Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mindset Matters Weekly Edition - Labor Day

Hi There,

You know it's funny. I have lived
in the United States my entire life
and had NO idea what Labor Day
really means. So I decided to look
it up.

Did you know that Labor Day started
in the early 1880's as a celebration
of the strength and spirit of trade
and labor organizations? In short....
We celebrate what we do for a living.

In the past they would have HUGE
celebrations, parades, music and MUCH
excitement to have work and to BE
working. Are you excited with what you
do? Do you like it enough to want

I often ask clients that question.
Exactly what are you waiting for?
The right conditions? The money? The
time? The support? Until YOU are
ready not much can or will happen.
But when you ARE ready, the whole
world will move aside for you.

Tomorrow is the celebration of
Labor Day. It's time to get excited
about the products and services you
provide to the world. What you do is
your unique signature. NO ONE can do
what you do the way you do it.

Maybe you're like me and didn't know
the true meaning of Labor Day. Maybe
you too viewed it as 'just another
day off'. If you wouldn't celebrate
what you're doing day in and day out,
or how you're doing it, NOW is the time
to make change.

To help in CREATING CHANGE, I've
created a 30 day program that will
coach you step-by-step to a WHOLE a
new way of thinking, perceiving and
filtering life. It's time to see life
and PROVE to yourself just how powerful
you are.

Learn more here.

Have a very safe and joyous Labor Day!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Tuesday evening at 6:00pm pacific
is my next LIVE teleclass. ALL members
of my Limitless Possibilities Email
Coaching attend for FR*EE. If you're
interested in listening in, please visit:

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Wisdom 3 times a week HERE......

Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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