Monday, August 14, 2006

Reminder For Our Call Today!

Hello There!

I am really excited to share with you
a small taste of how to make life
EASY AND Enjoyable no matter what
is going on in your life! It is going to
be a GREAT call!

You definitely want to make sure that
you are LIVE on this call. There is
always a deeper learning when you
are live on the call.

Below are the call in details. Please
remember that this is a LIVE call and
the lines will be open in the beginning
and at the end of the call!

*6 mutes your line
*7 unmutes your line

Date : Tuesday August 15th

Time : 5:30pm pacific / 8:30pm eastern

Call In Number : (218) 936-1100

Passcode : 70309#

There are a limited number of lines, so
be sure to call in 5-7 minutes early to
say hello and insure you are able to
get this valuable life alterning information.

I really look forward to sharing with

Until Then..... Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge

Did You Register For Tomorrow's Call?

Hello There!

I hope you had a great weekend!

I really feel like sharing some great mind
expanding thoughts with you. I am
going to hold a 40-60 minute call tomorrow
where you can listen in on some of the insights
that has made things so much easier
for me.

Success is a mindset.

Allow me to share this life changing
content with you.

The call will be Tomorrow Tuesday August 15th
at 5:30pm pacific / 8:30 eastern.

I invite you to join me LIVE for this
call and I will also take some questions
at the end, so be sure bring ALL of
your questions with you.

To save your spot on this call please visit:

I hope to hear you Tomorrow!!

Until then...

Create it YOUR Way!

Shelby Collinge