Happy Thursday!!
I'm beyond THRILLED to
announce that we're in the
FINAL stages of my website
upgrade!!! I hope to unveil
my brand NEW site this
weekend some time. :-D
Wooooooooo Hoooooooo!!!
It's COMPLETELY different.
The colors, the layout, the
design, EVERYTHING. As you
can imagine I was able to
change ANYTHING with this
new upgrade and many things
are changing. INCLUDING
the audio programs I offer.
I figured since my website
was being upgraded, let's
upgrade your beliefs, desires
and expectations too!!!
So.....ALL of my audios
(currently 18 programs) are
(Thur 3/10 & Fri 3/11).
Simply enter coupon code
UPGRADE (all caps) at
checkout for your instant
50% savings!!
Grab your favorites here:
These audios have been
downloaded by HUNDREDS
of individuals and I can
tell you that they are ALL
FABULOUS!!! They're all
instantly downloadable
which means NO waiting,
NO sales tax and NO
shipping costs!!! :-D
Topics include money, fear,
success, quantum physics,
the words you speak, the
power of NOW, mindset, 5
steps for self soothing, health,
the list goes on and on. ;-D
Pick up your favorites for
1/2 off for today and
tomorrow ONLY. Use
coupon code UPGRADE (all
caps) at checkout!!!
ANY questions, reply and
let me know!!
ENJOY the audios!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
Patterns and problems are my SPECIALTY!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I'm beyond THRILLED to
announce that we're in the
FINAL stages of my website
upgrade!!! I hope to unveil
my brand NEW site this
weekend some time. :-D
Wooooooooo Hoooooooo!!!
It's COMPLETELY different.
The colors, the layout, the
design, EVERYTHING. As you
can imagine I was able to
change ANYTHING with this
new upgrade and many things
are changing. INCLUDING
the audio programs I offer.
I figured since my website
was being upgraded, let's
upgrade your beliefs, desires
and expectations too!!!
So.....ALL of my audios
(currently 18 programs) are
(Thur 3/10 & Fri 3/11).
Simply enter coupon code
UPGRADE (all caps) at
checkout for your instant
50% savings!!
Grab your favorites here:
These audios have been
downloaded by HUNDREDS
of individuals and I can
tell you that they are ALL
FABULOUS!!! They're all
instantly downloadable
which means NO waiting,
NO sales tax and NO
shipping costs!!! :-D
Topics include money, fear,
success, quantum physics,
the words you speak, the
power of NOW, mindset, 5
steps for self soothing, health,
the list goes on and on. ;-D
Pick up your favorites for
1/2 off for today and
tomorrow ONLY. Use
coupon code UPGRADE (all
caps) at checkout!!!
ANY questions, reply and
let me know!!
ENJOY the audios!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge
Patterns and problems are my SPECIALTY!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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