Saturday, October 24, 2009

Let's get to know each other! I have an idea.

While watching a bit of T.V. earlier I had
an 'aha' moment. I realized even though I
email you frequently and try to keep you up
to date on what I'm doing, the fact is.....
you might not know what it is I do or even
how it is I can HELP you.

I DO know that by your being attracted to
me and my work there IS something for us
to learn from one another and I FINALLY
figured out how we can both SEE exactly
what that is!

Words don't teach, it's life experience that
teaches. So what better way for you to
know what I do and how I can help you than
EXPERIENCING it first hand for yourself!
I'm going to offer THREE opportunities for
you and I to get better acquainted and for
you to SEE a change in your results. Each
option is HIGHLY discounted and offers you
three levels of interaction with me to
choose from.

1) ALL of my audios are 50% off this
weekend. You'll see the DISCOUNTED price
next to each selection. This is a GREAT option
if you're brand new to my work and enjoy
listening to audio programs. Each mp3 is
INSTANTLY available and several come with
instantly downloadable pdf workbooks as well.
View and choose from all 15 selections here:

2) I'm offering a full 14 day trial to my
Limitless Possibilities Email Coaching. I
have never done this before and I'm SO excited
to open this program up to you for you to try.
Included is instant access to an online library
of over 16 months of back issues, downloadable
audios within those issues not to mention you'll
receive a NEW email issue every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday on topics that YOU have
asked for within your mind. My intuition plays
a HUGE part in this program and I promise to hit
you right between the eyes with what you need
to hear. This program is truly for those who are
READY TO BE the successful, abundant, peaceful,
happy, and healthy individuals you intended to be.
Sign up for your full 14 day trial at the top of
this page:

3) I'm offering a full 14 day trial to my Mind
Powers Program. It has been YEARS since I've
offered a trial, and NOW is the time for you to
try this program and EXPERIENCE what it has to
offer you on a very deep level. Included is a
weekly Wednesday call with mp3 recording,
immediate access to my online forum with 100's
of audios waiting to assist you on ANY topic you
can imagine! We have monthly email chats, a
monthly teleclass, monthly personal Q&A calls,
and you can ask me ANY question ANY time via
my 'Ask Shelby' forum. This program will take
you to a level within yourself that you never
knew existed. This is a safe community to grow
and learn in and you have IMMENSE access to
me to work through ANY emotions/issues that
are bothering you. Please give it a try and SEE
EXACTLY what you think. Literally. Sign up for
your full 14 day trial at the top of this page:

I hope you'll take FULL advantage of my two
trials and that you pick up a handful of your
favorite audios at an AMAZING price! I would
LOVE to work with you and really look forward
to interacting and getting to know you better!!

Have a fabulous weekend and I'll be sending
you everything you need shortly ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Please note that each of the options
above is available this weekend only and
these offers end promptly at midnight
Sunday Oct 25th.

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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