Sunday, October 31, 2010

a Spooktacular offer to work w/me for 50% off. Today ONLY!!! Waa Haa Haa!! ;-D

Happy Halloween!

I have a HUGE project in the works
and wanted to drum up some
extra funds to bring it to life AND
wanted to do a special fund raiser
with 10% of the sales going to
Breast Cancer Research
.  My mom
lost her left breast to cancer a few
years ago so this organization is
VERY close to my heart!  So here's
what I'm going to do.........

For TODAY only (10/31) I'm
offering 50% off my personal
!!  That's right!!  You can
book a 30 or 60 minute session
(which is recorded) for half off by
using coupon code HALLOWEEN
at checkout.

I'm also going to give the first 25
people who purchase either a 30 or
60 minute session an ADDITIONAL
BONUS 15 minutes of time with
.  :-)  This truly is a one-of-a
kind opportunity. ($125 value)

Now there are a few conditions...

1) limit 3 sessions per person.

2) sessions must be used by

3) there is a limit of 100 total
    discounted sessions being
    offered (including 30 & 60
    min sessions).

4) Coupon code HALLOWEEN is
   valid for first 100 sessions
   purchased or until midnight
   pacific on 10/31/10, which ever
   comes first.

5) Immediately after purchase via
   email you'll receive a special
   link to schedule your session(s)
   in real-time online or in the future
   up to 8 weeks in advance!  You're
   in COMPLETE control of when and
   what time we work together!
NOW is the time to work with me
and you can do it TODAY only for
HALF PRICE!!! YES that's right......
50% off........

Not only will you be
supporting a FABULOUS
organization with your
purchase AND getting
to work with me to release your
mental luggage, but the REALLY
fabulous part of this promotion is that
you can SAVE up to three sessions
to use WHENEVER you need them
in the future!!
We'll keep track of everything
for you!!!  Think of it as an early
holiday gift to yourself that you
SO very much deserve.
I REALLY look forward to working
with you.  Be sure to order your session(s)
right away and get those BONUS
15 minutes!!! 

If you've never worked with a
Mind Magician like me, this is
the PERFECT reason to give it a
try!!!  If you have, then you KNOW
what a sensational this offer is
and I'll talk to you SOON!! ;-D

Have a FABULOUS Halloween and
be sure to EXPECT great things!!!

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. TODAY ONLY (10/31) you can
purchase a personal 30 or 60 minute
personal session with me for 50% off using
coupon code HALLOWEEN at checkout!! 
Offer valid for the first 100 only so.......

Order your session(s) NOW here:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Do you have questions? Tomorrow @ 10:00am is the time to ASK!!

Happy Wednesday!!  It's definitely a 
Woooooo Hoooooo kind of day! ;-D

I'm writing because tomorrow is my
Mindset Matters Q&A call and I want
to invite you to join us
.  This is a
once-a-month mind opener that will
move you forward in unimagined

If you have questions about things

- patterns that keep occurring in your

- areas that you keep repeating the
  same set backs and struggles

- goals and desires that you can't
  seem to reach

- things taking longer than you like

- not being able to be positive and
  to find the GOOD in all situations

- not knowing what is keeping you
  from achieving what you want

then tomorrow's call is for you!!!
Join here:

You can even email me your
question(s) in advance
if you can't
be live on the call.  For a full 60
minutes I'll cover all the topics
that are important to you.  And
you'll get the audio download and
transcript of the call
depending on
which membership you choose!! 

Membership starts at JUST $17
a month
(which is LESS than
dinner out) and ALL membership
levels include two LIVE one hour
calls a month, transcripts,
reminders AND member discounts.

Join me tomorrow at 10:00am
/1:00pm eastern for a
FULL one hour Question & Answer
call.  Just listening to other
people's questions and situations
will change you in profound ways. 
Now you can get unstuck, face your
fears AND move forward in ONE

This program is for you if:

- you want a/more relationship(s)
 (personal, friends, colleagues, etc.)

- you want to release weight and
  align with a healthy body
- you're ready to ALLOW more
  financial success to come to you

- you want to improve your career or

- you're ready to finally LIVE and
  experience the life you've been

You KNOW I'm talking to you and
I'm sure you know by now, for things
to change on the outside, you have
to change things on the inside FIRST!

Think of your mind as the steering
wheel in your car.  For you to get
somewhere, ANYWHERE, you have
to go there in your mind first.
ALL have a "story" about how hard
things have to be and what HAS to
be done before we can have what
we want.  My Mindset Matters program
will help you uncover the story, that
is literally putting the 'brakes' on
you getting what you want, and
aide you in CHANGING the story.

You change your story, you change
your results.
  It's that easy and
that hard. 

Join me tomorrow at 10:00am and
let me help you uncover what you
REALLY believe
!!!  ;-D

EXPECT a fabulous day, you won't
be disappointed!!!  ;-D


BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  Remember you can email me
your questions in advance and I
WILL answer them on our live call
tomorrow at 10:00am pacific.  Now
there is NO reason you can't move
  I will answer your questions
tomorrow!!!  Join me!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, October 25, 2010

I Re-Started My ECourse & Was Blown Away!

It's true!

I receive hundreds of emails and
letters a week and I read EVERY
single one.  Well quite a few of
my recent letters and emails have
inspired me.

Like everyone else I fall into OLD
habits of using a great program
one maybe two times and that's
it.  I get results, am happy about
them, but I don't CONTINUE to
use the program and SEE what
happens.  Until now.......... ;-)

Well after receiving about my 89th
email that week about my Miracles
(which is a 30 day program)
I decided I was going to re-start
my Miracles Ecourse for maybe the
4th time since I created it.  (Mind
you it's a 30 day program and I
created this AMAZING program in

So off I went.  I again began
receiving my emails every day and
at the absolute PERFECT time.  I
played along and DID what the
program asked of me and AGAIN
like clock work the results came
flooding in!!!

In fact just YESTERDAY (I tweeted
and facebooked about it too) I
received a letter from the California
State Controllers Office and with
a few phone calls, I have $500
coming to me from two accounts I
haven't used since 2006!!!  MY
results have been astounding since
I re-started my Miracles Ecourse!

So......if you have purchased my
in the past then you know
it comes with the lifetime ability to
re-start it WHENEVER you need it.
Today is that day!!!  Contact us and
we will re-start it for you. 

If however you haven't purchased
my Miracles Ecourse PLEASE consider
it.  It's not a ton of work.  Each email
was created to UNDO the workings of
your mind and what you think is
possible.  It PROVES itself to you
EVERY single day.  You will SEE
results as you go.  You will SEE
how you ARE getting what you EXPECT.

You can't read my miracle emails
every day and NOT be changed in a
VERY positive way
.  There are some
things that work and don't need to be
altered or re-created in ANY way.  THIS
is that program for me.  I created it
4 1/2 years ago with a LIVE audience
and it has proven to be time tested
and client approved by the hundreds!
I even enhanced a few things at the
end of last year to make it even easier!

If you're ready to get things started =)

And remember if you have purchased
my Miracles Ecourse in the past, respond
to this email and let us re-start it for
you.  Then let the Miracles begin AGAIN!!! 

Have a miracle filled week, you deserve
it!!!  ;-)

EXPECT great things!!!

BIG Hugs and MUCH Love,
Shelby Collinge

P.S.  ENJOY this program, it WILL open
you up in brand new ways.  It doesn't
have to be difficult but it DOES need to
be different!!  Get Ready! ;-)

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, October 22, 2010

NOW it's time to reap your harvest! You Ready?

Tonight is going to be a full moon :-)
and is the PERFECT time to begin
aligning with and bringing in
your harvest!!  This IS the time of
year when ALL your hard work of
planting seeds and tending to the
crop finally begins to bear fruit.  It's
Harvest Time!!

Last month in my Mindset Matters
program I did a call on 'How to Bring
in Your Harvest' and it was a
HUMONGOUS success.  It was so
good and the feedback has been
so superb that I'm going to allow
non-members to buy the audio
and transcript package for ONLY $27!

For this weekend only (10/23 &
10/24) I'm making available my
'How to Bring in Your Harvest' audio
complete with downloadable pdf
transcripts for ONLY $27 so you can
experience just how powerful my
Mindset Matters calls are. 

As you know words don't teach, it's
life experience that teaches and I
KNOW when you listen to this audio
and absorb the transcripts you will
come away with at LEAST 7 powerful
mindset shifts
and a-ha's that will
product SIGNIFICANT changes in
your results and life.

In my 'How to Bring in Your Harvest'
call I covered topics like

 - the power of living in the 'now'

 - manifesting and some 'how to's'

 - the past and the future

 - beliefs and expectation

 - resistance and how to handle it

 - the Law of Suffering and

 - the Law of Ease

and much, much more!

Immediately check your email after
purchase for all your download
instructions. No waiting, No sales
tax, No shipping, No hassle! 
recommend you burn the audio to
a CD right away and listen to it in
your car ALL WEEKEND long. 
Whenever you get in the car, turn
the audio on.

If you don't absolutely LOVE this
audio package, let me know
I'll make you happy.  This truly is
one of my best one hour audios to
date and is a MUST in your audio
library.  It's packed with insights to
move you rapidly toward what you
want AND it gives you a 'behind-the
scenes of my Mindset Matters calls
and what they're like!!  ;-D

Download it Now!

EXPECT great things ALL weekend
long, ONLY YOU CAN.  ;-D

You're going to LOVE it, I Promise!!!  ;-D

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's not about what happens, it's about what YOU make it mean!

I'm speaking from PERSONAL
experience in this email, LOL ;-D 
I realized it's a FABULOUS example
of how things happen and I get
to choose what I'm going to make
it mean.

Yesterday I sent out an email.  I
was TOTALLY excited about it.  It
was in a new html format and it
looked very fun.  I included a
picture of my new hair cut and a
fabulous picture of my two labs
(one of which turns 10 tomorrow)
and NONE of the pictures turned
out.  So what did I do........

I sent ANOTHER email and tried
to do things a little different and
guess what.......the pictures didn't
show AGAIN!!

I'm sure you know, life happens.

But it's NEVER about what happens,
instead it's about what YOU make
it mean. 

Think about it, nothing comes with
value or meaning.  WE assign the
value and meaning to something.
WE decide what it means to US, if
it's good or bad, if it will hold us
back or make us stronger.  It's all
choice and one that I too had to

I have NO idea why the pictures
didn't show up, the preview I saw
before I hit 'send' was FABULOUS!!
But that isn't what landed in your
inbox.  I got to decide what this
all meant.

Would I discontinue using pictures
(or trying to use pictures), would
I switch email companies, would I
try a third time, would I be defeated
and just say 'forget it!'.  It's ALWAYS
a choice.  and so I decided to try
a third time.

Will I succeed?  I DON'T KNOW.
But I do know that I if I don't try
again I most definitely CAN'T

Here is a picture of my new haircut.
What do you think...........

And here is a picture of Molly.  She
is my yellow lab and tomorrow is
her 10th birthday.  She is pictured
below with my chocolate lab Tellula
who will be exactly 6 1/2 tomorrow.
Their birthdays are exactly six
months apart!!  ;-D

Life shows you what you're made
of.  Life challenges you so you can
SEE what you're made of. You're
never given something you can't
handle.  The question is..... are
you ready to step up?

I'll help you!I'm changing the layout
of my audio offers.  I want it to be
easier for me!!  (maybe that's why
my pictures didn't show up!!) Below
are three choices.  They are on
sale through 10/22 and because
tomorrow is Molly's 10th birthday,
I will send a VERY special gift to
the next 50 people who pick up
any one of of the below audio

1) "Manifest Attract & Align"
   Complete Audio Package

Regular: $47.00
Sale Price: $27.00  (til 10/22)

Over 3+ hours of audios. I walk
you through how to manifest, 
attract and align with anything
you desire.

one (1) 90+ min lecture (2) two
energy process audios and (1)
45+ min interactive Q&A.  The
real-time paradigm shifts and
transformations are truly

Order Manifesting Package Now!

2) "Success and Failure" mp3 audio

Regular: $17.00
Sale Price: $12.00  (til 10/22)

One 60+ min audio program. In
this audio, I talk about success
and failure and the benefits of

Failure is necessary for clarity
and MANY other reasons. Every-
thing has both sides of the polarity.
Listen and learn how EVERY failure
is a success and something you
can USE in a new way. 

Order Success & Failure Now!

3) "Problems; What they are,
What they mean & How to solve
them" mp3 audio

Regular: $17.00
Sale Price: $12.00  (til 10/22)

One 60+ min audio program. I
talk about what causes problems
what they mean, how to solve them,
and MUCH, MUCH, MORE. You'll
learn how to step-by-step unravel
ANY problem you may experiencing
in ANY area of your life.

(This is DEFINITELY one audio
program you want in your audio

Order Problems Audio Now!

When life hands you a challenge
or a setback it's up to YOU what
you're going to do with it.  You
manifested the experience to
grown and expand from and I
know you're ready!!!

EnJOY the ride and be sure to
EXPECT great things!!

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hello, hello, is anybody there? Come in, over!!! LOL ;-D

You're receiving this email because you signed up or made a purchase at

Has your harvest begun to come in???

I'll teach you how to become conscious of the story you're telling yourself that's KEEPING you from what you want.

Hi %$firstname$%, It has been a while since I've written and I thought I would try something a little new!! ;-D  What do you think??  Change can feel awkward and un-safe but change is what brings ALL the fruit.  I've learned to not only embrace change but to LOVE it and welcome it, hence today's message!!

If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn you know that I recently changed my profile picture.  Why?  Because I changed my hair style!!!  I love my new look and thought I would share it with you.  Change is FABULOUS and it brings in the new.  Can you see a theme........

I have a TON of "new" happening in my business and I'm BEYOND excited.  On a personal note by yellow lab Molly will be turning 10 on Friday.  She is one of the sweetest dog's EVER (hence why I have two dogs, LOL) and I'm thrilled to wish her a VERY Happy Birthday.  Here's a picture of her and my chocolate lab Tellula (6 1/2 years old).  We walk at least 2 miles together every day.  Needless to say, they both keep me quite active!!  ;-D

On the business side I'm trying Mobile Coupons for the very first time.  I submitted my first mobile ad yesterday.  I'm awaiting it's approval and to hear it has gone LIVE.  I have NO idea what the result will be, but I had an opportunity to try something NEW and I'm going for it!!  You never know unless you try!  Right??!!

That's the REAL question.....are you trying NEW things, NEW attitudes, NEW behaviors, NEW thoughts, NEW beliefs?  If not, why?  It IS a choice.  To do the same things as yesterday and think the same thoughts as yesterday is EASY to do, but it will only produce the same results you got yesterday.  The NEWness is where it's at!

Only when you begin to think NEW thoughts and expect NEW results will things shift.  Your mindset matters.  You've heard me say it before and it's TRUE, 'for things to change for you, YOU need to change.'  You can't expect the economy to change or your job to change or your relationships to change, or your income to change, if you don't.  It WON'T happen. 

Change is NOT hard and quite frankly, it's liberating.  It really does bring your excitement level and personal energy to a whole NEW place.  Today is the day to begin expecting NEW results and I'm going to offer a few very easy ways to invite change into your life. 

As you may remember I asked for your feedback a week or so ago.  I asked if you preferred an updated webpage to visit for offers and events or if you preferred offers via email with a discount because it's easier.  WELL........I was SHOCKED that over 98% of you preferred to have an email offer.  I have to admit this is the exact OPPOSITE of what they teach you in marketing school.  But I'm THRILLED to offer you what you want and the WAY you want it!!!  Wooooo Hooooo!!! ;-D

Below are three audio programs that are NOT available on my website or
anywhere else.  I have hand picked these audios to help you bring in
your harvest and allow the change that's waiting for you. The below special priced audio offers are valid through Friday 10/22/10Mindset Matters members can of course use your member discount.  The first 50 people to grab one of the FABULOUS audios below will also receive a VERY special gift from me in honor of Molly's birthday!!  I can't tell you what it is because it's a gift, but I CAN tell you're going to LOVE it!!!

I recommend you pick up ALL three!!!  This is the time of year to REAP your harvest.  It is a choice.  And the sooner you get in control of your mind and steer it in the direction YOU choose, the sooner you'll reap your harvest.  I'll help you. 

Have a FABULOUS rest of your week and be sure to EXPECT great things!!

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Colling

"Manifest Attract & Align" mp3 audio Package "Success and Failure" 
60 minute mp3 audio
"Problems; What they are, What they mean & How to solve them" mp3 audio

Regular: $47.00
Sale Price: $27.00
Over 3+ hours of audios. I walk you through how
to manifest,  attract and align with anything
you desire.

one (1) 90+ min lecture
(2) two
energy process audios and (1) 45+ min interactive Q&A. 
real-time paradigm
shifts and transformations are
truly AMAZING!!

Order here now!
Regular: $17.00
Sale Price: $12.00
One 60+ min audio program. In this audio, I talk about
success and failure and the benefits of both. 

You'll have a whole new
mental spin on how things
work out.  This limitation
breaking audio packed
with life examples to
shed light in a whole
NEW way.

Order here now!
Regular: $17.00
Sale Price: $12.00
One 60+ min audio program.
I walk you through what
problems are and step by step
how to unravel ANY problem
you may experiencing in ANY
area of your life.
I talk about what causes
problems what
they mean,
how to solve them, and
one audio
program you want in
your audio library!)

Order here now!
Mindset Matters Program| Sessions with Me| Manifesting Ecourse| Blog

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a reality check for your relationships and associations!!

Today's post is one I want you
to SAVE and refer back to again
and again. I want you to do the
exercises in today's email as
quickly as possible. The first
answer that pops into your head
is the answer you write down.

Are you ready??  Here we go......

Who are the 5 people you spend
the MOST time with OTHER than
the people you live with. This
includes phone calls, in person
get together's, texts, emails,






Now go back and put a (+) next to
their name if they are typically
a positive person and they bring
you UP or put a (-) next to their
name if they typically complain,
gripe and love to share what's
not going well or bring you down.

Now go back and write next to the
(+) or (-) what you think they earn
a year in salary, business
commissions, etc.

I ask you to write this information
down for you to SEE a few facts.....

1) You are the average of the top
5 people you associate with most!

So what does this mean you ask?
Well as you look at your list of
top five associations and you look
at whether they are a positive or
negative energy sponsor AND you
look at their own financial goals,
you have to ask yourself.....

2) Do you want those SAME results

Let me give you an example. Let's
say you have a goal of earning
$10,000 a month. You desire a
thriving business and career and
you want to be joyous doing it. BUT....

ALL five of your TOP associations
earn $3,000 a month. They are great
friends of yours that you've know
for a LONG time. They've seen your
good and bad times and remind you
often of both. They complain
sometimes and they don't always
want to find the positive of a
situation. They are all in
relationships but NOT happily and
share with you OFTEN the traits they
would gladly change about their

This is the reality for most, possibly
even you? In the end however, YOU
are 100% responsible for the results
that you're getting in EVERY area of
your life. And believe it or not, it
begins with the support (or lack
thereof) you have and with whom
you associate.

Have you heard the saying 'It's not
what you know, it's WHO you know'?

It's true!!!!

Ask yourself honestly if your top 5
associations RIGHT NOW can
support you and your dreams? Have
they done some of the things you
desire to do? Can they guide you
and bring you to NEW places? Here's
a saying that cements my point.....

'If you want to fly with the eagles;
you need to quit scratching with the
turkeys.' - Zig Ziglar

Now please understand that I'm NOT
saying to dump your life long friends.
BUT I AM saying to limit your time
with them. Choose a new set of top
5 associations that WILL inspire you
to new heights and will PUSH you
past your current comfort zones.

Yesterday on my Mindset Matters
call I talked for an hour on
Relationships and Associations. 
What they reflect, how to improve
them, how to MANIFEST more of
them in ALL areas of life, and much
much more.

If you're not a member of my Mindset
Program, TODAY is the day
to join.  I'll be sending out
yesterday's mp3 audio download link
very soon, not to mention the
transcripts from our Q&A call will be
hitting member's email boxes in the
next day or two!!  :-D 

There are THREE membership levels
to choose from and they begin at
ONLY $17 a month!!

Pick which level works best for you:

This is your message to GROW.
EVERYTHING that you desire it PAST
your comfort zone. That's where all
the good stuff is.  I'll meet you
there!!! ;-D

EXPECT great things and then WATCH
what begins to happen!!!

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  Join my Mindset Matters Program
TODAY and receive yesterdays one hour
audio on 'Relationships and Associations'
AND our Q&A transcripts from last week.
You'll LOVE this program!!!  Join Now!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Woooo Hoooo it's 10/10/10! Let's have some FUN!! $10 Audios TODAY only!!

Happy 10-10-10!


Woooooooooo Hoooooooooo!!! :-D

There aren't many years in your
lifetime that will be so perfectly
aligned as 10-10-10.  In fact,
this is a once-in-a-lifetime date!

I love to have a reason to celebrate
and have some fun.  So I've picked
FIVE fabulous audio programs from
my audio archives and am making
them available for $10 TODAY

Each of them is at least 60 mins
long, instantly downloadable and
is jam packed with mind shifting
nuggets and conscious awareness

The REALLY fabulous news is, no
waiting, no sales tax, no shipping
charges and no headaches.  As
soon as you make your selections
and complete your order, check your
email for your download instructions.

These audios have NEVER been
offered before
so no matter how
long you have been a member of
my email community, these are
BRAND NEW selections!!!  Wooo

ANY questions, simply reply to this
email, we'd LOVE to hear from you.
Below are FIVE hand picked audio
selections and a brief description.
ALL five selections are available for
$10 TODAY ONLY!! (10-10-10)

Here are ALL 5 audios........

100 minute Group Coaching Audio 
($35 value) ONLY $10 today!
In this audio, I coach six participants
through personal limitations, anger,
frustration and the BLOCKS to their
success. This limitation breaking audio
packed with life examples to shed
light in a whole NEW way.

Get your copy on 10/10/10 for $10 here:

2) 63 minute 'What-is-itis' Audio
($17 value) ONLY $10 today!

In this audio I talk about the dis-ease
called 'What-is-itis'.  You suffer from
this condition when you get caught up
in 'what is' and keep noticing 'what is'
and therefore you keep experiencing
'what is'.  This audio will address that
hamster wheel effect and how to get
off of it!

Get your copy on 10/10/10 for $10 here:

'Leverage Who You Already Know'

60 minute audio with PDF workbook.
($23 value) ONLY $10 today!
The average person knows 250 people.
This audio will teach you step-by-step
how to leverage the people you
ALREADY know for success in ALL
areas of your life.  Included is a
FABULOUS Alphabet of Association
exercise which will blow open your
mind with possibilities.

Get your copy on 10/10/10 for $10 here:

63 minute 'How to Make Time Your
Servant' Audio
60 minute audio with
PDF workbook. ($23 value) ONLY $10

In case you haven't noticed, either you
learn to handle time or time handles
you.  This audio will walk you through
time management and give you a
step-by-step plan on how to get MORE
time out of your day.  Insights on how
you're thinking about time and what
to do to INCREASE results.

Get your copy on 10/10/10 for $10 here:

60 minute 'Focus and Letting Go'
($17 value) ONLY $10 today!
In this audio I cover the power of
focus and literally SHOW you why
things are or aren't showing up for
you.  I also talk about letting go
and HOW to let go to allow what
you want in.  This audio will uplevel
your creation time and make things
happen MUCH quicker.

Get your copy on 10/10/10 for $10 here:

I do hope you pick up ALL 5 audios!!
They are quite the bargain and I know
they will give you HUGE insights in
brand NEW ways.

ENJOY them and be sure to expect
FABULOUS surprises ALL day today
and CELEBRATE 10/10/10!!
Woooooo Hoooooo!!!  ;-D

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, October 08, 2010

Results have been ASTONISHING!! I would LOVE to know what YOU think!

I sent out the below email yesterday
and thankfully I have received
hundreds of responses and quite
frankly I have been ASTONISHED
at what most people said. 

BEFORE I share with you what folks
had to say, I want to know what YOU
think...If you haven't responded
yet, PLEASE DO SO NOW.  Read the
below email.

It will only take a minute and I
promise I will share with you the
HUGE insights and results I've
learned!!  I'm SHOCKED!!!  ;-D


As you know, word don't teach, it's
life experience that teaches.  And
the only way we know what we want
sometimes is to get what we DON'T
want.  FIRST.

Here's how that has played out for

Recently I wrote that I would be
updating my 'Monthly Programs'
page for you.  Well I'm NOT, LOL. 
I got honest with myself and the
bottom line is.......... I have NO
desire to update a product/program
page every month!

1shoppingcart had MAJOR problems
last weekend and it really got me
thinking..... rather than you having
to visit an updated webpage each
month for offers, I'd MUCH rather
make it EASIER for you by giving
you SPECIAL DISCOUNT incentives
to purchase new programs and
products via email!! 

Woooooooo Hooooooo!! 

This an opportunity to experience
NEW results by learning and trying
something new at a FABULOUSLY
affordable price.  Sounds GREAT
right????  ;-D
It only makes sense!!!  We have
the technology, let's use it!!!
These FAB discount offers aren't
available anywhere else EXCEPT in
this email.  If something jumps
out at you, GRAB IT!!!

OK my first suggestion is.........

My 'Power of your Words' mp3
audio program! This is probably one
of m
y BEST audio programs EVER
because we are talking to ourselves
and others ALL day long
.  Imagine
what one or two changes in your
wording could do.....I'll SHOW you
as I walk you through a FABULOUS
word/mind exercise!  This audio is
over an hour and until Sunday you
can grab it for ONLY $15!! (reg $17)

my second suggestion is........

My 'How to Leverage the 7 Laws of
the Universe
' mp3 audio program. 
You may be thinking, 'I don't need
to know how to leverage the laws of
the universe', but YES you do!!  If
you have EVER experienced suffering
of ANY kind,
this audio will give you
some HUGE mind shifts and RELIEF!
It too is over an hour long, jam
PACKED with insights and is ONLY $15
until Sunday!! (reg $17)

and my FAVORITEST program
that I JUST put together is.

My 'Mind Powers-Best of Bundle'!! 
I compiled my TOP 5 Mind Powers
calls from over the YEARS and
bundled them together
(with a HUGE
discount) to instigate HUGE
.  Covered in this
bundle is Frustration, Fear, Clearing
the Slate, The Answers and Beliefs. 
It's over 5 hours of mp3 audios and
you can own it for ONLY $57 until
Sunday. (reg $67)

***Remember Mindset Matters
members you can use your monthly
discount ON TOP of these discounted
prices!!!***  Wooooo Hooooo!! 

ANY questions, simply reply and let us
know!!  Have a GREAT weekend %$firstname$%
and be sure to EXPECT fabulous
surprises ALL weekend long!!  ;-D

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  What do YOU think %$firstname$%? 
Does my email only offers sound
like a good idea? or would you
rather visit a webpage each month? 
I would LOVE to hear what YOU think. 

Would you rather have a webpage to
look at or shop via email and get a
more affordable price?  Be honest! 
If you reply to this email and let me
know your thoughts, I'll send you a

Simply hit 'reply' and share your
thoughts!!!  THANK YOU!!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, October 07, 2010

I'm ditching an idea & trying again. I would LOVE to know what YOU think!!

As you know, word don't teach, it's
life experience that teaches.  And
the only way we know what we want
sometimes is to get what we DON'T
want.  FIRST.

Here's how that has played out for

Recently I wrote that I would be
updating my 'Monthly Programs'
page for you.  Well I'm NOT, LOL. 
I got honest with myself and the
bottom line is.......... I have NO
desire to update a product/program
page every month!

1shoppingcart had MAJOR problems
last weekend and it really got me
thinking..... rather than you having
to visit an updated webpage each
month for offers, I'd MUCH rather
make it EASIER for you by giving
you SPECIAL DISCOUNT incentives
to purchase new programs and
products via email!! 

Woooooooo Hooooooo!! 

This an opportunity to experience
NEW results by learning and trying
something new at a FABULOUSLY
affordable price.  Sounds GREAT
right????  ;-D

It only makes sense!!!  We have
the technology, let's use it!!!

These FAB discount offers aren't
available anywhere else EXCEPT in
this email.  If something jumps
out at you, GRAB IT!!!

 OK my first suggestion is.........

My 'Power of your Words' mp3
audio program! This is probably one
of m
y BEST audio programs EVER
because we are talking to ourselves
and others ALL day long
.  Imagine
what one or two changes in your
wording could do.....I'll SHOW you
as I walk you through a FABULOUS
word/mind exercise!  This audio is
over an hour and until Sunday you
can grab it for ONLY $15!! (reg $17)

  my second suggestion is........

My 'How to Leverage the 7 Laws of
the Universe
' mp3 audio program. 
You may be thinking, 'I don't need
to know how to leverage the laws of
the universe', but YES you do!!  If
you have EVER experienced suffering
of ANY kind,
this audio will give you
some HUGE mind shifts and RELIEF!
It too is over an hour long, jam
PACKED with insights and is ONLY $15
until Sunday!! (reg $17)

and my FAVORITEST program
that I JUST put together is.

My 'Mind Powers-Best of Bundle'!! 
I compiled my TOP 5 Mind Powers
calls from over the YEARS and
bundled them together
(with a HUGE
discount) to instigate HUGE
.  Covered in this
bundle is Frustration, Fear, Clearing
the Slate, The Answers and Beliefs. 
It's over 5 hours of mp3 audios and
you can own it for ONLY $57 until
Sunday. (reg $67)

***Remember Mindset Matters
members you can use your monthly
discount ON TOP of these discounted
prices!!!***  Wooooo Hooooo!! 

ANY questions, simply reply and let us
know!!  Have a GREAT weekend
and be sure to EXPECT fabulous
surprises ALL weekend long!!  ;-D

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  What do YOU think? 
Does my email only offers sound
like a good idea? or would you
rather visit a webpage each month? 
I would LOVE to hear what YOU think. 

Would you rather have a webpage to
look at or shop via email and get a
more affordable price?  Be honest! 
If you reply to this email and let me
know your thoughts, I'll send you a

Simply email me at
and share your thoughts!!!  THANK YOU!!!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Physical Pain. What does it mean? What could it mean?

Today's post will open up a
WHOLE new way of knowing your
mind body connection.  I'm pretty
sure I know the
answer to this
question, but
I'm going to
ask it anyway. 
'Do you have
ANY area on
your body where you experience
physical pain?'  Things like
headaches, stiff neck, sore
shoulder, a bad knee, low back
problems, even that digestive
issue are SIGNS (post
manifestational awareness) of
blocks in your thinking.

Yep, they're signs your body is
sending you that essentially say
'What you're
wanting and
what your
The degree

of pain equals the degree of
MIS-MATCH within you.  I know it
may seem like a too good to be
true method, and it IS!!  ;-D

Your body is a human lie
detector. Your heart knows things
LONG before your head does. 
And we
can't lie to
although we ALL try to.  We
convince ourselves that what we
REALLY want is somehow not
achievable and then MAKE
ourselves settle and want something
less instead.  The result...a headache. 
We say yes to something that we
really don't want to, the
upset stomach.  you get the idea.....

Today notice where you have
physical pain or EVEN discomfort. 
Ask your body what it's trying to
tell you. Whatever pops into your
mind IS correct.  Don't doubt
yourself.  I KNOW you will get
answers you never thought

Soon I'll be sending out the pdf
transcripts of my
Mindset Matters Q&A
call from last week
and it was FABULOUS!! 
This is the FIRST program that I have
included transcripts and I must say......
they REALLY have been a hit!! :-D

ALL member levels have access
to the transcripts AND calls at
membership starts at JUST $17!! 
We have a call next week on
Tuesday at 10:00am pacific too
that I promise you, will make
a HUGE difference for you.  Let my
natural tuning fork abilities blow
OPEN your mind!!  Join now:

Have a GREAT day and BLESS
your pain it's got a TON to teach
you!  ;-D

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S.  if you haven't ever been a
fan of transcripts in the past,
know that I wasn't either, UNTIL
I realized that my one hour talk
becomes 25
pages of pure,
You can skim
them, read them, underline
them, highlight them or even take
them with you!!!  I'll be sending
last week's transcripts shortly and
believe me, you want to read them!!! 
Join now and ENJOY the welcome
gifts you receive immediately!!! ;-D

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, October 04, 2010

What do ANTS and mindset have in common? I'll tell you......

Now you might be thinking what do
ANTS and my mindset have in
common and I say.....EVERYTHING.

There are a few things I want to
say about ANTS.  First of all I
want to explain exactly what they
are.  ANTS are Automatic Negative
Thoughts.  Have you ever experienced
a negative thought before ;-)

Of course you have.  Today's topic
is about the AUTOMATIC negative
thoughts that you're thinking on a
daily basis.  In fact you're thinking
about your ANTS 100's of times per
day, however MUCH of that is
completely unconscious UNTIL

I want you to think about something
that happened either today or
yesterday that caused you to be
upset in ANY way.  Think about
what happened, how you felt and
what pictures began to appear on
the screen of your mind.

Now write down what THOUGHTS you
began to think.





When someone close to you asks
you how things are going and you
complain, what do you usually say?





If you could have ONE problem fixed
right now, what problem would you
have fixed? Why fix that problem?





What's your theory as to why
things aren't going the way you'd
like them to?





Be sure to ANSWER IN WRITING all
the above questions.  Use as much
space as you need.  What you will
begin to SEE is your ANTS.  You
will see in your OWN words what you
typically begin to think when things
go wrong and in some cases, why.

You will then want to become VERY
conscious of what you say through-
out the day. Notice when an ANT is
being talked about (again either
out loud or in your mind). Catch
yourself. By doing this exercise
you're calling this to your mind's

Your mind does what it's told.
ALWAYS! Watch, notice, observe
how quickly you begin noticing your
ANTS.  And every time you hear
yourself think about your ANTS
(out loud OR in your head) replace
the ANT with what you WANT.

It will get easier and easier and
you will SEE your results manifest
at the speed of what seems almost
over night!  It's NOT hard, however
it does take repetition and
patience. Replace your ANTS and
life will become magical!

I'm going to recommend a few of
my products to get you started
even quicker.  1shoppingcart has
been having MAJOR problems over
the weekend so these are NOT yet
available on my website.  I'm going
to give you a SPECIAL DISCOUNT
on them through tomorrow because
my October Program Offerings aren't
yet on my site! 

the first one is.........

My 'Power of your Words' mp3
audio program! This is probably one
of my BEST audio programs because
we are talking to ourselves and others
ALL day long.  It's over an hour and
until tomorrow you can grab it for
ONLY $15!! (reg $17)

the second one is........

My 'How to Leverage the 7 Laws of
the Universe' mp3 audio program. 
You may be thinking, 'I don't need
to know hot to leverage the laws of
the universe', but YES you do!!  If
you have EVER experienced suffering
of ANY kind, this audio will give you
some HUGE insights! It too is over
an hour and you can grab it for ONLY
$15 until tomorrow!! (reg $17)

and the third one is.......

My 'Mind Powers-Best of Bundle'!!  I
compiled my TOP 5 Mind Powers
calls from over the years and bundled
them together to instigate HUGE
breakthroughs for those who weren't
members.  Covered in this bundle is
Frustration, Fear, Clearing the Slate,
The Answers and Beliefs.  It's over 5
hours of mp3 audios and you can
own it for ONLY $57 until Tuesday.
(reg $67)

ANY questions, simply reply and let us
know!!  Be sure to NOTICE your ANTS
and pick up my featured programs to
help make it easier!!!  Think....if you
only learned ONE new way to shift your
thinking how much that would benefit
you over your lifetime!!  PRICELESS!!! 
Begin now!!!

Have a GREAT week and be sure to
EXPECT fabulous surprises ALL day
long!!  ;-D

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, October 01, 2010

What or who triggers you? What does it mean?

Welcome to October!!!  :-D

AS you might imagine I too am
learning as I go and becoming
more and conscious of my habits,
patterns and BELIEFS about life
and what it all means.

Well just the other day I was
having a VERY in depth conversation
with a colleague and I became
triggered.  In a flash I felt judgment,
frustration, and a little bit of anger
entering my mind and thoughts.  I was
USING HIM as my excuse to get
upset.  Somehow I let HIS opinions

Has that every happened to you?

I'm SURE it has.  That's what
triggers do.  But here's the interesting
part.  These same triggers that get us
upset and out of flow ARE THE
VERY teachings that will propel us
to that next level.  They're steps that

The question is.....are you learning

Learning FEELS GOOD and you
gain a new perspective around the
person, issue or circumstance.
Resisting FEELS BAD and you tend
to create the SAME type of person,
issue or circumstance again and
again.  It can almost feel like you're
running a hamster wheel, not really
getting anywhere.  Have you ever
experienced that?

I KNOW you have!  The key is to
quickly as possible.  To learn from
it and get on with living the life you
DESIRE.  And the sooner you observe
exactly what is triggering you the
LESS YOU SUFFER.  So here's a
few questions to think about......

- What person, circumstance or life
issue is triggering you? 

- What 'problems' have you
experienced more than twice? 

- What are you WORRIED about
MORE than you know is good for you? 

- Who has the ability to get you upset
easier than anyone else you know? 

- What thoughts bring tears to your
eyes the moment you think about

These are your triggers.  These are
your teachers.  Want to learn from
them?  I KNOW YOU DO and I KNOW
YOU MUST to get further.

I offer 30 AND 60 minute sessions
I now offer them VIA WEBCAM as well
as by phone.  You can SEE ME LIVE
and not even need a webcam yourself!
Webcam sessions are COMPLETELY
ONLINE, completely private and you don't
need  a land line or special calling plan! 
How's that for 100% EASY!!


Because I KNOW you have triggers
that are robbing you of piece of
ENERGY, I'm going to GIVE YOU
my 'Top 3 Audio Bundle' with ANY
session purchase ($47 value)!! 
That's right.  You'll get my TOP
3 best selling 60 minute audio programs
as a FREE gift with ANY 30 or 60
minute personal session.  You will
receive an email shortly after purchase
with your download links. 

I encourage you to LISTEN to these
audios PRIOR to our session.  Doing
this will begin to unlock and break
free the belief and thought blockages
in unexpected ways.

Here's the ONLY catch, if you can
call it a catch.... I'm only giving my
'Top 3 Audio Bundle' as a gift until
Sunday (October 3rd)!

You'll even be able to schedule your time
with my right away in real time. 
How's that for EASY!!

Go right now to:

ALL emotional triggers are mirrors
of the parts of you that you DON'T
LIKE.  They're the un-owned traits
YOURSELF.  Learn from them and
let them go.  You'll FEEL SO MUCH

Let's uncover something HUGE!!!  :-D

Have a FABULOUS weekend and
be SURE to expect GREAT things!!!

BIG hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved