Tuesday, February 09, 2010

My audios are instant, powerful & will quickly become your favorites!

Hi There!

You may or may not be leveraging
time in the most efficient way. I
have found that I can listen to
3-5 audio programs A WEEK just in
the time I'm driving around in my
car. It's AMAZING!!

When you utilize your travel time by
listening to audio programs not
only are you actively learning but
you're also in a GOOD VIBRATION
hence attracting good things!! =)

I don't know where I would be
without my audio programs. Right
now in my car are about 35 CD's
(I'm not kidding) and there is
ALWAYS an 'educational' CD in my
CD player.

Because I have learned so much
from audios I of COURSE had to
offer them myself! ;-) And you'll be
happy to know I have quite the
collection available on the topics
that I know you want to hear more
about!! Check em out here:


I only offer my audio programs a
few times a year, so this is a VERY
special email. =) In fact the first 83
people who purchase ANY of my audio
programs will receive two VERY exciting
gifts. One gift will be a special report
on negative emotions (It's EXTREMELY
useful and a $27 value) and the other
will be a perfectly chosen 60+ minute
BONUS mp3 audio program. This
bonus audio is NOT available on my
website (in fact it comes from my secret
archives and is a $17 value) and both
gifts will arrive electronically shortly
after purchase!!

We're already in February, so let's
change ANYTHING that is not bringing
you the results you desire. If you
watched the Superbowl on Sunday when
asked at the end of the game 'why did
your team win?' MVP Player Drew Brees
said 'we believed in ourselves'. The
FIRST words he said. In order to
receive it, you must BELIEVE it! And if
you haven't received it yet, you don't
fully believe it yet. I can help you.

See which of my audio programs
jumps out at you and let's get started!!
You've got two additional VERY special
reasons to get started waiting to be
delivered! ;-)


BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

Remember the first 83 who buy ANY
audio program will receive two special
BONUS gifts worth OVER $44! =)



5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved