week. Are you ready for it??
Did you have a fabulously relaxing
weekend? Did you enJOY
yourself and allow yourself to
bask in the delicousness of life? ;-D
Today's topic is self talk.

- Is your self talk positive or
- Do you expect the best out of
life or the worst?
- Do you believe in miracles or
- Do you believe IN your abilities
or more in your blocks to success?
- Do you believe it will be hard
or easy to get what you want?
This is an important topic. You
are your own best friend or shall
I say COULD be. And yet the
reality is most of us are our own
worst enemy. We're harder on
ourselves than we would be on
anyone else in our SAME position.
but as with everything....it IS a
You can choose to believe that
you ARE capable of finding or
manifesting a solution. You can
choose to believe that you CAN
attract the money. That your
business IS growing and maturing.
That you ARE aligning with the
relationship you've always wanted.
That life IS supporting you and
making SURE that you experience
whatever it is you desire.
But it all begins with you liking
yourself FIRST. If you believe
in you, the universe will mirror
that back to you through others
liking, supporting and believing
in you.

Rather than looking for support
OUTSIDE of yourself, BE that
support for yourself NOW with your
self talk. Then LOOK for the proof
of your new beliefs.
Monitor how you talk to yourself.
Treat yourself like the spectacular,
high achiever genius you are. Let
go of 'shoulds' and 'coulds'. Take
life by the horns.
I believe in you!!! And if YOU
believe in you, life will too ;-D

I would LOVE to work with you!! I
created Perception University so
individuals could interact with me
Included EVERY month is:
- (2) 60-75 min Live Calls with me
- (2) Live Q&A Sessions
- (2) One Year Online Replays
- (2) mp3 audios
- (2) pdf transcripts
- (4) Dial-In Inspiration Audios
- (1) Monthly Mentoring Minute Hour
- (2) Online Check-Ins
- 20% of ALL purchases
and much, MUCH, more!!!!
I know you're ready to TAKE CHARGE
of your life (thinking) and FINALLY
get ALL that you deserve, join now!!!
We have a call TOMORROW!!! ;-D
Have a fabulous Monday and
remember.....EXPECT great things!!
Tune IN, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
P.S. TOMORROW's call is going to be
VERY enlightening!!! You're Ready!!
http://www.virtualsuccesstherapy.com - NEW!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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