I hope you had a fantastic week
and that you're ready for a fun,
FABULOUS weekend!! Be sure to
EXPECT great things ALL weekend
long, only YOU can!! ;-D
In today's follow up issue of the
week I want to talk about

This is a universal principal, the
law of reciprocity, but few of us
know what it is and quite frankly
how it works.
The easy way to understand it (at
least in the beginning stages) is
'what you put out, you will get back.'
Seems easy enough right?
I always think of it like.......life is
like a boomerang. It ALWAYS
comes back to you with stunning
accuracy and timing.

So you say, 'well I am a nice person,
I do nice things, I think positive
thoughts and yet I'm STILL not
attracting all that I want'. And I say
'ah yes', so think about this.
Anything that we mentally refuse
to permit others, we refuse
ourselves. What we BLESS in
others, we draw to us.
These two sentences may spin your
head a little. Isn't it perfect that
the divine universe would give US
that which we WANT for someone
Now read these two sentences.
What we give, we will receive. What
we withhold, will be with held from
Another turn isn't it. ;-D
I want you to take an HONEST look
at your behavior and thoughts for
the last week or so. How many
times have you caught yourself
thinking thoughts like:

- I should be the one getting that,
- I should be the one who has the
booming business,
- I should be the one they asked,
not her,
- I should be the one that has an
easier time with money,
- I should be the one getting married,
- I should be the one losing weight.
'This isn't FAIR.'
Now go back and read what true
reciprocity is. In lay mans terms
it truly is 'to want it MORE for others
than you want it for yourself.
I know it has NOT been taught to
us to want it more for others first.
In fact most of us have been raised
on the scarcity side of the tracks
which says 'I must fight for my
piece, they are the competitor, or
only one of us can have it'.
All these feelings of NOT wanting
someone else to have it, really is
a HUGE reason why we don't receive
it. When we think they shouldn't
have it we are holding ourselves
from it. Bottom line, it's judgment.
I know this is a new spin on life.
You must be ready to UNLEARN the
hard way. Re-learn to embrace the
EASY way. Look for those who
need what you want, and wish it for
See how you feel. See how you smile
when you want it for them even more
than YOU want it and then WATCH as
the universe rewards your effort
around EVERY corner.
Speaking of which.........

I'm THRILLED to announce that on
Wednesday March 14th I'm holding
my FIRST public LIVE Teleclass of the
year!! Woooo Hooo!!! ;-D
The topic is 'What Your Reality Says
About Your Thinking; And What To
Do To Change It'
The call will be LIVE at 9am and
again 5pm pacific. YES!! Two
different times to choose from!!
You can attend this training via phone,
Skype OR your web browser online!!!
And of course you will get the mp3
audio of the call, online replay AND
PDF transcript of every word ALL for
ONLY $47!!!
Now the web page isn't fully finished
so YOU can register and SAVE $20
THIS WEEKEND ONLY with this link
Which means if you register THIS
WEEKEND you'll get the WHOLE
training, live call, transcript and mp3
for ONLY $27 here:
May all YOUR dreams will come true.
I want this for you MORE than you
know. ;-D
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
P.S. Here is the link to register THIS
Weekend and SAVE $20!!!
http://www.virtualsuccesstherapy.com - NEW!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2012 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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