Thursday, June 10, 2010

I practice what I teach & I've had HUGE success!

Hi There!

One thing is FOR SURE, and that's
that I practice what I preach. In
fact, the universe MAKES me!!

Well about five days ago while I
was enjoying my nightly 40 minute
hot tub soak (what I consider to be
my nightly therapy, LOL) I had a
HUGE insight. It was an energy
process. I knew exactly what I
needed to do to SHIFT my energy.
AND I found this process to be
incredibly EASY. I then thought to
myself 'hmmmm, I wonder what
kind of results it will create.'

WELL.......let me tell you it's
almost a week later and I'm
kinda shocked at what has

People have showed up out of no
where, my phone has been ringing
NON STOP, I find money lying on
the ground 100% of the time I
leave the house, problems vanish
as if by magic, my website has been
attracting FABULOUS new clients left
and right, etc. etc. etc.

And I know it's because of my new
energy process. It's so easy,
almost simple, and yet the results
have been PROFOUND!!

You can get your hands of this
very energy process in mp3 audio
format as a BONUS to my upcoming
'Manifest, Attract & Align' teleclass
on June 15th.

I expect HUGE shifts in thinking
and manifesting for everyone who
attends my June 15th teleclass, and
this energy process is just ONE of
the many ways I KNOW I can help
facilitate that.

Upon registering check your email.
You'll receive a special email with our
call details and instructions for June
15th AND the download link to my
fabulous energy process!! No waiting!!
So.......You can put this process into
practice for a FULL 5 days and then
ASK QUESTIONS if you would like on
June 15th!! It's a true win/win/win!!!

Register here now:

ANY questions, simply reply to this
email!! EXPECT great things and then
WATCH what happens!!! ;-D

BIG Hugs and Much Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. I promise that my energy process
ALONE (provided you USE it) is worth
the cost of my June 15th teleclass. In
less than 5 minutes you can COMPLETELY
shift your energy, hence shifting your
manifestations! TRY IT and SEE!!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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