Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tomorrow I'm Going to Feel Like Santa! Read Why!

HI There!

I'm practically coming out of my
seat with excitement!!

Tomorrow is going to be a VERY
special day for ALL members of my
Mind Powers Program. Each and
EVERY member is going to receive
a Gift. From ME! AND they get to
CHOOSE from two gifts, which is
exactly perfect for them.

One is worth over $125 and the other
is worth over $175 and BOTH include
PERSONAL interaction and coaching
from ME!! So maybe you're thinking
'Why is Shelby giving all of her Mind
Powers Members a gift?'

I want to MEET my members and find
out what they desire and how I can
help them even further. BOTH of
these two gifts will enable me to get
an inside FEEL of where I can focus
even more. It's a win/win!

I'm mentioning this to you so you have
an opportunity to choose one of these
two life changing gifts too! Go right
now and read (or listen) to ALL you will
receive as a member of my Mind Powers
Program and then FEEL if you would like
to join our community!

Maybe you join just to receive one of my
two gifts? I PROMISE it will be worth it!!
All the details of how to redeem your gift
will be sent out tomorrow (Friday April 11th)
at 5:00pm pacific to ALL Mind Powers Members.

That's all I can share for now! ANY questions,
email or call my
office at (702)658-0409.

I'm off to walk three miles. I'm just so excited
I can hardly stand it!!

MAKE it a great day!!

Shelby Collinge

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Register NOW for my 7 week virtual
workshop on Manifesting, Attraction
and Alignment beginning June 4th!
For details and information visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 658-0409 Copyright (c) 2006-2008
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved