Saturday, April 04, 2009

OK, OK, you can have my 'Power of Now' ebook too! ($37 Value)

Hi There,

Depending on where you live in
the United States, Spring is (or
soon will) be upon us. This time
of year is INCREDIBLY important.

This is when seeds are planted
and abundant crops are EXPECTED
within a few short months. Here's
my point.... YOU too need to
plant seeds for your harvest. You
too need to prepare the land, plant
your seeds and then tend to those

And lest we not forget the weeds!
When you plant seeds in fertile
soil, you KNOW there will be weeds.
All great farmers know that if you
don't pull the weeds, they will take
over the crop. --> This is where most
lose their harvest.

Have you experienced it before?

You learn something new. You get
excited. You start using your new
technique and then all of a sudden
something happens. The results you
expected didn't happen in only a few
short days. So you STOP using your
new skill. You revert back to your old
way of doing things and the cycle
continues next month and the month
after and the month after that.

With NEWNESS in the air I'm going
to do something VERY special to get
you started on your harvest! My BEST
selling Top Three Audio Bundle which

1- The Truth about MONEY' & How to
Allow More in Your Life

2- How to Create Everything You Desire
by Utilizing the Power of Now

AND 3- The Negative Power of GUILT

EASILY sells for $47. but I'm going to
give you a special coupon code for $10
off! You will get ALL three of my TOP
selling audio programs mentioned above
for ONLY $37!

AND I'm also going to give you a free
copy of my Ebook 'The How To's of Deliberate
Creation; The Power of Living in the Now'.
This ebook sells for $37 and will be yours
free! That's an $84 value for only $37!

Here's how you can begin planting your
own luscious harvest AND at the same time
learn how to keep the weeds of your mind
at bay.

The link for my Top 3 Audio Bundle is

Click on the link above and then enter
coupon code SPRINGAHEAD in the
coupon/code area. You will see it will
automatically take $10 off the price.
Complete your purchase. Immediately
you will receive an email with ALL the
download links to my top three audio
programs. A bit later you will receive
ANOTHER email from ME personally ;-)
with your FREE download instructions for
my ebook.

I encourage you to share this email offer
with others, but this offer expires TONIGHT
Sunday April 5th at 9:00pm eastern. Just
like in nature, the early bird catches
the worm. Those of you who are READY for
your harvest, I'll be in touch shortly :-)

Again the link for my top 3 audio bundle is Use coupon code
SPRINGAHEAD for your immediate
$10 savings AND to receive my 'Power
of Now' ebook for FREE!

Enjoy your weekend and be sure to relax
much and smile often ;-)

Much Love to You,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. The link for my top three audio
bundle is Use
coupon code SPRINGAHEAD for
your $10 savings and to receive my
'Power of Now' ebook for FREE!

Visit my site for my information:

Personal email coaching 3 times
a week

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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