Today is JUNE 30th so pay CLOSE
attention!! :-D
I enjoyed my live teleclass a few
weeks back and reading everyone's
emails SO much that I decided
I want to work with YOU personally!!
I've never done this, but I'm
always pushing my comfort zone
and this is one of those things!!
EVERY single person who signs up
for my email coaching TODAY( June
30th) will receive one FULL week
(until July 7th) of UNLIMITED email
support from ME!
I want to work with you on
ANYTHING that doesn't feel good.
If it's bothering you or you haven't
manifested what you desire YET,
this is an excellent opportunity to
work with me on your negative
beliefs and CHANGE them!
You can email me 24X7 and the
SUPER bonus is you'll have your
answers in WRITING. You'll be
able to save them and reflect
back on them again and again!!
Think of how much we can cover
in a WEEK!!
Enroll here and then send me
your email........
The sooner you join, the more
coaching you will receive. My
schedule has changed this week
and I'm ready to be of service!!
Let's make the second half of the
year even more FABULOUS!! Let's
make it EASIER than you have. I'll
help you for a FULL week!!!
I hope you're excited!!! I know
I am!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS day/evening
and I hope to reply to you soon!!
BIG Hug and Much Love!!
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Today's email coaching
lesson is an AUDIO!! I'll be sending
it around 5pm tonight! You'll listen
to it and it will STIR UP all kinds
of things for us to work on!! Sign
up now, get fabulous PERSONAL
one-on-one coaching for a FULL
week and if you don't absolutely
LOVE it, you can cancel!! Any time!
No questions asked!! Now let's go!!
P.P.S. You'll receive a special email
from ME shortly after you enroll. It
will tell you how to access me directly
for a QUICK response!! ;-)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I'm going to coach you PERSONALLY ALL week !! :-D
It's TRUE!! :-D
I enjoyed my live teleclass a few
weeks back and reading everyone's
emails SO much that I decided
I want to work with YOU personally!!
I've never done this, but I'm
always pushing my comfort zone
and this is one of those things!!
EVERY single person who signs up
for my email coaching (until June
30th) will receive one FULL week
(until July 7th) of UNLIMITED email
support from ME!
I want to work with you on
ANYTHING that doesn't feel good.
If it's bothering you or you haven't
manifested what you desire YET,
this is an excellent opportunity to
work with me on your negative
beliefs and CHANGE them!
You can email me 24X7 and the
SUPER bonus is you'll have your
answers in WRITING. You'll be
able to save them and reflect
back on them again and again!!
Think of how much we can cover
in a WEEK!!
Enroll here and then send me
your email........
The sooner you join, the more
coaching you will receive. My
schedule has changed this week
and I'm ready to be of service!!
Let's make the second half of the
year even more FABULOUS!! Let's
make it EASIER than you have. I'll
help you for a FULL week!!! Wooo
Hooo!! I hope you're excited!!!
I know I am!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS day/evening
and I hope to reply to you soon!!
BIG Hug and Much Love!!
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Tomorrow's email coaching
lesson is an AUDIO!! You'll listen
to it and it will STIR UP all kinds
of things for us to work on!! Sign
up now, get fabulous coaching for a
week and if you don't absolutely
LOVE it, you can cancel!! Any time!
No questions asked!! Now let's go!!
P.P.S. You'll receive a special email
from ME shortly after you enroll. It
will tell you how to access me directly
for a QUICK response!! ;-)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I enjoyed my live teleclass a few
weeks back and reading everyone's
emails SO much that I decided
I want to work with YOU personally!!
I've never done this, but I'm
always pushing my comfort zone
and this is one of those things!!
EVERY single person who signs up
for my email coaching (until June
30th) will receive one FULL week
(until July 7th) of UNLIMITED email
support from ME!
I want to work with you on
ANYTHING that doesn't feel good.
If it's bothering you or you haven't
manifested what you desire YET,
this is an excellent opportunity to
work with me on your negative
beliefs and CHANGE them!
You can email me 24X7 and the
SUPER bonus is you'll have your
answers in WRITING. You'll be
able to save them and reflect
back on them again and again!!
Think of how much we can cover
in a WEEK!!
Enroll here and then send me
your email........
The sooner you join, the more
coaching you will receive. My
schedule has changed this week
and I'm ready to be of service!!
Let's make the second half of the
year even more FABULOUS!! Let's
make it EASIER than you have. I'll
help you for a FULL week!!! Wooo
Hooo!! I hope you're excited!!!
I know I am!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS day/evening
and I hope to reply to you soon!!
BIG Hug and Much Love!!
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Tomorrow's email coaching
lesson is an AUDIO!! You'll listen
to it and it will STIR UP all kinds
of things for us to work on!! Sign
up now, get fabulous coaching for a
week and if you don't absolutely
LOVE it, you can cancel!! Any time!
No questions asked!! Now let's go!!
P.P.S. You'll receive a special email
from ME shortly after you enroll. It
will tell you how to access me directly
for a QUICK response!! ;-)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The 'Aha' I just had by sending that last email!! :-D
Even though you're not on my email
list this is a fabulous example......
As I've said MANY times before, I
absolutely practice what I preach.
The universe makes me. WELL....
I sent an email earlier this morning
and in it I offered new/different ways
of connecting with me. You know
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.,
assuming you didn't like email as
a means of communicating or that
you may be missing out on
something by not being connected
with me in other places.
Key word here is ASSUMING.
I've always said when you ASSUME
you make an ASS of you AND me
( check the spelling ;-D )
If you're curious as to how I've come
to my 'A-ha' so quickly it's this. VERY
few actually clicked on the links!
Which told me immediately that the
reason you're on my email list is
because you read email, LOL. But
it's a FABULOUS teaching because
isn't this what we do ALL DAY LONG.
We push OUR story (or limitations)
onto other people, experiences
and situations. We begin thinking
others should act like we would act in
situations, and that others should
handle things the way we would
handle them. And in some cases
we get upset or frustrated when they
Sound familiar??
Well I had a belief (on some level)
that email no longer worked. I was
listening to a story in my mind that
people are tired of email,
desensitized to it and that something
new is what people wanted. I was
thinking on the LACKFUL side of the
Note.....if you think (even to yourself)
things like either/or. I can have this
OR that. I can have freedom OR
success, you're in Lack. Solution.
Replace with AND. ;-D I can have
freedom AND success. I can have
this AND that. Feels good doesn't it!!
Now that I'm CONSCIOUS of the story
I was telling myself, I can change it.
The key is to get conscious before
you have to suffer! Here's a VERY
profound statement to think about.....
'The world is a teacher to the wise
man and an enemy to the fool.'
- ancient teaching
Words don't teach it's LIFE experience
that teaches. The key to ask
yourself I learning?
I know I AM. ;-D Thanks to YOU!!
I have a new found appreciation for
email and ALL the freedom and EASE
it allows. I invite you to look at an
area where you KNOW you're
over-laying a story of doubt, lack or
not enoughness and CHANGE it. Only
you can!!
If you would like some PERSONAL
help, I would LOVE to work with you! I
just updated my online scheduler with
my summer schedule and I have more
time to work with you now!!
NOTICE what life is mirroring to you.
Seeing it will be a HUGE insight for
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. A FANTASTIC introduction to
how I can help you is my 'Manifest,
Attract & Align' 94 min audio teleclass
that I did on June 15th. Hundreds
attended live and the shifts were
AMAZING!! It comes with a 45 min
bonus Q&A audio AND two energy
process mp3s ALL for ONLY $21.
Download your copy instantly now!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
list this is a fabulous example......
As I've said MANY times before, I
absolutely practice what I preach.
The universe makes me. WELL....
I sent an email earlier this morning
and in it I offered new/different ways
of connecting with me. You know
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.,
assuming you didn't like email as
a means of communicating or that
you may be missing out on
something by not being connected
with me in other places.
Key word here is ASSUMING.
I've always said when you ASSUME
you make an ASS of you AND me
( check the spelling ;-D )
If you're curious as to how I've come
to my 'A-ha' so quickly it's this. VERY
few actually clicked on the links!
Which told me immediately that the
reason you're on my email list is
because you read email, LOL. But
it's a FABULOUS teaching because
isn't this what we do ALL DAY LONG.
We push OUR story (or limitations)
onto other people, experiences
and situations. We begin thinking
others should act like we would act in
situations, and that others should
handle things the way we would
handle them. And in some cases
we get upset or frustrated when they
Sound familiar??
Well I had a belief (on some level)
that email no longer worked. I was
listening to a story in my mind that
people are tired of email,
desensitized to it and that something
new is what people wanted. I was
thinking on the LACKFUL side of the
Note.....if you think (even to yourself)
things like either/or. I can have this
OR that. I can have freedom OR
success, you're in Lack. Solution.
Replace with AND. ;-D I can have
freedom AND success. I can have
this AND that. Feels good doesn't it!!
Now that I'm CONSCIOUS of the story
I was telling myself, I can change it.
The key is to get conscious before
you have to suffer! Here's a VERY
profound statement to think about.....
'The world is a teacher to the wise
man and an enemy to the fool.'
- ancient teaching
Words don't teach it's LIFE experience
that teaches. The key to ask
yourself I learning?
I know I AM. ;-D Thanks to YOU!!
I have a new found appreciation for
email and ALL the freedom and EASE
it allows. I invite you to look at an
area where you KNOW you're
over-laying a story of doubt, lack or
not enoughness and CHANGE it. Only
you can!!
If you would like some PERSONAL
help, I would LOVE to work with you! I
just updated my online scheduler with
my summer schedule and I have more
time to work with you now!!
NOTICE what life is mirroring to you.
Seeing it will be a HUGE insight for
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. A FANTASTIC introduction to
how I can help you is my 'Manifest,
Attract & Align' 94 min audio teleclass
that I did on June 15th. Hundreds
attended live and the shifts were
AMAZING!! It comes with a 45 min
bonus Q&A audio AND two energy
process mp3s ALL for ONLY $21.
Download your copy instantly now!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
New ways to connect if this isn't your thing!! ;-D
As I'm SURE you know email has
become less and less effective
to communicate and let you in on
NEW exciting programs, services
and events.
If you get exciting news or you
want to share something fabulous
that's happening in your world, I
doubt you send an email.
Even though I have a 100% clean
in-box I know that most don't. I
know that some don't even read
email or if they do, they do it
Well in a world that is moving very
FAST, slow email opening can be
a problem. Especially if your me
and you want to share time
sensitive (in some cases)
So I wanted to make sure you
had other avenues and options
for you and I to connect. In fact
these avenues allow us to get WAY
more personal and interactive than
we could on email anyway! Here
they are.....
1) You can join me on Facebook
2) You can follow me on Twitter
3) We can connect on LinkedIn
4) You can follow my Blog
Now I'm NOT blowing up my email
database. And you will still receive
an email from me from time to
time. But I have found that I'm able
to share FAR more resources, gifts
insights and tools in the INTERACTIVE
world of Social Media.
It's like ANYTHING in life......the
more you put into something, the
more you're going to get out. AND
I want to connect and utilize tools
that you USE and enjoy.
Let's connect and take your results
to the next level!! ;-D I'll meet you
EXPECT great things today!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. If you want to pick up (LAST
chance) my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
94 min audio teleclass that I did
on June 15th w/45 min bonus Q&A
audio AND two energy process mp3s
for ONLY $21 use this link:
This audio won't be offered again
and it's SOOOOOO worth it!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
become less and less effective
to communicate and let you in on
NEW exciting programs, services
and events.
If you get exciting news or you
want to share something fabulous
that's happening in your world, I
doubt you send an email.
Even though I have a 100% clean
in-box I know that most don't. I
know that some don't even read
email or if they do, they do it
Well in a world that is moving very
FAST, slow email opening can be
a problem. Especially if your me
and you want to share time
sensitive (in some cases)
So I wanted to make sure you
had other avenues and options
for you and I to connect. In fact
these avenues allow us to get WAY
more personal and interactive than
we could on email anyway! Here
they are.....
1) You can join me on Facebook
2) You can follow me on Twitter
3) We can connect on LinkedIn
4) You can follow my Blog
Now I'm NOT blowing up my email
database. And you will still receive
an email from me from time to
time. But I have found that I'm able
to share FAR more resources, gifts
insights and tools in the INTERACTIVE
world of Social Media.
It's like ANYTHING in life......the
more you put into something, the
more you're going to get out. AND
I want to connect and utilize tools
that you USE and enjoy.
Let's connect and take your results
to the next level!! ;-D I'll meet you
EXPECT great things today!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. If you want to pick up (LAST
chance) my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
94 min audio teleclass that I did
on June 15th w/45 min bonus Q&A
audio AND two energy process mp3s
for ONLY $21 use this link:
This audio won't be offered again
and it's SOOOOOO worth it!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, June 25, 2010
PROOF - How powerful your mind & beliefs REALLY are!
Have you ever heard of the 'placebo
An online dictionary describes it as:
'The beneficial effect in a patient
following a particular treatment that
arises from the patient's
EXPECTATIONS concerning the
treatment RATHER than from the
treatment itself.'
The key word I want to point out is
'expectations'. EVERYTHING you
experience in life is about YOUR
expectations. It's about what you
expect DEEP down inside at a
subconscious or even sometimes
conscious level.
In mentioning the 'placebo effect'
there is some great learning I
wanted to share with you. It's a
phenomenon that I take a special
interest in.
How the Placebo Effect Works.....
In a medical study or research
study 50% of patients are given a
pill which contains medicine or a
treatment of some kind. The
remaining 50% of patients are
given a pill containing only sugar.
Neither group is told which pill
they've received. Researchers
then study patients to see who
has an improvement or change in
symptoms for the better.
The truly AMAZING thing is......
There are ALWAYS patients who
receive nothing but a sugar pill,
YET they experience a cure, relief,
miracle, healing, etc. This is
precisely what happened to an ex
of mine when he knowingly
participated in a placebo study.
It has to make you wonder.....
Does it have anything to do with
the pill? and my answer is 'NO'.
It has NOTHING to do with the
pill but has everything to do with
YOUR expectations. If you
expect to get better or that the
pill or treatment will work, it will.
If you expect the SAME pill or
treatment will fail, it will.
Either way you're right. You get
to choose!
Haven't you ever known two
people who've had the same
illness and received the same
treatment only one got better
and one didn't. Doesn't that
make you think to yourself....
How could they BOTH receive the
same treatment, have the same
illness and yet they both got a
different result?
The answer is in their
expectations and beliefs.
Any ideas on what kind of limiting
and constricting beliefs YOU
currently have?
Have you ever even thought
about it? Let's play for a moment.
Take a quick look at your results.
What beliefs might you have in
order to achieve your results?
How many of these beliefs are
negative or limiting in nature do
you think?
Don't you SEE just how important
your beliefs, thoughts and
expectations really are? After
reading this now you want to learn
how to change and delete as many
limiting, constricting and negative
beliefs as you can find right?
It all begins with the Magic of
your Mind.
When you use this magical mind
power life takes on an almost
magical fairy-tale quality. Where
things go your way at EVEY turn.
However, when you leverage this
personal unending power toward
what you DON'T WANT, life is a
struggle, frustrating and negative.
The important point here is............
you're always using the magic of
your mind! you can't stop it!
Again, it's ALWAYS a choice. Learn
how to deliberately and effectively
harness your personal Mind Magic
in your own personal way here:
When you change your expectations
of what is possible for YOU, your
results WILL change! GUARANTEED!
EXPECT a GREAT day/evening! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I've updated my Mind Magic
Webpage in a fabulous new way!!
read every word here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
An online dictionary describes it as:
'The beneficial effect in a patient
following a particular treatment that
arises from the patient's
EXPECTATIONS concerning the
treatment RATHER than from the
treatment itself.'
The key word I want to point out is
'expectations'. EVERYTHING you
experience in life is about YOUR
expectations. It's about what you
expect DEEP down inside at a
subconscious or even sometimes
conscious level.
In mentioning the 'placebo effect'
there is some great learning I
wanted to share with you. It's a
phenomenon that I take a special
interest in.
How the Placebo Effect Works.....
In a medical study or research
study 50% of patients are given a
pill which contains medicine or a
treatment of some kind. The
remaining 50% of patients are
given a pill containing only sugar.
Neither group is told which pill
they've received. Researchers
then study patients to see who
has an improvement or change in
symptoms for the better.
The truly AMAZING thing is......
There are ALWAYS patients who
receive nothing but a sugar pill,
YET they experience a cure, relief,
miracle, healing, etc. This is
precisely what happened to an ex
of mine when he knowingly
participated in a placebo study.
It has to make you wonder.....
Does it have anything to do with
the pill? and my answer is 'NO'.
It has NOTHING to do with the
pill but has everything to do with
YOUR expectations. If you
expect to get better or that the
pill or treatment will work, it will.
If you expect the SAME pill or
treatment will fail, it will.
Either way you're right. You get
to choose!
Haven't you ever known two
people who've had the same
illness and received the same
treatment only one got better
and one didn't. Doesn't that
make you think to yourself....
How could they BOTH receive the
same treatment, have the same
illness and yet they both got a
different result?
The answer is in their
expectations and beliefs.
Any ideas on what kind of limiting
and constricting beliefs YOU
currently have?
Have you ever even thought
about it? Let's play for a moment.
Take a quick look at your results.
What beliefs might you have in
order to achieve your results?
How many of these beliefs are
negative or limiting in nature do
you think?
Don't you SEE just how important
your beliefs, thoughts and
expectations really are? After
reading this now you want to learn
how to change and delete as many
limiting, constricting and negative
beliefs as you can find right?
It all begins with the Magic of
your Mind.
When you use this magical mind
power life takes on an almost
magical fairy-tale quality. Where
things go your way at EVEY turn.
However, when you leverage this
personal unending power toward
what you DON'T WANT, life is a
struggle, frustrating and negative.
The important point here is............
you're always using the magic of
your mind! you can't stop it!
Again, it's ALWAYS a choice. Learn
how to deliberately and effectively
harness your personal Mind Magic
in your own personal way here:
When you change your expectations
of what is possible for YOU, your
results WILL change! GUARANTEED!
EXPECT a GREAT day/evening! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I've updated my Mind Magic
Webpage in a fabulous new way!!
read every word here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, June 24, 2010
It's time for a NEW conversation around MONEY.
I hope your week has been
spectacular so far :-) My laptop
is due to arrive any minute now
from the shop and I can hardly
wait!! Funny how attached we
become to technology. literally.
With the new Cancer energy
beginning tomorrow you'll notice
that you're thinking more about
security, your home life and all
things important to you......
Which brings me to why I'm
I spoke at two events this week
and while I was signing books
and chatting with audience
members I realized MORE needed
to be done about what people
think and FEEL about money.
Money is an interesting energy.
When you NEED it, it's no where
to be found and when you don't
need it, it's EVERYWHERE, have
you noticed?
Let's face it, we all MUST have
money to survive. Money is a
form of exchange we use to buy
and experience things. WE created
Money to serve us and make
things easier and somehow along
the path we've become servants
to Money.
If you haven't experienced the
level of financial success you truly
desire, then you have unconscious
beliefs about money that are
keeping it from you. However, in
less than an hour you can
completely change the energy
you're omitting around money,
CASH, abundance and it being EASY.
Wouldn't it be nice to make money
your friend? Wouldn't you like to
know what to do to become a
magnet to money? What if you
really could???? It all begins with
what you REALLY believe about
money AND how you think you're
supposed to receive it and WHY.
If you're ready for a NEW story
around money I invite you to pick
up my Truth About Money Audio
Programs- Part 1 and ESPECIALLY
Part 2 here:
These are TIME tested audio
programs that will absolutely open
and loosen the grip of ANY scarcity,
fear and lack and put you right in
the drivers seat of your abundance!!
No Waiting!! Download them
Scroll up on the page to read
what others have experienced too!
It's time to have Money serve YOU!
I'll help you!!
EXPECT great things today!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. If you have a good relationship
with Money then scroll down the page
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
spectacular so far :-) My laptop
is due to arrive any minute now
from the shop and I can hardly
wait!! Funny how attached we
become to technology. literally.
With the new Cancer energy
beginning tomorrow you'll notice
that you're thinking more about
security, your home life and all
things important to you......
Which brings me to why I'm
I spoke at two events this week
and while I was signing books
and chatting with audience
members I realized MORE needed
to be done about what people
think and FEEL about money.
Money is an interesting energy.
When you NEED it, it's no where
to be found and when you don't
need it, it's EVERYWHERE, have
you noticed?
Let's face it, we all MUST have
money to survive. Money is a
form of exchange we use to buy
and experience things. WE created
Money to serve us and make
things easier and somehow along
the path we've become servants
to Money.
If you haven't experienced the
level of financial success you truly
desire, then you have unconscious
beliefs about money that are
keeping it from you. However, in
less than an hour you can
completely change the energy
you're omitting around money,
CASH, abundance and it being EASY.
Wouldn't it be nice to make money
your friend? Wouldn't you like to
know what to do to become a
magnet to money? What if you
really could???? It all begins with
what you REALLY believe about
money AND how you think you're
supposed to receive it and WHY.
If you're ready for a NEW story
around money I invite you to pick
up my Truth About Money Audio
Programs- Part 1 and ESPECIALLY
Part 2 here:
These are TIME tested audio
programs that will absolutely open
and loosen the grip of ANY scarcity,
fear and lack and put you right in
the drivers seat of your abundance!!
No Waiting!! Download them
Scroll up on the page to read
what others have experienced too!
It's time to have Money serve YOU!
I'll help you!!
EXPECT great things today!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. If you have a good relationship
with Money then scroll down the page
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!
It had been over 6 months since
I had a done a LIVE teleclass for
MY clients and subscribers and it
was a HUGE success!! ;-D
We just finished an an amazing
Q&A call (a full 45 minutes long)
as a bonus follow up to last weeks
94 minute teleclass and I just
wanted to say THANK YOU to all
who participated.
I absolutely ADORE what I do and
to be able to share my work with
people like you makes it SO much
more rewarding!!
If you didn't attend the calls and
you'd like my:
- 94 minute audio on how to
'Manifest, Attract & Align'
- 2 bonus energy mp3 audios
- AND a bonus 45 minute Q&A call
ALL for ONLY $21 you can pick up
the package with this link:
You'll receive EVERYTHING instantly
via email!!
I'm not sure when I'll do another
live teleclass like this one but
you can be SURE that when I do,
you'll know about it!! ;-D
ENJOY the audios!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The total package is OVER
two full hours of audios for ONLY
$21. Grab it now!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I had a done a LIVE teleclass for
MY clients and subscribers and it
was a HUGE success!! ;-D
We just finished an an amazing
Q&A call (a full 45 minutes long)
as a bonus follow up to last weeks
94 minute teleclass and I just
wanted to say THANK YOU to all
who participated.
I absolutely ADORE what I do and
to be able to share my work with
people like you makes it SO much
more rewarding!!
If you didn't attend the calls and
you'd like my:
- 94 minute audio on how to
'Manifest, Attract & Align'
- 2 bonus energy mp3 audios
- AND a bonus 45 minute Q&A call
ALL for ONLY $21 you can pick up
the package with this link:
You'll receive EVERYTHING instantly
via email!!
I'm not sure when I'll do another
live teleclass like this one but
you can be SURE that when I do,
you'll know about it!! ;-D
ENJOY the audios!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The total package is OVER
two full hours of audios for ONLY
$21. Grab it now!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Ask your questions LIVE in only two hours!! Woooo Hoooo!! =)
Good Morning and Happy Tuesday!!
In only two hours I'll be holding
my LIVE Q&A follow up call!!
You can still grab the 94 minute
audio with my exclusive energy
process on two mp3 tracks AND
access to todays Q&A call which
of course will be recorded!
Sign up here:
Here are a few comments I've
received since Tuesday's call.. ;-D
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and
wanted to let you know how valuable it
was for me. I will definitely listen to
this one again and and again and
wanted to thank you for your great
pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of
mine, but there's no one that teaches
this exactly like you do . . . Thanks
for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you
how this call hit home in “every area”…
I’ve been in a bit of a slump the past
week, viewing certain twists and turns
as “bad” signs….indicators that I’m
wrong, on the wrong track… and thus
conflicted over all that… then your call
this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense,
but I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Here's a comment Neil posted on
Facebook on Tuesday:
Listening to the replay of Shelby
Collinge's "Manifest, Attract & Align"
while waiting for the next appointment
( I think she's outdone herself......yet
Sign up here:
Immediately then check your email
for your audio download links and the
call-in information for our Q&A session.
It's going to be a FABULOUS call!!
ENJOY your Tuesday and I hope to
talk to you soon!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
In only two hours I'll be holding
my LIVE Q&A follow up call!!
You can still grab the 94 minute
audio with my exclusive energy
process on two mp3 tracks AND
access to todays Q&A call which
of course will be recorded!
Sign up here:
Here are a few comments I've
received since Tuesday's call.. ;-D
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and
wanted to let you know how valuable it
was for me. I will definitely listen to
this one again and and again and
wanted to thank you for your great
pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of
mine, but there's no one that teaches
this exactly like you do . . . Thanks
for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you
how this call hit home in “every area”…
I’ve been in a bit of a slump the past
week, viewing certain twists and turns
as “bad” signs….indicators that I’m
wrong, on the wrong track… and thus
conflicted over all that… then your call
this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense,
but I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Here's a comment Neil posted on
Facebook on Tuesday:
Listening to the replay of Shelby
Collinge's "Manifest, Attract & Align"
while waiting for the next appointment
( I think she's outdone herself......yet
Sign up here:
Immediately then check your email
for your audio download links and the
call-in information for our Q&A session.
It's going to be a FABULOUS call!!
ENJOY your Tuesday and I hope to
talk to you soon!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Monday, June 21, 2010
Tomorrow at 9:00am is my LIVE Q&A!! Will you be there?
Good Morning and Happy Monday!!
;-D A brand new week is upon
us are you ready??
As you may or may not know
tomorrow at 9:00am pacific
I'm holding a follow up Q&A
call for everyone who attended
my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
teleseminar last week and even
if you didn't attend my seminar
last week, it's not too late.
You can still grab the 94 minute
audio with my exclusive energy
process on two mp3 tracks AND
access to tomorrows Q&A call
which of course will be recorded!
Sign up here:
Here are a few comments I've
received since Tuesday's call.. ;-D
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and
wanted to let you know how valuable it
was for me. I will definitely listen to
this one again and and again and
wanted to thank you for your great
pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of
mine, but there's no one that teaches
this exactly like you do . . .
Thanks for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you
how this call hit home in “every area”…
I’ve been in a bit of a slump the past
week, viewing certain twists and turns
as “bad” signs….indicators that I’m
wrong, on the wrong track… and thus
conflicted over all that… then your call
this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense,
but I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Here's a comment Neil posted on
Facebook on Tuesday:
Listening to the replay of Shelby
Collinge's "Manifest, Attract & Align"
while waiting for the next appointment
( I think she's outdone herself......yet
Sign up here:
Immediately then check your email
for your audio download links and the
call-in information for tomorrow. It's
going to be a FABULOUS call!!
ENJOY your Monday!!! and I hope to chat
with you tomorrow!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. TODAY is the summer solstice
and the LONGEST day of the year.
It's a week to try NEW things and go
with the flow. Make it count by
listening to my 94 minute audio and
WATCH what it does for you!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
;-D A brand new week is upon
us are you ready??
As you may or may not know
tomorrow at 9:00am pacific
I'm holding a follow up Q&A
call for everyone who attended
my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
teleseminar last week and even
if you didn't attend my seminar
last week, it's not too late.
You can still grab the 94 minute
audio with my exclusive energy
process on two mp3 tracks AND
access to tomorrows Q&A call
which of course will be recorded!
Sign up here:
Here are a few comments I've
received since Tuesday's call.. ;-D
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and
wanted to let you know how valuable it
was for me. I will definitely listen to
this one again and and again and
wanted to thank you for your great
pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of
mine, but there's no one that teaches
this exactly like you do . . .
Thanks for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you
how this call hit home in “every area”…
I’ve been in a bit of a slump the past
week, viewing certain twists and turns
as “bad” signs….indicators that I’m
wrong, on the wrong track… and thus
conflicted over all that… then your call
this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense,
but I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Here's a comment Neil posted on
Facebook on Tuesday:
Listening to the replay of Shelby
Collinge's "Manifest, Attract & Align"
while waiting for the next appointment
( I think she's outdone herself......yet
Sign up here:
Immediately then check your email
for your audio download links and the
call-in information for tomorrow. It's
going to be a FABULOUS call!!
ENJOY your Monday!!! and I hope to chat
with you tomorrow!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. TODAY is the summer solstice
and the LONGEST day of the year.
It's a week to try NEW things and go
with the flow. Make it count by
listening to my 94 minute audio and
WATCH what it does for you!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Fathers Day! I can't think of a better gift.....
Happy Father's Day to all the dads
out there!! ;-D I can't think of a better
gift for you or anyone else reading this
than my 94 minute 'Manifest, Attract
& Align' mp3 audio with BONUS follow
up event on THIS Tuesday June 22nd.
I promise you will NOT be disappointed!!
Here are a few comments I've received
since Tuesday's call..... (they have been
edited down, they were MUCH longer ;-D)
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and
wanted to let you know how valuable it
was for me. I will definitely listen to
this one again and and again and
wanted to thank you for your great
pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of
mine, but there's no one that teaches
this exactly like you do . . . Thanks
for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you
how this call hit home in “every area”…
I’ve been in a bit of a slump the past
week, viewing certain twists and turns
as “bad” signs….indicators that I’m
wrong, on the wrong track… and thus
conflicted over all that… then your call
this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense,
but I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Here's a comment Neil posted on
Facebook on Tuesday:
Listening to the replay of Shelby
Collinge's "Manifest, Attract & Align"
while waiting for the next appointment
( I think she's outdone herself......yet
Now it's YOUR turn!
Immediately after ordering check your
email. You'll receive a special email
with your download instructions and
information for our June 22nd follow
up event! Not to mention to my fabulous
energy process!!
No waiting!! Then.......You can put this
process into practice and then ASK
QUESTIONS if you would like on June
22nd!! It's a true win/win/win!!! ;-D
Download your audios here now:
EXPECT great things this week
and WATCH what happens!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I promise that my energy process
ALONE (provided you USE it) is worth
the cost of my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
audio program. In less than 5 minutes
you can COMPLETELY shift your energy,
hence shifting your manifestations!
TRY IT and SEE!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
out there!! ;-D I can't think of a better
gift for you or anyone else reading this
than my 94 minute 'Manifest, Attract
& Align' mp3 audio with BONUS follow
up event on THIS Tuesday June 22nd.
I promise you will NOT be disappointed!!
Here are a few comments I've received
since Tuesday's call..... (they have been
edited down, they were MUCH longer ;-D)
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and
wanted to let you know how valuable it
was for me. I will definitely listen to
this one again and and again and
wanted to thank you for your great
pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of
mine, but there's no one that teaches
this exactly like you do . . . Thanks
for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you
how this call hit home in “every area”…
I’ve been in a bit of a slump the past
week, viewing certain twists and turns
as “bad” signs….indicators that I’m
wrong, on the wrong track… and thus
conflicted over all that… then your call
this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense,
but I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Here's a comment Neil posted on
Facebook on Tuesday:
Listening to the replay of Shelby
Collinge's "Manifest, Attract & Align"
while waiting for the next appointment
( I think she's outdone herself......yet
Now it's YOUR turn!
Immediately after ordering check your
email. You'll receive a special email
with your download instructions and
information for our June 22nd follow
up event! Not to mention to my fabulous
energy process!!
No waiting!! Then.......You can put this
process into practice and then ASK
QUESTIONS if you would like on June
22nd!! It's a true win/win/win!!! ;-D
Download your audios here now:
EXPECT great things this week
and WATCH what happens!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I promise that my energy process
ALONE (provided you USE it) is worth
the cost of my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
audio program. In less than 5 minutes
you can COMPLETELY shift your energy,
hence shifting your manifestations!
TRY IT and SEE!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hear Yee! Hear Yee! Success train is leaving in THREE days. Will you be on it?
Today's post is the last time I'll be
offering my 94 minute 'Manifest, Attract
& Align' mp3 audio with BONUS follow
up event on Tuesday June 22nd for
Here are a few comments I've received
since Tuesday's call..... (they have been
edited down, they were MUCH longer ;-D)
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and wanted
to let you know how valuable it was for me.
I will definitely listen to this one again and
and again and wanted to thank you for your
great pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of mine,
but there's no one that teaches this exactly
like you do . . . Thanks for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you how
this call hit home in “every area”… I’ve
been in a bit of a slump the past week,
viewing certain twists and turns as “bad”
signs….indicators that I’m wrong, on the
wrong track… and thus conflicted over all
that… then your call this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense, but
I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Now it's YOUR turn!
Immediately after ordering check your
email. You'll receive a special email with
your download instructions and information
for our June 22nd follow up event! Not to
mention to my fabulous energy process!!
No waiting!! Then.......You can put this
process into practice for a FULL 4 days and
then ASK QUESTIONS if you would like on
June 22nd!! It's a true win/win/win!!!
Download your audios here now:
EXPECT great things and WATCH
what happens!!! ;-D Enjoy your
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I promise that my energy process
ALONE (provided you USE it) is worth
the cost of my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
audio program. In less than 5 minutes
you can COMPLETELY shift your energy,
hence shifting your manifestations!
TRY IT and SEE!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
offering my 94 minute 'Manifest, Attract
& Align' mp3 audio with BONUS follow
up event on Tuesday June 22nd for
Here are a few comments I've received
since Tuesday's call..... (they have been
edited down, they were MUCH longer ;-D)
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and wanted
to let you know how valuable it was for me.
I will definitely listen to this one again and
and again and wanted to thank you for your
great pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of mine,
but there's no one that teaches this exactly
like you do . . . Thanks for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you how
this call hit home in “every area”… I’ve
been in a bit of a slump the past week,
viewing certain twists and turns as “bad”
signs….indicators that I’m wrong, on the
wrong track… and thus conflicted over all
that… then your call this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense, but
I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Now it's YOUR turn!
Immediately after ordering check your
email. You'll receive a special email with
your download instructions and information
for our June 22nd follow up event! Not to
mention to my fabulous energy process!!
No waiting!! Then.......You can put this
process into practice for a FULL 4 days and
then ASK QUESTIONS if you would like on
June 22nd!! It's a true win/win/win!!!
Download your audios here now:
EXPECT great things and WATCH
what happens!!! ;-D Enjoy your
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I promise that my energy process
ALONE (provided you USE it) is worth
the cost of my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
audio program. In less than 5 minutes
you can COMPLETELY shift your energy,
hence shifting your manifestations!
TRY IT and SEE!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, June 18, 2010
I practice what I teach & I've had HUGE success! See with what!
One thing is FOR SURE, and that's
that I practice what I preach. In fact,
the universe MAKES me!!
Well about ten days ago while I was
enjoying my nightly 40 minute hot
tub soak (what I consider to be my
nightly therapy, LOL) I had a HUGE
insight. It was an energy process. I
knew exactly what I needed to do to
SHIFT my energy. AND I found this
process to be incredibly EASY. I then
thought to myself 'hmmmm, I
wonder what kind of results it will
WELL.......let me tell you it's almost
a week later and I'm kinda shocked
at what has happened!!
People have showed up out of no
where, my phone has been ringing
NON STOP, I find money lying on
the ground 100% of the time I
leave the house, problems vanish
as if by magic, my website has been
attracting FABULOUS new clients left
and right, etc. etc. etc.
And I know it's because of my new
energy process. It's so easy,
almost simple, and yet the results
have been PROFOUND!!
You can get your hands of this
very energy process in mp3 audio
format with TWO tracks as a BONUS
with my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
audio program that I recorded on
Tuesday of this week in front of a
huge live audience.
Today's email is the last time I'll be
offering my 94 minute 'Manifest, Attract
& Align' mp3 audio with BONUS follow
up event on Tuesday June 22nd for
Here are a few comments I've received
since Tuesday's call..... (they have been
edited down, they were MUCH longer ;-D)
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and wanted
to let you know how valuable it was for me.
I will definitely listen to this one again and
and again and wanted to thank you for your
great pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of mine,
but there's no one that teaches this exactly
like you do . . . Thanks for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you how
this call hit home in “every area”… I’ve
been in a bit of a slump the past week,
viewing certain twists and turns as “bad”
signs….indicators that I’m wrong, on the
wrong track… and thus conflicted over all
that… then your call this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense, but
I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Now it's YOUR turn!
Immediately after ordering check your
email. You'll receive a special email with
your download instructions and information
for our June 22nd follow up event! Not to
mention to my fabulous energy process!!
No waiting!! Then.......You can put this
process into practice for a FULL 5 days and
then ASK QUESTIONS if you would like on
June 22nd!! It's a true win/win/win!!!
Download your audios here now:
EXPECT great things and WATCH
what happens!!! ;-D Enjoy your
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I promise that my energy process
ALONE (provided you USE it) is worth
the cost of my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
audio program. In less than 5 minutes
you can COMPLETELY shift your energy,
hence shifting your manifestations!
TRY IT and SEE!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
that I practice what I preach. In fact,
the universe MAKES me!!
Well about ten days ago while I was
enjoying my nightly 40 minute hot
tub soak (what I consider to be my
nightly therapy, LOL) I had a HUGE
insight. It was an energy process. I
knew exactly what I needed to do to
SHIFT my energy. AND I found this
process to be incredibly EASY. I then
thought to myself 'hmmmm, I
wonder what kind of results it will
WELL.......let me tell you it's almost
a week later and I'm kinda shocked
at what has happened!!
People have showed up out of no
where, my phone has been ringing
NON STOP, I find money lying on
the ground 100% of the time I
leave the house, problems vanish
as if by magic, my website has been
attracting FABULOUS new clients left
and right, etc. etc. etc.
And I know it's because of my new
energy process. It's so easy,
almost simple, and yet the results
have been PROFOUND!!
You can get your hands of this
very energy process in mp3 audio
format with TWO tracks as a BONUS
with my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
audio program that I recorded on
Tuesday of this week in front of a
huge live audience.
Today's email is the last time I'll be
offering my 94 minute 'Manifest, Attract
& Align' mp3 audio with BONUS follow
up event on Tuesday June 22nd for
Here are a few comments I've received
since Tuesday's call..... (they have been
edited down, they were MUCH longer ;-D)
I have listened to this call twice now
and you were absolutely right in
saying how powerful and life-changing
this call was going to be (of course
only if the person ALLOWS it to be -
and I am!) You also reminded me
of the word ALLOWING. I am so into
that word!
Also, the bubble process is magnificent!
The first time I used it I felt so
"unburdened" and so much lighter!
And, I am SO thankful that you
mentioned in the call 6/15 that when
the thought comes back you can
release it again.
This was absolutely the BEST 21
Dollars I have EVER spent!!!!
With Much Love, Hugs, Respect and
Kim L.
Hi Shelby,
I just wanted to tell you how much I
enjoyed your call this morning and wanted
to let you know how valuable it was for me.
I will definitely listen to this one again and
and again and wanted to thank you for your
great pearls of wisdom . ..
I follow lots of other people in the
spirituality realm on this journey of mine,
but there's no one that teaches this exactly
like you do . . . Thanks for all you do!
Best regards,
Keith S.
I don’t know where to begin to tell you how
this call hit home in “every area”… I’ve
been in a bit of a slump the past week,
viewing certain twists and turns as “bad”
signs….indicators that I’m wrong, on the
wrong track… and thus conflicted over all
that… then your call this morning!!
and now it not only all makes sense, but
I can feel GOOD about it!!!!
Denise M.
Now it's YOUR turn!
Immediately after ordering check your
email. You'll receive a special email with
your download instructions and information
for our June 22nd follow up event! Not to
mention to my fabulous energy process!!
No waiting!! Then.......You can put this
process into practice for a FULL 5 days and
then ASK QUESTIONS if you would like on
June 22nd!! It's a true win/win/win!!!
Download your audios here now:
EXPECT great things and WATCH
what happens!!! ;-D Enjoy your
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I promise that my energy process
ALONE (provided you USE it) is worth
the cost of my 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
audio program. In less than 5 minutes
you can COMPLETELY shift your energy,
hence shifting your manifestations!
TRY IT and SEE!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Mindshift Magic Audio Newsletter - Topic - Expectation. Listen Now!! =)
I know it's been a while since I've
sent out my Mindshift Magic Audio
Newsletter but TODAY IS THE DAY!!
In today's issue I talk about your
'Expectations'. I'm sure it will give
you MUCH to think about! ;-D
You can listen online with this link:
You can download it directly to
your computer with this link:
Here's the link to get the audio from
my 'Manifest, Attract and Align'
teleclass on Tuesday. It also comes
with two bonus energy mp3s and a
follow-up live event next week.
It will change as much as you ALLOW!
Are you ready? Use the quick link
below for instant access
MAKE it a great day by EXPECTING
fabulous things to happen for you!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
sent out my Mindshift Magic Audio
Newsletter but TODAY IS THE DAY!!
In today's issue I talk about your
'Expectations'. I'm sure it will give
you MUCH to think about! ;-D
You can listen online with this link:
You can download it directly to
your computer with this link:
Here's the link to get the audio from
my 'Manifest, Attract and Align'
teleclass on Tuesday. It also comes
with two bonus energy mp3s and a
follow-up live event next week.
It will change as much as you ALLOW!
Are you ready? Use the quick link
below for instant access
MAKE it a great day by EXPECTING
fabulous things to happen for you!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Instant access to my 94 min audio AND the follow-up event! =)
This is a final reminder to pick
up my 'Manifest, Attract and Align'
teleclass. It was a HUGE success
and I know you want to get your
hands on it!! ;-D
You can instantly download my 94
minute audio, WITH two bonus
energy process audios AND gain
access to my follow up event next
week!! YEP, I've added a follow up
event to INSURE lasting change.
Please purchase the
download you must 'register' on the
ORIGINAL class registration page.
When you 'register now' you'll
actually receive download
instructions and further information
Go right now and 'register' to receive
the audios!!
Then check your email for your
download instructions. They will
be there immediately for you to
access, download and listen to.
If you have ANY questions, simply
reply to this email. Otherwise, do
yourself the HUGE favor of picking
up this audio program. Listen to it.
it will change your perspective in
MANY new directions!! AND then we
can talk again next week!! ;-D
'Register' to receive your downloads
by email instantly:
MAKE it a great day and remember......
EXPECT great thing!!! 8-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This audio program will NOT
be available for purchase later from
my website. This email offer is one
of the only ways to purchase my
'Manifest, Attract & Align' 94 min
audio and bonus event. 'Register' to
receive your download and invitation
instantly! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
up my 'Manifest, Attract and Align'
teleclass. It was a HUGE success
and I know you want to get your
hands on it!! ;-D
You can instantly download my 94
minute audio, WITH two bonus
energy process audios AND gain
access to my follow up event next
week!! YEP, I've added a follow up
event to INSURE lasting change.
Please purchase the
download you must 'register' on the
ORIGINAL class registration page.
When you 'register now' you'll
actually receive download
instructions and further information
Go right now and 'register' to receive
the audios!!
Then check your email for your
download instructions. They will
be there immediately for you to
access, download and listen to.
If you have ANY questions, simply
reply to this email. Otherwise, do
yourself the HUGE favor of picking
up this audio program. Listen to it.
it will change your perspective in
MANY new directions!! AND then we
can talk again next week!! ;-D
'Register' to receive your downloads
by email instantly:
MAKE it a great day and remember......
EXPECT great thing!!! 8-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This audio program will NOT
be available for purchase later from
my website. This email offer is one
of the only ways to purchase my
'Manifest, Attract & Align' 94 min
audio and bonus event. 'Register' to
receive your download and invitation
instantly! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Grab the audio from today's call AND the follow-up event!
So my 'Manifest, Attract and Align'
teleclass was a HUGE success today! ;-D
The call was over 94 minutes and
covered ALL areas. We reached our
limit on the bridge line and as a
result our line was dropped and not
everyone was able to get in on the
second half of the call.
It was THAT good!!!
Even if you didn't attend today's
call live, you can grab the audio
NOW, WITH two bonus energy
process audios AND gain access to
my follow up event next week!! YEP,
I've added a follow up event to
INSURE lasting change.
Go right now and register here:
Then check your email for your
download instructions. They will
be there immediately for you to
access and listen to.
If you have ANY questions, simply
reply to this email. Otherwise, do
yourself the HUGE favor of picking
up this audio program. It will change
your perspective in MANY new
directions!! AND then we can talk
again next week!! ;-D
Register here:
MAKE it a great day and remember......
EXPECT great thing!!! 8-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. You can immediately have access
to the 94 minute audio from today, 2
bonus energy process mp3's AND
access to my live follow-up event next
week ALL by registering here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
teleclass was a HUGE success today! ;-D
The call was over 94 minutes and
covered ALL areas. We reached our
limit on the bridge line and as a
result our line was dropped and not
everyone was able to get in on the
second half of the call.
It was THAT good!!!
Even if you didn't attend today's
call live, you can grab the audio
NOW, WITH two bonus energy
process audios AND gain access to
my follow up event next week!! YEP,
I've added a follow up event to
INSURE lasting change.
Go right now and register here:
Then check your email for your
download instructions. They will
be there immediately for you to
access and listen to.
If you have ANY questions, simply
reply to this email. Otherwise, do
yourself the HUGE favor of picking
up this audio program. It will change
your perspective in MANY new
directions!! AND then we can talk
again next week!! ;-D
Register here:
MAKE it a great day and remember......
EXPECT great thing!!! 8-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. You can immediately have access
to the 94 minute audio from today, 2
bonus energy process mp3's AND
access to my live follow-up event next
week ALL by registering here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Monday, June 14, 2010
Today is the last day to register. Tomorrow is the BIG day!! =)
Tomorrow is my first public teleclass
this year and it's going to be an
event you definitely want to
If you haven't registered yet, now is
the time to do it and when you do you
will receive TWO energy process audios
instantly!! No waiting!! You can
download part one and part two and
begin using my energy process right
I have been using this very energy
process for over a week now and I
giggle at how potent it is. I began
sharing this process on Tuesday of
last week and people ALL over the
world are finding it incredibly useful
in unimagined ways. When you
register you can begin using this
process right away!! And if you have
questions, you can ask me
tomorrow on our LIVE call!
This is going to be the most powerful
public teleprogram I've done. The
beliefs, sabotage, and negative
patterns people have submitted all
but guarantee HUGE shifts in all
areas of your life. I'm even going
to throw in a follow up event so that
the huge shifts you experience on
Tuesday LAST!
Register now and let's get started!!
SMILE and EXPECT great things this
week!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This really is going to be the
BEST public teleclass I've done. The
call WILL of course be recorded for
repeat learning and maximum
benefit so you won't miss a thing if
you can't attend live! Register here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
this year and it's going to be an
event you definitely want to
If you haven't registered yet, now is
the time to do it and when you do you
will receive TWO energy process audios
instantly!! No waiting!! You can
download part one and part two and
begin using my energy process right
I have been using this very energy
process for over a week now and I
giggle at how potent it is. I began
sharing this process on Tuesday of
last week and people ALL over the
world are finding it incredibly useful
in unimagined ways. When you
register you can begin using this
process right away!! And if you have
questions, you can ask me
tomorrow on our LIVE call!
This is going to be the most powerful
public teleprogram I've done. The
beliefs, sabotage, and negative
patterns people have submitted all
but guarantee HUGE shifts in all
areas of your life. I'm even going
to throw in a follow up event so that
the huge shifts you experience on
Tuesday LAST!
Register now and let's get started!!
SMILE and EXPECT great things this
week!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This really is going to be the
BEST public teleclass I've done. The
call WILL of course be recorded for
repeat learning and maximum
benefit so you won't miss a thing if
you can't attend live! Register here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Part two of my energy process audio has been sent!! Wooo Hooo!!
Hi There!
I'm THRILLED to say that I just sent
out part two of my bonus energy
process audio. If you have already
registered for my June 15th teleclass
on how to 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
check your email now for the second
audio. It's ready for you! ;-D
If you haven't registered yet, now is
the time to do it and when you do you
will receive BOTH audios instantly!!
No waiting!! You can download part
one and part two and begin using my
energy process right NOW!!
I have been using this very energy
process for over a week now and I
giggle at how potent it is. I began
sharing this process on Tuesday and
people ALL over the world are finding
it incredibly useful in unimagined
ways. When you register you can
USE this process for two full days
and if you have questions, I can
answer them during the LIVE Q&A
on our call on Tuesday!!
This is going to be the most powerful
public teleprogram I've done. The
beliefs, sabotage, and negative
patterns people have submitted all
but guarantee HUGE shifts in all
areas of your life. I'm even going
to throw in a follow up event so that
the huge shifts you experience on
Tuesday LAST!
Register now and let's get started!!
SMILE and enjoy the rest of your
weekend!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This really is going to be the
BEST public teleclass I've done. The
call WILL of course be recorded for
repeat learning and maximum
benefit so you won't miss a thing if
you can't attend live! Register here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I'm THRILLED to say that I just sent
out part two of my bonus energy
process audio. If you have already
registered for my June 15th teleclass
on how to 'Manifest, Attract & Align'
check your email now for the second
audio. It's ready for you! ;-D
If you haven't registered yet, now is
the time to do it and when you do you
will receive BOTH audios instantly!!
No waiting!! You can download part
one and part two and begin using my
energy process right NOW!!
I have been using this very energy
process for over a week now and I
giggle at how potent it is. I began
sharing this process on Tuesday and
people ALL over the world are finding
it incredibly useful in unimagined
ways. When you register you can
USE this process for two full days
and if you have questions, I can
answer them during the LIVE Q&A
on our call on Tuesday!!
This is going to be the most powerful
public teleprogram I've done. The
beliefs, sabotage, and negative
patterns people have submitted all
but guarantee HUGE shifts in all
areas of your life. I'm even going
to throw in a follow up event so that
the huge shifts you experience on
Tuesday LAST!
Register now and let's get started!!
SMILE and enjoy the rest of your
weekend!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This really is going to be the
BEST public teleclass I've done. The
call WILL of course be recorded for
repeat learning and maximum
benefit so you won't miss a thing if
you can't attend live! Register here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I'm adding to it to make it even MORE powerful!! ;-D
Hi There!
I hope your weekend has been GREAT
so far. I've been setting my intention
for some rain.....If you look at the
below picture of what it looked like
earlier today in Vegas, I'd say I'm
getting closer, LOL ;-)
As you may or may not know I'm
teaching a LIVE public teleclass on
Tuesday on how to 'Manifest, Attract
and Align'. I'm letting my instincts
be my guide with this class and I've
already gifted everyone who registers
a free bonus energy process audio.
I recommended that folks use the
bonus audio process immediately so
they can begin shifting their energy
I have been inundated with emails
from folks who have been using the
bonus energy audio and have not
only been getting some GREAT
results but they had a few questions
as well. So......I've decided to record
another short audio. I'm going to be
sending out the audio in the morning
and I want to make SURE you receive
it too!
If you haven't registered yet for my
Tuesday June 15th teleclass, do it now!!
Even if you can't attend live, the call
IS being recorded AND you'll get ALL
the bonuses and goodies before AND
AFTER the call!! ;-) Then be sure to
email me your negative patterns and
beliefs (instructions are included) to
insure that I talk about YOUR issues.
I'm more dedicated than ever to have
you EXPERIENCE the results you've
been craving. This is your chance to
FEEL real conscious shifts and
paradigm changes AND get some
personal coaching at the same time.
register here:
Oh and I'm going to be including a
few more surprises along the way
too......I promise to make this
teleprogram MORE than worth your
EnJOY the rest of your weekend!! ;-)
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This teleprogram (I'm calling it
a program because it's WAY more
than just one teleclass) is DEFINITELY
going to have you thinking differently
in more than 10 different ways. The
beliefs/patterns that folks have been
emailing me are FABULOUS. You will
DEFINITELY up-root MANY limiting
beliefs. GET STARTED NOW!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I hope your weekend has been GREAT
so far. I've been setting my intention
for some rain.....If you look at the
below picture of what it looked like
earlier today in Vegas, I'd say I'm
getting closer, LOL ;-)
As you may or may not know I'm
teaching a LIVE public teleclass on
Tuesday on how to 'Manifest, Attract
and Align'. I'm letting my instincts
be my guide with this class and I've
already gifted everyone who registers
a free bonus energy process audio.
I recommended that folks use the
bonus audio process immediately so
they can begin shifting their energy
I have been inundated with emails
from folks who have been using the
bonus energy audio and have not
only been getting some GREAT
results but they had a few questions
as well. So......I've decided to record
another short audio. I'm going to be
sending out the audio in the morning
and I want to make SURE you receive
it too!
If you haven't registered yet for my
Tuesday June 15th teleclass, do it now!!
Even if you can't attend live, the call
IS being recorded AND you'll get ALL
the bonuses and goodies before AND
AFTER the call!! ;-) Then be sure to
email me your negative patterns and
beliefs (instructions are included) to
insure that I talk about YOUR issues.
I'm more dedicated than ever to have
you EXPERIENCE the results you've
been craving. This is your chance to
FEEL real conscious shifts and
paradigm changes AND get some
personal coaching at the same time.
register here:
Oh and I'm going to be including a
few more surprises along the way
too......I promise to make this
teleprogram MORE than worth your
EnJOY the rest of your weekend!! ;-)
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This teleprogram (I'm calling it
a program because it's WAY more
than just one teleclass) is DEFINITELY
going to have you thinking differently
in more than 10 different ways. The
beliefs/patterns that folks have been
emailing me are FABULOUS. You will
DEFINITELY up-root MANY limiting
beliefs. GET STARTED NOW!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I practice what I teach & I've had HUGE success!
Hi There!
One thing is FOR SURE, and that's
that I practice what I preach. In
fact, the universe MAKES me!!
Well about five days ago while I
was enjoying my nightly 40 minute
hot tub soak (what I consider to be
my nightly therapy, LOL) I had a
HUGE insight. It was an energy
process. I knew exactly what I
needed to do to SHIFT my energy.
AND I found this process to be
incredibly EASY. I then thought to
myself 'hmmmm, I wonder what
kind of results it will create.'
WELL.......let me tell you it's
almost a week later and I'm
kinda shocked at what has
People have showed up out of no
where, my phone has been ringing
NON STOP, I find money lying on
the ground 100% of the time I
leave the house, problems vanish
as if by magic, my website has been
attracting FABULOUS new clients left
and right, etc. etc. etc.
And I know it's because of my new
energy process. It's so easy,
almost simple, and yet the results
have been PROFOUND!!
You can get your hands of this
very energy process in mp3 audio
format as a BONUS to my upcoming
'Manifest, Attract & Align' teleclass
on June 15th.
I expect HUGE shifts in thinking
and manifesting for everyone who
attends my June 15th teleclass, and
this energy process is just ONE of
the many ways I KNOW I can help
facilitate that.
Upon registering check your email.
You'll receive a special email with our
call details and instructions for June
15th AND the download link to my
fabulous energy process!! No waiting!!
So.......You can put this process into
practice for a FULL 5 days and then
ASK QUESTIONS if you would like on
June 15th!! It's a true win/win/win!!!
Register here now:
ANY questions, simply reply to this
email!! EXPECT great things and then
WATCH what happens!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I promise that my energy process
ALONE (provided you USE it) is worth
the cost of my June 15th teleclass. In
less than 5 minutes you can COMPLETELY
shift your energy, hence shifting your
manifestations! TRY IT and SEE!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
One thing is FOR SURE, and that's
that I practice what I preach. In
fact, the universe MAKES me!!
Well about five days ago while I
was enjoying my nightly 40 minute
hot tub soak (what I consider to be
my nightly therapy, LOL) I had a
HUGE insight. It was an energy
process. I knew exactly what I
needed to do to SHIFT my energy.
AND I found this process to be
incredibly EASY. I then thought to
myself 'hmmmm, I wonder what
kind of results it will create.'
WELL.......let me tell you it's
almost a week later and I'm
kinda shocked at what has
People have showed up out of no
where, my phone has been ringing
NON STOP, I find money lying on
the ground 100% of the time I
leave the house, problems vanish
as if by magic, my website has been
attracting FABULOUS new clients left
and right, etc. etc. etc.
And I know it's because of my new
energy process. It's so easy,
almost simple, and yet the results
have been PROFOUND!!
You can get your hands of this
very energy process in mp3 audio
format as a BONUS to my upcoming
'Manifest, Attract & Align' teleclass
on June 15th.
I expect HUGE shifts in thinking
and manifesting for everyone who
attends my June 15th teleclass, and
this energy process is just ONE of
the many ways I KNOW I can help
facilitate that.
Upon registering check your email.
You'll receive a special email with our
call details and instructions for June
15th AND the download link to my
fabulous energy process!! No waiting!!
So.......You can put this process into
practice for a FULL 5 days and then
ASK QUESTIONS if you would like on
June 15th!! It's a true win/win/win!!!
Register here now:
ANY questions, simply reply to this
email!! EXPECT great things and then
WATCH what happens!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. I promise that my energy process
ALONE (provided you USE it) is worth
the cost of my June 15th teleclass. In
less than 5 minutes you can COMPLETELY
shift your energy, hence shifting your
manifestations! TRY IT and SEE!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
If I gave you an energy process that would unlock it ALL, would you try it?
Guess What!
I just recorded a FABULOUS audio
for my upcoming 6/15 teleclass
It's an energy process that allows
you to EASILY let go of what's
bothering you or not going as
quickly as you would like. It also
gives you tremendous insight into
how TIGHTLY you're holding on.
Have you tried working with your
energy before? Are you open to
trying something new? The process
I created for my 'Manifest, Attract
and Align' call will move things
up and out quicker than anything
you've ever tried. And the really
cool part is this process is a GIFT.
It's an extra bonus that I want to
give you BEFORE our live call on
June 15th.
I'm going to be sending this mp3
audio to all registered participants
later this afternoon via email. All
you have to do is click the link and
the audio will download to your
desktop. Super EASY!! We're only
six days away from our teleclass
and this process will enable you to
loosen the grip on the story you're
telling yourself that's keeping you
stuck even BEFORE our call.
I promise you're going to LOVE
this extra mp3 bonus!! If you
haven't registered yet go now to:
Then check your email right away
and AGAIN around 5pm pacific
for your special mp3 bonus!!!
Again the link to register at is:
It's going to be a FABULOUS week
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I just recorded a FABULOUS audio
for my upcoming 6/15 teleclass
It's an energy process that allows
you to EASILY let go of what's
bothering you or not going as
quickly as you would like. It also
gives you tremendous insight into
how TIGHTLY you're holding on.
Have you tried working with your
energy before? Are you open to
trying something new? The process
I created for my 'Manifest, Attract
and Align' call will move things
up and out quicker than anything
you've ever tried. And the really
cool part is this process is a GIFT.
It's an extra bonus that I want to
give you BEFORE our live call on
June 15th.
I'm going to be sending this mp3
audio to all registered participants
later this afternoon via email. All
you have to do is click the link and
the audio will download to your
desktop. Super EASY!! We're only
six days away from our teleclass
and this process will enable you to
loosen the grip on the story you're
telling yourself that's keeping you
stuck even BEFORE our call.
I promise you're going to LOVE
this extra mp3 bonus!! If you
haven't registered yet go now to:
Then check your email right away
and AGAIN around 5pm pacific
for your special mp3 bonus!!!
Again the link to register at is:
It's going to be a FABULOUS week
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Join me June 15th for a Special 80+ min teleclass
That's right!! I'm teaching a
POWERFUL teleclass on June 15th
and you're invited! It's your
chance to work with me personally
in a VERY unique way.
Read more about it here:
I hope you'll join me and gift
yourself this opportunity to move
more quickly toward where you want
to go. Remembering.....that it's
the journey, NOT the destination
that shapes us.
Words don't teach, it's life
experience that teaches. The
only question is.....are you learning
from it or repeating the lesson
again and again and again?
Think about that!
ENJOY the rest of your weekend
and EXPECT great things!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. If you haven't worked with
me before JOIN ME June 15th and
let me SHOW you how I can benefit
you and your results!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
POWERFUL teleclass on June 15th
and you're invited! It's your
chance to work with me personally
in a VERY unique way.
Read more about it here:
I hope you'll join me and gift
yourself this opportunity to move
more quickly toward where you want
to go. Remembering.....that it's
the journey, NOT the destination
that shapes us.
Words don't teach, it's life
experience that teaches. The
only question is.....are you learning
from it or repeating the lesson
again and again and again?
Think about that!
ENJOY the rest of your weekend
and EXPECT great things!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. If you haven't worked with
me before JOIN ME June 15th and
let me SHOW you how I can benefit
you and your results!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, June 04, 2010
Double your pleasure, Double your fun! =)
Happy Friday!! The weekend is here!! ;-D
Some people, maybe even you,
think they aren't 'good at manifesting',
or creating miracles in their life. Not
so. Every person, INCLUDING YOU,
infallibly manifest whatever you
predominantly hold as the picture in
your mind. Always! But here's the
problem. Few people (perhaps 1-2%)
are actually aware of what they're
focusing on.
When you learn to be intentionally
aware, you gain a power that will
blow away your obstacles, and
literally align your vibration with....
.....EVERYTHING you have EVER
asked for.
I created this fabulous 30 day step
by step attunement that will slowly
and easily SHOW you how you're
creating and attracting EVERYTHING
that's happening to you. You will
learn how to think NEW limitless
thoughts and beliefs. You'll show
yourself how EASY creating miracles
and life changing events can be.
My Creating Miracles and Life
Changing Events ecourse will be
delivered daily to your email and
includes LOADS of resources,
exercises and ideas to change the
way you view EVERYTHING.
You'll also receive mind shifting
emails containing each days
deliberate creation lesson for
a full 30 days. Read them when
they arrive, put them into practice
and WATCH your results explode
before your very eyes!!
ability to re-start this program
ANY time you desire. I'm sincerely
honest when I say this is one of
my most POWERFUL programs I
have ever created and the beauty
of it being available immediately
via email makes it one of a kind!
You truly must experience it to
believe it!
AND as a special bonus THIS
WEEKEND ONLY when you enroll in
my Creating Miracles Ecourse, I'm
going to GIFT you entrance to my
'Manifest, Attract and Align' LIVE
teleclass on June 15th!! ($21 value)
I want YOU to finally GET the
results you keep thinking are too
hard to get. I want YOU to finally
prove to yourself that manifesting
IS easy and that you CAN do it
deliberately and I KNOW that
combining my 30 day Miracles
Ecourse AND my LIVE teleclass on
June 15th is one of the quickest
ways to do it!! ;-)
Start my ecourse today and then
watch your email box for your
special NO COST invite to my June
15th teleclass!! I'll be sending them
PERSONALLY, hehe ;-)
Have a FABULOUS weekend!! Let's
get started NOW!! Woooo HOOO!!
BIG Hugs and MUCH Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. It's True!! Anyone who begins
my 30 Day Creating Miracles Ecourse
this weekend will be gifted access to
my upcoming LIVE 'Manifest, Attract
and Align' teleclass on June 15th (a
$21 value). Today is the DAY!!! ;-)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Some people, maybe even you,
think they aren't 'good at manifesting',
or creating miracles in their life. Not
so. Every person, INCLUDING YOU,
infallibly manifest whatever you
predominantly hold as the picture in
your mind. Always! But here's the
problem. Few people (perhaps 1-2%)
are actually aware of what they're
focusing on.
When you learn to be intentionally
aware, you gain a power that will
blow away your obstacles, and
literally align your vibration with....
.....EVERYTHING you have EVER
asked for.
I created this fabulous 30 day step
by step attunement that will slowly
and easily SHOW you how you're
creating and attracting EVERYTHING
that's happening to you. You will
learn how to think NEW limitless
thoughts and beliefs. You'll show
yourself how EASY creating miracles
and life changing events can be.
My Creating Miracles and Life
Changing Events ecourse will be
delivered daily to your email and
includes LOADS of resources,
exercises and ideas to change the
way you view EVERYTHING.
You'll also receive mind shifting
emails containing each days
deliberate creation lesson for
a full 30 days. Read them when
they arrive, put them into practice
and WATCH your results explode
before your very eyes!!
ability to re-start this program
ANY time you desire. I'm sincerely
honest when I say this is one of
my most POWERFUL programs I
have ever created and the beauty
of it being available immediately
via email makes it one of a kind!
You truly must experience it to
believe it!
AND as a special bonus THIS
WEEKEND ONLY when you enroll in
my Creating Miracles Ecourse, I'm
going to GIFT you entrance to my
'Manifest, Attract and Align' LIVE
teleclass on June 15th!! ($21 value)
I want YOU to finally GET the
results you keep thinking are too
hard to get. I want YOU to finally
prove to yourself that manifesting
IS easy and that you CAN do it
deliberately and I KNOW that
combining my 30 day Miracles
Ecourse AND my LIVE teleclass on
June 15th is one of the quickest
ways to do it!! ;-)
Start my ecourse today and then
watch your email box for your
special NO COST invite to my June
15th teleclass!! I'll be sending them
PERSONALLY, hehe ;-)
Have a FABULOUS weekend!! Let's
get started NOW!! Woooo HOOO!!
BIG Hugs and MUCH Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. It's True!! Anyone who begins
my 30 Day Creating Miracles Ecourse
this weekend will be gifted access to
my upcoming LIVE 'Manifest, Attract
and Align' teleclass on June 15th (a
$21 value). Today is the DAY!!! ;-)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, June 03, 2010
My Intuition + YOUR Story + Time Together = HUGE Shifts
Happy Thursday!
Did you know I'm teaching a
POWERFUL teleclass on June 15th?
It's your chance to work with me
personally in a VERY unique way.
Read more about it here:
I hope you'll join me and gift
yourself this opportunity to move
more quickly toward where you want
to go. Remembering.....that it's
the journey NOT the destination
that shapes us.
ENJOY today and EXPECT great
things!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Did you know I'm teaching a
POWERFUL teleclass on June 15th?
It's your chance to work with me
personally in a VERY unique way.
Read more about it here:
I hope you'll join me and gift
yourself this opportunity to move
more quickly toward where you want
to go. Remembering.....that it's
the journey NOT the destination
that shapes us.
ENJOY today and EXPECT great
things!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
I've made some HUGE changes & I'll still give you a bargain!!
Hi There!!
Over the weekend I announced my
upcoming June 15th teleclass.
Since that time (even though it was
only a day or so go) I have made
HUGE changes to the webpage.
Even though 92 people knew it was
for them right away, It's now far
more clear and I've had the chance
to really 'sit' with the changes over
the long weekend.
PLEASE check out the new page here:
If you did visit the page over the
weekend, be sure to REFRESH the
page to see the changes. ;D
Also because I've made such big
changes and was offering a discount
for the holiday, today only, enter
coupon code TUESDAY at checkout
and you'll instantly save $7 off the
price of the call!
Today is the first day of June!! It's
a brand NEW month. A clean slate
if you so choose. Let go of
everything that happened last month
and begin TODAY expecting great
Join me June 15th for an amazing
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Coupon code TUESDAY saves
you $7 off my June 15th call, today
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Over the weekend I announced my
upcoming June 15th teleclass.
Since that time (even though it was
only a day or so go) I have made
HUGE changes to the webpage.
Even though 92 people knew it was
for them right away, It's now far
more clear and I've had the chance
to really 'sit' with the changes over
the long weekend.
PLEASE check out the new page here:
If you did visit the page over the
weekend, be sure to REFRESH the
page to see the changes. ;D
Also because I've made such big
changes and was offering a discount
for the holiday, today only, enter
coupon code TUESDAY at checkout
and you'll instantly save $7 off the
price of the call!
Today is the first day of June!! It's
a brand NEW month. A clean slate
if you so choose. Let go of
everything that happened last month
and begin TODAY expecting great
Join me June 15th for an amazing
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Coupon code TUESDAY saves
you $7 off my June 15th call, today
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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