Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I have LOTS to tell you!


I hope the first six months of 2007
has been all that you have desired.

There is a HUGE energy shift about
to happen. Can you feel it?

I have been cleaning like crazy,
changing the air filters, cleaning
the garage, going through my closets
for clothes that I don't wear anymore,

Whenever I have these sudden urges to
clean, simply and 'Out with the Old'
BIG things are on the horizon.

I am going to take FULL advantage of
the changes that are coming our way :)

You should too!! Below I talk about a
few ways to do that.

First of all, I personally have been
'Going Green' or 'Living Green' for
a short while now and I LOVE it.

If you don't know what 'Going Green'
is, it's basically NOT doing harm
to the environment through our cleaning
supplies, household products, clothes,
food we eat, the list goes on and on!

The GREAT thing about 'Going Green' is
it is soooo easy to do. Because it is
so easy to do I have decided to share
just how easy it is!

You can now sign up to receive an idea
on how to 'Go Green’ in your household.
I will share one tip a week and we all
were to implement this one tip, our
whole planet would improve!

It's so worth it!!

Life is a circle. What we put out, we
get back. If we are doing harm to our
environment, guess what comes back?

Where as if we are doing natural, loving
things for our planet, guess what comes

It really is basic when you think about
it. So will you give it a try?

Register now and try 'Going Green'. Go to:

Also if you weren't able to participate in
my first webinar, I have to say it was GREAT.
It wasn't without its hiccups but the
feedback has been terrific and I DEFINITELY
plan on hosting another one soon.

In the meantime you can listen to the OVER 90+
minute Group Coaching Call in my Mind Powers

There are OVER 50+ hours of audios to listen
to right now. I really encourage you to think
about joining this program. You truly have
access to a TON of mind enhancing information.

Information that you don't even know you want
to learn yet :) You will also receive a $500
discount on my upcoming September 'Heal Your Mind,
Heal Your Life' two day workshop retreat!

Oh and by the way..... I will be holding a short
Q&A call about my two day workshop real SOON,
so be sure to keep an eye on your email.

To learn more about my Mind Powers program and
what it can do for YOU, please visit:

Be sure to check your email about my upcoming
Q&A call and I will be in touch soon. Smile!


Shelby Collinge

Mindset Expert

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at: