Tuesday, October 06, 2009

If you're frustrated with things..........

Let me help you.

I've done MANY personal sessions lately
and there is a common theme that keeps
popping up......people just don't think
they have the power to change ANYTHING.

In fact I hear a LOT of comments like:

- not until the economy changes

- not until I can get these bills paid

- not until I lose the weight

- not until we can all agree

- not until, not until, not until

Here's the catch though.....NOTHING is
going to change UNTIL you change your
beliefs. Period.

Remember, life is a mirror. Can you
imagine standing in front of a mirror
and WAITING for your reflection to
move first? How long do you think you
would have to wait in front of that
mirror before your reflection moved
first? How many lifetimes?

Yet that's EXACTLY what you're doing
in the areas that you feel frustration.
You're waiting for something OUTSIDE
of you to change first and it's NEVER

Frustration is also an indicator that
you feel powerless to the situation.
The only way to transcend that feeling
is to feel more POWERFUL!! This is where
I come in.

No matter what's bothering you right
now, the solution is a change in attitude.
You require a NEW perspective to this
situation and you need to REGAIN your
power in order to surpass it.

New ways of thinking DO NOT happen over
night but they do happen when you work
on your mind a little bit EVERY DAY.
Knowing this and knowing how QUICKLY I
can PROVE to you how powerful you are,
I created a 30 day program. This program
will SHOW you how you're creating your
life and it will SHOW you how to change
things. It will guide you every day for a full
30 days on new ways of processing the world
around you and showing you how to pluck the
low lying fruit surrounding you RIGHT NOW
that you simply don't see......YET!

Hundreds and hundreds of individuals
just like you have gone through this
program and there is not ONE YET who
hasn't been hugely transformed by it.

When you reconnect with your inner
power and knowing that you CAN handle
ANY/ALL situations that life brings you,
you don't fear things anymore. you don't
worry and you don't get angry quickly.
your patience level rises, you laugh more
and feel much more relaxed. your body
doesn't hurt and ache and those around you
are happy and supportive.

As Einstein once so brilliantly said....

'You can't solve a problem with the same
mind that created it.'

Let's change your mind!!! I'll walk you
through EVERY step required for 30 full days!
If you're on a fence and need a reason.....
Use coupon code CHANGEMYMIND upon
checkout to receive an INSTANT $15 discount!!
coupon IS for a limited time AND quantity so
don't dilly dally, lol :-)


BIG Hugs to You!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Remember to APPLY coupon code
CHANGEMYMIND upon checkout to receive an
INSTANT $15 discount!! Coupon expires
SOON!!! Any questions, contact me ;-)


P.S. Change begins with CHANGING YOUR

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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