Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pick Up my 'Problems' mp3 BEFORE it Hits My Website!

Hi There!

On Saturday I taught an eye opening call on
'Problems.... What they are, what they mean
and how to solve them.' I was THRILLED that
76% of who signed up, showed up LIVE to the
call. This is a never before, unheard of
statistic, but it proves one VERY important
point...... There are a LOT of things that you
view as problems!

I'm bursting with happiness to announce that
my NEW website is FINALLY finished and we're
in the process of putting the final touches on
it. =)

The BRAND SPANKING NEW 60 full minute
'Problems' audio I did on Saturday is NOT
available on my website YET, but you can pick
it up for a DISCOUNTED price of ONLY $15 for
the next 8 hours. I'm also going to throw in a
special GIFT for those who pick up my 'Problems'
mp3 audio program.....a special 5 page report
on '32 Ways to Process Negative Energy and
Emotions to Heal your Mind, Body and Spirit.'
($27 value). Both products are instantly

Because it's NOT available on my website yet
the link to get your hot little hand hands on my
BRAND NEW 'Problems' mp3 audio and 5 Page
Special Report for ONLY $15 is:

Following purchase you will IMMEDIATELY
download my special report and then you'll be
taken directly to the download page to download
your mp3. Follow the instructions and you'll be
solving your 'problems' by dinner time tonight!!! ;-)

ANY questions email us or call my office. Have
a terrific Tuesday!!

By the way......I offered this audio yesterday too
so there's only a few hours left. I hope to have
all our website changes done by this afternoon.
Pick up the audio and give it a listen. I PROMISE
you'll have 18 new insights. GUARANTEED!!!

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. My website it LIVE!! Check it out and let me
know what you think!!!

P.S.S. Pick up both my 'Problems' mp3 audio
and my special 5 page report on '32 Ways to
Process Negative Energy and Emotions to Heal
your Mind, Body and Spirit' for ONLY $15. Offer
available for only 8 hours more!! Grab it now:

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Beginning Monday you'll receive an audio.....

Beginning Monday you'll receive an audio
from me EVERY week! =)

I've made a BIG decision and will be making
my NEW weekly 'Monday Mindshift' an audio
lesson. I will be launching the first issue this
coming Monday November 2nd. Each weekly
audio will be 5-7 minutes long. I'll teach you
how to shift your mindset from where you are
to where you what to go!! 8-)

This is a FREE benefit for members of my
community and you don't need to do anything
to begin receiving this life changing
information either.

This will also be a podcasted show so if you
have Itunes you'll be able to subscribe to the
show directly and receive each lesson right to
your Ipod. When I have the show details on
where to subscribe, I'll let you know.

I also wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you
who attended my live 'Problems' Training call
on Saturday. I am THRILLED to say that 76%
of you who signed up showed up LIVE to the
call. This is a never before, unheard of
statistic, but it proves one VERY important
point. There are a LOT of things that you view
as problems!

I've been FLOODED with emails from those
who listened live to the call and realized that
'Problems' is a story that we are ALL TOO
familiar and comfortable with. I also became
aware of how much this call helped everyone
listening and decided that I want YOU to have
a new view on Problems too!

My BRAND SPANKING NEW 60 full minute
'Problems' mp3 audio program is NOT available
on my website YET, but you can pick it up for a
DISCOUNTED price of ONLY $15 for the next 24
hours. I'm also going to throw in a special GIFT
for the first 150 people who pick up my
'Problems' mp3 audio program.....a special 5
page report on '32 Ways to Process Negative
Energy and Emotions to Heal your Mind, Body
and Spirit.' ($27 value). Both products will be
instantly downloadable for the first 150
purchases for ONLY $15, however the mp3
audio will be available for the full 24 hours.

Because it's NOT available on my website yet
the link to get your hot little hand hands on my
BRAND NEW 'Problems' mp3 audio and 5 Page
Special Report for ONLY $15 is:

Following purchase you will IMMEDIATELY
download my special report (for the first 150)
and then you'll be taken directly to the download
page to download your audio. Follow the
instructions and you'll be solving your 'problems'
by dinner time tonight!!! ;-)

ANY questions email us or call my office. Have
a terrific Tuesday!!

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. You can grab both my 'Problems' mp3 audio
and my special 5 page report on '32 Ways to
Process Negative Energy and Emotions to Heal
your Mind, Body and Spirit' for ONLY $15. Offer
available for 24 hours only!! Grab yours here:

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Let's get to know each other! I have an idea.

While watching a bit of T.V. earlier I had
an 'aha' moment. I realized even though I
email you frequently and try to keep you up
to date on what I'm doing, the fact is.....
you might not know what it is I do or even
how it is I can HELP you.

I DO know that by your being attracted to
me and my work there IS something for us
to learn from one another and I FINALLY
figured out how we can both SEE exactly
what that is!

Words don't teach, it's life experience that
teaches. So what better way for you to
know what I do and how I can help you than
EXPERIENCING it first hand for yourself!
I'm going to offer THREE opportunities for
you and I to get better acquainted and for
you to SEE a change in your results. Each
option is HIGHLY discounted and offers you
three levels of interaction with me to
choose from.

1) ALL of my audios are 50% off this
weekend. You'll see the DISCOUNTED price
next to each selection. This is a GREAT option
if you're brand new to my work and enjoy
listening to audio programs. Each mp3 is
INSTANTLY available and several come with
instantly downloadable pdf workbooks as well.
View and choose from all 15 selections here:

2) I'm offering a full 14 day trial to my
Limitless Possibilities Email Coaching. I
have never done this before and I'm SO excited
to open this program up to you for you to try.
Included is instant access to an online library
of over 16 months of back issues, downloadable
audios within those issues not to mention you'll
receive a NEW email issue every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday on topics that YOU have
asked for within your mind. My intuition plays
a HUGE part in this program and I promise to hit
you right between the eyes with what you need
to hear. This program is truly for those who are
READY TO BE the successful, abundant, peaceful,
happy, and healthy individuals you intended to be.
Sign up for your full 14 day trial at the top of
this page:

3) I'm offering a full 14 day trial to my Mind
Powers Program. It has been YEARS since I've
offered a trial, and NOW is the time for you to
try this program and EXPERIENCE what it has to
offer you on a very deep level. Included is a
weekly Wednesday call with mp3 recording,
immediate access to my online forum with 100's
of audios waiting to assist you on ANY topic you
can imagine! We have monthly email chats, a
monthly teleclass, monthly personal Q&A calls,
and you can ask me ANY question ANY time via
my 'Ask Shelby' forum. This program will take
you to a level within yourself that you never
knew existed. This is a safe community to grow
and learn in and you have IMMENSE access to
me to work through ANY emotions/issues that
are bothering you. Please give it a try and SEE
EXACTLY what you think. Literally. Sign up for
your full 14 day trial at the top of this page:

I hope you'll take FULL advantage of my two
trials and that you pick up a handful of your
favorite audios at an AMAZING price! I would
LOVE to work with you and really look forward
to interacting and getting to know you better!!

Have a fabulous weekend and I'll be sending
you everything you need shortly ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Please note that each of the options
above is available this weekend only and
these offers end promptly at midnight
Sunday Oct 25th.

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Your Only Obstacle is YOU!

Yes you read that right!

"It is a true miracle when a man
finally sees himself as his only

- Vernon Howard

Some of the most profound words
I've ever read.

Depending where you are currently
on your path to consciousness you
may or may not believe those
words or even be ready to hear
them. But if you are keep

Words DON'T teach, life experience
teaches. But it can only teach if
you LEARN from it. Have you
noticed that there are a few areas
of your life that you seem to keep
repeating? You can't seem to get
past the hurdles and break free.

THOSE are the very areas you
have yet to learn from.

You may be experiencing life in
those areas but you're not learning
from them. And as you've
experienced, and will CONTINUE TO
EXPERIENCE, because the school of
life WILL give you opportunity after
opportunity and circumstance after
circumstance to learn that same
lesson UNTIL you get the teaching.

If you have even ONE of these
areas where you seem to keep
circling in the same pattern month
after month and year after year I
have good news!

Join me THIS Saturday at 9:00am
pacific and I'll explain in detail and
answer ALL your questions then:

Think of it as Manifesting 101, 202,
303 AND 404! ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Join me on Saturday for a WHOLE
NEW ATTITUDE by registering here:

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Join me on Saturday for a LIVE teleclass!

Get ready%!!

I'm teaching a brand new LIVE teleclass
this Saturday October 24th at 9:00am pacific
12:00pm eastern. The topic is 'Problems......
What they are, What they mean and How to
solve them'

This class will be a full 60-75 minutes
(depending on audience participation) and
will include the live call, interactive Q&A,
mp3 recording of the call AND a pdf
downloadable reference guide.

The cost is $25 and space IS limited.

If you're interested in attending register

Space is on a first come first served basis.

As with ALL my live teleclasses, there IS a
guarantee for this training. Read all the
details here.

I hope to hear you LIVE on Saturday!! :-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. My last live public training was in May.
I promise this call on Saturday will be worth
your while!!!

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, October 15, 2009

You help me and I'll help You!! :-)

Read this email fully and be sure
to listen to my audio message below!

'What-is-itis' is the number one reason
why you're not manifesting what you
want. You're continually looking at WHAT
IS. You notice what is, you talk about
what is, and you worry about what is. Is
it any wonder why 'what is' KEEPS showing

If you continually look at what is,
all you can EVER possibly manifest
is MORE of what is.
The way to CURE what-is-itis is to
fill your mind with NEW information
that can open the doors that YOU
currently have LOCKED.

Don't get me're thinking
thoughts all day long. That won't
stop (for a while), so our goal then
becomes to change the thoughts your
thinking right now anyway, from what
you DON'T want to what you DO want.

Much like you wouldn't expect to lose
weight or get toned eating hamburgers
and french fries for every meal you
CANNOT attract success and abundance
if you fill your mind with fear, scarcity,
doubt and worry (T.V. news, newspapers,
politics, reality T.V. etc.).
The GOOD NEWS is.........What-is-itis IS

If you're ready to change, I'm ready to
help you!! Here's what I'm going to do......
With ANY audio purchase (and I have 15
audios to choose from) TODAY you will
be entitled to a FREE email coaching session
with me!! Yep a $17 audio program will
get you a FREE email coaching session ($67
value). Listen to my message here to find
out why!!

Click Here to Listen:

Grab an audio or two from the link below
and then email me to get started!!! :-)

THANK YOU so much for your participation
and VALUABLE feedback. I look forward to
working with you!!

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. A $17 audio program gets you started.
Pick your favorite(s) from below and let's work
together!!! :-)

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week...

Finally ready to do it the EASY way?

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

If you have less than $50 in your wallet right now, Read This!

If you have LESS than a $50 in
your wallet right now, pay CLOSE

Money is an interesting energy. When
you NEED it, it's no where to be found
and when you don't need it, it's
EVERYWHERE, have you noticed?

Well I have some VERY good news!

In preparation for my NEW website, I
was recently updating the audio
program section of my website and
realized I had never offered a VERY
powerful audio program. I'm not
sure how it happened or why, but I
feel NOW is the time to release it!

As I'm sure you know I have a 60+
minute audio on the 'Truth About
Money and How to Allow More', this
is my TOP selling audio by FAR.

Well.......NOW you can get your
hands on my even DEEPER 'The Truth
About Money - Part 2' audio program.
I recorded this program last year and
the results my clients have gotten as
a result have been incredible!

Let's face it, we all MUST have money
to survive. Money is the form of
exchange we use to buy things.

Now I'm SURE you don't think $50 is
a lot of money. Maybe you think
$10,000 or $100,000 or $1million is a
lot of money, but $50 is NOT a lot of
money. So I ask you..... Do you have
$50 in your wallet right now? When
was the last time you spent a $50 bill?

BELIEVE me, you have MANY unconscious
beliefs about money that are keeping it
from you. In less than an hour you can
completely change the energy your omitting
around money, CASH, abundance and

Wouldn't it be nice to make money your
friend? Wouldn't you like to know what
to do to become a magnet to money? It
all begins with what you REALLY believe
about money AND how you think you're
supposed to receive it and WHY.

If you're ready for a NEW story around
money I invite you to pick up my Truth
About Money Audio Programs- Part 1 and

To do something a little fun.....The first
100 people who purchase my Truth about
Money Part 2 audio program, will ALSO
receive a special BONUS audio program!
I'm not going to tell you which audio
program it is but I will tell you this....

- It's NOT available on my website

- You couldn't buy it EVEN if you wanted to

- You will uncover at LEAST 20 limiting
beliefs holding you back!

Pick up my Truth about Money Program
Part 1, Part 2 or both here:

I will personally email the first 100 who
purchase my 'Truth About Money - Part 2'
a special download link to access the FREE
audio bonus ($20 value, 60+ minute program)
Finally learn how to SMILE when you think
of money. :-) You'll learn how to make money
serve you, rather than YOU serving money.
Pick up my 'Truth about Money Part 2' here:

Enjoy your week and SMILE often ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. The first 100 to purchase my 'Truth About
Money Part 2', will receive an additional special
BONUS audio. ($20 value, 60+ minute audio
program, get Yours!!)

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, October 12, 2009

Today is the day......Let's see what you do.

Hi There!

As I'm sure you've noticed the 'perfect'
day NEVER comes. There is always
something that you would like improved
BEFORE you move forward. There is
always the want for a guarantee of
success and again, that day NEVER

AS you might imagine I too am
learning as I go and becoming more
and conscious of my habits, patterns
and BELIEFS about life and what it all

Well just the other day I was having a
VERY in depth conversation with a
colleague and I became triggered. In
a flash I felt judgment, frustration, and
a little bit of anger entering my mind
and thoughts. I was USING HIM as my
excuse to get upset. Somehow I let HIS

Has that every happened to you?

I'm SURE it has. That's what triggers do.
But here's the interesting part. These
same triggers that get you upset and out
of flow ARE THE VERY teachings that will
propel you to that next level. They're
steps that YOU'VE MANIFESTED to learn

The question is.....are you learning or

Learning FEELS GOOD and you gain a
new perspective around the person, issue
or circumstance. Resisting FEELS BAD and
you tend to create the SAME type of person,
issue or circumstance again and again.
It can almost feel like you're running
a hamster wheel, not really getting
anywhere. Have you ever experienced

I'm SURE you have! The key is to GET
possible. To learn from it and get on with
living the life you DESIRE. And the sooner
you observe exactly what is triggering you
the LESS YOU SUFFER. So here's a

What person, circumstance or life issue is
triggering you? What's keeping you up at
night? What are you WORRIED about
MORE than you know is good for you? Who
has the ability to get you upset easier than
anyone else you know? What thoughts bring
tears to your eyes the moment you think
about them?

TODAY is the day to begin transcending
these issues. TODAY you can learn another
way of experiencing what life is TRYING to
teach you. TODAY is the day to join my Mind
Powers Program and move past these issues
once and for all. I mention this TODAY

TOMORROW is my monthly Email Chat. I
can answer ANY/ALL of your questions and all
you have to do is type! Then on Wednesday
I begin a BRAND NEW 90 day program. Every
Wednesday join me for a 30 minute
realignment. These calls are recorded and
make a HUGE difference in what you
experience and to what degree they affect you.

Life stops for no one. The learning keeps
coming whether you do something about it or
not. If you want life to get easier on you, you
have to get easier on life! I will help you!!!

Oh and I now offer a 3 month which has a fabulous
35% discount built in. Join today for 3 months
and I will gift you a FREE 30 minute recorded
personal session with me to be used any time in
the next 6 months!! ($247 value) This is my promise
to get you where you want to go.

Join NOW and let's chat tomorrow morning!!!
It's completely confidential and 100% secure.
I look forward to seeing you on the chat boards! ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge!!

P.S. ALL individuals who enroll today in a 3 month
membership will receive a 30 minute recorded
personal session with me ($247 value)! Together
we can make a HUGE difference in your results in
3 months!!

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, October 08, 2009

What are two common emotions right now?

Answer..... Fear and Worry

You hear about it on television,
radio, in the newspapers and in
ANY local coffee shop, everyone's
talking about their fears and
worries. The WORST case scenario.

It's running rampant, the negative,
hysteric side of life. Now I'm not
saying that experiencing fear and
worry isn't normal to some degree,
but living these emotions hours a
day, day after day and week after
week IS NOT. You do have a choice.

Your emotions are indicators of what's
going on INSIDE your mind. If you
want to change what you experience,
first confront what you REALLY believe
about your ability to be successful.
Confront your fears and worries,
I will show you how!!

Download the FULL 90 minute
program here:

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

If you could ask me ANY 1 question, what would it be?

Now's your chance!!

I know you've heard me mention in
the past my Life Overhaul Program.
Included is 6+ hours of instantly
available mp3 audios, my newest
ways to process and handle negative
emotions AND you can ask me ANY
one question you have. I'll literally
coach you on ANY problem you can't
seem to shake.

If you haven't taken advantage
of this program (worth OVER $680)
you MUST think about it right now.
When my BRAND NEW website launches,
(next week) this program will no longer
be offered.

You have been on my email list
for a while now %$firstname$%. You
KNOW that if you believed it, you'd be
living it. So obviously your beliefs
would benefit from an overhaul. Your
expectations about success and it being
EASY could use an overhaul too! Don't
you think? There is absolutely NO Risk
with this offer. Check it out!!!

AND for the first 20 individuals who take
action TODAY I will also throw in a FREE
handwriting analysis ($88 Value). Maybe
you forgot I'm a handwriting analyst? I will
look at your handwriting and be able to tell
you your Fears, Thoughts and Feelings
at a subconscious level. But again
this is for the FIRST 20 Individuals
who are ready and WILLING to change!

Start YOUR expectation overhaul here:

I'm Here to Serve YOU! This opportunity
for you and I to work together personally is
REASON ENOUGH!!! Let's move you PAST
your current success level! ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

If you're frustrated with things..........

Let me help you.

I've done MANY personal sessions lately
and there is a common theme that keeps
popping up......people just don't think
they have the power to change ANYTHING.

In fact I hear a LOT of comments like:

- not until the economy changes

- not until I can get these bills paid

- not until I lose the weight

- not until we can all agree

- not until, not until, not until

Here's the catch though.....NOTHING is
going to change UNTIL you change your
beliefs. Period.

Remember, life is a mirror. Can you
imagine standing in front of a mirror
and WAITING for your reflection to
move first? How long do you think you
would have to wait in front of that
mirror before your reflection moved
first? How many lifetimes?

Yet that's EXACTLY what you're doing
in the areas that you feel frustration.
You're waiting for something OUTSIDE
of you to change first and it's NEVER

Frustration is also an indicator that
you feel powerless to the situation.
The only way to transcend that feeling
is to feel more POWERFUL!! This is where
I come in.

No matter what's bothering you right
now, the solution is a change in attitude.
You require a NEW perspective to this
situation and you need to REGAIN your
power in order to surpass it.

New ways of thinking DO NOT happen over
night but they do happen when you work
on your mind a little bit EVERY DAY.
Knowing this and knowing how QUICKLY I
can PROVE to you how powerful you are,
I created a 30 day program. This program
will SHOW you how you're creating your
life and it will SHOW you how to change
things. It will guide you every day for a full
30 days on new ways of processing the world
around you and showing you how to pluck the
low lying fruit surrounding you RIGHT NOW
that you simply don't see......YET!

Hundreds and hundreds of individuals
just like you have gone through this
program and there is not ONE YET who
hasn't been hugely transformed by it.

When you reconnect with your inner
power and knowing that you CAN handle
ANY/ALL situations that life brings you,
you don't fear things anymore. you don't
worry and you don't get angry quickly.
your patience level rises, you laugh more
and feel much more relaxed. your body
doesn't hurt and ache and those around you
are happy and supportive.

As Einstein once so brilliantly said....

'You can't solve a problem with the same
mind that created it.'

Let's change your mind!!! I'll walk you
through EVERY step required for 30 full days!
If you're on a fence and need a reason.....
Use coupon code CHANGEMYMIND upon
checkout to receive an INSTANT $15 discount!!
coupon IS for a limited time AND quantity so
don't dilly dally, lol :-)

BIG Hugs to You!

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Remember to APPLY coupon code
CHANGEMYMIND upon checkout to receive an
INSTANT $15 discount!! Coupon expires
SOON!!! Any questions, contact me ;-)

P.S. Change begins with CHANGING YOUR

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Is a Week Fast Enough For You?

Hi There!

Over the past few months I've emailed
you about my 3x a week email coaching
program. You probably didn't enroll
because you have a LIST of 'but' thoughts

- but it's $37 a month!

- but how is this REALLY going to help me?

- but I don't read the emails I have now!

- but I'm not ready for something like this.

- but this won't help ME and MY problems!

I HAVE to share with you what one of
you DID DO. She enrolled. Her name is Mary,
she's from Kenya and this is what she wrote
me only days later....

'Hi Shelby, thank you so much for your
email on MONEY. I've just printed it so
that I can go sit somewhere quiet and
drink it in. I'm so excited! You know
Shelby - I've just changed my mind about
telling you about my negative past. I'd
rather tell you how I'm really changing
from the inside after this first week of
your lessons. As I think of the way I want
things to be in my life I feel happy.
My belief that my life is taking shape
for the better is becoming more and more
real in my heart every moment..
Thank you so much for your lessons.
Take a high 5!!'

Love, Mary K

Here's what another new member named
Mara wrote me.......

'Hello Shelby,

You are so on point for the circumstances
in my life, it is amazing. I have learned so
much from your wise words and I am so
appreciative of the guidance you have provided.
I get revelations everyday from the thoughts
you share and I'm no longer the Zero woman.'

Thanks again,

Mara S

I wanted to share Mary's and Mara's emails
with you for TWO reasons. 1) It PROVES just
how quickly things begin to shift when you
DECIDE to be open to a new way of thinking
about your 'problems'. and 2) you can
print each lesson off and place them in
a folder. Within a few months you would
have answers to ANY and ALL situations
you could possibly face.


When you enroll you IMMEDIATELY have
access to over 14 months of past lessons
online! You can browse topic after topic
for answers RIGHT NOW! Online you can
print topics of interest, read ANY issue AND
download ALL past audio lessons in a matter
of minutes too ;-) Enroll now here:

WHAT IF things could change for you in
only a week? Would you be ready? Are you
READY for the success you seek? REALLY
ready?? It's a question worth answering!

Here's ANOTHER incentive.... The first 75 who
step forward and join will be invited for a
and answer period NEXT SATURDAY October 10th
at 9:00am pacific. You can ask me ANY questions
you have. You can learn from others questions
AND you'll receieve the mp3 download of the call!!
($57 value). I'll email you shortly after enrolling
with our Q&A call-in details!! :-) I'm SOOO excited!

Let's do this!! Let's raise your belief in
yourself. Let's make your dreams come true!!!

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. In less than 36 hours Monday's lesson
can be in YOUR inbox. If there is ONLY ONE
email you read, make it my email coaching!!!
I PROMISE it will change you in ways you NEVER

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Packages Ship NEXT Week! 38 Sets Left! Get Yours!!

Hi There!!

I've been BUSILY signing books!
If you haven't picked up my one
pound CD/Book package there are
about 38 left!! I can only ship as
many CD's as I have left so DON'T
WAIT, grab yours now!!

I recently ordered a large number
of CD's for an upcoming event I'm
speaking at. Well they arrived today
well before schedule and to my slight
disappointment ALL the CD labels are
incorrect. They are partially black
and white (they were supposed to be
color) AND these CD's have ALL the
wrong graphics.

Bottom line is I can NOT use these
for my upcoming event. New CD's
will be ordered first thing in the
morning but I still have a small
problem.....what do to with THESE
CD's, This is my first problem.

The real winner in all of this is YOU!
This is the LAST time I will offer my
book/CD package with 'Power of
Your Words' as the CD.

I'm going to make you an offer that
is so unbelievably good that you will
HAVE to take me up on it.

Since I sell download only audios
from my website, the ONLY way to get
your hands on this VERY special one-of-
a-kind CD is from this email.

Here's what you'll get:

- a PERSONALLY autographed copy of my
book 'Walking with the Wise' (OVER 200+ pgs)

- a 60 minute 'The Power of Your Words'

- my PERSONAL business card for your
private Rolodex or office file

- and two never before offered products
(coupon and download instructions will
be included) from my PRIVATE collection

This $89 package is yours for ONLY $15
plus shipping!

This 1+ pound package will arrive in your
mail box via Priority Mail for orders
within the United States and will arrive
International Mail for all international

I also have a few other goodies up my
sleeve, but you'll only see those if
you order the package! Here's the link:

Thank you so much for your help! :-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge


I'm a Mindset Expert!

Personal Email Coaching 3x a week

Finally ready to leverage your Mind Powers and do it the EASY way?

Follow me on Twitter!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved