Monday, August 11, 2008

Your Weekly Mindset Matters Edition!

Hi There,

Welcome to my 'official' first
issue of my Mindset Matters
weekly ezine. Last week I sent
an audio message and this week
it's all typed out and FULL of
things you'll want to know about.
Be sure to read it in it's entirety
as this is the ONLY email you'll
receive from me this week!

2 Week Trial - Mind Powers Program

If you have never been a member of
my Mind Powers Program, NOW is your
chance to give it a try for a full
two weeks for only $1.00. For only
a buck you can join this program
and EXPERIENCE what it has to offer.
Listen to the 85+ hours in the audio
library, attend our monthly call,
receive the mp3 recording, participate
in our online chat sessions and much,
much more.

This is a LIMITED time offer for
NEW members only. To enroll, scroll
down to the bottom of this page.
You'll see the instructions there.

Limitless Possibilities Newsletter
If you would like to here from me MORE
than once a week pay attention. I have
created a FABULOUS new newsletter. I
send it out three days a week and each
message contains universal and spiritual
principles fully explained and taught.

Included with special email messages three
times a week is a private online community
chat group, quarterly teletrainings,
recordings and more. A change in circumstance
requires a change in thinking, believing
AND expecting! To become a member and receive
these energy filled, belief changing messages

Article - Emotions Are The Key
Emotions are the key to your success
OR your failure. So what exactly is
an emotion you ask?

Emotions are Energy in Motion.

Seems pretty simple. Energy in
motion. BUT.....

Most of us don't feel our emotions
on a regular basis if even EVER.
Somewhere along the path of life,
we picked up that our emotions and
our feelings are bad and are to be
avoided at all costs.

Nothing can be further from the truth!

Your emotions and feelings are your
personal guide to the FAST path of
success. Believe it or not, the more
you tune in and FEEL your emotions
the easier life will get.

So why aren't you tapping in and feeling
your emotions and feelings on a regular
basis and making life easy on yourself?

Why are you making it so hard?

Why do you repeat affirmations and turn
a blind eye to what is NOT going well
as apposed to FEELING how it's not going

Why do you continually have the SAME
problems, frustrations and set backs
month after month, year after year,
day after day?


Because your NOT feeling your emotions.

You're not feeling what's really going
on. Why? Because you're afraid to feel
the feelings of defeat, being poor, being
a failure, being lost, being unloved,
being incapable, being a loser, etc.


What we don't Feel, we experience in life.

Read that again!!

What we don't Feel, we experience in life.

Plain and simple. If you're experiencing
something in your life right now that you
don't like. for example:

- money problems
- relationship problems
- business problems
- weight problems
- career problems
- family problems

it's because you're NOT feeling the feelings
FIRST. The emotion IS coming up, but you're
stuffing it back down. Trying with ALL
your might, NOT to feel the feelings.

There is good news of course. Learn how
to feel your feelings and life will get
easier. It's true! FEEL the feelings, and
You will no longer have to experience these

You can learn to cut them off at the pass!

You choose!

We are here on planet earth to experience
life. ALL that it has to offer. Both
good and bad, happy and sad. The key to
making life fabulous is to FEEL it.

Feel all that it has to offer. I will show
you how in an easy, comfortable environment.
In fact, right from your own home or office.

No airfare, hotel bills, meal plans or baby
sitter requirements. Just you, me and a phone!
It doesn't get ANY easier than that!

If you have 7 hours, email access and an open
mind, I will show you how to FEEL your feelings,
and how to release them and change your life
faster than you ever thought possible.

But.....Only you can choose.

WHEN you're ready to experience something
different in your life, visit the link below
and select the perfect time for our phone
calls. (hurry, October 1st this all begins)
Together you and I will work together in a
small group on the phone and via email to
change the course direction of your life.

Learn how much easier it can be to feel your
way to success. Let your feelings be your
guide. See Below ;-)

Manifesting Workshop - Last One This Year

If you had ANY thoughts on attending my
7 week 'Manifesting, Attraction and Alignment,
the Secrets to Getting EVERYTHING You Want'
virtual workshop my LAST workshop begins
Wednesday October 1st.

There is a $500 early bird discount for
early registration. Space is limited.
For more information visit:

I hope you enjoyed this weeks ezine! Make
it a GREAT week and I'll be in touch on

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Join my NEW Newsletter HERE......

Did you know that a miracle is a
CHANGE in thinking and believing?
Did you know that a miracle can
occur RIGHT NOW? Learn how to
attract miracles in YOUR life....

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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