Sunday, November 26, 2006

You Must NOT Quit!

How are you?

Here we are with December on our
heels. Before you know it the New Year
will have come and gone.

As Im sure you have been feeling……
time waits for no one. We either get up
to speed with it or we get pushed to the

Keeping the holidays in mind, I thought I
would send out this update to keep you on
track as we head into these busy times and
soon the New Year.

Be sure to read word for word to enjoy all
there is to learn.

If ANY of the included links do not work, please
copy and paste the entire link in your browser.

In this Update Issue.........

** Weekly Podcasted Show – Do you listen?
** LIVE Monthly Tele-Trainings
** Client Comments – Word of Mouth Testimonials
** The Power of Persistence – Monthly Mind Expanding


Have you registered for my Weekly
Podcasted show? It's FR*EE and is
delivered every Monday to your email

Each show is approximately 10 minutes
and is FULL with seeds to expand your

You can listen right now by going to:


Have you been on a monthly tele-class
training with me?

I highly encourage you to clear your
calendar for these 60 minutes and join
me. You will be shocked with what you

Each call is fantastic one hour training
that will show you MANY errors in your
current thinking.

My LIVE monthly tele-class trainings are
now offered on a monthly membership

The good news is that when you sign up
for the monthly membership you save over

You can the LIVE call, MP3 audio of the
call, downloadable workbook AND question
and answer period.

To enroll in the my Monthly Tele-Class
membership, scroll to the bottom of this

**Classes through Feb 2007 are now posted**


Client Comments Section – Word of mouth
testimonials from all over the world!

Here are what fellow subscribers and clients
have to say.........

'Hi Shelby!

I have just listened to your 7 Natural Laws of
the Universe audio...fabulous!

I have been seeking clarity from the creative
forces of the Universe, and it has been delivered
thru' you...thank you!

Thank you for being a stand for me to get this
show. I GOT IT!!

You are a great teacher Shelby, a master
communicator. You speak the language I understand..
in a heartbeat.

Others I have listened to, I think now, just really haven't
gotten it themselves, and that impacts their delivery.
(My opinion)

Yes you are right, by virtue of, I found my way to you,
divine guidance will always bring me to where I learn,
always working toward my higher good.

Thank you, thank you thank you.

Onwards and Upwards,

Rhonda – New Zealand'

'Shelby excellent class (Power of Now Audio) ! I
could not really understand the Be/Do/Have until
you put it into perspective of being the person by
feeling what it would be like if you already had it .

Thanks!! Paul – OH'

'Shelby is one of the best speakers I have heard
so far. Her energy makes you want to follow along
and believe in what she says.

I have heard it all before, but not quite the same way
and I AM ready to do things differently. Lots of
things have happened that have made me take a
new look at my life. We only have today and dont
even know what the next minute will bring...

I want to thank you for having Shelby tonight and
for inviting me - AND... to me for attending!

Her message was superb. I taped it and will be
listening to it over and over again in the next few
days as I make some life-changing decisions.

Have a good night.

Roz – NY'

If you have a comment you would like to share,
please email me at


The Power of Persistence
By Shelby Collinge

I find that sometimes it is our own ability to stick
with it and push thought, and not give up that truly
makes us successful.

If it were easy everyone would be rich. Everyone
would be a Millionaire.

The fact of the matter is..... That is can be hard
sometimes to want to stick with it. To WANT to keep
pushing forward.

Its hard sometimes not to want to give up on our desires
and intentions. To just quit and go back to not trying.
Back to our comfort zone.

I found this poem years ago and I love it. I KNOW
there is a hidden message for you in these wise words.

The author unfortunately is unknown, however I really
think that he/she really sums it up perfectly.

Please read and re-read this poem. Print it out and
hang it on your wall, your cubicle, your desk, your
bathroom mirror.

But when you have a down day, moment or thought.

Please reflect back on this poem and remember,
that you CAN DO IT.

You must NOT QUIT. There are many who count
on you and believe in you. I believe in you.

Dont Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes well.

When the road you're trudging seem all up hill.

When funds are low and the debts are high.

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.

When care is pressing you down a bit.

Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns.

As every one of us sometimes learns.

And many a failure turns about

When he might have won had he stuck it out.

Don't give up though the pace seems slow.

You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out.

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.

And you never can tell how close you are.

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit

It's when things seem worst that you must not QUIT.

Please again, read and re-read this.

Are you now ready to take action and to persist
when others fail and give up?

Might I recommend my Quantum Achievers

This is a fantastic opportunity to really explore other
ways of attracting, converting and keeping new
opportunities in ALL areas of your life.

Did you know....Your potential for success increases
exponentially when receiving personal attention
and instruction. My Quantum Achievers Society
offers that idea rich atmosphere and structure.

Wont you join us?

If interested in joining our online learning community
or just want to find out more, click this link:

***For a limited time****

Join now for a full 7 days with FULL access for only $7.

If you would like to experience what my Quantum
Achievers Society has to offer, please click the below
link and start your $7 journey today!

To join for only $7 please use this link:


Until next time....

Please feel free to forward this valuable information
in its entirety onto your friends, colleagues
and family members, because EVERYONE can
benefit from something that has been mentioned.

Any comments or questions, please contact me. I would love
to hear from you.

Its on its way! Let me help you find it.

Shelby Collinge

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