Saturday, September 29, 2007

Special Training This Thursday at 9:30!

Hi There,

As your weekend continues I want
you to ask yourself 'How do I feel?'

How have you been feeling lately?
Are you stressed or tense anywhere in
your body? Maybe you have daily
headaches and a stiff back?

If so, these are messages from your
body. From your subconscious mind
and they mean something. You have
aches and pains for a REASON and I
will explain it all in detail this

If you have ANY health concerns,
maybe you’re over weight, have bad
knees or diabetes, whatever it is
you can learn WHY. This training
will be a very NEW way of healing
your body and mind.

I will also be sharing some great
downloadable notes with this

If you would like to learn more
and register (space IS limited)
please visit:

Oh and guess what.......

I am holding a one day workshop
here in Las Vegas, NV on Saturday
December 1st. Space is VERY limited.

Early bird pricing for a FULL day
workshop, workbook, lunch AND special
bonus gifts are ONLY $97. Hurry and
register now while space is available.

Read all of what's included here:

MAKE it a tremendous weekend. You deserve it!


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Sunday, September 23, 2007

TWO Anniversary Specials for You!

Hi There,

I hope your weekend has been fabulous
so far. I am super excited to be sharing
this email with you.

I am extremely honored to announce that
my fabulous Mind Powers Program is one
year old this month! I can hardly believe
that just a year ago I started this program
and how much it has grown.

We now have OVER 225 members waiting to meet you
and it's growing every day!

Because September has very special meaning I am
offering TWO very special discounted offers!

The first offer is.....

For just a few DAYS.... you can enroll in
my Mind Powers program for one year and
receive One Year FR*EE! Can you believe it?
That comes out to ONLY $9.00 a month.

For only $9.00 a month you can attend ALL
new monthly tele-trainings, get the mp3 download
links of all new trainings, watch 2-3 new Videos
a month, listen immediately to over 60+ hours
in our audio library, download articles, ebooks
and access additional resources right now.

I can't think of even one reason why you
wouldn't want to take advantage of this offer.

AND even if you are current monthly member of my
Mind Powers Program currently, you can still take
advantage of this anniversary special!

With monthly tele-trainings and the additional
resource and cost of video training on October
15th the cost of my Mind Powers Program WILL

Take advantage of this fabulous offer and learn
some new techniques to achieving your desires.
There is so much there it would be impossible not
to learn at least 10 new ways to attract your desires.

Go right now and read the testimonials, what's
included and all I have to offer at:

The Second anniversary special is that I am
GIVING away personally Autographed copies of
my book 'Walking With the Wise - Entrepreneur'
for only the small cost of shipping.

I will sign a book personally for YOU! And
you will get a copy of my new Newsletter too!

To pick up your autographed copy please click here:

If you have ANY questions, please reply to this
email and either myself or my assistant Amy will
answer ANY questions you may have.

Learn something new this weekend. Something that
will make like EASIER!! I know you will find it
when you read what my Mind Powers has to offer at:

In service to help YOU!


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, September 21, 2007

Do You Have Problems?

Hi There,

Do you have problems? It seems like
whenever I ask that question, the hands
go up. If you answered yes, you're not

I want you to think about what a problem
is. Do you know what a problem is? Have
you ever even thought about it?

A problem is the replaying of a previous
experience. Plain and simple.

A problem isn't a problem until YOU say
that it is. Did you know that every
thought we have is either about a desire
we have or a memory we've experienced.

Which do you find yourself thinking more
about? Memories or desires? Even more
clearly....Your problems or your desires?

As Thoreau had said:

'Man is what he thinks about ALL day long'.

We ARE what we think about. We do experience
exactly what we put our mind to. I write
this email to plant a seed in your subconscious
mind. To slip into your mind that you are
either thinking about your problems or your

Choose today to dream about what you WANT,
rather than what you don't want. As I mentioned
in a previous email, you are 100% responsible
for the results that you get.

Focus more on your desires and I promise, your
problems will disappear. I have just the book
to help you do it.

I recently wrote a fabulous ebook titled:

‘The How To’s of Deliberate Creation; The Power
of Living in the Now'

I explain how to choose your experience and
how to leverage the Laws of the Universe to make
it easy. For Only $19, you can learn entirely
new ways to change your vibration around success,
money and relationships.

Do yourself the favor and download my ebook
instantly! Use this link to get your hands
on the extremely powerful information I share:

Have a fabulous weekend and remember....Focus
on what you WANT, rather than what you don't


P.S. Download your copy at:

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Do You Have Infinite Patience?

Hi There,

Do you FEEL you have infinite patience?

Do you FEEL frustrated with your results?
Find that success isn't happening fast enough?

There is a saying that says 'with infinite
patience comes immediate results.'

This is a VERY true statement. When
we relax, detach and allow, our desires
seem to flow to us with the utmost ease.
The key, however, is in the detaching.

Detachment of outcomes really boils down

Do you trust that if you let go you will
get what you desire? Do you believe paying
clients WILL show up? Do you trust that
your bank account will continue to grow
if you take your foot off the gas?


Do you trust that if you let go and detach
everything will fall apart and you will fail
miserably, so you hang on very tightly and
try to control the situation from beginning
to end?

Much like with exercise, working out over
time will build stronger and stronger muscles.
We need to work, stretch and exercise our
muscles on a continual basis. The more
exercise we do, the stronger we get.

The same is true with trust. The more you
exercise your Trust muscle, the stronger
and stronger it will get.

Makes sense right?

So I ask you....

Do you work out your trust muscles? Do you
have faith in your manifesting power to
attract your success? Or do you struggle
your way day after day wondering why this
keeps happening to you?

The first lesson for today is to realize that
you are 100% responsible for the results you
get in EVERY area of your life.

Your outside world is a DIRECT reflection of
your inside thoughts and beliefs. A perfect
picture. What does your picture show you?
What would you like to change in your picture?

Change begins with YOU.

You would experience HUGE changes if you begin
to exercise your trust muscles. Trust is the
stream in which success flows. You must trust
FIRST, then success WILL arrive. The more you
trust the more success, it's that simple!

The exciting news is that you can now exercise
your trust muscles very easily. With new tele
trainings every month, two to three new videos
a month, and an audio library of Over 60+ hours,
my Mind Powers Program will exercise ALL of your
trust muscles.

Imagine how different life would be if you could
learn new insights on:

- How to deal with fear

- How to use the Power of 'Now'

- The truth about Money and how to allow more

- How to tame the negative voice that sabotages
your success

These are just a FEW of the topics you can access!
Do yourself the favor and read the information I
share with you here:

Begin today to trust in YOU. It can all be yours
if you Choose it!

Have a fabulous day..

P.S. Go right now to:

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I Have FIVE Things to Share with You!


I hope this email finds you well. It
has been a while since I have sent you
an update of all the new and exciting
things going on. So.....

Be sure to skim through this entire
email and see what jumps out at you, it
is packed with FR*EE opportunities to
learn and tools that can help you.

First things first. Do you watch movies
or DVD's?

I am super excited about my new Video
Lessons! Members of my Mind Powers program
can now access new videos three times a
month on ALL kinds of topics.

Leverage the immense power of your mind
to make success in ALL areas of your life
easy! This is a new visual way to learn
and interact via the web. I love it!

**If you're interested in my Mind Powers
program, I'm offering a FR*EE five day
trial. Please email
for your username and password. You can
then test drive my Mind Powers program for a
full five days for no absolutely charge.**


FR*EE Quiz - 'Do You Know You?'

How well do you know who you really are -
your deep values, priorities, interests,
fears, beliefs, and hopes? It takes a good
deal of work to realize your essence and
personal meaning. How far along this process
are you?

Test your self awareness, your identity
and your direction in life for FREE. Take
this mind opening self quiz now at:


NEW Monthly Tele-training - October 4th!

This month’s tele-training will be Thursday
October 4th at 9:30am. For a full 60 minutes
I will be teaching....

'Why Our Biography Becomes Our Biology,
the Power Our Thoughts Have on Our
Everyday Health.'

Space IS limited. Find out more about this
training and save your spot at:

(all mind powers members attend this training
at no charge)


$ Money, $ Money, $ Money

A few weeks back I held a tele-training on

'The Truth About Money and How to Allow
More in Your Life'

Here is just one of the email comments I


hi shelby,

i purchased the money call and it was
great. thank you for what you do, it rocked.
a call that gets you thinking seriously in
that direction. if you felt compelled to do
a moneycall2 and take us further into the
topic I'm IN and will be so fast in buying
the next mp3.

heheh, here's an idea. Call2 is 2x the price,
2x the content 2x as long. you really have a gift
and i appreciate your content.

Your style and a conference call to burn to a
cd is an amazing combination. i'll be
watching my emails so i can buy the next one. :)



If you would like to learn NEW strategies for
changing your Money Mindset and Beliefs, you
can purchase this and other audios here:


Three Month Unlimited Email Support

Did you know I offered email coaching support?
Many of my clients don't realize that you can
access me 24x7 via email. It is such a fabulous
option to get started and stay started and
extremely economical!

Email responses in hours and unlimited support
for YOU and your goals for a full three months.
Maybe you want to attract more money, a new
relationship, a new business partner. I can
help you stay aligned and work with you one on
one on your mindset via email.

If email support seems like a fabulous option
for you, let's get started! I'm waiting to
help you Right NOW. Your email support starts
by clicking here:


Above I have listed five ways to change and
expand your current limits and beliefs. What
sound like a great next step for you?

I promise that if you try something different
you WILL get different results. Read this email
again and take action on at least TWO offers.

Then relax, wait and watch.

Stay tuned..... In my next email I will be
talking about how infinite patience brings
immediate results!

You CAN do it. I believe in you.

Have a tremendous weekend.


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Before Success We Must Grow Roots! Read Now.

Hi There

In a conversation with my mother earlier
this morning she read me this poem. I
did some research and had to share it.

Please read it word for word.....Enjoy :)
Feel free to forward this email in it's
entirety to anyone you feel might enjoy
the read.


One Day I Decided To Quit...
I quit my job,
My relationship,
my spirituality.

I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last
talk with GOD."GOD", I said.

"Can you give me one good reason not
to quit?" His answer surprised me...

"Look around", GOD said.
"Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes", I replied.

"When I planted the fern and the bamboo
seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light. I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor.

Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did not quit on the bamboo.

In the second year
The Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo
seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo."
GOD said.

"In year three there was still nothing
from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.

In year four, again, there was nothing
from the bamboo seed. I would not quit."
GOD said.

Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout
emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern
it was seemingly small and insignificant. ..
But just 6 months later the bamboo rose
to over 100 feet tall.

It had spent the five years growing roots.
Those roots made it strong and gave it
what it needed to survive.

"I would not give any of my creations a
challenge it could not handle."GOD said to me.

"Did you know that all this time you have
been struggling? You have actually been growing

"I would not quit on the bamboo, I will
never quit on you."

"Don't compare yourself to others." GOD said.

"The bamboo had a different purpose than the
fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful."

"Your time will come", GOD said to me.
"You will rise high"

"How high should I rise?" I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise?"GOD asked
in return.

"As high as it can?" I questioned
"Yes." GOD said,
"Give me glory by rising as high as you can."


Your bamboo is so close to blooming. Allow
your success ALL the time it needs. Water,
tend and fertilize your seeds. I can help

If you feel like you need support, nudge,
guidance or just options, please consider my
Mind Powers Program. You will have access to
over 50+ hours of audios, over 220+ members to
network with, monthly tele-trainings included FR*EE,
articles to download and coming soon.... Videos
to watch.

Find out how my Mind Powers program can help
you by going to:

Create a FABULOUS weekend.


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, pleasevisit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Only 30 spots available for tomorrows Money Call! Read Now!

Hi There,

Hope your week has been great so far.
We are at the mid-way mark and tomorrow
I am holding a VERY special tele-training.

There are 30 or spots available and I
wanted to give you one last opportunity
to register and join us tomorrow AND
everyone who registers will also receive
an mp3 download of the training as well
for added learning and repeat listening.

Here are the details.....

Tomorrow September 6th at 9:30am
pacific I am teaching a 60 minute
teleclass on:

'The Truth about Money and How to

It WILL blow your mind. I KNOW what
you're DOING wrong. In fact it has
Nothing to do with DOING anything!

I know what it is you're thinking
that is keeping you stuck and
I'm going to show you how to stop
your negative cash flow results.

You can only attend if you are READY
to drop ALL your current beliefs about
money. ALL of them. What your parents
told you about money, what you've read
about money, experienced all of it.

You must bring some cash to our training.
Not a lot of cash, but at least one (1)
five, ten, one, twenty, fifty or hundred
dollar bill. It can be one (1) dollar bill,
that perfectly fine, but you must have
cash. If you live outside the US, please
bring your local currency to the call.

This WILL be a tremendous training if you
have or have ever had ANY type of money
problems. If you have ever experienced
lack, on and off, spurts of NO income,
than this call will turn you around.

The cost is $9.97. This is NOT a webcast
or webinar and therefore space will be
limited to my bridge line. Please enroll
as soon as possible if you're interested.

You can find out more and register here:

Have a fabulous Labor Day today!

P.S. If you can't attend the call LIVE,
register anyway. You will get the audio
sent right to your email an hour or so
after our call!

The price WILL be higher when it becomes
a downloadable audio! Register now:


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, September 03, 2007

You cant solve a problem w/ the same mind that created it!

Hi There,

It's true!

You can't solve a problem with the
same mind that created the problem
in the first place. You MUST learn
something new.

Here's a fabulous quote to think

'Any man can make a mistake,
but only an idiot persists in
his error.'


Isn't it the truth? We do ALL make
mistakes, we learn from them and try
again. Or do we?

Some of us have to relearn the same
life lessons over and over and over
again. Especially when it comes to

If you have EVER had times of NO
cash, limited cash, fear around money,
struggle mentality, ANY of these
problems I have some really good news.

OR if you haven't achieved the financial
goals that you feel you deserve I
have some fabulous news for you too!

In just 3 days....

This Thursday September 6th at 9:30am
pacific I am teaching a 60 minute
teleclass on:

'The Truth about Money and How to

It WILL blow your mind. I KNOW what
you're DOING wrong. In fact it has
Nothing to do with DOING anything!

I know what it is you're thinking
that is keeping you stuck and
I'm going to show you how to stop
your negative cash flow results.

You can only attend if you are READY
to drop ALL your current beliefs about
money. ALL of them. What your parents
told you about money, what you've read
about money, experienced all of it.

You must bring some cash to our training.
Not a lot of cash, but at least one (1)
five, ten, one, twenty, fifty or hundred
dollar bill. It can be one (1) dollar bill,
that perfectly fine, but you must have
cash. If you live outside the US, please
bring your local currency to the call.

This WILL be a tremendous training if you
have or have ever had ANY type of money
problems. If you have ever experienced
lack, on and off, spurts of NO income,
than this call will turn you around.

The cost is $9.97. This is NOT a webcast
or webinar and therefore space will be
limited to my bridge line. Please enroll
as soon as possible if you're interested.

You can find out more and register here:

Have a fabulous Labor Day today!

P.S. If you can't attend the call LIVE,
register anyway. You will get the audio
sent right to your email an hour or so
after our call!

The price WILL be higher when it becomes
a downloadable audio! Register now:


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, September 01, 2007

You Create Your Reality. Doubts? Read Now

Hi There,

What is reality?

Let's look at its definition(s):

1. the state or quality of being real.

2. a real thing or fact.

3. Philosophy. a. something that exists
independently of ideas concerning it.

b. something that exists independently
of all other things and from which all
other things derive.

By its own definition; reality is what
YOU and I make of it. YOU create your
reality for you. No one else. We create
our own stories about life, success, money
sex, relationships, religion ALL of it.

We take in what we have been taught, what
we have learned, over heard, experienced,
etc. and then come up with our own story,
our own reality of how life will be.

We have our own story for our successes,
failures, the amount of money we will make,
how the money will come to us, our relationships,
the examples go on and on.

I hope you understand the power of
what you're reading. You create your
world. 100% positively. Reality is only
real to the observer looking.

Here is another way of looking at it:

Your reality or world as it stands right
now as you look around.... The world that
you are living in right now is nothing more
than a manifestation of your PREVIOUS thoughts
and beliefs.

You CAN create something totally different
today if you were to choose it. Allow me
to help you with that. At least where it
comes to MONEY. :)

Did you know about this?

I am teaching a class THIS Thursday 9/6 about
MONEY. I KNOW you're set in your reality about
the amount of money of you right now, how you
receive it and I'm positive you judge the
amounts in which you receive it.

I encourage you to attend and open your
mind to how 'you are your source of your supply'.
I promise it will open your mind to a
whole new way of thinking!!

THIS Thursday September 6th at 9:30am
pacific I am teaching a 60 minute
teleclass on:

'The Truth about Money and How to

It WILL blow your mind. I KNOW what
you're DOING wrong. In fact it has
Nothing to do with doing anything your

I know what it is you're thinking
that is keeping you stuck and
I'm going to show you how to stop
your negative cash flow results.

You can only attend if you are READY
to drop ALL your current beliefs about
money. ALL of them. What your parents
told you about money, what you've read
about money, all of it.

You must bring some cash to our training.
Not a lot of cash, but at least one (1)
five, ten, one, twenty, fifty or hundred
dollar bill. It can be one (1) dollar bill,
that perfectly fine, but you must have
cash. If you live outside the country,
please bring your local currency to the call.

This WILL be a tremendous training if you
have or have ever had ANY type of money
problems. If you have ever experienced
lack, on and off, spurts of NO income,
than this call will turn you around.

The cost is $9.97. This is NOT a webcast
or webinar and therefore space will be
limited to my bridge line. Please enroll
as soon as possible if you're interested.
I expect this call to fill quickly.

You can find out more and register here:

Have a fabulous holiday weekend!

P.S. It's all about how you feel. If
you like your reality in your finances
and life you're all set.

IF you're looking for some dramatic changes
in your finances, checkbook and daily flow,
join me Thursday. It will change your life.

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, pleasevisit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved