Friday, April 18, 2008

How Much Is Success Worth To You?

Sometimes it's eyeopening to hear how others makes
my 30 day step by step How to Create Miracles
ecourse work in their life.

Here are a few good ones!

'Hey Shelby,

I am sooooo very busy right now. I’m still doing
your 30 day miracle E-course and the Universe
is sending soooo many money opportunities to me
and I’m just acting on instinct all the time. I’m right
now building my web site (which was one of the
things on my 30-list to happen in 16 days – yeah,
you can imagine the workload) AND I’m arranging a
workshop in Sweden for a teacher that contacted
me out of thin air!! My life is sky rocketing, and as
a matter of fact I have a little trouble keeping up.
But it’s A LOT OF fun. I will be back coz all of your
products are fabulous!

Thanks so much for your professionalism and
kind attention!'

Love, Marie from Sweden


'Dear Shelby,

This is so awesome, I don’t have words to describe
how much your e-course has changed my life! I’ve been
taking it at a slower pace, because so much happens
that needs my attention and it is due to this course.
People I need to talk to, things I feel I need to do, places
I need to go. I get all the help I need to release my
limiting beliefs, through different forms that just
appear on my door step!!

So, I’m soooo on the way to success. No, I’m already
there!!! I truly, truly love your work & I’m amazed
at all the difference it has made for me!'

Thank You!
Jeremy M - Montreal Canada


I am in the middle of the 30 day ecourse program and
I am becoming more aware of my thoughts and emotions.
I have had several aha moments about my thoughts
that are limiting beliefs. I am listening to your audios
every chance I get!

I wanted help with motivation. I seemed to be the one
between my husband and myself trying to motivate to
go take a walk or exercise, work on the business plan,
read a book, get off the couch, spend money wisely.
I let go of the idea and just worked on myself. I went
to the gym by myself, read at night, whatever. I turned
the corner and here my husband is motivating me because
he is doing everything I just listed above! He has lost almost
30 lbs. He is doing a website. He is motivating me!

I also got a new client (with payment) yesterday!

Wendy B - Texas


Thank you for that very nice and inspiring email
about day 1 of the ecourse! I really like you and
honestly you're the first teacher/coach I've really
resonated with in a looong time! I seem to be too
"over the top or maybe close to the edge" for most :).
I love your conviction and no-nonsense, bottom-line,
"here's how it works" approach! So happy to have
found you! the first lead from a referral list I've
been on since Oct. today! I think it's directly
connected to this Miracles Ecourse!

Thank You So Much,'
Noelle - Connecticut

Whatever you dream about you CAN attract
to you. There are 7 Universal Laws that control
EVERYTHING that you are orare NOT attracting.
You don't even need to know the 7 Universal Laws,
but you DO need to know how they can work for
you or AGAINST you.

Would like to learn how to align your thoughts and
energy vibrations with what you WANT rather than
what you don't want?

If so, you can begin IMMEDIATELY your 30 day
journey to creating Miracles and Life Changing Events.
If you can read this email, you CAN change what
you attract. But it is a choice. My 30 day ecourse
will be delivered daily to your email and includes
LOADS of resources to change the way you view

I'm sincerely honest when I say this is one of the
most POWERFUL programs I've ever created.
You must experience it to believe it!!

Download the Personal EBOOK Guide NOW for
ONLY $29 by clicking here.

Enroll and Begin YOUR Step by Step 30 Day ECOURSE
NOW for ONLY $77 by clicking here.

BUT WAIT......

$87. Get the whole package (ebook & ecourse $107 value)
for ONLY $87 click here.

Enroll and begin NOW, You WON'T Regret It!

Have a Miracles Filled Weekend!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Register NOW for my 7 week virtual workshop
on Manifesting, Attraction and Alignment
beginning June 4th!For details and information visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 658-0409 Copyright (c) 2006-2008
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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