WHOLE new way of knowing your
mind body connection. I'm pretty

answer to this
question, but
I'm going to
ask it anyway.
'Do you have
ANY area on
your body where you experience
physical pain?' Things like
headaches, stiff neck, sore
shoulder, a bad knee, low back
problems, even that digestive
issue are SIGNS (post
manifestational awareness) of
blocks in your thinking.
Yep, they're signs your body is
sending you that essentially say

wanting and
what your
The degree
of pain equals the degree of
MIS-MATCH within you. I know it
may seem like a too good to be
true method, and it IS!! ;-D
Your body is a human lie
detector. Your heart knows things
LONG before your head does.

can't lie to
although we ALL try to. We
convince ourselves that what we
REALLY want is somehow not
achievable and then MAKE
ourselves settle and want something
less instead. The result...a headache.
We say yes to something that we
really don't want to, the result...an
upset stomach. you get the idea.....
Today notice where you have
physical pain or EVEN discomfort.
Ask your body what it's trying to
tell you. Whatever pops into your
mind IS correct. Don't doubt
yourself. I KNOW you will get
answers you never thought
Soon I'll be sending out the pdf

Mindset Matters Q&A
call from last week
and it was FABULOUS!!
This is the FIRST program that I have
included transcripts and I must say......
they REALLY have been a hit!! :-D
ALL member levels have access
to the transcripts AND calls at
membership starts at JUST $17!!
We have a call next week on
Tuesday at 10:00am pacific too
that I promise you, will make
a HUGE difference for you. Let my
natural tuning fork abilities blow
OPEN your mind!! Join now:
Have a GREAT day and BLESS
your pain it's got a TON to teach
you! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. if you haven't ever been a
fan of transcripts in the past,
know that I wasn't either, UNTIL
I realized that my one hour talk

pages of pure,
You can skim
them, read them, underline
them, highlight them or even take
them with you!!! I'll be sending
last week's transcripts shortly and
believe me, you want to read them!!!
Join now and ENJOY the welcome
gifts you receive immediately!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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