Saturday, September 01, 2007

You Create Your Reality. Doubts? Read Now

Hi There,

What is reality?

Let's look at its definition(s):

1. the state or quality of being real.

2. a real thing or fact.

3. Philosophy. a. something that exists
independently of ideas concerning it.

b. something that exists independently
of all other things and from which all
other things derive.

By its own definition; reality is what
YOU and I make of it. YOU create your
reality for you. No one else. We create
our own stories about life, success, money
sex, relationships, religion ALL of it.

We take in what we have been taught, what
we have learned, over heard, experienced,
etc. and then come up with our own story,
our own reality of how life will be.

We have our own story for our successes,
failures, the amount of money we will make,
how the money will come to us, our relationships,
the examples go on and on.

I hope you understand the power of
what you're reading. You create your
world. 100% positively. Reality is only
real to the observer looking.

Here is another way of looking at it:

Your reality or world as it stands right
now as you look around.... The world that
you are living in right now is nothing more
than a manifestation of your PREVIOUS thoughts
and beliefs.

You CAN create something totally different
today if you were to choose it. Allow me
to help you with that. At least where it
comes to MONEY. :)

Did you know about this?

I am teaching a class THIS Thursday 9/6 about
MONEY. I KNOW you're set in your reality about
the amount of money of you right now, how you
receive it and I'm positive you judge the
amounts in which you receive it.

I encourage you to attend and open your
mind to how 'you are your source of your supply'.
I promise it will open your mind to a
whole new way of thinking!!

THIS Thursday September 6th at 9:30am
pacific I am teaching a 60 minute
teleclass on:

'The Truth about Money and How to

It WILL blow your mind. I KNOW what
you're DOING wrong. In fact it has
Nothing to do with doing anything your

I know what it is you're thinking
that is keeping you stuck and
I'm going to show you how to stop
your negative cash flow results.

You can only attend if you are READY
to drop ALL your current beliefs about
money. ALL of them. What your parents
told you about money, what you've read
about money, all of it.

You must bring some cash to our training.
Not a lot of cash, but at least one (1)
five, ten, one, twenty, fifty or hundred
dollar bill. It can be one (1) dollar bill,
that perfectly fine, but you must have
cash. If you live outside the country,
please bring your local currency to the call.

This WILL be a tremendous training if you
have or have ever had ANY type of money
problems. If you have ever experienced
lack, on and off, spurts of NO income,
than this call will turn you around.

The cost is $9.97. This is NOT a webcast
or webinar and therefore space will be
limited to my bridge line. Please enroll
as soon as possible if you're interested.
I expect this call to fill quickly.

You can find out more and register here:

Have a fabulous holiday weekend!

P.S. It's all about how you feel. If
you like your reality in your finances
and life you're all set.

IF you're looking for some dramatic changes
in your finances, checkbook and daily flow,
join me Thursday. It will change your life.

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, pleasevisit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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