I do my fair share of
sessions each and every week and
I see these feelings come up with
EVERY person I work with. And with
the Mercury Retrograde in full swing
until the end of the month I REALLY
wanted to write about feelings of
guilt, shame or unworthiness.
EVERYTHING you experience is a
co-creation. It involves you and at
least one other person, place or thing.
Either someone buys something from
you, talks back to you, hears you,
sells to you, performs for you, bites
you, barks at you, watches you, etc.
Because we FORGET that this is the
case (that we're never creating by
ourselves) we sometimes hold on to
feelings of guilt or shame or
unworthiness. Let me explain.
Have you ever thought feelings like:
- because of me his/her life is _______
- because we're no longer together my life is ________
- because they bought from me now they won't ________
- because my mom is heavy now I'm ________
- because I didn't do something now she/he _______
- because I've already tried 32 time they don't _______
- because I left him/her he/she now __________
- because I told them how I REALLY feel they _______
It almost feels like somehow we're
responsible for someone else's
feelings, outcomes or even
manifestations, doesn't it??? But let
me explain something.....there is NO
such thing as a 'sacrificial lamb' in
the eyes of the universe.
If you've had experiences where you
felt like because you've gotten what
you wanted that someone else has
lost out or had to lose, THINK AGAIN.
Remember, it's CO-CREATION.
They've attracted you and this
experience AS MUCH as you've
attracted them and this experience.
Again NO sacrificial lambs.
So what does this mean exactly????
It means that you can let yourself off
the hook!! If you feel you've done
something wrong in the past or done
something awful to someone in the
past or for ANYTHING that you don't
feel good about. Everyone and
everything involved attracted the
experience to learn from. NO MATTER
what it may seem!!
You were ALL in it TOGETHER!!
And your proof......IT HAPPENED.
You wouldn't be who you are now or
be where you are now (nor would
they) if everything that has
happened hadn't. You've needed
EVERY single experience to get you
to THIS POINT now!!!
Enjoy that. Know that and let
yourself off the hook. It's all been
PERFECT and divine. :-D
Read and re-read this email often
and REALLY do let yourself off the
hook and WATCH what happens.
It's going to blow your mind!!! ;-D
My upcoming
Mindset Matters call on
Tuesday will be on this VERY topic.
I'll be sharing ways to identify where
you're STILL holding on to feelings of
shame, guilt or unworthiness and I'll
show you HOW to dissolve those
It's important to note that UNTIL you
let go of feeling unworthy, shameful
or guilty, what you want WON'T ARRIVE.
You can't achieve what you want while
being in dis-respect of self. IT WON'T
Join me Tuesday in a packed one
hour call AND you can ask YOUR
questions LIVE (or you can email me)
about shame, quilt or unworthiness!!
In my
Mindset Matters Program there
are three membership levels to choose
from and one is PERFECT for you and
your budget!!
Choose the perfect level for you here:
When you join today I'll send you the
audio of our last call on 'Identifying
and Releasing Mental Baggage'. It too
is 60 full minutes and will get you
started on your path to making things
easier and moving FASTER!!
It's a FABULOUS audio and it's yours
FREE today when you join!! See which
level is right for you, join and I'll talk
to YOU on Tuesday!!! ;-D
Enjoy the rest of your week. Finish
strong. NOTICE what you're thinking
and be SURE to EXPECT fabulous
BIG Hugs and Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Today is the FINAL day to
get Tuesday's 75 minute audio on
'Your Health, What it's Trying to
Tell You'. It comes with four pages
of notes, diagrams, the 75 minute
audio AND the transcript!! Get the
package here:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 609-9762
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