Wednesday, June 09, 2010

If I gave you an energy process that would unlock it ALL, would you try it?

Guess What!

I just recorded a FABULOUS audio
for my upcoming 6/15 teleclass

It's an energy process that allows
you to EASILY let go of what's
bothering you or not going as
quickly as you would like. It also
gives you tremendous insight into
how TIGHTLY you're holding on.

Have you tried working with your
energy before? Are you open to
trying something new? The process
I created for my 'Manifest, Attract
and Align' call will move things
up and out quicker than anything
you've ever tried. And the really
cool part is this process is a GIFT.
It's an extra bonus that I want to
give you BEFORE our live call on
June 15th.

I'm going to be sending this mp3
audio to all registered participants
later this afternoon via email. All
you have to do is click the link and
the audio will download to your
desktop. Super EASY!! We're only
six days away from our teleclass
and this process will enable you to
loosen the grip on the story you're
telling yourself that's keeping you
stuck even BEFORE our call.

I promise you're going to LOVE
this extra mp3 bonus!! If you
haven't registered yet go now to:

Then check your email right away
and AGAIN around 5pm pacific
for your special mp3 bonus!!!
Again the link to register at is:

It's going to be a FABULOUS week

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved