen to! Be sure to go listen at:

Until next time.....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Listen to the audio at:

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Take A Look At THIS......

Hello There!

My Website has just undergone a HUGE
renovation. I would LOVE your feedback
as to what you think.

Be sure to go take a peek by going to:

Patiently waiting for your feedback :)
Until Then.....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. My NEW updated website can be found
by going to:

P.P.S. My next email will contain a VIDEO message!

Be on the lookout. Should arrive in your
email box in a couple of days :) Youre Gonna Love It!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Money, Life, Relationships, You Name It.....

Hi There!

I have been busy putting together the
finishing touches on something that is
extremely powerful.

Something that I think you will REALLY
want to know more about and take
FULL advantage of.

I can almost not believe how amazing
it has turned out. I just had to send
you this note and ask you.....

Do you know how to manifest?

Whatever you want, need or desire?

If you answered NO, not to worry.
Most of us do not know how to manifest
what is that we WANT. Although most
of us are extremely good at
manifesting what we dont want. :)

<$firstname$>, I have some good news
for you!

You must go and see what I have for
you at this special site just for you:

The first 50 who respond are in for an
AMAZING experience with a 26% discount.

This is a time sensative email so be sure
and Go see what is possible for you at:

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. What would life be like if you could learn
learn how to manifest WHATEVER you wanted
or desired in only 3 months.

Find out how at:

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Do You Know How To Manifest?

Hello There!

I have been busy putting together the
finishing touches on something that is
extremely powerful.

Something that I think you will REALLY
want to know more about.

I can almost not believe how amazing
it has turned out. I just had to send
you this note and ask you.....

Do you know how to manifest?

If you answered NO, not to worry.
Most of us do not know how to manifest
what is that we WANT. Although most
of us are extremely good at
manifesting what they dont want. :)

I have some good news for you.

You must go and read what I have for
you at:

The first 50 who respond are in for an
AMAZING experience.

Go see at:

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. I am really, really, really excited
about what I have for you. You will
learn how to manifest WHATEVER you
want in only 3 months.

Find out how at:

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Did You Miss The Call?

Hi There!

I really enjoyed tonights call and I hope
that you really had some insights come
alive from our call. I have been flooded
with incredible emails.

Youre really lucky if you happened to
miss tonights call or if you want to hear
it again because....

It was recorded and is available
for you to listen to again and again.
Take the time to Really LISTEN... As
many times as you can.

Each time you listen you will hear
something new or diffently and this
knowing will sink in at an ever deeper

Here is the replay information:

Dial-in Number: (218) 936-1005

Passcode: 70309#

Be sure to tell your friends, colleagues
and family about this call and about
my website. :)

There is a million dollars worth of
learning in this one call. Be sure to let
me know how things go as you put this
information into practice.

I would also like to invite you to take a
look at my Uncover The Hidden Keys
program. Remember that there is also
an Audio Only Version for 1/3 the cost!

For more information my Audio Only
package, find the yellow box at the bottom
of this page:

Get out of your own way quickly, and schedule a
personal session with me. You can find the perfect
option for you by going to:

And if youre ready for an 'espresso shot' one
month program, take a look at my Satsang
groups. You can find out all about this life
changing program by going to:

If you havent checked my website in a while
you can have a look at all of what is available
by going to:

This call will only be available for a limited
time, so be sure to listen as soon as you can!

I hope to work with you soon!!

Until then~ Create it YOUR Way!!!

Shelby Collinge

Monday, August 14, 2006

Reminder For Our Call Today!

Hello There!

I am really excited to share with you
a small taste of how to make life
EASY AND Enjoyable no matter what
is going on in your life! It is going to
be a GREAT call!

You definitely want to make sure that
you are LIVE on this call. There is
always a deeper learning when you
are live on the call.

Below are the call in details. Please
remember that this is a LIVE call and
the lines will be open in the beginning
and at the end of the call!

*6 mutes your line
*7 unmutes your line

Date : Tuesday August 15th

Time : 5:30pm pacific / 8:30pm eastern

Call In Number : (218) 936-1100

Passcode : 70309#

There are a limited number of lines, so
be sure to call in 5-7 minutes early to
say hello and insure you are able to
get this valuable life alterning information.

I really look forward to sharing with

Until Then..... Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Did You Register For Tomorrow's Call?

Hello There!

I hope you had a great weekend!

I really feel like sharing some great mind
expanding thoughts with you. I am
going to hold a 40-60 minute call tomorrow
where you can listen in on some of the insights
that has made things so much easier
for me.

Success is a mindset.

Allow me to share this life changing
content with you.

The call will be Tomorrow Tuesday August 15th
at 5:30pm pacific / 8:30 eastern.

I invite you to join me LIVE for this
call and I will also take some questions
at the end, so be sure bring ALL of
your questions with you.

To save your spot on this call please visit:

I hope to hear you Tomorrow!!

Until then...

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I'm Keeping You Up To Date!

Hello There!

I hope your weekend it off to a great start
and if for some reason it isnt NOW is the
absolute perfect time to turn things around!

I thought I would send you a quick email
with all of the things that I have been up to
and if there is anything that interests you
be sure to click the associated link.

There have been MANY exciting things that
I have been up to. All of which will be of
benefit to you. I am ALSO working on the final
touches of my upcoming book.

More about that in a few weeks :) VERY EXCITING.

This email note is more about the resources
available to you. Take a look at ALL that there
is to offer you here. You will know exactly
what is for you! Enjoy.....

If you have ANY questions at all, please just
email me directly at


NEW Audio Version Only of my 'Uncover The Hidden
Keys' Program. You get 24 hour access to replay line
AND call notes for 1/4 of the full membership.

To find out all about this life changing program and
the new audio version be sure to scroll to the yellow
box at the bottom of this page:


FR*EE Call next Tuesday August 15th
at 5:30pm pacific / 8:30 eastern.

I invite you to join me LIVE for this
call where I will share with you how to
make life EASY and effortless and finally
be able to attract what you want!

To save your spot on this call please visit:


Are you struggling with one particular area
in your life over and over again?

Are you really feeling STRESSED out about
it? If so.... You may want to read this :)


We still have a few spaces available in our
intimate Satsang group for September. To find
out what a Satsang group is and if it is for you
be sure to visit:


You can now purchase my personal sessions
in one of three ways! You can have an email
only session, 30 minute session or 60 minute

Most issues will be revealed and can be resolved
in one session. To find out how to schedule YOUR
personal session, read what others have had to
say and how to move further go to:


My home page is ALWAYS changing and there
are always fr*ee life changing goodies available
there. If it has been a while be sure to go see it at:


Are you an affiliate yet? If you know people and
feel that they could benefit from learning the
information that I share. AND you would like an
additional income stream each and every month
that is completely passive.

Then you really should become an affiliate partner.
To find out all about it go at:


Have a magnificent weekend. You DESERVE It!


Shelby Collinge

Friday, August 11, 2006

I Feel Like Sharing!

Hi There!

I hope your week has been fantastic and I
hope you have some really exciting and
joy filled plans for this weekend!

I know it has been a while since I have
written and there have been so many
exciting things happening for me, that I
cant possibly list them all here :)

I really feel like sharing some great mind
expanding thoughts with you. I am
going to hold a 40-60 minute call where
you can listen in on some of the insights
that has made things so much easier
for me.

Success is a mindset.

Allow me to share this life changing
content with you.

The call will be next Tuesday August 15th
at 5:30pm pacific / 8:30 eastern.

I invite you to join me LIVE for this
call and I will also take some questions
at the end, so be sure bring ALL of
your questions with you.

To save your spot on this call please visit:

I hope to hear you next Tuesday!!

Until then...

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. The link to register for my call next
week can be found by going to:

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Do You Try To Control Others?

Hello There!

I hope this note finds you well. I have been
extremely busy and just had to connect
with you as it has been a while.

My home is now officially up for sale and I
am patiently waiting to attract the perfect

When I was thinking about what I wanted to
write about, Control just kept coming to
mind. So there must be a need for me to
talk about this for you.

Do you try to control others? Do you get
upset when someone doesnt do something
that YOU want? Do you find yourself having
to be right in a conversation or argument?

All of the above acts are a version of control.
I find that when I work with clients personally
a lot of their suffering and upset has to do
with someone or something not happening.

But what they dont realize that when you
give your power to that someone or something
having to happen you actually give them
your power.

When we give our power away is when we
feel the emotions of fear, worry, doubt,
frustration, stress, etc. I would like you to
spend the next seven day claiming your

Controlling YOUR emotions, thoughts, feelings
and choices. The sooner you realize that you
can NEVER control someone else or something
else and quit trying to convince yourself you
can, the easier and more flowing life will get.

I want you know that you control 100% of you!

But 0% of someone else. Begin to experience
the control you have about how you react, if
you experience drama, if you experience sadness,
scarcity, fear, love, etc. You control 100%!

No one can choose emotions For you. Much the
same you cannot control someone else, no matter
how small you think you can. We can guide,
encourage and discipline our children, however
THEY make the final choices and decisions.

Start today regaining 100% of your power and use
it to achieve what you WANT rather than what
you dont want.

*************Now Hear This************

I am THRILLED to announce that I am making
available JUST the audio replay line and notes
to my weekly Uncover the Hidden Keys Program.

If you are a beginner at stepping into your power
or just want to experience my teachings with
little risk, I encourage you to become a member
of my Audio Version of the Uncover the Hidden
Keys Program.

This monthly program is ONLY $59 a month. You
will have 24 x 7 access to my replay line. New
calls will be available every Thursday AND You will
receive the actual weekly notes that Hidden Keys
Members receive.

You can listen to our last call right now!!!

If your interested, enroll at the very bottom
of this link:

Have a Fantastic weekend. You deserve it....

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. To enroll the Audio Version of my Uncover the Hidden
Keys program, scroll to the yellow box at the bottom of this page:

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

July's FREE Session Winner Is.......

Roseanne from Ontario Canada!!

Hi There,

I really have to say congratulations to
Roseanne from Canada, she was Julys
winner of a FR*EE 30 minute session with

By the way, I have changed my personal
session structure. I KNOW you are really
going to like it.

It really makes it possible for me to work
with absolutely ANYONE. Be sure to tell
your friends, colleagues and family, these
sessions are absolutely life changing.

See which one is perfect for you by going to:

As you may know, I am in the process of
selling my home and opening another fantastic
NEW chapter in my life... I am unbelievably

Please hold positive intentions for me that
my home sells quickly, easily and effortlessly
and for the perfect price for all parties concerned.

Thank you so much for your positive thoughts!!

Be sure to check out my website as it is being
updated on almost a daily basis. If you havent
been there in a while, go now to:

Have a Fantastic Week. Congratulations again
to Roseanne in Canada!

By the way, if you are not a registered member
of my Uncover the Hidden Keys ezine and want
a chance to win YOUR fr*ee session be sure to go
to the bottom right hand side and register at:

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Find the session that is PERFECT for you by
going to: