Welcome to November!!! ;-D
Today's topic is one I want you
to SAVE and refer back to again
and again. I want you to do the
exercises in today's lesson as
quickly as possible. The first
answer that pops into your head
is the answer you write down.
Here we go......
Who are the 5 people you spend
the MOST time with OTHER than
the people you live with. This
includes phone calls, in person
get togethers, texts, emails,
Now go back and put a (+) next to
their name if they are typically
a positive person and they bring
you UP or put a (-) next to their
name if they typically complain,
gripe and love to share what's
not going well or bring you down.
Now go back and write next to the
(+) or (-) what you think they earn
a year in salary, business
commissions, etc.
I ask you to write this information
down for you to SEE a few facts.....
1) You are the average of the top 5
people you associate with most!
So what does this mean you ask?
Well as you look at your list of
top five associations and you look
at whether they are a positive or
negative energy sponsor AND you
look at their own financial goals,
you have to ask yourself.....
2) Do you want those SAME results
Let me give you an example. Let's
say you have a goal of earning
$10,000 a month. You desire a
thriving business and career and you
want to be joyous doing it. BUT....
ALL five of your TOP associations
earn $3,000 a month. They are great
friends of yours that you've know
for a LONG time. They've seen your
good and bad times and remind you
often of both. They complain
sometimes and they don't always
want to find the positive of a
situation. They are all in
relationships but NOT happily and
share with you OFTEN the traits they
would gladly change about their
This is the reality for most, possibly
even you? In the end however, YOU
are 100% responsible for the results
that you're getting in EVERY area of
your life. And believe it or not, it
begins with the support (or lack
thereof) you have and with whom
you associate.
Have you heard the saying 'It's not
what you know, it's who you know'?
It's true!
Ask yourself honestly if your top 5
associations RIGHT NOW can support
you and your dreams? Have they
done some of the things you desire
to do? Can they guide you and bring
you to NEW places? Here's a saying
that cements my point.....
'If you want to fly with the eagles;
you need to quit scratching with the
turkeys.' - Zig Ziglar
Now please understand that I'm NOT
saying to dump your life long friends.
BUT I AM saying to limit your time
with them. Choose a new set of top
5 associations that WILL inspire you
to new heights and will PUSH you past
your current comfort zones.
This is your message to GROW and
EVERYTHING that you desire it PAST
your comfort zone. I'll meet you
there!!! ;-D
Remember.....EXPECT great things
and then WATCH what begins to
on Friday 11/11/11 I'm going to be
offering ALL of my audio programs
for ONLY $11.11!! Woooo Hoooo!!!
But it's ONE DAY ONLY!!! :-D
Make your list by picking out your
favorites below and then watch for
my email on Thursday!! ;-D
Pick your favorites here:
MAKE it a GREAT week!
Only YOU can!!!
Tune In, Take Charge and TAKE OFF!!

Shelby Collinge
Tune In, Take Charge and Take OFF!!
http://www.virtualsuccesstherapy.com - NEW!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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