I apologize for only giving you 36
hours notice but it's on a whim!!
I have decided to discount my
personal sessions by 50% through
Wednesday (9/1) as a kind of end
of summer sale. Book either a 30
minute or 60 minute personal
session, use coupon code WHIM
and you'll save 50% off!!
Woooo Hooooo!!! I'm sooooo
excited. I have NEVER discounted
my personal time before and just
feel like it's the right thing to do.
NOW you and I can work ANY mental
kinks you may have!
Remember use coupon code WHIM
and take 50% off!!!
If you have ever wanted to work
with me NOW is the time!! You
will be able to schedule your session
in real time right after purchase
and you'll also receive an mp3
recording of our session to listen to
over and over again.
This will be a gift for you AND ME!!
Let's catapult your success and
work those mental kinks out. I'm
so excited to work with you!
Book your time with me here:
Enjoy your week and remember......
EXPECT great things!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Remember use coupon code
WHIM and take 50% off!!! This
offer is only good through midnight
September 1st. You CAN book
multiple sessions. All sessions must
be used within 6 months.
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
It's time for Clarity, Consciousness & WANTED Creation!
I'm teaching my second public
teleclass of this year JUST FOR YOU!
Woooooo Hoooooo!!! ;-D
It's happening on Thursday Sept 9th
at 9:00am pacific and you have to
be there. Even if you can only attend
live in spirit, you'll get the recording
and it will be SOOO worth it.
I'm going to walk you through what
life is trying to teach you. I'll walk
you through the CLARITY that will
unlock your next steps. I will walk
you through unique ways of staying
AWAKE being able to RESPOND to
live rather than react. I'll walk you
through how to create what you WANT
rather than what you keep getting
and I'll walk you through a few
surprises as well!!
Even if life is good right now, now
is the time to make it GREAT!!! No
matter what your circumstances are,
this teleclass is your opportunity to
UPGRADE things so you can GIVE
more to others, give to your favorite
causes and give more to YOU!!! ;-D
You can ask me questions, you'll
get downloadable pdf notes, you'll
get an mp3 recording AND you'll
going to get a couple BONUS products
that I've recently stumbled upon
cleaning out my virtual safe.
Register now here:
It's going to be a magical call and I
promise to PACK it full of a-ha's Just
For You!! Register today (Saturday)
and you'll immediately receive ALL
our call detail in your email box and
tomorrow I'll be sending you a special
gift!! Woooo Hoooo!!
Register now here:
Enjoy your weekend and be sure
to EXPECT great things!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My teleclass on 9/9 will be PACKED
with exactly what YOU need to hear.
It will be interactive, insightful and you
will be beyond thrilled with what I share.
Register now here:
P.P.S. I'll be sending ALL registered
attendees a VERY special gift ($35 value)
tomorrow (Sunday). Register now and
make sure you're on that list!!!! ;-D
teleclass of this year JUST FOR YOU!
Woooooo Hoooooo!!! ;-D
It's happening on Thursday Sept 9th
at 9:00am pacific and you have to
be there. Even if you can only attend
live in spirit, you'll get the recording
and it will be SOOO worth it.
I'm going to walk you through what
life is trying to teach you. I'll walk
you through the CLARITY that will
unlock your next steps. I will walk
you through unique ways of staying
AWAKE being able to RESPOND to
live rather than react. I'll walk you
through how to create what you WANT
rather than what you keep getting
and I'll walk you through a few
surprises as well!!
Even if life is good right now, now
is the time to make it GREAT!!! No
matter what your circumstances are,
this teleclass is your opportunity to
UPGRADE things so you can GIVE
more to others, give to your favorite
causes and give more to YOU!!! ;-D
You can ask me questions, you'll
get downloadable pdf notes, you'll
get an mp3 recording AND you'll
going to get a couple BONUS products
that I've recently stumbled upon
cleaning out my virtual safe.
Register now here:
It's going to be a magical call and I
promise to PACK it full of a-ha's Just
For You!! Register today (Saturday)
and you'll immediately receive ALL
our call detail in your email box and
tomorrow I'll be sending you a special
gift!! Woooo Hoooo!!
Register now here:
Enjoy your weekend and be sure
to EXPECT great things!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My teleclass on 9/9 will be PACKED
with exactly what YOU need to hear.
It will be interactive, insightful and you
will be beyond thrilled with what I share.
Register now here:
P.P.S. I'll be sending ALL registered
attendees a VERY special gift ($35 value)
tomorrow (Sunday). Register now and
make sure you're on that list!!!! ;-D
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
have you registered for my 9/9 call yet? You might want to now!
well if you haven't registered yet
TODAY is the day to do it!!
here's why.......
I've been combing my web archives
(for a NUMBER of reasons I'll be
writing about soon) and I've come
across some FABULOUS product
finds. I'll be gifting a few of them
to ALL registered participants of
my upcoming 'Clarity, Consciousness,
& Creation' teleclass on Sept 9th
over the coming days and YOU
definitely want them!!! They will
be sent to you electronically so
you can access them IMMEDIATELY
and in a variety of ways. Wooooo
Hoooooo it doesn't get any better
than that!! ;-D
Register and find out about the call
Again the bonus gifts will be given
out in the next few days only. You
need to be a registered participant
PRIOR to the gifts being sent to
receive them. As with ALL my public
teleseminars, by enrolling EARLY
you gain MUCH MORE than just the
call. Like they say......The early
bird gets the worm!! ;-D
Enroll now and then be on the look
out for a special email in the coming
days. It's going to include a few
gifts that will REALLY move things
along more quickly for you. I suggest
listening/reading them as soon as
you receive them prior to our 9/9
Included is the live call on 9/9, pdf
downloadable notes and the mp3
recording of the call. AND if you
enroll today, a few goodies from
my ABUNDANT product archives that
will TOTALLY add value to what you
will learn on 9/9! ($75 value)
Combine this with the fact that I
PROMISE you at least 10 a-ha's
on the live call and you have a fail
proof option to usher in NEW
changes and manifestations!
ANY questions, simply respond to
this email. Otherwise enroll below
and then check your email. I'll
send you our call details right away!
Have a FABULOUS Wednesday and
be sure to EXPECT great things ALL
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The bonus gifts will be sent
in the next day or so. ($75 value)
Enroll today and you'll be able to
USE them BEFORE our call!! YEAH!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
TODAY is the day to do it!!
here's why.......
I've been combing my web archives
(for a NUMBER of reasons I'll be
writing about soon) and I've come
across some FABULOUS product
finds. I'll be gifting a few of them
to ALL registered participants of
my upcoming 'Clarity, Consciousness,
& Creation' teleclass on Sept 9th
over the coming days and YOU
definitely want them!!! They will
be sent to you electronically so
you can access them IMMEDIATELY
and in a variety of ways. Wooooo
Hoooooo it doesn't get any better
than that!! ;-D
Register and find out about the call
Again the bonus gifts will be given
out in the next few days only. You
need to be a registered participant
PRIOR to the gifts being sent to
receive them. As with ALL my public
teleseminars, by enrolling EARLY
you gain MUCH MORE than just the
call. Like they say......The early
bird gets the worm!! ;-D
Enroll now and then be on the look
out for a special email in the coming
days. It's going to include a few
gifts that will REALLY move things
along more quickly for you. I suggest
listening/reading them as soon as
you receive them prior to our 9/9
Included is the live call on 9/9, pdf
downloadable notes and the mp3
recording of the call. AND if you
enroll today, a few goodies from
my ABUNDANT product archives that
will TOTALLY add value to what you
will learn on 9/9! ($75 value)
Combine this with the fact that I
PROMISE you at least 10 a-ha's
on the live call and you have a fail
proof option to usher in NEW
changes and manifestations!
ANY questions, simply respond to
this email. Otherwise enroll below
and then check your email. I'll
send you our call details right away!
Have a FABULOUS Wednesday and
be sure to EXPECT great things ALL
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. The bonus gifts will be sent
in the next day or so. ($75 value)
Enroll today and you'll be able to
USE them BEFORE our call!! YEAH!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Thoughts create feelings. Feelings create your reality.
When I receive emails from clients
all over the world who have
experienced significant shifts in their
thinking, experiences and outcomes
I just get giddy.
NOTHING makes me feel more
grateful than to share my concepts,
stories and understanding of Universal
Principles with people like you, who
are interested in expanding BEYOND
what you've ever thought possible.
I want to share a few of these
personal experiences with you. It's
so powerful to SEE how others, just
like you, have aligned with the
success they've dreamed of. Success
is NOT for a select few. It's an energy
alignment process innate within us
that we only need to REMEMBER how
to use.
It's FAR EASIER than you're making
it. It's FAR EASIER than you think.
Read the stories below and notice
what YOU resonate it. Maybe you too
would like to experience these results?
Maybe you didn't think it was possible?
Until NOW!
You've been asking powerful
questions and as a result you ARE
attracting powerful answers.
Here they are..........
'Hi Shelby, Your Truth about Money
audio was mind-blowing! (LOVE your
advise about carrying money) - I
swear I've instantly become a money
magnet since applying your advise! It
all started about a month ago when I
came across your 'Power of Living in
the Now' audio. After a little over a
year of studying/practicing the law of
attraction/universe, this audio literally
brought everything together... All I
can say is LIFE CHANGING!'
Charles M - Korea
'Shelby: I thoroughly enjoyed listening
to your 'Guilt' audio. It truly was
inspiring. I am starting to see small
results as a result of aligning myself
with the proper life sources. It is truly
amazing. My faith is growing by leaps.
I have a couple of major projects that
I'm working on! I'll let you know the
results and what they are when they
manifest.' Thanks again!'
Amadee R G - India
'Hi Shelby, I'm writing letting you know
what wonderful things were reinforced
for me while listening to a recording I
purchased over 2 months ago. It was
my time to hear what I needed to hear
and get what I got from your recording!
I love your no B.S. style, as it is like
mine; an archer - to the point.'
'Hi Shelby. My name is Curtis, and I
live in the twin island state of Trinidad
and Tobago, located in the West Indies.
I have two of your speeches which I
think are enlightening and empowering.
I listen to them every single day and
I always seem to learn something new,
every time. Shelby, I think you're great,
and I love you.'
Curtis - Trinidad & Tobago
When you become conscious of your
fears, limiting beliefs and negative
stories, then AND ONLY THEN can you
let them go and REPLACE them.
NOTHING happens until you identify
where you are and where you desire
to go.
Within minutes you WILL have the
answers you've been seeking to the
questions you've been asking.
I have 15 uniquely different audio
programs, some of which even come
with workbooks, on a VARIETY of
topics to get you started AND they
are ALL instantly downloadable....
A complete list of my audio
programs can be found here:
NOW more than ever it's so
important to stay grounded and
positive about what's to come. Your
thoughts create your reality. You
MUST gain conscious control of
those thoughts and then you must
focus on what you WANT, rather
than what you keep experiencing.
I can help you........
You're next step IS awaiting you
BIG Hugs and MUCH Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My audio programs are NOT
available on my website. This
email the ONLY way to get your
eyes and hands on what I have
available. Be sure to peek and
grab a few here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
all over the world who have
experienced significant shifts in their
thinking, experiences and outcomes
I just get giddy.
NOTHING makes me feel more
grateful than to share my concepts,
stories and understanding of Universal
Principles with people like you, who
are interested in expanding BEYOND
what you've ever thought possible.
I want to share a few of these
personal experiences with you. It's
so powerful to SEE how others, just
like you, have aligned with the
success they've dreamed of. Success
is NOT for a select few. It's an energy
alignment process innate within us
that we only need to REMEMBER how
to use.
It's FAR EASIER than you're making
it. It's FAR EASIER than you think.
Read the stories below and notice
what YOU resonate it. Maybe you too
would like to experience these results?
Maybe you didn't think it was possible?
Until NOW!
You've been asking powerful
questions and as a result you ARE
attracting powerful answers.
Here they are..........
'Hi Shelby, Your Truth about Money
audio was mind-blowing! (LOVE your
advise about carrying money) - I
swear I've instantly become a money
magnet since applying your advise! It
all started about a month ago when I
came across your 'Power of Living in
the Now' audio. After a little over a
year of studying/practicing the law of
attraction/universe, this audio literally
brought everything together... All I
can say is LIFE CHANGING!'
Charles M - Korea
'Shelby: I thoroughly enjoyed listening
to your 'Guilt' audio. It truly was
inspiring. I am starting to see small
results as a result of aligning myself
with the proper life sources. It is truly
amazing. My faith is growing by leaps.
I have a couple of major projects that
I'm working on! I'll let you know the
results and what they are when they
manifest.' Thanks again!'
Amadee R G - India
'Hi Shelby, I'm writing letting you know
what wonderful things were reinforced
for me while listening to a recording I
purchased over 2 months ago. It was
my time to hear what I needed to hear
and get what I got from your recording!
I love your no B.S. style, as it is like
mine; an archer - to the point.'
'Hi Shelby. My name is Curtis, and I
live in the twin island state of Trinidad
and Tobago, located in the West Indies.
I have two of your speeches which I
think are enlightening and empowering.
I listen to them every single day and
I always seem to learn something new,
every time. Shelby, I think you're great,
and I love you.'
Curtis - Trinidad & Tobago
When you become conscious of your
fears, limiting beliefs and negative
stories, then AND ONLY THEN can you
let them go and REPLACE them.
NOTHING happens until you identify
where you are and where you desire
to go.
Within minutes you WILL have the
answers you've been seeking to the
questions you've been asking.
I have 15 uniquely different audio
programs, some of which even come
with workbooks, on a VARIETY of
topics to get you started AND they
are ALL instantly downloadable....
A complete list of my audio
programs can be found here:
NOW more than ever it's so
important to stay grounded and
positive about what's to come. Your
thoughts create your reality. You
MUST gain conscious control of
those thoughts and then you must
focus on what you WANT, rather
than what you keep experiencing.
I can help you........
You're next step IS awaiting you
BIG Hugs and MUCH Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My audio programs are NOT
available on my website. This
email the ONLY way to get your
eyes and hands on what I have
available. Be sure to peek and
grab a few here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Monday, August 23, 2010
I'll mentor you personally 3 times week !! :-D
How was your weekend? Are you
ready for a brand NEW week? Do
you think this week will be different
then last week or similar to last
Do you expect things to get better,
stay the same or even get worse?
You receive what you BELIEVE. If
you want something DIFFERENT to
show up, YOU have to think
something different. and you have
to think and act differently FIRST.
period. NO exceptions. Life
RESPONDS to your feelings and
beliefs, NOT the other way around.
In my email mentoring program you
receive mindset and perspective
changing information three days a
week delivered discretely through
your email account. I share with
you HOW to take 100% responsibility
for your life and hence be able to
CHANGE ANY/EVERY area (financial,
relationships, health, spiritual or
career) by putting the laws of the
universe to work for YOU.
Three times a week (including an
audio lesson on Wednesdays) you'll
learn how to raise your vibration,
release negative beliefs and patterns
and techniques of how to re-align
with positive energy and beliefs.
experiencing the results you truly
- If you don't believe in yourself,
your dreams or your abilities to be
successful 100%...
- If you're frustrated and don't know
what you're doing wrong.......
- If you think you're acting and
thinking positive and yet aren't
manifesting and attracting the life
you want.......
- If you're not getting the support
you need from family, friends,
colleagues or those around you.......
- If you haven't been able to
integrate 'The Secret' and ALL that
you know about the Laws of the
Universe into your daily life and
SEE any difference.......
- If you're just NOT getting REAL
results or NOTHING is changing fast
it's time to try a DIFFERENT approach.
An INSIDE approach that WILL work
Join my Personal Email Mentoring 3
Times a Week!
I will share with you EVERYTHING you
need to know to make significant,
area you need a tune up. This
program is the BEGINNING step you've
asked for. Move confidently now and
Your life will NEVER be the same, I
guarantee it!! You'll SEE results when
you stay in an expansive conversation
that OPENS your mind to possibilities.
TRY IT and SEE!! You're a current
subscriber of mine so you KNOW I can
help you. Give it a TRY!!! ;-D
EXPECT great things this week!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
IMMEDIATE access to ALL that you need!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
ready for a brand NEW week? Do
you think this week will be different
then last week or similar to last
Do you expect things to get better,
stay the same or even get worse?
You receive what you BELIEVE. If
you want something DIFFERENT to
show up, YOU have to think
something different. and you have
to think and act differently FIRST.
period. NO exceptions. Life
RESPONDS to your feelings and
beliefs, NOT the other way around.
In my email mentoring program you
receive mindset and perspective
changing information three days a
week delivered discretely through
your email account. I share with
you HOW to take 100% responsibility
for your life and hence be able to
CHANGE ANY/EVERY area (financial,
relationships, health, spiritual or
career) by putting the laws of the
universe to work for YOU.
Three times a week (including an
audio lesson on Wednesdays) you'll
learn how to raise your vibration,
release negative beliefs and patterns
and techniques of how to re-align
with positive energy and beliefs.
Give up struggle, ill health, excess
weight, depression, lack of money and
scarcity based thinking, (just to name
weight, depression, lack of money and
scarcity based thinking, (just to name
a few).
- If you're not manifesting and experiencing the results you truly
- If you don't believe in yourself,
your dreams or your abilities to be
successful 100%...
- If you're frustrated and don't know
what you're doing wrong.......
- If you think you're acting and
thinking positive and yet aren't
manifesting and attracting the life
you want.......
- If you're not getting the support
you need from family, friends,
colleagues or those around you.......
- If you haven't been able to
integrate 'The Secret' and ALL that
you know about the Laws of the
Universe into your daily life and
SEE any difference.......
- If you're just NOT getting REAL
results or NOTHING is changing fast
it's time to try a DIFFERENT approach.
An INSIDE approach that WILL work
Join my Personal Email Mentoring 3
Times a Week!
I will share with you EVERYTHING you
need to know to make significant,
area you need a tune up. This
program is the BEGINNING step you've
asked for. Move confidently now and
Your life will NEVER be the same, I
guarantee it!! You'll SEE results when
you stay in an expansive conversation
that OPENS your mind to possibilities.
TRY IT and SEE!! You're a current
subscriber of mine so you KNOW I can
help you. Give it a TRY!!! ;-D
EXPECT great things this week!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. There is online library with YEARS
back issues and audios just BEGGING to
be read and listened to. You will gain back issues and audios just BEGGING to
IMMEDIATE access to ALL that you need!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, August 20, 2010
how have you been? been watching the......
news or reading the newspapers or
talking with negative friends or
Negativity is everywhere you look
for it, but SO IS positivity. It's a
choice. Like is says in the bible,
'seek and you shall find.' What
exactly are you seeking? Are you
looking for ways in which it WILL
work and how you WILL be
successful or are you seeking
PROOF that it won't?
You may think that every
circumstance in your life that you
would like to change is the result
or fault of someone or something
else. But it ISN'T. Your thinking,
believing and reactions are what
is creating your life experience.
And YOU are the only one who can
control your thoughts, beliefs and
So TODAY IS THE DAY you step
forward and ALLOW things to
start happening FOR YOU.
I'll walk you through new mindset
shifting insights on 'Clarity,
Consciousness & Creation' in my
75+ minute teleclass on Sept 9th
at 9:00am pacific. I'll share with
you why things haven't been
working the way you would REALLY
like up until this point and how to
get in the flow of GOOD.
I'll answer ALL the questions you
have around 'HOW' to manifest
'HOW' to make things happen
quicker and most importantly
what NOT TO DO!
You'll immediately get ALL call-in
instructions and further details.
You'll also receive prior to the call
(a day or so) instantly downloadable
pdf step-by-step notes AND the
downloadable mp3 audio recording
after the call. Bottom line..... My
Sept 9th teleclass is an incredible
This is only the second public
training I've done this year and I
PROMISE it will rock your world
inside and out. I've made it VERY
affordable and using my gifts, I'll
stir up within you REALLY believe
during this call and bring it to your
conscious awareness.
You'll have deep insights to how
YOU are creating ALL of what's
happening (or not) and how to
change it if you so choose. It's
ALL about choice!!!
Choose to join me now and I'll
see you in your inbox!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS weekend and
remember.........EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join me on Thursday Sept 9th
at 9:00am pacific for a LIVE call on
'Clarity, Consciousness & Creation'.
It's going to be an AMAZING mind
opening 75+ minutes. Join me
and SEE what happens!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
talking with negative friends or
Negativity is everywhere you look
for it, but SO IS positivity. It's a
choice. Like is says in the bible,
'seek and you shall find.' What
exactly are you seeking? Are you
looking for ways in which it WILL
work and how you WILL be
successful or are you seeking
PROOF that it won't?
You may think that every
circumstance in your life that you
would like to change is the result
or fault of someone or something
else. But it ISN'T. Your thinking,
believing and reactions are what
is creating your life experience.
And YOU are the only one who can
control your thoughts, beliefs and
So TODAY IS THE DAY you step
forward and ALLOW things to
start happening FOR YOU.
I'll walk you through new mindset
shifting insights on 'Clarity,
Consciousness & Creation' in my
75+ minute teleclass on Sept 9th
at 9:00am pacific. I'll share with
you why things haven't been
working the way you would REALLY
like up until this point and how to
get in the flow of GOOD.
I'll answer ALL the questions you
have around 'HOW' to manifest
'HOW' to make things happen
quicker and most importantly
what NOT TO DO!
You'll immediately get ALL call-in
instructions and further details.
You'll also receive prior to the call
(a day or so) instantly downloadable
pdf step-by-step notes AND the
downloadable mp3 audio recording
after the call. Bottom line..... My
Sept 9th teleclass is an incredible
This is only the second public
training I've done this year and I
PROMISE it will rock your world
inside and out. I've made it VERY
affordable and using my gifts, I'll
stir up within you REALLY believe
during this call and bring it to your
conscious awareness.
You'll have deep insights to how
YOU are creating ALL of what's
happening (or not) and how to
change it if you so choose. It's
ALL about choice!!!
Choose to join me now and I'll
see you in your inbox!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS weekend and
remember.........EXPECT great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Join me on Thursday Sept 9th
at 9:00am pacific for a LIVE call on
'Clarity, Consciousness & Creation'.
It's going to be an AMAZING mind
opening 75+ minutes. Join me
and SEE what happens!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, August 19, 2010
there are STILL a few coupons left.... :-D
You can still use coupon code
EARLYBIRD and save $7 off my up-
coming teleclass!!! Grab your seat
right now and SAVE!!!!!
I'm holding my second LIVE public
teleclass this year on Thursday Sept
9th at 9:00 am pacific on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
the mp3 audio recording of the call
and a few other surprises along the
way!!! ;-D
You can register right now here:
Use coupon code EARLYBIRD and
receive an instant $7 off the call!!
(available to the first 50 only)
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Be one of the first 50 to register
and use coupon code EARLYBIRD
and you'll save $7 INSTANTLY of
the call!!! It's an INCREDIBLE
Register now, you'll instantly receive
ALL the call-in details and I'll be in
touch soon!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call! It's
going to be packed with HUGE shifts!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll quickly and use coupon code
EARLYBIRD and you'll save $7
instantly!!! (available to the first
50 only) Woooo Hoooooo!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
EARLYBIRD and save $7 off my up-
coming teleclass!!! Grab your seat
right now and SAVE!!!!!
I'm holding my second LIVE public
teleclass this year on Thursday Sept
9th at 9:00 am pacific on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
the mp3 audio recording of the call
and a few other surprises along the
way!!! ;-D
You can register right now here:
Use coupon code EARLYBIRD and
receive an instant $7 off the call!!
(available to the first 50 only)
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Be one of the first 50 to register
and use coupon code EARLYBIRD
and you'll save $7 INSTANTLY of
the call!!! It's an INCREDIBLE
Register now, you'll instantly receive
ALL the call-in details and I'll be in
touch soon!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call! It's
going to be packed with HUGE shifts!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll quickly and use coupon code
EARLYBIRD and you'll save $7
instantly!!! (available to the first
50 only) Woooo Hoooooo!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Join me on 9/9 for a FABULOUS 75 minute call on......
WOOOOO HOOOOO am I excited!!!
I'm holding my second LIVE public
teleclass this year on Thursday Sept
9th at 9:00 am pacific on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
the mp3 audio recording of the call
and a few other surprises along the
way!!! ;-D
You can register right now here:
Use coupon code EARLYBIRD and
receive an instant $7 off the call!!
(available to the first 50 only)
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Be one of the first 50 to register
and use coupon code EARLYBIRD
and you'll save $7 INSTANTLY of
the call!!! It's an INCREDIBLE
Register now, you'll instantly receive
ALL the call-in details and I'll be in
touch soon!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call %$firstname$%!!
It's going to be packed with HUGE shifts!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll quickly and use coupon code
EARLYBIRD and you'll save $7
instantly!!! (available to the first
50 only) Woooo Hoooooo!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I'm holding my second LIVE public
teleclass this year on Thursday Sept
9th at 9:00 am pacific on "Clarity,
Consciousness and Creation". It's
going to be fully interactive 75+ mins,
packed with mind shifting insights
and I will also be taking LIVE questions
from the audience as well!! :-D
I did my first live public call of the year
on June 15th and it turned into an
amazing program. This one will be
EVEN BETTER!!! I will also be providing
participants with downloadable notes,
the mp3 audio recording of the call
and a few other surprises along the
way!!! ;-D
You can register right now here:
Use coupon code EARLYBIRD and
receive an instant $7 off the call!!
(available to the first 50 only)
With just one insight or shift in
conscious perspective that you learn
on this call, new opportunities and
manifestations will suddenly be in
your view as if by magic.
I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
That's how SURE I am that this call
will change things for you in a VERY
good way!!
Be one of the first 50 to register
and use coupon code EARLYBIRD
and you'll save $7 INSTANTLY of
the call!!! It's an INCREDIBLE
Register now, you'll instantly receive
ALL the call-in details and I'll be in
touch soon!!! ;-D
I hope to hear YOU on the call %$firstname$%!!
It's going to be packed with HUGE shifts!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This is only the second time I
have offered a public live training like
this. I'll be giving my BEST on this
call. I promise you at least 10 mindset
changing 'a-ha's' in our 75 minutes
together. And if you don't feel like
you've gotten 10, contact me!
Enroll quickly and use coupon code
EARLYBIRD and you'll save $7
instantly!!! (available to the first
50 only) Woooo Hoooooo!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Monday, August 16, 2010
Beliefs 101......a short crash course!
Here's today's 'Beliefs 101' lesson.....
What is a belief exactly? I
personally have defined a belief
as a thought that you think
over and over and over again.
And although that's completely
true, I've found an even BETTER
way of explaining it.
Here goes...
A belief is nothing more than
YOUR tendencies. A belief is
REALLY how you FEEL and ACT
in any given situation. It's that
thing that you do when you
get stressed or angry.
It's how your loved ones can
predict exactly what you will say
and do. At a core level they
know your tendencies.
So....What's the thing that you
do when you get upset? Do you
yell? Get louder? Raise your
hands? Get more physical?
Throw things? Maybe say things
you don't mean? These are
tendencies, these are your
It's how I can look at your reality
and know beyond a shadow of a
doubt exactly what your true
beliefs are. Because your
beliefs are MANIFESTED right now
in your world.
Look at your:
- career/job income
- relationships (both personal & biz)
- body/weight/health
- your bank account balance
- the last vacation you took
You can SEE instantly what your
beliefs are can't you? You can
see instantly your tendencies. If
you have ever struggled to
understand what YOUR beliefs are
and how they affect your everyday
life, this is GREAT NEWS.
Life is like a blue print for you to
look over. The REAL question is....
Do you like what you see?
If not, you MUST change your beliefs
or tendencies (which is what I call
your vibrational core). When you
change how you 'react' to life, life
has a different reaction on you.
Makes sense right?
I hope so. When I made the
connection that I can tell myself
whatever I want, but the true test is
in how I ACT, because this is the
proof of what I believe my whole
world changed. You yourself may
be thinking one thing but doing
The DOING is your stronger belief.
This 'doing-ness' is your tendency.
So look at your life. How are you
FEELING about it? What needs
TENDING to? Take a good inventory
right now of what you would like to
and then.........MAKE the changes
in your beliefs and tendencies and
watch how quickly things turn around
and improve. I will SHOW YOU HOW,
step by step over a 30 day period
(which is longer than the 21 days
required to change a habit) in my
Creating Miracles and Life Changing
Events Ecourse.
This ecourse program is my BEST
material delivered in email format
every day for 30 full days. It has
been one of my best selling programs
for over three years now and the
testimonials I have are incredible!!!
Check it out:
Included is the ability to re-start
this program ANY TIME you would
like. (which is priceless!!) I just
re-started three people yesterday
who were looking for a month of
guided mental alignment.
NOW is the time for you to SEE for
yourself how you ARE creating the
life you're thinking about. My program
will prove it to you with your own
eyes. You WILL become conscious
of your deliberate participation in
what is occurring and NOT occurring.
It's INCREDIBLY affordable for a
30 day program and if you save
all the emails in a special folder
you will have access to exercises
and emails to address ANY issue/
experience that may occur!!
Begin your 30 day journey here:
Remember.......EXPECT great
things! Only YOU can!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. If there is ONLY 1 program that
you EVER buy from me.....make THIS
the one!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
What is a belief exactly? I
personally have defined a belief
as a thought that you think
over and over and over again.
And although that's completely
true, I've found an even BETTER
way of explaining it.
Here goes...
A belief is nothing more than
YOUR tendencies. A belief is
REALLY how you FEEL and ACT
in any given situation. It's that
thing that you do when you
get stressed or angry.
It's how your loved ones can
predict exactly what you will say
and do. At a core level they
know your tendencies.
So....What's the thing that you
do when you get upset? Do you
yell? Get louder? Raise your
hands? Get more physical?
Throw things? Maybe say things
you don't mean? These are
tendencies, these are your
It's how I can look at your reality
and know beyond a shadow of a
doubt exactly what your true
beliefs are. Because your
beliefs are MANIFESTED right now
in your world.
Look at your:
- career/job income
- relationships (both personal & biz)
- body/weight/health
- your bank account balance
- the last vacation you took
You can SEE instantly what your
beliefs are can't you? You can
see instantly your tendencies. If
you have ever struggled to
understand what YOUR beliefs are
and how they affect your everyday
life, this is GREAT NEWS.
Life is like a blue print for you to
look over. The REAL question is....
Do you like what you see?
If not, you MUST change your beliefs
or tendencies (which is what I call
your vibrational core). When you
change how you 'react' to life, life
has a different reaction on you.
Makes sense right?
I hope so. When I made the
connection that I can tell myself
whatever I want, but the true test is
in how I ACT, because this is the
proof of what I believe my whole
world changed. You yourself may
be thinking one thing but doing
The DOING is your stronger belief.
This 'doing-ness' is your tendency.
So look at your life. How are you
FEELING about it? What needs
TENDING to? Take a good inventory
right now of what you would like to
and then.........MAKE the changes
in your beliefs and tendencies and
watch how quickly things turn around
and improve. I will SHOW YOU HOW,
step by step over a 30 day period
(which is longer than the 21 days
required to change a habit) in my
Creating Miracles and Life Changing
Events Ecourse.
This ecourse program is my BEST
material delivered in email format
every day for 30 full days. It has
been one of my best selling programs
for over three years now and the
testimonials I have are incredible!!!
Check it out:
Included is the ability to re-start
this program ANY TIME you would
like. (which is priceless!!) I just
re-started three people yesterday
who were looking for a month of
guided mental alignment.
NOW is the time for you to SEE for
yourself how you ARE creating the
life you're thinking about. My program
will prove it to you with your own
eyes. You WILL become conscious
of your deliberate participation in
what is occurring and NOT occurring.
It's INCREDIBLY affordable for a
30 day program and if you save
all the emails in a special folder
you will have access to exercises
and emails to address ANY issue/
experience that may occur!!
Begin your 30 day journey here:
Remember.......EXPECT great
things! Only YOU can!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. If there is ONLY 1 program that
you EVER buy from me.....make THIS
the one!!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Last 12 Hours, then it's GONE!! Get it while you can!! ;-D
Hurry!! There is only 12 hours left
to grab my FABULOUS Life
Overhaul Program and then it's
being retired in the 'fabulous hall of
fame'! I wouldn't bother you again
if this program wasn't THAT GOOD
and if it couldn't you THAT MUCH!!!
I created this program almost two
years ago for a VERY special joint
venture. It was too good to not
share it so after a short while I
opened it to the public.
It's packed with some of my top
selling audios, ebooks and it has
my FAVORITEST Creating Miracles
Ebook too!!
Included is:
- 5 Audios (mp3's some NOT even
available on my site)
- 2 Ebooks (including my top selling
Miracles Ecourse & the
Power of NOW)
- Reports (32 ways on how to move
energy & more)
and you can ask me ANYTHING via
email over the next six months.
It's a GREAT program that has
everything you need to make
SIGNIFICANT change. You can't
listen to the audios included and
read the ebooks and ask ME your
most important question and not
change your life in big, great ways!!
If you bought everything individually
(and you CAN'T even purchase the
ability to email me a question) these
products are worth WAY more than
Use coupon code SUMMER10 and
you will save an additional $15
Download everything instantly NOW
and you will be attracting and
manifesting differently by
breakfast!! Woooo Hoooo!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My Life Overhaul Package
is only available until midnight
eastern on TONIGHT!! Download
your audios and ebooks NOW and
then email me your BIGGEST
question!! I would LOVE to hear
from YOU!!
P.P.S. Use coupon code SUMMER10
and you will save an additional $15
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
to grab my FABULOUS Life
Overhaul Program and then it's
being retired in the 'fabulous hall of
fame'! I wouldn't bother you again
if this program wasn't THAT GOOD
and if it couldn't you THAT MUCH!!!
I created this program almost two
years ago for a VERY special joint
venture. It was too good to not
share it so after a short while I
opened it to the public.
It's packed with some of my top
selling audios, ebooks and it has
my FAVORITEST Creating Miracles
Ebook too!!
Included is:
- 5 Audios (mp3's some NOT even
available on my site)
- 2 Ebooks (including my top selling
Miracles Ecourse & the
Power of NOW)
- Reports (32 ways on how to move
energy & more)
and you can ask me ANYTHING via
email over the next six months.
It's a GREAT program that has
everything you need to make
SIGNIFICANT change. You can't
listen to the audios included and
read the ebooks and ask ME your
most important question and not
change your life in big, great ways!!
If you bought everything individually
(and you CAN'T even purchase the
ability to email me a question) these
products are worth WAY more than
Use coupon code SUMMER10 and
you will save an additional $15
Download everything instantly NOW
and you will be attracting and
manifesting differently by
breakfast!! Woooo Hoooo!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My Life Overhaul Package
is only available until midnight
eastern on TONIGHT!! Download
your audios and ebooks NOW and
then email me your BIGGEST
question!! I would LOVE to hear
from YOU!!
P.P.S. Use coupon code SUMMER10
and you will save an additional $15
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, August 13, 2010
Final 28 Hours!! Woooo Hoooo!!
There is only 28 hours left to grab
my FABULOUS Life Overhaul
Program and then it's being retired
in the 'fabulous hall of fame'! ;-D
I created this program almost two
years ago for a VERY special joint
venture. It was too good to not
share it so after a short while I
opened it to the public.
It's packed with some of my top
selling audios, ebooks and it has
my FAVORITEST Creating Miracles
Ebook too!!
Included is:
- 5 Audios (mp3's some NOT even
available on my site)
- 2 Ebooks (including my top selling
Miracles Ecourse & the
Power of NOW)
- Reports (32 ways on how to move
energy & more)
and you can ask me ANYTHING via
email over the next six months.
It's a GREAT program that has
everything you need to make
SIGNIFICANT change. You can't
listen to the audios included and
read the ebooks and ask ME your
most important question and not
change your life in big, great ways!!
If you bought everything individually
(and you CAN'T even purchase the
ability to email me a question) these
products are worth WAY more than
Use coupon code SUMMER10 and
you will save an additional $15
Download everything instantly NOW
and you will be attracting and
manifesting differently by
breakfast!! Woooo Hoooo!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My Life Overhaul Package
is only available until midnight
eastern on Saturday August 14th.
Download your audios and ebooks
NOW and email then me your
BIGGEST question!! I would LOVE
to hear from YOU!!
P.P.S. Use coupon code SUMMER10
and you will save an additional $15
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
my FABULOUS Life Overhaul
Program and then it's being retired
in the 'fabulous hall of fame'! ;-D
I created this program almost two
years ago for a VERY special joint
venture. It was too good to not
share it so after a short while I
opened it to the public.
It's packed with some of my top
selling audios, ebooks and it has
my FAVORITEST Creating Miracles
Ebook too!!
Included is:
- 5 Audios (mp3's some NOT even
available on my site)
- 2 Ebooks (including my top selling
Miracles Ecourse & the
Power of NOW)
- Reports (32 ways on how to move
energy & more)
and you can ask me ANYTHING via
email over the next six months.
It's a GREAT program that has
everything you need to make
SIGNIFICANT change. You can't
listen to the audios included and
read the ebooks and ask ME your
most important question and not
change your life in big, great ways!!
If you bought everything individually
(and you CAN'T even purchase the
ability to email me a question) these
products are worth WAY more than
Use coupon code SUMMER10 and
you will save an additional $15
Download everything instantly NOW
and you will be attracting and
manifesting differently by
breakfast!! Woooo Hoooo!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My Life Overhaul Package
is only available until midnight
eastern on Saturday August 14th.
Download your audios and ebooks
NOW and email then me your
BIGGEST question!! I would LOVE
to hear from YOU!!
P.P.S. Use coupon code SUMMER10
and you will save an additional $15
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Only 2 days left. Audios, Ebooks, Q&A & More!! ;-D
There is only two days left to grab
my FABULOUS Life Overhaul
Program and then it's being retired
in the 'fabulous hall of fame'! ;-D
I created this program two and a
half years ago for a VERY special
joint venture. It was too good to
not share it so after a short while I
opened it to the public.
It's packed with some of my top
selling audios, ebooks and it has
my FAVORITEST Creating Miracles
Ebook too!!
Included is:
- 5 Audios (mp3's some NOT even
available on my site)
- 2 Ebooks (including my top selling
Miracles Ecourse & the
Power of NOW)
- Reports (32 ways on how to move
energy & more)
and you can ask me ANYTHING via
email over the next six months.
It's a GREAT program that has
everything you need to make
SIGNIFICANT change. You can't
listen to the audios included and
read the ebooks and ask ME your
most important question and not
change your life in big, great ways!!
If you bought everything individually
(and you CAN'T even purchase the
ability to email me a question) these
products are worth WAY more
than $350.
Use coupon code SUMMER10 and
you will save an additional $15
Download everything instantly NOW
and you will be attracting and
manifesting differently by
breakfast!! Woooo Hoooo!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My Life Overhaul Package
is only available through Saturday.
Download yours audios and ebooks
NOW and email me your question!!
I would LOVE to hear from YOU!!
P.P.S. Use coupon code SUMMER10
and you will save an additional $15
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
my FABULOUS Life Overhaul
Program and then it's being retired
in the 'fabulous hall of fame'! ;-D
I created this program two and a
half years ago for a VERY special
joint venture. It was too good to
not share it so after a short while I
opened it to the public.
It's packed with some of my top
selling audios, ebooks and it has
my FAVORITEST Creating Miracles
Ebook too!!
Included is:
- 5 Audios (mp3's some NOT even
available on my site)
- 2 Ebooks (including my top selling
Miracles Ecourse & the
Power of NOW)
- Reports (32 ways on how to move
energy & more)
and you can ask me ANYTHING via
email over the next six months.
It's a GREAT program that has
everything you need to make
SIGNIFICANT change. You can't
listen to the audios included and
read the ebooks and ask ME your
most important question and not
change your life in big, great ways!!
If you bought everything individually
(and you CAN'T even purchase the
ability to email me a question) these
products are worth WAY more
than $350.
Use coupon code SUMMER10 and
you will save an additional $15
Download everything instantly NOW
and you will be attracting and
manifesting differently by
breakfast!! Woooo Hoooo!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. My Life Overhaul Package
is only available through Saturday.
Download yours audios and ebooks
NOW and email me your question!!
I would LOVE to hear from YOU!!
P.P.S. Use coupon code SUMMER10
and you will save an additional $15
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Letting go of the old, to let in the new!! Wooo Hooo!!! =)
As you WELL know I practice ALL
of what I teach. And it's time to let
go of the old to let in some new. :-D
Beginning August 15th I will no
longer be offering my Life Overhaul
Program. This has been a HUGELY
successful program, it has been
downloaded by over 830 people, but
I'm ready to offer something NEWER
I know you've thought about it.......
Are you ready for a life overhaul in
ANY area of your life? Well then pay
close attention!!
I've bought a few fun websites in the
last week and will be putting something
new and exciting together. But my Life
Overhaul Program is TOO good to
pass up. The ability to ask me a
personal question ALONE is worth the
price of this program. To make it an
even EASIER decision to put YOU first,
use coupon code SUMMER10 to receive
a $15 instant discount! Wooo Hooo!!
Remember this program will not be
available after 8/14/10 so you only
three days to grab it!!
ANY questions, simply reply to this
email. Otherwise, download ALL the
audios, ebooks, reports AND especially
the instructions on how to email me
PERSONALLY right now!!
Remember to use coupon code
SUMMER10 to receive a $15 instant
You'll LOVE what's included. It's a
fantastic value and if you take action
and actually email me, it may just
change EVERYTHING for you. Think
about it.......You are WORTH IT!!!
I look forward to your personal
email. ;-D
Until then remember..............
EXPECT Great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
of what I teach. And it's time to let
go of the old to let in some new. :-D
Beginning August 15th I will no
longer be offering my Life Overhaul
Program. This has been a HUGELY
successful program, it has been
downloaded by over 830 people, but
I'm ready to offer something NEWER
I know you've thought about it.......
Are you ready for a life overhaul in
ANY area of your life? Well then pay
close attention!!
I've bought a few fun websites in the
last week and will be putting something
new and exciting together. But my Life
Overhaul Program is TOO good to
pass up. The ability to ask me a
personal question ALONE is worth the
price of this program. To make it an
even EASIER decision to put YOU first,
use coupon code SUMMER10 to receive
a $15 instant discount! Wooo Hooo!!
Remember this program will not be
available after 8/14/10 so you only
three days to grab it!!
ANY questions, simply reply to this
email. Otherwise, download ALL the
audios, ebooks, reports AND especially
the instructions on how to email me
PERSONALLY right now!!
Remember to use coupon code
SUMMER10 to receive a $15 instant
You'll LOVE what's included. It's a
fantastic value and if you take action
and actually email me, it may just
change EVERYTHING for you. Think
about it.......You are WORTH IT!!!
I look forward to your personal
email. ;-D
Until then remember..............
EXPECT Great things!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The one link I forgot. Sorry!! :)
Sorry I forgot the Paypal payment
option link. I apologize. If you
are interested in the payment
plan and want to pay with Paypal,
please use this link:
Here is my previous email......
So how are you doing? We're on
day 15 (or there abouts) with our
21 day experiment of...........
1) NO Gossip (including magazines
& TV)
2) NO Complaining (to yourself or
3) NO Criticizing (of yourself others
or situations)
4) NO Negative Language (in your
mind or out loud
5) NO Bitching or feeling sorry for
Have you found it a little more
difficult that you first thought it
might be? I have received
countless emails from some of you
saying that you are diligently
re-starting your 21 day clocks
when you find you have slipped. :-D
I'm extremely proud of you and I
hope you'll keep going LONG past
the 21 days. This exercise WILL
change your results AND how you
I can help you make it a LOT
GOOD!! ;-D
I met with 50 fabulous people
who are ready to make BIG shifts
in their thinking, results and
happiness levels over the weekend.
We talked and brainstormed for
over an hour about what they would
LOVE to receive in my 5 week
tele-program. I can honestly say
that we came up with a course
outline that will without a doubt
CHANGE every area of your life in
the most unexpected positive ways.
As I'm sure you've heard a hundred
times before, you make or break a
habit over 21 days. Well......my 5
week Transformation program
beginning on Sept 7th is a FULL 35
days!! I can help you release the
negative habits and patterns AND
guide you to set brand new habits
AND mentor you to KEEP you on
track for over a month.
Here's SOME of the topics that
we will be covering in my upcoming
5 week Transformation Tele-
program. (in NO particular order)
- Conditioning / genetics
- Self doubt / fear / self confidence
- Comfort zones / thermostats
- Relationships / parenting
- Beliefs / expectations / mindset
- Money / financial success
- Living in the now / manifesting
- Weight / health/ body image
- forgiveness / self / others
- Sabotage / habits / patterns
My team and I are still working on
getting the web page up so you get
an extra special opportunity!! I
intend to have the webpage up by Fri.
When it launches my 5 week
Transformation teleprogram will be
$697 but you can enroll today and
tomorrow for ONLY $497!! (that's a
$200 discount) AND when I was talking
with the group this weekend they
asked for a two payment plan and I
think that is a FABULOUS idea!!
So you can enroll for two payments
if that makes it easier to budget!!
Wooooo Hooooo!! ;-D
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
50people to register
get a few
sent right to your
door ON ME!!
($60 value)
- The first is my
250+ page book
'Walking with the Wise - Entrepreneur'
($20 value)
- The second is a 60+ minute CD on
'The Power of your Words'. This is a
TOP seller and I'll send it to you FREE!
($20 value)
- My brand new business card. I just
received them yesterday and I'll
include one in your package for your
rolodex and easy reference!
(priceless ;-D)
- free postage to ANYWHERE in the
the world (up to $20 value)
- AND I'll personally autograph my book
to YOU!! How fun!! ;-D
(priceless & who knows 5 years from
now ;-D)
Sign up NOW and let's get started.
I'll get your package shipped out no
matter which payment plan you choose!!
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
Enroll soon because the $497 special
price ends on Wednesday at midnight.
I'm only sending out 50 packages and
trust me, you WANT one of them!!
I'll be throwing in a few other goodies
too!! Wooo Hooo!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS Tuesday and If you
have ANY questions, reply to this
I REALLY look forward to working with
you!!! It's going to be GREAT!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
option link. I apologize. If you
are interested in the payment
plan and want to pay with Paypal,
please use this link:
Here is my previous email......
So how are you doing? We're on
day 15 (or there abouts) with our
21 day experiment of...........
1) NO Gossip (including magazines
& TV)
2) NO Complaining (to yourself or
3) NO Criticizing (of yourself others
or situations)
4) NO Negative Language (in your
mind or out loud
5) NO Bitching or feeling sorry for
Have you found it a little more
difficult that you first thought it
might be? I have received
countless emails from some of you
saying that you are diligently
re-starting your 21 day clocks
when you find you have slipped. :-D
I'm extremely proud of you and I
hope you'll keep going LONG past
the 21 days. This exercise WILL
change your results AND how you
I can help you make it a LOT
GOOD!! ;-D
I met with 50 fabulous people
who are ready to make BIG shifts
in their thinking, results and
happiness levels over the weekend.
We talked and brainstormed for
over an hour about what they would
LOVE to receive in my 5 week
tele-program. I can honestly say
that we came up with a course
outline that will without a doubt
CHANGE every area of your life in
the most unexpected positive ways.
As I'm sure you've heard a hundred
times before, you make or break a
habit over 21 days. Well......my 5
week Transformation program
beginning on Sept 7th is a FULL 35
days!! I can help you release the
negative habits and patterns AND
guide you to set brand new habits
AND mentor you to KEEP you on
track for over a month.
Here's SOME of the topics that
we will be covering in my upcoming
5 week Transformation Tele-
program. (in NO particular order)
- Conditioning / genetics
- Self doubt / fear / self confidence
- Comfort zones / thermostats
- Relationships / parenting
- Beliefs / expectations / mindset
- Money / financial success
- Living in the now / manifesting
- Weight / health/ body image
- forgiveness / self / others
- Sabotage / habits / patterns
My team and I are still working on
getting the web page up so you get
an extra special opportunity!! I
intend to have the webpage up by Fri.
When it launches my 5 week
Transformation teleprogram will be
$697 but you can enroll today and
tomorrow for ONLY $497!! (that's a
$200 discount) AND when I was talking
with the group this weekend they
asked for a two payment plan and I
think that is a FABULOUS idea!!
So you can enroll for two payments
if that makes it easier to budget!!
Wooooo Hooooo!! ;-D
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
Here are ALL our call dates. Mark
them in your calendar now.
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
All calls will be approx 40 mins, will
take place at 10:00am pacific and
will of course be recorded for those
who cannot attend live.
At the end of EVERY call will be a
short Q&A period. This way questions
are addressed on every call in real
time. Questions are submitted via
email while on the call or in advance
so those not attending live can still
participate and have their questions
answered too.
I've been doing some serious
cleaning around my offices and have
found a HUGE supply of some fabulous
goodies I didn't even know about!! So.
Here are ALL our call dates. Mark
them in your calendar now.
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
All calls will be approx 40 mins, will
take place at 10:00am pacific and
will of course be recorded for those
who cannot attend live.
At the end of EVERY call will be a
short Q&A period. This way questions
are addressed on every call in real
time. Questions are submitted via
email while on the call or in advance
so those not attending live can still
participate and have their questions
answered too.
I've been doing some serious
cleaning around my offices and have
found a HUGE supply of some fabulous
goodies I didn't even know about!! So.

get a few
sent right to your
door ON ME!!
($60 value)
- The first is my
250+ page book
'Walking with the Wise - Entrepreneur'
($20 value)
- The second is a 60+ minute CD on
'The Power of your Words'. This is a
TOP seller and I'll send it to you FREE!
($20 value)
received them yesterday and I'll
include one in your package for your
rolodex and easy reference!
(priceless ;-D)
- free postage to ANYWHERE in the
the world (up to $20 value)
- AND I'll personally autograph my book
to YOU!! How fun!! ;-D
(priceless & who knows 5 years from
now ;-D)
Sign up NOW and let's get started.
I'll get your package shipped out no
matter which payment plan you choose!!
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
Enroll soon because the $497 special
price ends on Wednesday at midnight.
I'm only sending out 50 packages and
trust me, you WANT one of them!!
I'll be throwing in a few other goodies
too!! Wooo Hooo!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS Tuesday and If you
have ANY questions, reply to this
I REALLY look forward to working with
you!!! It's going to be GREAT!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
a check-in, an update, a discount & my BOOK!! Woooo hooo!! ;-D
So how are you doing? We're on
day 15 (or there abouts) with our
21 day experiment of...........
1) NO Gossip (including magazines
& TV)
2) NO Complaining (to yourself or
3) NO Criticizing (of yourself others
or situations)
4) NO Negative Language (in your
mind or out loud
5) NO Bitching or feeling sorry for
Have you found it a little more
difficult that you first thought it
might be? I have received
countless emails from some of you
saying that you are diligently
re-starting your 21 day clocks
when you find you have slipped. :-D
I'm extremely proud of you and I
hope you'll keep going LONG past
the 21 days. This exercise WILL
change your results AND how you
I can help you make it a LOT
GOOD!! ;-D
I met with 50 fabulous people
who are ready to make BIG shifts
in their thinking, results and
happiness levels over the weekend.
We talked and brainstormed for
over an hour about what they would
LOVE to receive in my 5 week
tele-program. I can honestly say
that we came up with a course
outline that will without a doubt
CHANGE every area of your life in
the most unexpected positive ways.
As I'm sure you've heard a hundred
times before, you make or break a
habit over 21 days. Well......my 5
week Transformation program
beginning on Sept 7th is a FULL 35
days!! I can help you release the
negative habits and patterns AND
guide you to set brand new habits
AND mentor you to KEEP you on
track for over a month.
Here's SOME of the topics that
we will be covering in my upcoming
5 week Transformation Tele-
program. (in NO particular order)
- Conditioning / genetics
- Self doubt / fear / self confidence
- Comfort zones / thermostats
- Relationships / parenting
- Beliefs / expectations / mindset
- Money / financial success
- Living in the now / manifesting
- Weight / health/ body image
- forgiveness / self / others
- Sabotage / habits / patterns
My team and I are still working on
getting the web page up so you get
an extra special opportunity!! I
intend to have the webpage up by Fri.
When it launches my 5 week
Transformation teleprogram will be
$697 but you can enroll today and
tomorrow for ONLY $497!! (that's a
$200 discount) AND when I was talking
with the group this weekend they
asked for a two payment plan and I
think that is a FABULOUS idea!!
So you can enroll for two payments
if that makes it easier to budget!!
Wooooo Hooooo!! ;-D
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
Here are ALL our call dates. Mark
them in your calendar now.
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
All calls will be approx 40 mins, will
take place at 10:00am pacific and
will of course be recorded for those
who cannot attend live.
At the end of EVERY call will be a
short Q&A period. This way questions
are addressed on every call in real
time. Questions are submitted via
email while on the call or in advance
so those not attending live can still
participate and have their questions
answered too.
I've been doing some serious
cleaning around my offices and have
found a HUGE supply of some fabulous
goodies I didn't even know about!! So.
The FIRST 50
people to register
get a few
sent right to your
door ON ME!!
($60 value)
- The first is my
250+ page book
'Walking with the
Wise - Entrepreneur' ($20 value)
- The second is a 60+ minute CD on
'The Power of your Words'. This is a
TOP seller and I'll send it to you FREE!
($20 value)
- My brand new business card. I just
received them yesterday and I'll
include one in your package for your
rolodex and easy reference!
(priceless ;-D)
- free postage to ANYWHERE in the
the world (up to $20 value)
- AND I'll personally autograph my book
to YOU!! How fun!! ;-D
(priceless & who knows 5 years from
now ;-D)
Sign up NOW and let's get started.
I'll get your package shipped out no
matter which payment plan you choose!!
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
Enroll soon because the $497 special
price ends on Wednesday at midnight.
I'm only sending out 50 packages and
trust me, you WANT one of them!!
I'll be throwing in a few other goodies
too!! Wooo Hooo!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS Tuesday and If you
have ANY questions, reply to this
I REALLY look forward to working with
you!!! It's going to be GREAT!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
day 15 (or there abouts) with our
21 day experiment of...........
1) NO Gossip (including magazines
& TV)
2) NO Complaining (to yourself or
3) NO Criticizing (of yourself others
or situations)
4) NO Negative Language (in your
mind or out loud
5) NO Bitching or feeling sorry for
Have you found it a little more
difficult that you first thought it
might be? I have received
countless emails from some of you
saying that you are diligently
re-starting your 21 day clocks
when you find you have slipped. :-D
I'm extremely proud of you and I
hope you'll keep going LONG past
the 21 days. This exercise WILL
change your results AND how you
I can help you make it a LOT
GOOD!! ;-D
I met with 50 fabulous people
who are ready to make BIG shifts
in their thinking, results and
happiness levels over the weekend.
We talked and brainstormed for
over an hour about what they would
LOVE to receive in my 5 week
tele-program. I can honestly say
that we came up with a course
outline that will without a doubt
CHANGE every area of your life in
the most unexpected positive ways.
As I'm sure you've heard a hundred
times before, you make or break a
habit over 21 days. Well......my 5
week Transformation program
beginning on Sept 7th is a FULL 35
days!! I can help you release the
negative habits and patterns AND
guide you to set brand new habits
AND mentor you to KEEP you on
track for over a month.
Here's SOME of the topics that
we will be covering in my upcoming
5 week Transformation Tele-
program. (in NO particular order)
- Conditioning / genetics
- Self doubt / fear / self confidence
- Comfort zones / thermostats
- Relationships / parenting
- Beliefs / expectations / mindset
- Money / financial success
- Living in the now / manifesting
- Weight / health/ body image
- forgiveness / self / others
- Sabotage / habits / patterns
My team and I are still working on
getting the web page up so you get
an extra special opportunity!! I
intend to have the webpage up by Fri.
When it launches my 5 week
Transformation teleprogram will be
$697 but you can enroll today and
tomorrow for ONLY $497!! (that's a
$200 discount) AND when I was talking
with the group this weekend they
asked for a two payment plan and I
think that is a FABULOUS idea!!
So you can enroll for two payments
if that makes it easier to budget!!
Wooooo Hooooo!! ;-D
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
Here are ALL our call dates. Mark
them in your calendar now.
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
All calls will be approx 40 mins, will
take place at 10:00am pacific and
will of course be recorded for those
who cannot attend live.
At the end of EVERY call will be a
short Q&A period. This way questions
are addressed on every call in real
time. Questions are submitted via
email while on the call or in advance
so those not attending live can still
participate and have their questions
answered too.
I've been doing some serious
cleaning around my offices and have
found a HUGE supply of some fabulous
goodies I didn't even know about!! So.
The FIRST 50
people to register
get a few
sent right to your
door ON ME!!
($60 value)
- The first is my
250+ page book
'Walking with the
Wise - Entrepreneur' ($20 value)
- The second is a 60+ minute CD on
'The Power of your Words'. This is a
TOP seller and I'll send it to you FREE!
($20 value)
- My brand new business card. I just
received them yesterday and I'll
include one in your package for your
rolodex and easy reference!
(priceless ;-D)
- free postage to ANYWHERE in the
the world (up to $20 value)
- AND I'll personally autograph my book
to YOU!! How fun!! ;-D
(priceless & who knows 5 years from
now ;-D)
Sign up NOW and let's get started.
I'll get your package shipped out no
matter which payment plan you choose!!
Enroll for ONE payment of $497 here:
Or TWO payments of $275 (21 days
apart) here:
Enroll soon because the $497 special
price ends on Wednesday at midnight.
I'm only sending out 50 packages and
trust me, you WANT one of them!!
I'll be throwing in a few other goodies
too!! Wooo Hooo!! ;-D
Have a FABULOUS Tuesday and If you
have ANY questions, reply to this
I REALLY look forward to working with
you!!! It's going to be GREAT!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, August 06, 2010
An audio a day keeps the problems at bay!! ;-D
Woooo Hoooo the weekend is
here. I just LOVE weekends don't
you? ;-D
It's true.....an audio a day WILL
keep your problems at bay.
Your mind is like a muscle. The
more you work it out and tone it,
the more it will work for you and
the EASIER!!
They key however is to TONE it
and work it out daily.....this is
where audio programs come in.
It doesn't get any easier than
listening to an audio. You can
do it just about everywhere. It's
relaxing, it's EASY to do and it
benefits you in SOOO many ways.
It's economical, it's friendly to
the environment and if you do it
for say an hour a day your life
will DRASTICALLY change.
Think about how often you could
be listening to an audio or CD.
- when you're working
- when you're driving
- showering
- getting ready
- cooking
- cleaning
- relaxing
- doing laundry
the list is truly endless!!
I personally have AT LEAST 15 audio
programs in my car right now, and
I'm always listening to them. Each
time I do, I hear something
different and I process what I'm
learning in a new way. The
repetition of listening makes me
feel more confident and I find
that that more I listen, the more
I can handle ANYTHING that
happens and the same is true for
Check out the 15 audio programs
I have available here:
They are mp3 audios, INSTANTLY
downloadable to your computer or
IPod (no waiting) and they are on
topics that will allow you to release
negative patterns, limiting beliefs
and sabotage QUICKLY!!
See which one's jump out at you
I suggest you pick out three. I
would then download them, burn
them to CD and put them in your
car IMMEDIATELY. I would then
listen to them on your desktop
whenever the thought crosses
your mind. If you have an IPod
or other fabulous electronic device,
download them immediately
and listen to them whenever you
WATCH what begins to happen.
In fact, you can read what happened
to others who have listened to my
audio programs here:
These audios are NOT available
on my website. You can only get
access to my audio programs from
an email like this! Grab the three
that REALLY speak to you because
your answers will be there. Listen
to them ALL weekend and then
send me an email on Monday with
what happens!!
I SO look forward to hearing from
you. Grab your three favorites (or
my Top 3 Audio Bundle at the
bottom) and start working that
mind muscle!!
Enjoy your weekend and be sure
to EXPECT great things!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Pick up your favorite three
audios below and I will send you
a BONUS audio ($21 value and
NOT available for purchase) as
a special GIFT!! Woooo Hoooo!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
here. I just LOVE weekends don't
you? ;-D
It's true.....an audio a day WILL
keep your problems at bay.
Your mind is like a muscle. The
more you work it out and tone it,
the more it will work for you and
the EASIER!!
They key however is to TONE it
and work it out daily.....this is
where audio programs come in.
It doesn't get any easier than
listening to an audio. You can
do it just about everywhere. It's
relaxing, it's EASY to do and it
benefits you in SOOO many ways.
It's economical, it's friendly to
the environment and if you do it
for say an hour a day your life
will DRASTICALLY change.
Think about how often you could
be listening to an audio or CD.
- when you're working
- when you're driving
- showering
- getting ready
- cooking
- cleaning
- relaxing
- doing laundry
the list is truly endless!!
I personally have AT LEAST 15 audio
programs in my car right now, and
I'm always listening to them. Each
time I do, I hear something
different and I process what I'm
learning in a new way. The
repetition of listening makes me
feel more confident and I find
that that more I listen, the more
I can handle ANYTHING that
happens and the same is true for
Check out the 15 audio programs
I have available here:
They are mp3 audios, INSTANTLY
downloadable to your computer or
IPod (no waiting) and they are on
topics that will allow you to release
negative patterns, limiting beliefs
and sabotage QUICKLY!!
See which one's jump out at you
I suggest you pick out three. I
would then download them, burn
them to CD and put them in your
car IMMEDIATELY. I would then
listen to them on your desktop
whenever the thought crosses
your mind. If you have an IPod
or other fabulous electronic device,
download them immediately
and listen to them whenever you
WATCH what begins to happen.
In fact, you can read what happened
to others who have listened to my
audio programs here:
These audios are NOT available
on my website. You can only get
access to my audio programs from
an email like this! Grab the three
that REALLY speak to you because
your answers will be there. Listen
to them ALL weekend and then
send me an email on Monday with
what happens!!
I SO look forward to hearing from
you. Grab your three favorites (or
my Top 3 Audio Bundle at the
bottom) and start working that
mind muscle!!
Enjoy your weekend and be sure
to EXPECT great things!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Pick up your favorite three
audios below and I will send you
a BONUS audio ($21 value and
NOT available for purchase) as
a special GIFT!! Woooo Hoooo!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Answers to a few questions I've gotten so far!! Wooo Hooo!!
WOW I have been FLOODED with questions
about my earlier email (included below)
and my 5 week Transformation Program.
Questions like.......
This sounds like a great package, I
love all your ingredients that support
people, and the full schedule, but one
thing looms in front of me. Why would
people sign up for something without
knowing what the specifics are for which
they are paying?
To answer you my WHOLE program is
on your mindset. We will cover areas
like money, success, business,
relationships, health, weight, manifesting,
mental conditioning, beliefs, limiting
stories, etc., etc., etc., however I want
the first 50 (my focus group) to share
what THEY would like to work on
I feel that 50 is a good sized group
that can offer up valuable insights
to me and yet I can manage a group
that size AND give them personal
Next question......
Do you ever do evening events? I am
on the East Coast so these calls are
right in the middle of my work day –
and I can’t always guarantee that I will
be free given the volume of people I
support. My budget is too tight to pay
$300 for something I may not be able
to attend or participate in fully as I am
in the office being bombarded with
questions and interruptions. Would
you consider hosting something like
this in the evenings for us 9-5 working
I don't offer teletrainings and programs
in the evening because I don't prefer
evenings. I'm up VERY early and find
that my highest and best energy is in
the morning and early afternoon hours.
I prefer to do my trainings at this time
to provide the BEST of me I can. After
all when you create a business the
benefit is to create it around YOU!! ;-D
I want to remind you that ALL calls are
recorded and made available to listen
to shortly after our calls. Although I
recommend you being live on the calls,
it's most definitely NOT a requirement
and most definitely not worth losing a
$400 discount over to participate and
benefit from the perks of being part
of my initial 'study group'.
It's going to be a FABULOUS experience
for everyone and the first 50 will be
in for a REAL treat. Join my intimate
'Study Group' and SEE what I mean.
Here is the email I sent earlier........
Woooo Hoooo am I excited!!
I've decided to host a FABULOUS
in-depth 5 week teleclass. I'm
calling it my 5 Week Transformation.
Here's the REALLY exciting part.......
you can help me design the 5 week
program to be EXACTLY what YOU
here's what I mean.........
My 5 week Transformation teleclass
program will begin on Tuesday
September 7th.
Here are ALL the call dates:
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
all calls will be approx 40 mins,
will take place at 10:00am pacific
and will of course be recorded.
I've decided to offer the FIRST
50 registrations some FABULOUS
benefits like........
1) you help me choose the core
topics, amount of personal
interaction time, Q&A events,
handouts and will also receive
MANY additional perks throughout
the 5 weeks.
2) you will receive a 65% discount
on my 5 week Transformation
Teleclass and pay ONLY $297 for
the ENTIRE program.
3) you will receive special private
1-on-1 email coaching NOT
available with regular registration.
4) you will receive access to special
BONUS calls and events to meet
other attendees and discuss your
desired results and core topic
interests. (I can't wait to hear from
YOU. We're going to have SO much
5) you will receive a special 'gift' in
the mail especially from me!! ;-D
6) at least a dozen more advantages
that I won't even list......but KNOW
you will LOVE each and every one!!
If you're ready right now you can
register here and I'll be in touch
I've thought about this program
LONG and deeply and decided a few
weeks ago that I wanted to give YOU
a true say as to what you experience in
this 5 week program. You will literally
help me decide what we cover for the
ENTIRE 10 calls, how we interact, and
even how much 'personal attention' you
IMAGINE being in a program and having
ALL your 'real core issues' addressed
AND have the ability to ask questions AND
have the ability to re-listen again and
again AND have the support to let go and
move past your story once and for all.
Wouldn't that be be AWESOME%?? Well....
THIS is that program. ;-D
This is NOTHING like I've ever offered
before. And for those of you who might
be wondering........I will not be offering
this program again LIVE this year.
Just to re-cap, the above offer for my
5 week Transformation Teleclass for ONLY
$297 is for the FIRST 50 who register. If
the link is working, you're in!! Once you
register you will receive directions on
what to do next. We will be having an
interactive CALL to discuss topics,
logistics and meet each other VERY soon.
To join that call, get in on ALL the
PRE-program details and pay ONLY $297
register right away here:
After that call and by the end of next
week I will be releasing the actual web
page, course content, notes and
handout information and all additional
program details. The price will then be
$697. So NOW is the time to save $400,
choose what we talk about AND get
a TON of benefits and perks to boot!!
Register here:
If you have ANY questions, simply reply
to this email.
I PROMISE to change your results in
unimagined ways over these 5 weeks.
We will cover a TON in 10 calls!!
Register now and then be on the lookout
in your mail box!! I'll be in touch
soon!!! Woooo Hooooo!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Be one of the first 50 to register
for my 5 week Transformation Teleclass
and you not only SAVE $400 but you
get a TON of perks!! This is EXACTLY
what you've been asking for......and
you choose it all!! Join and then check
your email for our special 'Pre-Program'
call and discussion details!!
If you have ANY other questions,
simply reply and I would be HAPPY to
answer them as soon as I can!! ;-D
ENJOY your Thursday!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
about my earlier email (included below)
and my 5 week Transformation Program.
Questions like.......
This sounds like a great package, I
love all your ingredients that support
people, and the full schedule, but one
thing looms in front of me. Why would
people sign up for something without
knowing what the specifics are for which
they are paying?
To answer you my WHOLE program is
on your mindset. We will cover areas
like money, success, business,
relationships, health, weight, manifesting,
mental conditioning, beliefs, limiting
stories, etc., etc., etc., however I want
the first 50 (my focus group) to share
what THEY would like to work on
I feel that 50 is a good sized group
that can offer up valuable insights
to me and yet I can manage a group
that size AND give them personal
Next question......
Do you ever do evening events? I am
on the East Coast so these calls are
right in the middle of my work day –
and I can’t always guarantee that I will
be free given the volume of people I
support. My budget is too tight to pay
$300 for something I may not be able
to attend or participate in fully as I am
in the office being bombarded with
questions and interruptions. Would
you consider hosting something like
this in the evenings for us 9-5 working
I don't offer teletrainings and programs
in the evening because I don't prefer
evenings. I'm up VERY early and find
that my highest and best energy is in
the morning and early afternoon hours.
I prefer to do my trainings at this time
to provide the BEST of me I can. After
all when you create a business the
benefit is to create it around YOU!! ;-D
I want to remind you that ALL calls are
recorded and made available to listen
to shortly after our calls. Although I
recommend you being live on the calls,
it's most definitely NOT a requirement
and most definitely not worth losing a
$400 discount over to participate and
benefit from the perks of being part
of my initial 'study group'.
It's going to be a FABULOUS experience
for everyone and the first 50 will be
in for a REAL treat. Join my intimate
'Study Group' and SEE what I mean.
Here is the email I sent earlier........
Woooo Hoooo am I excited!!
I've decided to host a FABULOUS
in-depth 5 week teleclass. I'm
calling it my 5 Week Transformation.
Here's the REALLY exciting part.......
you can help me design the 5 week
program to be EXACTLY what YOU
here's what I mean.........
My 5 week Transformation teleclass
program will begin on Tuesday
September 7th.
Here are ALL the call dates:
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
all calls will be approx 40 mins,
will take place at 10:00am pacific
and will of course be recorded.
I've decided to offer the FIRST
50 registrations some FABULOUS
benefits like........
1) you help me choose the core
topics, amount of personal
interaction time, Q&A events,
handouts and will also receive
MANY additional perks throughout
the 5 weeks.
2) you will receive a 65% discount
on my 5 week Transformation
Teleclass and pay ONLY $297 for
the ENTIRE program.
3) you will receive special private
1-on-1 email coaching NOT
available with regular registration.
4) you will receive access to special
BONUS calls and events to meet
other attendees and discuss your
desired results and core topic
interests. (I can't wait to hear from
YOU. We're going to have SO much
5) you will receive a special 'gift' in
the mail especially from me!! ;-D
6) at least a dozen more advantages
that I won't even list......but KNOW
you will LOVE each and every one!!
If you're ready right now you can
register here and I'll be in touch
I've thought about this program
LONG and deeply and decided a few
weeks ago that I wanted to give YOU
a true say as to what you experience in
this 5 week program. You will literally
help me decide what we cover for the
ENTIRE 10 calls, how we interact, and
even how much 'personal attention' you
IMAGINE being in a program and having
ALL your 'real core issues' addressed
AND have the ability to ask questions AND
have the ability to re-listen again and
again AND have the support to let go and
move past your story once and for all.
Wouldn't that be be AWESOME%?? Well....
THIS is that program. ;-D
This is NOTHING like I've ever offered
before. And for those of you who might
be wondering........I will not be offering
this program again LIVE this year.
Just to re-cap, the above offer for my
5 week Transformation Teleclass for ONLY
$297 is for the FIRST 50 who register. If
the link is working, you're in!! Once you
register you will receive directions on
what to do next. We will be having an
interactive CALL to discuss topics,
logistics and meet each other VERY soon.
To join that call, get in on ALL the
PRE-program details and pay ONLY $297
register right away here:
After that call and by the end of next
week I will be releasing the actual web
page, course content, notes and
handout information and all additional
program details. The price will then be
$697. So NOW is the time to save $400,
choose what we talk about AND get
a TON of benefits and perks to boot!!
Register here:
If you have ANY questions, simply reply
to this email.
I PROMISE to change your results in
unimagined ways over these 5 weeks.
We will cover a TON in 10 calls!!
Register now and then be on the lookout
in your mail box!! I'll be in touch
soon!!! Woooo Hooooo!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Be one of the first 50 to register
for my 5 week Transformation Teleclass
and you not only SAVE $400 but you
get a TON of perks!! This is EXACTLY
what you've been asking for......and
you choose it all!! Join and then check
your email for our special 'Pre-Program'
call and discussion details!!
If you have ANY other questions,
simply reply and I would be HAPPY to
answer them as soon as I can!! ;-D
ENJOY your Thursday!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
It PAYS to work together.......Literally!! =)
Woooo Hoooo am I excited!!
I've decided to host a FABULOUS
in-depth 5 week teleclass. I'm
calling it my 5 Week Transformation.
Here's the REALLY exciting part.......
you can help me design the 5 week
program to be EXACTLY what YOU
here's what I mean.........
My 5 week Transformation teleclass
program will begin on Tuesday
September 7th.
Here are ALL the call dates:
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
all calls will be approx 40 mins,
will take place at 10:00am pacific
and will of course be recorded.
I've decided to offer the FIRST
50 registrations some FABULOUS
benefits like........
1) you help me choose the core
topics, amount of personal
interaction time, Q&A events,
handouts and will also receive
MANY additional perks throughout
the 5 weeks.
2) you will receive a 65% discount
on my 5 week Transformation
Teleclass and pay ONLY $297 for
the ENTIRE program.
3) you will receive special private
1-on-1 email coaching NOT
available with regular registration.
4) you will receive access to special
BONUS calls and events to meet
other attendees and discuss your
desired results and core topic
interests. (I can't wait to hear from
YOU. We're going to have SO much
5) you will receive a special 'gift' in
the mail especially from me!! ;-D
6) at least a dozen more advantages
that I won't even list......but KNOW
you will LOVE each and every one!!
If you're ready right now you can
register here and I'll be in touch
I've thought about this program
LONG and deeply and decided a few
weeks ago that I wanted to give YOU
a true say as to what you experience in
this 5 week program. You will literally
help me decide what we cover for the
ENTIRE 10 calls, how we interact, and
even how much 'personal attention' you
IMAGINE being in a program and having
ALL your 'real core issues' addressed
AND have the ability to ask questions AND
have the ability to re-listen again and
again AND have the support to let go and
move past your story once and for all.
Wouldn't that be be AWESOME?? Well....
THIS is that program. ;-D
This is NOTHING like I've ever offered
before. And for those of you who might
be wondering........I will not be offering
this program again LIVE this year.
Just to re-cap, the above offer for my
5 week Transformation Teleclas for ONLY
$297 is for the FIRST 50 who register. If
the link is working, you're in!! Once you
register you will receive directions on
what to do next. We will be having an
interactive CALL to discuss topics,
logistics and meet each other VERY soon.
To join that call, get in on ALL the
PRE-program details and pay ONLY $297
register right away here:
After that call and by the end of next
week I will be releasing the actual web
page, course content, notes and
handout information and all additional
program details. The price will then be
$697. So NOW is the time to save $400,
choose what we talk about AND get
a TON of benefits and perks to boot!!
Register here:
If you have ANY questions, simply reply
to this email.
I PROMISE to change your results in
unimagined ways over these 5 weeks
%$firstname$%. We will cover a TON
in 10 calls!! Register now and then
be on the lookout in your mail box and
inbox!! I'll be in touch soon!!! Woooo
Hooooo!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Be one of the first 50 to register
for my 5 week Transformation Teleclass
and you not only SAVE $400 but you
get a TON of perks!! This is EXACTLY
what you've been asking for......and
you choose it all!! Join and then check
your email for our special 'Pre-Program'
call and discussion details!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I've decided to host a FABULOUS
in-depth 5 week teleclass. I'm
calling it my 5 Week Transformation.
Here's the REALLY exciting part.......
you can help me design the 5 week
program to be EXACTLY what YOU
here's what I mean.........
My 5 week Transformation teleclass
program will begin on Tuesday
September 7th.
Here are ALL the call dates:
Tuesday September 7th
Friday September 10th
Tuesday September 14th
Friday September 17th
Tuesday September 21st
Friday September 24th
Tuesday September 28th
Friday October 1st
Tuesday October 4th
Friday October 8th
That's 10 total calls!!!
all calls will be approx 40 mins,
will take place at 10:00am pacific
and will of course be recorded.
I've decided to offer the FIRST
50 registrations some FABULOUS
benefits like........
1) you help me choose the core
topics, amount of personal
interaction time, Q&A events,
handouts and will also receive
MANY additional perks throughout
the 5 weeks.
2) you will receive a 65% discount
on my 5 week Transformation
Teleclass and pay ONLY $297 for
the ENTIRE program.
3) you will receive special private
1-on-1 email coaching NOT
available with regular registration.
4) you will receive access to special
BONUS calls and events to meet
other attendees and discuss your
desired results and core topic
interests. (I can't wait to hear from
YOU. We're going to have SO much
5) you will receive a special 'gift' in
the mail especially from me!! ;-D
6) at least a dozen more advantages
that I won't even list......but KNOW
you will LOVE each and every one!!
If you're ready right now you can
register here and I'll be in touch
I've thought about this program
LONG and deeply and decided a few
weeks ago that I wanted to give YOU
a true say as to what you experience in
this 5 week program. You will literally
help me decide what we cover for the
ENTIRE 10 calls, how we interact, and
even how much 'personal attention' you
IMAGINE being in a program and having
ALL your 'real core issues' addressed
AND have the ability to ask questions AND
have the ability to re-listen again and
again AND have the support to let go and
move past your story once and for all.
Wouldn't that be be AWESOME?? Well....
THIS is that program. ;-D
This is NOTHING like I've ever offered
before. And for those of you who might
be wondering........I will not be offering
this program again LIVE this year.
Just to re-cap, the above offer for my
5 week Transformation Teleclas for ONLY
$297 is for the FIRST 50 who register. If
the link is working, you're in!! Once you
register you will receive directions on
what to do next. We will be having an
interactive CALL to discuss topics,
logistics and meet each other VERY soon.
To join that call, get in on ALL the
PRE-program details and pay ONLY $297
register right away here:
After that call and by the end of next
week I will be releasing the actual web
page, course content, notes and
handout information and all additional
program details. The price will then be
$697. So NOW is the time to save $400,
choose what we talk about AND get
a TON of benefits and perks to boot!!
Register here:
If you have ANY questions, simply reply
to this email.
I PROMISE to change your results in
unimagined ways over these 5 weeks
%$firstname$%. We will cover a TON
in 10 calls!! Register now and then
be on the lookout in your mail box and
inbox!! I'll be in touch soon!!! Woooo
Hooooo!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Be one of the first 50 to register
for my 5 week Transformation Teleclass
and you not only SAVE $400 but you
get a TON of perks!! This is EXACTLY
what you've been asking for......and
you choose it all!! Join and then check
your email for our special 'Pre-Program'
call and discussion details!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
If you have less than $100 in your wallet right now.....READ THIS!!
Money is an interesting energy.
When you NEED it, it's no where to
be found and when you don't need
it, it's EVERYWHERE, have you
Well I have some VERY good news!
I was recently updating the audio
program section of my website and
realized I had never offered a VERY
powerful audio program. I'm not
sure how it happened or why, but I
feel NOW is the time to release it!
As I'm sure you know I have a 60+
minute audio on the 'Truth About
Money and How to Allow More', this
is my TOP selling audio by FAR.
Well.......NOW you can get your
hands on my even DEEPER 'The
Truth About Money - Part 2' audio
Since I recorded this program the
results my clients have gotten as
a result have been incredible!
Let's face it, we all MUST have
money to survive. Money is the
form of exchange we use to buy
Now I'm SURE you don't think
$100 is a lot of money. Maybe you
think $10,000 or $100,000 or
$1million is a lot of money, but
$100 is NOT a lot of money. So
I ask you..... Do you have $100
in your wallet right now? When
was the last time you spent a
$100 bill?
BELIEVE me, if it isn't showing up
in the quantities you desire, you
STILL have unconscious beliefs
about money. In an hour you can
completely change the energy your
omitting around money, CASH,
abundance and ease.
Wouldn't it be nice to make
money your friend? Wouldn't you
like to know what to do to become
a magnet to money? Wouldn't
you love to feel that money would
ALWAYS be there for you? It all
begins with what you REALLY
believe about money AND how you
think you're supposed to receive it
and WHY.
If you're ready for a NEW story
around money I invite you to pick
up my Truth About Money Audio
Programs- Part 1 and ESPECIALLY
Part 2!
Finally learn how to SMILE when you
think of money. :-) You'll learn how
to make money serve you, rather than
YOU serving money. Pick up my 'Truth
about Money Part 2' right away here:
Enjoy your week, SMILE often and be
sure to EXPECT great things!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Money CAN become your friend!!
Listen now and everything will change!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
When you NEED it, it's no where to
be found and when you don't need
it, it's EVERYWHERE, have you
Well I have some VERY good news!
I was recently updating the audio
program section of my website and
realized I had never offered a VERY
powerful audio program. I'm not
sure how it happened or why, but I
feel NOW is the time to release it!
As I'm sure you know I have a 60+
minute audio on the 'Truth About
Money and How to Allow More', this
is my TOP selling audio by FAR.
Well.......NOW you can get your
hands on my even DEEPER 'The
Truth About Money - Part 2' audio
Since I recorded this program the
results my clients have gotten as
a result have been incredible!
Let's face it, we all MUST have
money to survive. Money is the
form of exchange we use to buy
Now I'm SURE you don't think
$100 is a lot of money. Maybe you
think $10,000 or $100,000 or
$1million is a lot of money, but
$100 is NOT a lot of money. So
I ask you..... Do you have $100
in your wallet right now? When
was the last time you spent a
$100 bill?
BELIEVE me, if it isn't showing up
in the quantities you desire, you
STILL have unconscious beliefs
about money. In an hour you can
completely change the energy your
omitting around money, CASH,
abundance and ease.
Wouldn't it be nice to make
money your friend? Wouldn't you
like to know what to do to become
a magnet to money? Wouldn't
you love to feel that money would
ALWAYS be there for you? It all
begins with what you REALLY
believe about money AND how you
think you're supposed to receive it
and WHY.
If you're ready for a NEW story
around money I invite you to pick
up my Truth About Money Audio
Programs- Part 1 and ESPECIALLY
Part 2!
Finally learn how to SMILE when you
think of money. :-) You'll learn how
to make money serve you, rather than
YOU serving money. Pick up my 'Truth
about Money Part 2' right away here:
Enjoy your week, SMILE often and be
sure to EXPECT great things!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Money CAN become your friend!!
Listen now and everything will change!!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Is a week fast enough for you? Is it?
In the past I've mentioned to you
my 3x a week email coaching
program. You probably didn't enroll
because you have a LIST of 'but's'.
Thoughts like:
- but it's $37 a month!
- but how is this REALLY going to
help me?
- but I don't read the emails I have
- but I'm not ready yet.
- but this won't help ME and MY
I HAVE to share with you what one
of you DID DO. She enrolled. Her
name is Mary, she's from Kenya
and this is what she wrote me only
6 days later on a Friday evening....
'Hi Shelby, thank you so much for
your email on MONEY. I've just
printed it so that I can go sit
somewhere quiet and drink it in.
I'm so excited! You know Shelby -
I've just changed my mind about
telling you about my negative past.
I'd rather tell you how I'm really
changing from the inside after this
first week of your lessons. As I
think of the way I want things to
be in my life I feel happy.
My belief that my life is taking
shape for the better is becoming
more and more real in my heart
every moment.. Thank you so
much for your lessons. Take a
high 5!!'
Love, Mary K
I wanted to share Mary's email
with you for TWO reasons. 1) It
PROVES just how quickly things
begin to shift when you DECIDE
to be open to a new way of thinking
about your 'problems'. and 2) you
can print each lesson off and place
them in a folder. Within a few
months you would have answers to
ANY and ALL situations you could
possibly face.
When you enroll you IMMEDIATELY
have access to over 3 YEARS worth
of past lessons online! You can
browse topic after topic for answers
RIGHT NOW! Online you can print
topics of interest AND there are a
MANY bonus audio lessons in the
archives too ;-D Enroll now here:
WHAT IF things could change for
you in only a week? Would you be
ready? It's a question worth
ENJOY your week. Milk it for
EVERYTHING it has to offer and
.....EXPECT great things!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. In less than 12 hours
Monday's lesson can be in YOUR
inbox. If there is ONLY ONE email
you read ALL MONTH, make it this
one! I PROMISE it will change you
in ways you NEVER THOUGHT
POSSIBLE! Go Ahead....Try me!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
my 3x a week email coaching
program. You probably didn't enroll
because you have a LIST of 'but's'.
Thoughts like:
- but it's $37 a month!
- but how is this REALLY going to
help me?
- but I don't read the emails I have
- but I'm not ready yet.
- but this won't help ME and MY
I HAVE to share with you what one
of you DID DO. She enrolled. Her
name is Mary, she's from Kenya
and this is what she wrote me only
6 days later on a Friday evening....
'Hi Shelby, thank you so much for
your email on MONEY. I've just
printed it so that I can go sit
somewhere quiet and drink it in.
I'm so excited! You know Shelby -
I've just changed my mind about
telling you about my negative past.
I'd rather tell you how I'm really
changing from the inside after this
first week of your lessons. As I
think of the way I want things to
be in my life I feel happy.
My belief that my life is taking
shape for the better is becoming
more and more real in my heart
every moment.. Thank you so
much for your lessons. Take a
high 5!!'
Love, Mary K
I wanted to share Mary's email
with you for TWO reasons. 1) It
PROVES just how quickly things
begin to shift when you DECIDE
to be open to a new way of thinking
about your 'problems'. and 2) you
can print each lesson off and place
them in a folder. Within a few
months you would have answers to
ANY and ALL situations you could
possibly face.
When you enroll you IMMEDIATELY
have access to over 3 YEARS worth
of past lessons online! You can
browse topic after topic for answers
RIGHT NOW! Online you can print
topics of interest AND there are a
MANY bonus audio lessons in the
archives too ;-D Enroll now here:
WHAT IF things could change for
you in only a week? Would you be
ready? It's a question worth
ENJOY your week. Milk it for
EVERYTHING it has to offer and
.....EXPECT great things!!! ;-D
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. In less than 12 hours
Monday's lesson can be in YOUR
inbox. If there is ONLY ONE email
you read ALL MONTH, make it this
one! I PROMISE it will change you
in ways you NEVER THOUGHT
POSSIBLE! Go Ahead....Try me!!! ;-D
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
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