Monday, February 27, 2012

Your 'Monday Mind Shift Newsletter' Has Arrived!!!

Happy Monday!!!

As you may or may not know,
Mondays are my FAVORITEST day
of the week!!!  ;-D

We also have a BONUS day this
week.  Last year was a leap year
however this year we have an
EXTRA day.  So consider Wednesday
the 29th a BONUS 24 hours and
really pay attention to what you do
with them!!!

Today I want to talk about your
'Favorite Things'. Now I know this
may seem like an odd request but
I want you to think of FIVE things
that you LOVE to do. Think about
this for a few minutes and REALLY
sift through the files of your mind
for five things that you truly ENJOYdoing!

I will share with you five things
I love to do:

1) Listening to music and singing
out loud

2) Private alone spa time for at
least 60 minutes

3) Listening and reading NEW
information about the mind and
quantum physics

4) Walking (with my two labs too)

5) Teaching others what I learn

You get the idea now. Once you
have created your list of FIVE
things that you LOVE to do, I want
you to DO these five things EVERY

Yep, EVERY day. You see if you
make sure you do things you LOVE
you will make sure you attract more
of what you love. But in case you
haven't noticed you tend to do
you don't love and in some
cases may even hate. Why?
Because you think or FEEL like you
have to?

This is a NEW way to live.
You know what you love to do, so
. Spend time feeling good
doing these five thing and WATCH
how the Universe responds to you
and how QUICKLY when you're in
this GOOD FEELING place.

ANY doubt within you that this
works (or even might work) means
you need to implement your 'five'
even SOONER!!  ;-D

If you don't fill your day with High
priority good feeling things, your
day will fill itself with whatever
things show up.

As you've experienced right??

This is another way (tool) to
create what you
in life, rather than passively
accept what you're getting.

I have done three of my five
already today. Happy things are
coming because I'm doing HAPPY
things that I enjoy.

You KNOW what results you get
doing it YOUR way (things you don't
love), NOW try it my way and SEE
the difference unfold right in front
of you. You can always go back to
this old way of struggling through
your day.

Let go and let IN all the good
you're seeking.

I'll walk you by the hand step-by-
step in my 30 Day Creating Miracles

It's a POWERFUL 30 day program
that arrives via email every
morning in your inbox and not only
gets you CONSCIOUS to what and
how you're thinking but also helps
you focus and re-train your mind
for what you DESIRE.

I know it's PERFECT for you.  Read
what others have to say about it......

MAKE it a great week!!

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, February 24, 2012

It's a Buy One Audio Get One Audio FREE Weekend!! Wooo Hoo!!! Check THIS Out!!! ;-D

There is ONE thing I hear more than
ANY other when I ask clients what
they REALLY want.......

It's for thing to go their way!!!

MOST feel like there is HUGE
room for improvement when it
comes to the 'good' things
occurring in their life.  So.........

I decided to offer ALL my audio
programs (14 titles to choose
from) to be buy one get one
FREE all weekend long!!! (of
equal or lesser value through

**Simply put your 'free' choices
in the comments section at
checkout and they will be
emailed directly to you shortly
after purchase.**

For every audio you buy, you
will receive one FREE!!! (of
equal or lesser value)

Pick your favorites here:

I KNOW that success is more
about letting limiting beliefs
and expectations GO mentally
(inside game) rather than have
to DO more (outside game).

Success is also about finding
ways to improve how you FEEL
about life and your successes!

This is REALLY where I come
in!!!  ;-D

I've created 14 powerful audios
covering topics like:

- The power of your words
- Money
- The power of 'now'
- Fear
- What problems REALLY are
- Intention
- Guilt

the list goes on and on!!!

Pick at least two here:


as a special BONUS, the first
65 to pick up one audio or
more will receive an additional
60+ minute BONUS audio not
available on my site. ($45 value)

This is a NEVER before offered
audio program!!!

Your BONUS audio will arrive
with your FREE selection shortly
after purchase.  Again the
audio is NOT available
anywhere on my site and is truly
a BONUS!!  :-D

Pick your favorite audios here:

I only offer my audios buy one
get one FREE, twice a year so

Have a FABULOUS weekend
and be SURE to EXPECT great
things!!!  ;-D


Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  My buy one get one FREE offer
ENDS Sunday February 26th.  Grab
ALL your favorites NOW!!! - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What does an orange and mentoring have in common? Read now to find out!!! ;-D

If you REALLY read this email there
is a HUGE shift in it for you!!!I want
you to picture and orange.

What comes out when you cut that
orange in half and you squeeze it?

And of the course the answer you say
is 'Orange Juice'. And why does
orange juice come out when you
squeeze an orange? And the answer
is....because that's what's inside.
Sounds simple right?

Does it matter WHO squeezes the
orange?  Does it matter WHERE you
squeeze the orange? Does it matter
at WHAT TIME you squeeze the

Of course not! The only thing that
comes out of an orange is orange
juice because that's all that's inside
an orange!

So now I want you to picture you.

Imagine now you're being squeezed.
Bills have to be paid, kids need to
be cared for, your relationships all
need to be fixed, you don't feel so
hot and you've gained a few extra
pounds. Out of you comes Fear,
Anxiety, Stress, Anger, Rage, Doubt,

Why does Fear, Anxiety, Stress,
Anger, Rage or Doubt come out of
you? And the answer is.....because
that's what's inside!

Does it matter WHO did the
squeezing? Does it matter HOW
tightly they squeeze? Does it matter
HOW many times they try to squeeze
your or for HOW long?

Of course not! It couldn't come out
if it weren't in you.

They key is to NOT BLAME
circumstances and events for your
anxiety or bad mood. All they are
trying to show you is WHAT IS INSIDE.

It means you're focusing deep down
on a story you DON'T WANT. It's a
story that doesn't feel good. Take
control of your mind and things will

Deliberately choose your thoughts,
moment by moment if necessary. Do
activities that make you smile and
feel good. Talk to people who will
make you laugh. And think of an
orange OFTEN!! ;-D

One of my FAVORITEST benefits of
Perception University is our Monthly
Mentoring Minutes!!  Well.............

TOMORROW night is our Monthly
Mentoring Minutes and I want to
invite YOU to join us.  It's your
chance to work with me PERSONALLY
and confidentially on the phone!!!

TOMORROW at 5pm I'll be
mentoring members by phone!!!

Put yourself FIRST and join
Perception University NOW for ONLY
a month here:

Now this is a SPECIAL link, NOT
available on my website but will be
available through TOMORROW
February 22nd!!  You can join for
ONLY $97 for the life of your
membership!!  That's OVER half
off!!!!  Cancel ANY time  :-D

Join now here:

AND because my email sessions
are SO popular, the first 40 who
enroll for ONLY $97 a month will
also receive a BONUS Email Coaching
Session with me!!!  ($297 value!!)

Think of this as your mentoring
package for SUCCESS!!!!  Join now
and I'll talk to YOU tomorrow!!  ;-D

Make it a FABULOUS day by
EXPECTING great things!!!

Try it!!!  ;-D

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!!

Shelby Collinge
xoxo - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, February 13, 2012

Because Tomorrow is a Special Day......Here's a SWEETHEART of a Deal for YOU!!! ;-D

In celebration of Valentine's Day
I've decided to give you
a SWEETHEART of a deal!!!  ;-D

As you know I offer MANY great
audio programs, home study
courses ebooks, books and tools for
making LASTING change from the
inside out.  Well.........

One of my most POPULAR home
study courses is my 'How to Remove
Your Mental Patterns in 45 Days'.

It's a top seller and it's OVER 8+
hours of audios and it' includes the
transcripts of EVERY word and it's
downloadable and
available to you.

I walk you through the Foundation
of Mental Patterns and beliefs
including two in-depth Q&A audios
and cover topics like Money,
Relationships, Your Body, Health,
Business Success, Career and Much,
, more. 

This is a complete home study
course on 8 mp3's designed to get
you to UNCOVER the areas of your
life where you’re currently ASLEEP

Your consciousness will be opened
and PUSHED to new levels of

And you know when you change your
perspective, EVERYTHING changes
around you as if by magic.  It's
!!!  ;-D

If you’re ready, this program WILL
do the work
change your results for the BETTER
and in unimagined ways. 
Remember it's ALL about beliefs!!!!
My complete 'How to Remove Your
Mental Patterns in 45 Days'
is available
on my site right now for only $497,
(which is a STEAL) however, t
oday and
you can get my complete
8+ hour 'How to Remove Your Mental
Patterns in 45 Days'
home study course
for ONLY $97!!

Use this SPECIAL link and enter coupon

And to make things even MORE powerful
I'm going to GIFT the first 18 people
who pick up my 'How to Remove Your
Mental Patterns in 45 Days'
home study
course a FREE Email Coaching Session
with me!!!!  ($297 value!!)
Woooo Hooooo!!!  ;-D

We can work on ANY issue or area
where you seem to be REPEATING the
same results over and over again.

Remember the only way to SAVE $400
and get my 'How to Remove Your
Mental Patterns in 45 Days'
home study
course is to use this SPECIAL LINK and
enter coupon code SWEETHEART:

The coupon code SWEETHEART will be
available through midnight tomorrow
February 14th and I will personally email
the first 18 with special instructions to
work with me personally via email!!! 

I truly hope you have a FABULOUS
Valentine's Day!!  Grab my home study
course and it will be all but
!!!!  ;-D

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
xoxo - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, February 11, 2012

What do you think your CONFIDENCE level REALLY is??

How has your weekend been? Be
honest.......How have you been feeling
MOST of the time? Would you like
tomorrow to be a repeat of yesterday?
Why or why not?

I want to talk about confidence.
Now I KNOW almost everyone I talk
to would say they could use a little
more confidence in at least one area
of their life. But here's a million dollar


That's right! You read it right! You
don't need more confidence at all,
what you need is confidence in what
you WANT rather than confidence in
what you don't want.

You'll find pure spiritual principles
aren't about getting more of anything,
they're about harnessing what you
ALREADY have toward manifesting
what you WANT. Using your natural
power for GOOD.
It's always about letting go of what
isn't working to allow what will work in.
You want to grow your confidence
muscle on things working out for you!

Believe MORE that you WILL be
successful than not. Imagine in your
mind everything going just the way
you want. Talk about what you want,
pretend it's here NOW. Smile because
it's here, get excited about it. THAT'S

It feels amazing! It's knowing things
ARE working out for you. It's KNOWING.
Things ARE working out for you. KNOW
IT ;-D

You can have confidence in your fears
coming true or confidence in your
dreams coming true. You can have
confidence in your ability to feel better
or confidence you will feel worse. You
can have confidence that the
relationship you want is on its way or
you can have confidence that it's NEVER
going to happen. YOU decide in your
thoughts, feelings, mental movies and

EXPECT things are working out for you.
Have confidence in your abilities, have
confidence in YOU!

WAIT.........I'll make it EASY for you!!!

I HIGHLY recommend my '5 Steps for
Self Soothing' 90 minute audio program
(first selection here):

Think of it as home-therapy-in-a-box!
It will show you how to handle ANY
circumstance or experience to get a
totally NEW perspective (which changes
your energy and RESULTS immediately)
in only 5 easy steps!!

And there are 13 other audio programs
to choose from.  Grab your favorites

EnJOY your day and know that I

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!!

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  I HIGHLY recommend my '5 Steps for
Self Soothing' 90 minute audio program
(first selection here): - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Woooo Hoooo!! We FOUND 60 more today!!! Get YOURS Now!!! ;-D

Woo Hoo!!!  I'm THRILLED to
announce that we found 60 or so
more of my TOP selling 'Power of
Your Words'
  60+ minute CD today. 

You KNOW how much I LOVE to
clear out my energy so I'm going to
sell these CD's for ONLY $20 each
plus $3.95 world-wide.

Get yours here:

These are CD's that were left over
from some of my public speaking
talks last year!!!

I'm also going to include a few
BONUS gifts in with your CD as well
so be SURE to grab a copy!!  Another
point to mention is that I NEVER sell
physical CD's so to make it REALLY
fun, I'm going to AUTOGRAPH each
case!!  :-D

If you'd like to get one of the 60
BONUS GIFTS) for ONLY $20 plus
shipping visit:

If the links above do not take
you directly to the shoppingcart
the offer has SOLD OUTThere
is a limit of 62 so MOVE QUICKLY!!

Have a FABULOUS weekend!!

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!

Shelby Collinge
xoxo - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Have you ever thought about WHY??............

Today's newsletter is a really good
one. Be sure to read it a few times
for optimum results.

I want to talk about WHY.

It's interesting......As I talk with
clients they can name 100's of
'things' that they want, but when I
ask them 'WHY' they want these
things, I always hear silence at
the other end of the line.

And the REALLY interesting part's the WHY that attracts.
It's NOT your list of 100 or 1000
things that you wish to accumulate
or own, it's the FEELING underneath
having those things that you're
searching for. So today's newsletter
will help you more clearly identify
'WHY' you want these things.

OK I have a few questions that
I want you to think about. Once
you've read ALL the below questions,
come up with 25 reasons WHY you
want the things that you want.

It's important to push yourself to
come up with 25 AND it's doubly
important to FEEL the feelings as
you're writing and thinking. It's
these very feelings that will begin
to sweep through your body that
will begin to attract and magnetize
what you WANT to you.

Remember, It's the FEELING that
gets the blessing, so here we go.....

Think about the list of 'things'
you desire to have or achieve.
Think about having more money,
better health, an ideal body, ideal
relationships in EVERY area of your
life, a booming business and/or
career, the houses, cars, vacations,
outfits, ALL of it.

So then answer these questions.....

- WHY do you want more money?

- What would having more money
FEEL like?

- WHY do you want more clients
or a more successful business/

- What would having a waiting list
of 6 months feel like?

- Why do you want the cars, the
houses, the savings accounts?

- What feelings are you searching

- Why would they make you happy?

- WHY do you want your physical
body to improve?

- What would that FEEL like?

- How would you look?

- Why?

- What would be different in your
life or on your body?

- How does that feel?

- WHY would life get easier if you
had the things on your list?

- What would you delegate to
someone else?

- Why?

- What would that FEEL like?

- WHY would you want a soul

- How would that benefit you and
your life?

- Picture yourself in the ideal
relationship. How do you look?

- What's different about you?

- How do you feel?

- WHY would you smile more if
you had achieved ALL of your

- WHY are you waiting to smile?

- How does smiling feel?

Now write.

Write AT LEAST 25 'reasons' why
you want these things. These
reasons will invoke feelings from
you. It's these feelings of security,
peace, knowing, easiness, joy,
bliss and happiness that you're
seeking NOT the things.

YES, these things WILL possibly
make you happy, but you can be
happy NOW which will GUARANTEE
they happen!

Read your list of 25 reasons 'WHY'
at LEAST three times a day. If you
feel your faith slipping or doubt
creeping in, take out your list and
READ it and re-affirm what you know
and FEEL. This will become one of
your most powerful tools. Because
when you FEEL it, it is ;-D

I KNOW you're ready and I would
to work with you 1 on 1 via my
personal sessions. They're 75 minutes
long, recorded, and I'll get to the
CORE of what you REALLY believe
and expect.

My sessions truly are LIFE CHANGING!!!

Schedule our time together here:

MAKE it a FABULOUS Wednesday!!!

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
xoxo - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, February 02, 2012

A lesson on ANTS that will CHANGE your life!!! Read NOW!! ;-D

Now you might be thinking what do
ANTS and your mindset have in
common and I say.....EVERYTHING.

There are a few things I want to
say about ANTS. First of all I want to
explain exactly what they are. ANTS
are Automatic Negative Thoughts.
Have you ever experienced a negative
thought before ;-D

Of course you have. Today's topic
is about the AUTOMATIC negative
thoughts that you're thinking on a
daily basis. In fact you're thinking
ANTS 100's of times per day,
however MUCH of that conversation
is completely unconscious, UNTIL

I want you to think about something
that happened either today or
yesterday that caused you to be
upset in ANY way. Think about what
happened, how you felt and what
pictures began to appear on the
screen of your mind.

Now write down what THOUGHTS you
began to think.





When someone close to you asks
you how things are going and you
complain, what do you usually say?





If you could have ONE problem fixed
right now, what problem would you
have fixed? Why fix that problem?





What's your theory as to why
things aren't going the way you'd
like them to?





Be sure to ANSWER IN WRITING all
the above questions. Use as much
space as you need. What you will
begin to SEE is your ANTS. You
will see in your OWN words what you
typically begin to think when things
go wrong and in some cases, why.

You will then want to become VERY
conscious of what you say throughout
the day. Notice when an ANT is being
talked about (again either out loud
or in your mind). Catch yourself. By
doing this exercise you're calling
this to your mind's attention. Your
mind does what it's told. ALWAYS!

Watch, notice, observe how quickly
you begin noticing your ANTS. And
every time you hear yourself think
about your ANTS (out loud OR in
your head) replace the ANT with
what you WANT.

I created a FABULOUS 30 day
manifesting attunement called my
30 Day Creating Miracles Ecourse
It's been time tested and WILL
show you how YOU are creating
what's showing up (or not) in your

Read what individuals like YOU
have experienced and enroll here:

It will get easier and easier and
you will SEE your results manifest
at the speed of what seems almost
over night! It's NOT hard, however
it does take repetition and patience.

My 30 Day Creating Miracles Ecourse
WILL help you unlock the grips of
your mind.  AND it comes with a
lifetime re-start ability!!

Replace your ANTS and life will
become magical! Be sure to keep me
posted!!! ;-D MAKE it a FABULOUS
weekend. and enjoy the Superbowl!!  ;-D

Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
xoxo - NEW!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved