Sunday, May 25, 2008

Which Season Are You Experiencing Right Now?

Life is cyclical and most of us
forget this. We pick up a belief
somewhere along our life path that
says we should be reaping a harvest
all year long.

NOT so.

You hear about it through get rich
quick offers, no money down
opportunities, turn key businesses,
cash cow websites, the list goes
on and on.

BUT.....If you haven't figured it
out yet.....They Don't work.

I want you to think about nature for
a minute. There are four seasons
in nature. Autumn, Winter, Spring
and Summer.

Each season offers something different.
Different plants come in to harvest
at different times of the year.
Different animals are present during
different seasons. There are different
weather conditions depending on the
season and some seasons are more
enjoyable than others. Each has a
little something different to offer.

AND there is NO getting around the
seasons. Some last longer than others,
but you MUST experience all four
seasons, it's nature.

The same seasons are true with life!

What season are you in right now?
You're gonna soon find out!!

In today's email I'm going to talk
about the four seasons, what you
experience in each season and what
you can do to align with what you
DESIRE, no matter what season you
are currently experiencing.

Season 1 - Autumn (no particular

What you experience - Autumn marks
a time when things are beginning
to slow just a bit. It's a time
when we begin to prepare for the
winter. We plant bulbs in trust
and faith that spring will bring
beautiful flowers.

This is the time to set clear
intentions, surround yourself with
support and make YOU the number
one priority.

I recommend you become a member of
my Mind Powers program. Fill your
mind with NEW ways of thinking, NEW
beliefs and a NEW supportive
community and forum. There are
countless tools to take advantage of
to align your thoughts, feelings and

Mind Powers:

Season 2 - Winter

What you experience - Winter marks
the coldest time of the year. This
is when not much is growing, in fact
the world is dormant during winter.

This is a time to hibernate and
weather the winter storms. This is
the cycle where it doesn't APPEAR
that much is happening but we know
better. We know this season is a
critical season. It is one of the
most beautiful times of year if you
think about it.

Time for family, friends and staying
close to loved ones. The winter
season is the PERFECT time to take my
manifesting workshop. When things
are slow it's a GREAT time to learn
new ideas!! You could also think of
working with me during a personal

Winter is what YOU make of it. Let
me show you how fabulous winter is
and just how much it has to offer you!

Manifesting Workshop:

Personal sessions:

Season 3 - Spring

What you experience - Spring marks
new life. Seedlings can be seen
everywhere. New buds on all the
trees, birds chirping, rivers and
lakes begin to thaw and new life
can be seen everywhere you look.

This is a time to nourish our seedlings.
To tend to there needs. It's a
time to TRUST that everything is in
divine order and because you planted
you WILL reap. There are NO
guarantees at this stage but with new
sprouts hope can be felt.

Spring is a time of excitement of
what's to come. NEW adventures and
opportunities around EVERY corner.

The flip side to spring is the WEEDS.
The nicer the weather the more
EVERYTHING grows including weeds. If
you're not careful weeds will kill
your plants. Spring is an opportunity
AND a time to keep the weeds at

Let's work together (you and me) to
make your spring HUGE. The more you
plant and turn the land during spring,
the bigger your harvest in summer!

Personal Mentoring:

Season 4 - Summer

What you experience - Summer marks
the harvest. This is the busiest
time of year usually. This is when
ALL the work you've done REALLY
begins to pay off.

The fruit is FINALLY ready for
picking. The crop is finally
ready to eat and enjoy. But the
work is NOT over. The heat is
hot in summer, we still must
water and pick at the correct
time. Too early and the taste
isn't quite right, pick too late
and it has gone past it's prime.

This is a time to keep your eye
on the prize and keep expecting
more and more harvest. Let's
BLOW THE LID off of last years
harvest. Let's make this your
best year yet. Work with me via
email for a full 30 days. Ask
your questions, vent your
frustrations and nurture your
spirit by working with me via
email for a full 30 days.

Email Support:

Now I KNOW you don't plant
a seed or seedling and expect
it to be full grown over night.
BUT I have a funny feeling that
many of your desires you HAVE
expected overnight success.

When the overnight success didn't
happen you became frustrated,
upset and felt like a failure.
This is a your wake up call to say
that life has FOUR SEASONS.

Love where you are. And remember...
Although you cannot change the
fact that you MUST experience all
four seasons in a cycle you DO
get to control how long each season

If you've been in Winter or Autumn
for years, TODAY is the day to allow
spring in!

Let's work together to make your
harvest the quickest and largest
it can possibly be!!

Have a magnificent weekend!!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Register NOW for my 7 week virtual
workshop on Manifesting, Attraction
and Alignment beginning June 4th!
For details and information visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

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