Thursday, May 29, 2008

I Need Your Help, I'm sooo Excited......

I'm so excited that I'm ready to
bust at the seams!! I have some
fabulous news and I wanted to
share it with you AND to ask you
for a small favor.

I'm THRILLED to announce that I
have just been offered a monthly
column in a FABULOUS world wide
magazine. This is something that
I have been manifesting for quite
a while. One down and just a few
more to go ;-) I will be sharing
more of the details as they come

This is where I need your help.
I want to ask you personally
what YOU would want me to write
about in my first column. What issues
or patterns are YOU struggling with
right now?

If I could talk to you on the
phone for 30 minutes what would
you MOST want to ask me?

In exchange for your response I'm
going to offer you something
really fun. I'm going to GIFT
two individuals a 30 minute session
with me on the phone.

That's right. Two individuals will
be randomly selected on Sunday
May 31st so you must respond quickly.
I'm going to make SUPER easy. All
you have to do is email your thoughts
and ideas to

Please include your Full Name,
Ideas, Questions, Comments, Country,
and Telephone number. All
participants will also receive another
special GIFT but I'm not going to
share what that is right now.
You'll just have to trust me ;-)

Remember email

As you may expect the publishers
asked me to give them previous articles,
audios, ebooks, etc. Well I decided
to send them my latest ebook 'The How
To's of Deliberate Creation, The Power
of Living in the Now'. Here's what
they had to say:

"Hey Shelby,

WOW! I love your writing and your
book! This is mind blowing!

I am extremely keen to see what you
can add to &^$%&%# Magazine!

I greatly look forward to working
with you and wish you all the very
best in everything you are doing.

Yours in Abundance,"

I absolutely LOVE this book and
it is an Ebook which means it's
INSTANTLY available. Print it,
don't print it but READ it now.
It WILL change your life. Don't
just take our word for it......

Pick up your copy here:

Email me your feedback and get
your special gift AND a chance
to work with me one on one!
You have Nothing to lose and

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Your special gift (you're
gonna LOVE it) will arrive via
email shortly after we process
your comments! THANK YOU
in advance!

P.P.S. Learn how The How To's
of Deliberate Creation, The Power
of Living in the Now here. You
won't regret it!

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Register NOW for my 7 week virtual
workshop on Manifesting, Attraction
and Alignment beginning June 4th!
For details and information visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 658-0409 Copyright (c) 2006-2008
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved