On Monday I sent you an email. In
that email we began an experiment
that would change your life forever.
It involves breaking 5 habits. The
key with these 5 habits is to let go of
them COMPLETELY. When you
discontinue using them your whole
life changes AND rather quickly.
The experiment was to erase them
from your conscious mind and
discontinue USING them for a FULL
21 days. If you slip (and you will at
first) you were to restart your 21 day
clock again.
So this means that if you're on day
3 (today) and you slip, you then
restart tomorrow on day one. Makes
sense right?
So here are the 5 habits we began
experimenting with to STOP USING
effective immediately:
1) NO Gossip (includes magazines & TV)
2) NO Complaining (to yourself or others)
3) NO Criticizing (of yourself or others)
4) NO Negative Language
5) NO Bitching
So how are you doing?
Have you found it harder than you
first imagined? Have you even started?
Is there a part of you that thinks even
if you drop these five habits it STILL
wont bring the results you desire?
It's important to NOTICE how you
react to life and experiences. There
is an old Chinese saying that says......
the way it begins is the way it ends.
If you start something with a half
hearted attempt you get half hearted
results. SO............
Begin today!!!
ONLY good can come of this
experiment. There is NO DOWNSIDE
what-so-ever with making these
changes, EXPECT success!!. I
encourage you to begin immediately.
If for ANY reason you're feeling
resistance to breaking any of these
habits, notice that too! Notice.
Notice.. Notice...
I'll provide you a step by step road
map. You'll learn something new
EVERY DAY for 30 days on how to
mentally align and PROVE to your
conscious mind just how easy
miracles and life changing events
can be. In this ecourse are TIME
TESTED techniques to deliberately
tone your mental muscle for
I receive more testimonials from this
program than ANY other!!! Read em
I hope you'll take me up on this
experiment. You can always go back
to your OLD way of doing things.
but remember......for things to change
for you, YOU need to change!!! ;-D
EXPECT great things!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I highly encourage you to take a
new approach to the success and EASE
you're seeking. My Miracles Ecourse
will open your thinking in totally NEW
ways. I promise you won't be able to
get to day 5 and not ADORE what
happens!!! Try me!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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