Saturday, October 20, 2007

Problem(s)? You know the solution


That's right.

If you have areas in your life
where you feel stuck, frustrated
and out of control the only person
who knows what to do is you.

I know you may be thinking, 'If I
know what to do, then why am I having
the problem(s) in the first place?'

The answer... You forgot that you know
the solution.

I want you to think back to a time, 1
5, 10 or 15 years ago when you had a
problem. Maybe it was getting out of
a bad relationship, moving, changing
careers, etc.

Think back and remember how you felt
just before you moved through the problem
and past it. What was your self talk?
How did you act? What were you thinking?
Did you have a plan? Did you wing it?
Did you have a support group of some kind?

You have had thousands of examples in
your own life of how you have
successfully handled problems, setbacks
AND crisis'.

But somehow when life sends experiences
our way and we don't like them we forget.
We get temporary amnesia to that fact
that we KNOW how to handle this already.

It may look different. It may make you
feel different, but you have the skills
and the know how of how to deal with ANY
experience. Good or bad.

The key is to remember. Think back to
how you felt when you dealt with a
negative experience the last time. BE
that person NOW. It's the same thing.

I did a 60 minute call on living in the
power of now, that talks about this
very topic. For only $13 you can download
it instantly AND it comes with a downloadable
workbook. Change begins with you.

Only YOU can affect your results and your
reality. Step into your power and live
the life you desire. BE the successful
person you KNOW you can be now. First.

Pick up my 60 minute 'Living in the Power
of Now' audio and workbook here:

Have a fabulous weekend. You deserve it!

P.S. My FR*EE autographed book offer
expires shortly. If you haven't picked
up your copy, visit:

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

Join me in Las Vegas, NV December 1st for a
one day mind changing all inclusive workshop!
Early bird pricing ONLY $97!

Space is VERY limited, register NOW at:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved