Hi There!
I hope you've had a FABULOUS weekend
and that you fully enjoyed the full moon
we had last night, I know I sure did!! ;-)
I'm writing because tomorrow is my
Mind Magic call at 10:00am and the topic
is 'Transcending Beliefs'. It's going to
be a VERY powerful call and I want to invite
you to join me!!
What I teach in tomorrows call will give
you tools that you can use for a lifetime.
I KNOW the power and clarity of what I
teach will take YEARS off of your suffering
and will provide you with shortcuts you can
use for FAR quicker results. It's AMAZING
how much faster you create and manifest
when you use your mind and thoughts
rather than old fashioned hard work.
You really ought to try it and find out!
Join today and you'll also receive a 20
minute one-on-one session with me!! =)
Check it out and I hope to hear you on
tomorrow's call!!! ;-)
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This program will pay for itself in
the first two weeks if you open your mind
and are READY to think differently!! I'm
ready to work with you step by step!
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Mindshift Magic Weekly - Links Included - Listen Now!! =)

Hi There!
I have recorded a FABULOUS issue this week.
You can listen to it OR download with the two
links below. It's SO worth your time! ;-)
Play it with this link:
Download it instantly with this link:
It's been quite an adventure for
me here in Vegas!! As a result....
Books with SLIGHT water damage
are $7.50 plus shipping. your mp3
download will be available immediately
after purchase. ANY questions or if
you would like multiple copies please
contact support@shelbycollinge.com.
I will personally autograph your book
and all books will be shipping the
week of February 8th after a complete
inventory of all the damage has been
assessed. :(
If you live IN the U.S. click here:
If you live OUTSIDE the U.S. click here
Have a FANTASTIC rest of your week!!
I'm thinking about you!! TAKE A STAND ;-)
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I've been FLOODED!!!

Hi There!
Listen to my short audio message (less than
3 minutes) below. It's worth your time! ;-)
It's been quite an adventure for
me here in Vegas!! As a result....
Books with SLIGHT water damage
are $7.50 plus shipping. your mp3
download will be available immediately
after purchase. ANY questions or if
you would like multiple copies please
contact support@shelbycollinge.com.
I will personally autograph your book
and all books will be shipping the
week of February 8th after a complete
inventory of all the damage has been
assessed. :(
If you live IN the U.S. click here:
If you live OUTSIDE the U.S. click here
Have a FANTASTIC rest of your weekend!!
I'm thinking about you!! ;-)
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
How to get everything you wish for.....
Imagine what it would be like to
have everything you wish for.
It could be more money, a fitter
body, the ideal relationship, a booming
business, a new car, your dream home,
a warm tropical vacation, or anything
you can think of.
Wouldn't it FEEL great?
Well, you can have everything you've
ever wished for. You just have to know
HOW to attract and align with what you
want to allow it into your life. And
now you can with a proven process that
works consistently, month after month,
day after day for myself and countless
The GREAT news is.....once you learn
this process - it never stops working for
you. And I teach this process step-by-
step in my Mind Magic Program.
I want to share some actual examples
of what participants in my program are
saying about their experiences working
with me =)
'Hi Shelby,
After a little over a year of studying/
practicing the law of attraction/universe,
your teachings literally brought everything
together... All I can say is LIFE CHANGING!'
Charles M - Korea
'Hi Shelby!
'I would like to take this opportunity to
thank you for the very important
information that you present in your Mind
Magic Program. I have already applied
many of the tactics and have taken other
steps to implement the changes that you
I know that I have already seen extreme
results and personally I have gotten at
LEAST 20 times the cost of the program
back in business in just one month!
Your Mind Magic Program is FANTASTIC.'
C. Windsell Norfolk, VA
'Shelby, WOW. how great were you
today!! Thanks for "being" you'
Paul N
I just want to thank you for the call
yesterday and the other calls I have
been on. You are very inspiring! I am
opening up to all sorts of possibilities
thanks to you.
Have a good evening.'
I just want to let you know ....
You are VERY good at Teaching and
Telling the truths of living. God
gave you the gift of Insight to see
life clearly...and be able to
communicate it. (amazing)
I just wanted to give you the
complement... feedback..
Too busy in my own life to really
expand on all the value of your
teachings...May God Bess You with
you work.'
Melanie M - Georgia
Your recordings are so great. I am so
glad I found you! I wish I found you
sooner, but like you say... the perfect
time is right now!
I am listening to you every chance I
Wendy A - California
These are just a few of the testimonials
I've received.
You can read more amazing stories about
people with desires just like you, who
are in my program and the results they
continue to experience.
Now it's your turn!
You can have anything you wish for.
When you believe it, you'll receive it. I'll
help you!!! All you have to do is click on
the link below and become a member of
Mind Magic Program.
Keep Smiling :-)
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This email is meant for you. It's
no accident you're reading this message.
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
have everything you wish for.
It could be more money, a fitter
body, the ideal relationship, a booming
business, a new car, your dream home,
a warm tropical vacation, or anything
you can think of.
Wouldn't it FEEL great?
Well, you can have everything you've
ever wished for. You just have to know
HOW to attract and align with what you
want to allow it into your life. And
now you can with a proven process that
works consistently, month after month,
day after day for myself and countless
The GREAT news is.....once you learn
this process - it never stops working for
you. And I teach this process step-by-
step in my Mind Magic Program.
I want to share some actual examples
of what participants in my program are
saying about their experiences working
with me =)
'Hi Shelby,
After a little over a year of studying/
practicing the law of attraction/universe,
your teachings literally brought everything
together... All I can say is LIFE CHANGING!'
Charles M - Korea
'Hi Shelby!
'I would like to take this opportunity to
thank you for the very important
information that you present in your Mind
Magic Program. I have already applied
many of the tactics and have taken other
steps to implement the changes that you
I know that I have already seen extreme
results and personally I have gotten at
LEAST 20 times the cost of the program
back in business in just one month!
Your Mind Magic Program is FANTASTIC.'
C. Windsell Norfolk, VA
'Shelby, WOW. how great were you
today!! Thanks for "being" you'
Paul N
I just want to thank you for the call
yesterday and the other calls I have
been on. You are very inspiring! I am
opening up to all sorts of possibilities
thanks to you.
Have a good evening.'
I just want to let you know ....
You are VERY good at Teaching and
Telling the truths of living. God
gave you the gift of Insight to see
life clearly...and be able to
communicate it. (amazing)
I just wanted to give you the
complement... feedback..
Too busy in my own life to really
expand on all the value of your
teachings...May God Bess You with
you work.'
Melanie M - Georgia
Your recordings are so great. I am so
glad I found you! I wish I found you
sooner, but like you say... the perfect
time is right now!
I am listening to you every chance I
Wendy A - California
These are just a few of the testimonials
I've received.
You can read more amazing stories about
people with desires just like you, who
are in my program and the results they
continue to experience.
Now it's your turn!
You can have anything you wish for.
When you believe it, you'll receive it. I'll
help you!!! All you have to do is click on
the link below and become a member of
Mind Magic Program.
Keep Smiling :-)
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. This email is meant for you. It's
no accident you're reading this message.
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Saturday, January 16, 2010
If I could teach you 5 steps that would......
allow you to transcend ANY problem,
setback, memory or experience would you
want to know the steps?
Well if you said "YES" I have GREAT news!!
I launched my first Quantum Leap Virtual
Workshop over a year and a half ago. I
taught my '5 Steps for Self Soothing' during
that workshop for the first time and I
was BLOWN AWAY by the response from
workshop participants.
They really loved my process and could
immediately see the value in being able
to coach themselves in ANY environment
or experience. Well yesterday I was doing
a radio interview and as luck would have it,
the gal interviewing me had BEEN in that
VERY training!! She asked MANY questions
and REALLY got me thinking.....
I haven't done much with my 5 Steps for
Self Soothing SINCE my Quantum Leap
Workshop a year and a half ago and it really
IS too good to keep to myself and a few
hundred people who took the training so.......
I decided that I MUST share this information
with those like you who are interested
in transforming fear into personal power
and eliminating negative emotions and
beliefs on the spot!
My 5 Steps for Self Soothing audio is a
FULL 90 minutes AND comes with instantly
downloadable notes. You won't be able
to listen to this audio and NOT find a
new perspective and solution to your
Pick up your copy by clicking this link....
ANY questions, I'm here!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. What if these 5 steps DID give you
your answers? We'll see if you seek them!! ;-)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
setback, memory or experience would you
want to know the steps?
Well if you said "YES" I have GREAT news!!
I launched my first Quantum Leap Virtual
Workshop over a year and a half ago. I
taught my '5 Steps for Self Soothing' during
that workshop for the first time and I
was BLOWN AWAY by the response from
workshop participants.
They really loved my process and could
immediately see the value in being able
to coach themselves in ANY environment
or experience. Well yesterday I was doing
a radio interview and as luck would have it,
the gal interviewing me had BEEN in that
VERY training!! She asked MANY questions
and REALLY got me thinking.....
I haven't done much with my 5 Steps for
Self Soothing SINCE my Quantum Leap
Workshop a year and a half ago and it really
IS too good to keep to myself and a few
hundred people who took the training so.......
I decided that I MUST share this information
with those like you who are interested
in transforming fear into personal power
and eliminating negative emotions and
beliefs on the spot!
My 5 Steps for Self Soothing audio is a
FULL 90 minutes AND comes with instantly
downloadable notes. You won't be able
to listen to this audio and NOT find a
new perspective and solution to your
Pick up your copy by clicking this link....
ANY questions, I'm here!!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. What if these 5 steps DID give you
your answers? We'll see if you seek them!! ;-)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
WOW.....who would have thought. an interesting insight.
Hi There!
I have to tell you that I have been
BLOWN away by the response to
the free 60 minute audio I sent out
on January 6th. Well over 900 of
you have downloaded it and over
350 have listened to it online. =)
I have also received email after
email with heart felt comments.
The gratitude and joy I receive
from all of you REALLY rings my
bell!!!!! =) Words don't really do
justice how much I appreciate
reading your feedback and knowing
that I've helped in some way!!
so THANK YOU to all who sent me
your emails, I adored them.
Another bonus (or three) I receive
when someone sends me an email
is...receiving their questions, sensing
where they are vibrationally and
also getting a deeper more true
sense of where they want to GO!!
ALL of which is FABULOUS information
for a business owner with a business
of doing just that. ;-)
As I'm sure you can imagine,
humans are VERY interesting to
observe. How we think and why, has
always been a HUGE interest for me
(hence my degree in Psychology).
Some love listening, some prefer to
SEE things in action, others like to
read what's happening and still
others love to talk about it.
So how does a business owner (like
me) help ALL who are attracted to
my work in so many different ways?
Answer....offer it the way you ALL like.
=) So that's exactly what I did. I
put together a little something that
includes, audios, ebooks, a special
report, email interaction with me AND
possibly some time with me on the
phone too!!
And I'm trying something new!!! Who
knows how it's going to go, but I'm
willing to SEE. As I've shared before
expectation = desire + belief
I have a HUGE desire to work with as
many consciously aware individuals
as I can and I have a belief that HUGE
shifts and delightful manifestations
occur when I do, so this is a win/win ;-)
I'm going to offer a discount on my
program that will NEVER EXPIRE. Yes,
never expire. If you use coupon code
FOREVER upon checkout you will receive
an instant $20 discount. You can use
this coupon whenever YOU are ready.
NO pressure, NO scarcity. It will be
here waiting for you when YOU are ready.
However if you are ready TODAY and
you use coupon code FOREVER TODAY,
I'm going to gift you a 20 minute
session with me! =) I'm in the process
of working on two new books and several
new projects and the more I chat and
interact one on one with folks, the BIGGER
the asset I can be!! Again this is a true
Everything included in this program is
instantly downloadable. Which means
NO waiting, NO cutting down trees to
print books you may or may not prefer
to have printed, NO CD's, NO packaging
NO stress!! It's a completely green and
footprint-less option and I'm totally
thrilled to offer it to you. AND remember
if you use coupon code FOREVER today,
we get to spend 20 minutes chatting!! =)
Check it out....
ANY questions contact me. Have a
FABULOUS day and I hope to chat with
you soon!!!! ;-)
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I have to tell you that I have been
BLOWN away by the response to
the free 60 minute audio I sent out
on January 6th. Well over 900 of
you have downloaded it and over
350 have listened to it online. =)
I have also received email after
email with heart felt comments.
The gratitude and joy I receive
from all of you REALLY rings my
bell!!!!! =) Words don't really do
justice how much I appreciate
reading your feedback and knowing
that I've helped in some way!!
so THANK YOU to all who sent me
your emails, I adored them.
Another bonus (or three) I receive
when someone sends me an email
is...receiving their questions, sensing
where they are vibrationally and
also getting a deeper more true
sense of where they want to GO!!
ALL of which is FABULOUS information
for a business owner with a business
of doing just that. ;-)
As I'm sure you can imagine,
humans are VERY interesting to
observe. How we think and why, has
always been a HUGE interest for me
(hence my degree in Psychology).
Some love listening, some prefer to
SEE things in action, others like to
read what's happening and still
others love to talk about it.
So how does a business owner (like
me) help ALL who are attracted to
my work in so many different ways?
Answer....offer it the way you ALL like.
=) So that's exactly what I did. I
put together a little something that
includes, audios, ebooks, a special
report, email interaction with me AND
possibly some time with me on the
phone too!!
And I'm trying something new!!! Who
knows how it's going to go, but I'm
willing to SEE. As I've shared before
expectation = desire + belief
I have a HUGE desire to work with as
many consciously aware individuals
as I can and I have a belief that HUGE
shifts and delightful manifestations
occur when I do, so this is a win/win ;-)
I'm going to offer a discount on my
program that will NEVER EXPIRE. Yes,
never expire. If you use coupon code
FOREVER upon checkout you will receive
an instant $20 discount. You can use
this coupon whenever YOU are ready.
NO pressure, NO scarcity. It will be
here waiting for you when YOU are ready.
However if you are ready TODAY and
you use coupon code FOREVER TODAY,
I'm going to gift you a 20 minute
session with me! =) I'm in the process
of working on two new books and several
new projects and the more I chat and
interact one on one with folks, the BIGGER
the asset I can be!! Again this is a true
Everything included in this program is
instantly downloadable. Which means
NO waiting, NO cutting down trees to
print books you may or may not prefer
to have printed, NO CD's, NO packaging
NO stress!! It's a completely green and
footprint-less option and I'm totally
thrilled to offer it to you. AND remember
if you use coupon code FOREVER today,
we get to spend 20 minutes chatting!! =)
Check it out....
ANY questions contact me. Have a
FABULOUS day and I hope to chat with
you soon!!!! ;-)
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The problem with 'telling it like it is' & you're doing it ALL day long!
Hi There!
There IS a problem with telling it
like it is, do you know what it is?
It's attention!
If you're telling it like it is and
you don't like what is, then your
attention, energy and focus is on
what you DON'T want. So what is
changes VERY, VERY slowly, I'm sure
you've noticed...;-)
As you were growing up I'm positive
your parents would say something
along the lines of 'don't tell me
a story, tell me the TRUTH.' You
hear that enough times and you
begin to believe more in the 'truth'
then in your story of how you WANT
it to be, and this is where it ALL
You have to tell a NEW story. A
story of how you WANT it to be,
NOT the way it IS. Then you must
tell that story enough times that YOU
believe it. When you believe it,
you'll receive it and not a moment
You may think it's your clients you
need to convince or your boss or
your spouse, but the REAL one who
needs convincing is YOU. Your
beliefs control EVERYTHING.
Now I'm not saying it's the easiest
thing in the world to change a belief.
But it IS POSSIBLE. A belief is
nothing more than a thought or story
you keep telling yourself over and
over and over again.
So how do you change a belief you
ask? One thought at a time. The
EASIEST way to 'reset' things is to
learn how to live in the NOW. The
present moment is a VERY magical
moment. All things are possible, the
answers you seek are there and ALL
of your power for creation lies in the
present moment.
I have an unbelievable program that
will teach you how to leverage the NOW,
how to move you rapidly toward what
you DO want, rather than what is and
will guide you to letting go of what
isn't allowing you to prosper in ways
you truly deserve.
Weekly you'll receive 3 emails, an audio,
not to mention a 24X7 support network
AND immediate instant online access to
over 17 months of past issues, tips
and audios.
Find out more here
Here's a quote that I recently tweeted,
it sums up my email beautifully......
'In school you get the lesson and then
take the test.....In life you take the
test and then get the lesson.'
- Unknown
Join my email coaching and watch what
begins to unfold for you and how FAST!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Try it for a month and SEE what
happens!!! =)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
There IS a problem with telling it
like it is, do you know what it is?
It's attention!
If you're telling it like it is and
you don't like what is, then your
attention, energy and focus is on
what you DON'T want. So what is
changes VERY, VERY slowly, I'm sure
you've noticed...;-)
As you were growing up I'm positive
your parents would say something
along the lines of 'don't tell me
a story, tell me the TRUTH.' You
hear that enough times and you
begin to believe more in the 'truth'
then in your story of how you WANT
it to be, and this is where it ALL
You have to tell a NEW story. A
story of how you WANT it to be,
NOT the way it IS. Then you must
tell that story enough times that YOU
believe it. When you believe it,
you'll receive it and not a moment
You may think it's your clients you
need to convince or your boss or
your spouse, but the REAL one who
needs convincing is YOU. Your
beliefs control EVERYTHING.
Now I'm not saying it's the easiest
thing in the world to change a belief.
But it IS POSSIBLE. A belief is
nothing more than a thought or story
you keep telling yourself over and
over and over again.
So how do you change a belief you
ask? One thought at a time. The
EASIEST way to 'reset' things is to
learn how to live in the NOW. The
present moment is a VERY magical
moment. All things are possible, the
answers you seek are there and ALL
of your power for creation lies in the
present moment.
I have an unbelievable program that
will teach you how to leverage the NOW,
how to move you rapidly toward what
you DO want, rather than what is and
will guide you to letting go of what
isn't allowing you to prosper in ways
you truly deserve.
Weekly you'll receive 3 emails, an audio,
not to mention a 24X7 support network
AND immediate instant online access to
over 17 months of past issues, tips
and audios.
Find out more here
Here's a quote that I recently tweeted,
it sums up my email beautifully......
'In school you get the lesson and then
take the test.....In life you take the
test and then get the lesson.'
- Unknown
Join my email coaching and watch what
begins to unfold for you and how FAST!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Try it for a month and SEE what
happens!!! =)
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
A gift - 60 min audio included picked especially for YOU!
Hi There!
I was walking my two dogs tonight and
thinking about YOU. =)
I wanted to give you something. No
strings attached! Something that you
would REALLY benefit from. So I dug
through my archives of 100's and
100's of audios and THIS audio is
perfect for you right now. It's 62
minutes long and chock full of mind
changing insights.
It's titled "How your thoughts affect
your health', but don't let that fool
you..... It's FAR more deep than just
health. Give it a listen and PLEASE
let me know what you think!! ;-)
You can play it by listening to this link:
You can download the mp3 instantly
by clicking this link:
Enjoy =) Please feel free to forward
this entire email to anyone you think
may benefit from it. ;-)
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I was walking my two dogs tonight and
thinking about YOU. =)
I wanted to give you something. No
strings attached! Something that you
would REALLY benefit from. So I dug
through my archives of 100's and
100's of audios and THIS audio is
perfect for you right now. It's 62
minutes long and chock full of mind
changing insights.
It's titled "How your thoughts affect
your health', but don't let that fool
you..... It's FAR more deep than just
health. Give it a listen and PLEASE
let me know what you think!! ;-)
You can play it by listening to this link:
You can download the mp3 instantly
by clicking this link:
Enjoy =) Please feel free to forward
this entire email to anyone you think
may benefit from it. ;-)
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
This Week's Mindshift Magic Audio is Ready!! Download Link Enclosed! =)
Hi There!
Happy New Year!!! Woo Hoo 2010
is here!! I have recorded a fabulous
Mindshift Magic audio just for you.
Listen to it carefully. ;-)
You can play it by clicking this link:
You can download it by clicking this
My list of audios can be found below.
Be sure to use coupon code
NEWYEAR2010 to receive 20% off!! =)
Enjoy your week!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Visit my audio page here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Happy New Year!!! Woo Hoo 2010
is here!! I have recorded a fabulous
Mindshift Magic audio just for you.
Listen to it carefully. ;-)
You can play it by clicking this link:
You can download it by clicking this
My list of audios can be found below.
Be sure to use coupon code
NEWYEAR2010 to receive 20% off!! =)
Enjoy your week!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Visit my audio page here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, January 03, 2010
My program begins tomorrow and you're ready!!
2010 is here and I know you have
BIG goals and intentions for what
you want to accomplish this year.
Well TOMORROW my brand new
Mind Magic Program begins. =) I
couldn't just let the day come and
go and not give you one more
chance to jump on board.
I know by your reading this and
being attracted to my work, you're
ready to at least TRY an inside out
approach to success. You can still
grab all the bonuses including a
20 minute personal session with
me when you enroll.
Tomorrow at 10:00am pacific it
ALL begins and I know how much
you'll benefit by being there!!
Please join me, you won't regret
it ;-)
Here's to an AMAZING 2010!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. You've tried it your way. Why
not at least TRY a new way!! Again
the link is:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
BIG goals and intentions for what
you want to accomplish this year.
Well TOMORROW my brand new
Mind Magic Program begins. =) I
couldn't just let the day come and
go and not give you one more
chance to jump on board.
I know by your reading this and
being attracted to my work, you're
ready to at least TRY an inside out
approach to success. You can still
grab all the bonuses including a
20 minute personal session with
me when you enroll.
Tomorrow at 10:00am pacific it
ALL begins and I know how much
you'll benefit by being there!!
Please join me, you won't regret
it ;-)
Here's to an AMAZING 2010!!
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. You've tried it your way. Why
not at least TRY a new way!! Again
the link is:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New Year!!! =)
Just a quick note to wish you a
VERY Happy New Year!!
May 2010 bring you EVERYTHING you
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
VERY Happy New Year!!
May 2010 bring you EVERYTHING you
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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