Monday, June 29, 2009

This is the MOST powerful email I've ever sent - Open Now!

Hi There!

I'm going to share with you an
aha that I've had in the last
few days. It's quite possibly
one of the MOST POWERFUL
mind shifts I've taught to date.

It's SOOO GOOD that I'm going
to share it with you and I
ask that you pass this email
on in it's entirety to EVERYONE
you know. It's just that powerful.

It's ONLY one line.

I want you to read it over and
over again. I want you to
print it on a paper and hang it
near your computer for you to
SEE everyday. Put a sticky note
on your car dash board with this
one message. Write it on your
fridge and LOOK at it daily.
Here is my aha for today.........


Nothing. Not a thing. You control it
all. The good, the bad and the ugly,
YOU created it, YOU continue to
observe it and YOU decide what it
all means!

I think an equally deep question is....

- Do you know WHY you've created
the life you have?

- Do you know WHY you struggle in
the same areas again and again?

- Do you know WHY you have the
relationships (or lack of relationships)
you do?

- Do you know WHY money comes and
then GOES in even bigger quantities?

The short answer is because that's what
change? Are you ready for BIG things?

Your step-by-step answer can be found

MAKE it a great week, ONLY YOU CAN!

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. IF you change what you believe you'll
change what you receive ;-) Begin Here.....

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Do you know the power of your emotions?

Hi There!

I hope this note finds you incredibly
happy :-)

I want to ask you something VERY
important.......Think about your answer.

Do you know the power your emotions
hold? Do you know that it's your
feelings that get the blessing in life?

It's true!

How you FEEL is incredibly important.
If you're feeling depressed, fearful,
poor, panicky, stressed or even fatigued
those emotions attract MORE OF WHAT IS.

The key to ALL of my teachings is to
get happy. And to figure out EXACTLY
what the story is you keep telling your-
self that's KEEPING you from being happy.

Notice how babies and children are NOT
stressed. We learn how to be stressed.
We learn how to be fearful. We learn
how to be poor and lack filled. These
are also things we can UNLEARN.

I want you to picture a screaming two
year old. A VERY upset, laying on the
floor, tears running down her face two
year old.

Now imagine her asking for something
while having her melt down. Imagine
her asking you for a new outfit as she
screams and kicks and cries.

How likely are you to want to help
this two year old get what she wants?

Not very!!

Now think about YOU for a moment. Be
honest and think about how you've
been acting and FEELING lately.

Have you been happy smiling, laughing
and EXPECTING good things to come your
way OR have you been acting more like
the screaming two year old?

If YOU were the Universe would you be
sending what you wanted your way?

Probably not!

So to get the Universe to cooperate
with you, YOU have to be on NEW feeling
channel. And depending on how long
you've been listening to your current
station, you may have some reservations
about changing.

UNTIL NOW...............

About three months or so ago I taught
a 90 minute class on 5 Steps for Self
Soothing. The call was DEEP and I also
walked LIVE participants through some
amazing shifts and NOW it's available
on audio!

This is NOT some hocus pocus New Age
thought CD, but what it IS, is a personal
step by step process to release ANY/ALL
negativity, resentment, anger or ANYTHING
that doesn't feel good. I talk about
how to release these emotions and how
to empower yourself to handle whatever
life brings you in a easy to use method.

If you're ready for an ENTIRELY NEW story
I invite you to pick up my 5 Steps for Self
Soothing Audio Program

To do something a little fun.....The first
100 people who purchase my 5 Steps for
Self Soothing 90 minute audio program, will
ALSO receive a special BONUS audio program!
I'm not going to tell you which audio program
it is but I will tell you this....

- It's NOT available on my website

- You couldn't buy it EVEN if you wanted to

- You will uncover at LEAST 20 limiting
beliefs holding you back!

Pick up my 5 Steps for Self Soothing here

I will personally email the first 100 who
purchase my '5 Steps for Self Soothing'
a special download link to access the FREE
audio bonus ($20 value, 60+ minute program)

Finally learn how to smile and MEAN IT no
matter what's happening :-) Pick up my '5
Steps for Self Soothing

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and SMILE
often ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. The first 100 to purchase my '5 Steps
for Self Soothing', will receive an additional
special BONUS audio. ($20 value, 60+ minute
audio program, get Yours!!)

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, June 25, 2009

If You're Ready, I'm Ready and the Time is NOW!

Because you're a member of my email
community it's proof that Law of Attraction
is already at play. It's also proof that
you're someone who's on the path of
spiritual fulfillment and self enlightenment.

I also know you have been at this
'NEW' way of thinking and believing
for some time and may or may not be
getting the 'REAL' results you've
been looking for or have been promised.

THIS is where I come in :-)

As you know it's my life work and
passion to guide individuals just like
you, to uncover the UNCONSCIOUS
story you're telling yourself that's keeping
you from what you desire.

I'm 100% positive you have AT LEAST 3
beliefs right now keeping you from the
life you're imagining. I also know for
certain that you are FAR CLOSER than you
even might imagine, to manifesting the
life you've been promising yourself.

What if I could help you uncover EXACTLY
which 3 beliefs are holding you back?
Do you want to know what they are? Are
you willing to CHANGE them? Are you
ready to move forward and PAST them?
Are you ready to let go of where you ARE
right now?

All it takes, is a shift in perspective.

My Quantum Leap Virtual Workshop begins
in just over and month and will help
you UNLOCK these very answers. To get
your mental wheels STARTED on the path
of what's caught in your vibrational way,
I've created a list of 29 mood generating
. I invite you to READ and
FEEL this list and check off all
statements that stick to you in ANY way.

As you read and feel this list notice what
rings true even a little bit. Notice what
memories or visions begin to play on the
screen of your mind and especially notice
ANY physical feelings or emotions that
surface. ANYTHING that triggers you is
something you're ready to release and
heal within yourself NOW. This is GOOD

Because you're a current subscriber I'm
going to do something REALLY fabulous.
I'm going to give you the opportunity to
attend my upcoming Quantum Leap Virtual
Workshop for $500 off the normal price!
I'm also going to give the FIRST 10 who
redeem this coupon a CHOICE of 2 special
gifts valued at up to $250 :-)

You may be wondering WHY I'm doing this,
and the short answer birthday
will be here in a FEW short days and I'm
in a PRESENT kinda mood, hahahaha :-)

ANOTHER reason is I KNOW what frustration
feels like and I KNOW how HARD and long
you've been working at this, I KNOW I can
help you and I KNOW you're ready.

Your $500 discount is BDAYBONUS and is valid
until midnight (eastern time) Sunday June
28th. The first 10 individuals to use this
coupon can choose one of the following at
absolutely NO COST......

1) 20 min recorded phone session with me


2) 6 month BRONZE membership to my Mind Powers

Both gifts can be used IMMEDIATELY. Again
use coupon code BDAYBONUS for your $500
discount and claim your BONUS gift of choice
(first 10 only).

Begin with my 29 mood generators here!

I KNOW you're ready for big things and I'm
ready to help you claim them!!!

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. This offer is NOT available anywhere
else and is for current email subscribers only.
Thank you.

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It can ALL be different in Only 30 days......

30 days are going to come and go
ANYWAY, why not learn how to have
the life you WANT. Makes sense

Some people, maybe even you, think
they aren't 'good at manifesting',
or creating miracles in their life.

Not so.

Every person, INCLUDING YOU, infallibly
manifests whatever you predominantly
hold as the picture in your mind.


But here's the problem. Few people
(perhaps 1-2%) are actually aware of
what they're focusing on. When you
learn to be intentionally aware, you
will gain a power that will blow away
your obstacles, and literally align
your vibration with.....

...EVERYTHING you have EVER asked for.

It all begins by clicking here

YOU MUST learn how to align your
thoughts and energy vibrations with
what you WANT rather than what you
don't want or what you continue to
experience. If you continue to LOOK
at 'what is', you will continue to
manifest MORE of 'what is'.

I created a fabulous 30 day step by
step attunement that will slowly
and easily SHOW you how you're
creating and attracting EVERYTHING
that's happening to you. You will
learn how to think NEW limitless
thoughts and beliefs. You'll show
yourself how EASY creating miracles
and life changing events can be.
It all begins by clicking here

see results when you change your energy,
feelings and vibrations. Now over
a 30 day period you too, can experience
HUGE shifts in your thinking and results.
You CAN create Miracles and Life
Changing Events. But it is a choice.

As you continue on your spiritual path
you'll learn that what you really need
to do is UNLEARN what you've been
taught. Nearly 96%+ of what you learned
when you were young, isn't even true. You
were small and you believed your elders.
NOW you can choose what you believe
and what beliefs serve your success and
prosperity. This program will show you
step by step HOW you ARE choosing your
reality, whether you like what you're
experiencing or not. This program
will also show you how to CHANGE what
you're choosing (thinking about), thus
changing your results.

It all begins by clicking here

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Read what others, JUST LIKE YOU,
have experienced when THEY change just
a little

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, June 19, 2009

If you have LESS than $100 in you wallet right now, Read This!

If you have LESS than a $100 in
your wallet right now, pay CLOSE

Money is an interesting energy. When
you NEED it, it's no where to be found
and when you don't need it, it's
EVERYWHERE, have you noticed?

Well I have some VERY good news!

I was recently updating the audio
program section of my website and
realized I had never offered a VERY
powerful audio program. I'm not
sure how it happened or why but I
feel NOW is the time to release it!

As I'm sure you know I have a 60+
minute audio on the 'Truth About
Money and How to Allow More', this
is my TOP selling audio by FAR.

Well.......NOW you can get your
hands on my even DEEPER 'The Truth
About Money - Part 2' audio program.
I recorded this program last year and
the results my clients have gotten as
a result have been incredible!

Let's face it, we all MUST have money
to survive. Money is the form of
exchange we use to buy things.

Now I'm SURE you don't think $100 is
a lot of money. Maybe you think $10,000
or $100,000 or $1million is a lot of
money, but $100 is NOT a lot of money.
So I ask you..... Do you have $100 in
your wallet right now? When was the
last time you spent a $100 bill?

BELIEVE me, you have MANY unconscious
beliefs about money that are keeping it
from you. In less than an hour you can
completely change the energy your omitting
around money, CASH, abundance and ease.

Wouldn't it be nice to make money your
friend? Wouldn't you like to know what
to do to become a magnet to money? It
all begins with what you REALLY believe
about money AND how you think you're
supposed to receive it and WHY.

Finally learn how to SMILE when you
think of money. :-) You'll learn how to
make money serve you, rather than YOU
serving money. Pick up my 'Truth about
Money Part 2' here

Enjoy your weekend and SMILE often ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. If you're ready for a NEW story around
cash I invite you to pick up my Truth About
Money Audio Programs- Part 1 and ESPECIALLY
Part 2 here

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The problem with 'telling it like it is' & you're doing it ALL day long!

There IS a problem with telling it
like it is, do you know what it is?

It's attention!

If you're telling it like it is and
you don't like what is, then your
attention, energy and focus is on
what you DON'T want. So what is
changes VERY, VERY slowly, I'm sure
you've noticed...

As you were growing up I'm positive
your parents would say something
along the lines of 'don't tell me
a story, tell me the TRUTH.' You
hear that enough times and you
begin to believe more in the 'truth'
then in your story of how you WANT
it to be, and this is where it ALL

You have to tell a NEW story. A
story of how you WANT it to be,
NOT the way it IS. Then you must
tell that story enough times that YOU
believe it. When you believe it,
you'll receive it and not a moment

You may think it's your clients you
need to convince or your boss or
your spouse, but the REAL one who
needs convincing is YOU. Your
beliefs control EVERYTHING.

Now I'm not saying it's the easiest
thing in the world to change a belief.
But it IS POSSIBLE. A belief is
nothing more than a thought or story
you keep telling yourself over and
over and over again.

So how do you change a belief you
ask? One thought at a time. The
EASIEST way to 'reset' things is to
learn how to live in the NOW. The
present moment is a VERY magical
moment. All things are possible, the
answers you seek are there and ALL
of your power for creation lies in the
present moment.

I have an unbelievable audio program
on 'The Power of Living in the Now',
it's a top seller and it will teach you
how to leverage NOW to move you
rapidly toward what you DO want, rather
than what is.

It's a STEAL at only $17 and if you're
daring enough, I also have a 'Power of
Now-2 Unlocking the Spiritual Dimension'
audio program which takes the Power of
Now to an even DEEPER level.

Get your instantly downloadable mp3
audio here

Here's a quote that I recently tweeted,
it sums up my email beautifully......

'In school you get the lesson and then
take the test.....In life you take the
test and then get the lesson.'

- Unknown

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Leverage the Power of Now

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, June 12, 2009

You asked and I answered.

When I first launched my Life Overhaul
Program about nine months ago for a
VERY short period of time I offered
the ability to ask me any one question
via email.

It was a HUGE success and I then began
only offering the email question with
VERY special JV promotions. Well......

I've had SEVERAL requests to add the
email question back into my Life
Overhaul Program. It astounds me how
you remember things you think is
important! So I did! :-)

For a limited time when you purchase my
Life Overhaul Program you CAN ask me any
one question you have. I will personally
email you my answer and share with
you an entirely new perspective, enabling
you to UNLOCK your mental constipation.

If you're ready for a COMPLETE Life
Overhaul visit

AND for those of you who would simply like
to ask me a question personally I will offer
1 email question with answer for ONLY $67!

Pick the ONE symptom/problem/setback that
if you fixed it would make the BIGGEST
positive impact on your life. THAT'S the
question to ask me. A shift in energy in this
one area, will REALLY loosen things up for

Please note - there is NO webpage for the
email question. This will be VERY limited!
If you're interested in an email answer
use this link

A shift in perspective is ALL it takes!!

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Your Complete Life Overhaul WITH
email answer awaits you here

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, June 11, 2009

TODAY is the day and NOW is the time!

Hello There,

I hope this email finds you well.
It's hard to believe that Summer
officially begins in the US in a
few short weeks.

Where has the time gone?

Life moves faster and faster as
you get older, have you noticed?
Hence why I'm writing to you today.

It seems like just yesterday I was
writing wishing you a happy new
year and now we're half way through
the year! So the BIG question is...

are things getting better for you or

You can move, change jobs, change
careers, get a divorce, start a new
business, claim bankruptcy, have a
baby, sell your house, or ANY other
huge life changing experience and if
you don't address what you BELIEVE
on the inside, the only thing you can be
ASSURED of is.........

REPEATING it again!

Until today that is ;-)

I teach a WEEKLY call every Wednesday.
They're 30 minutes long, PACKED full
of insights AND I answer questions on
EVERY call as well. The time rotates
so you can be SURE that you will be
able to attend live. Each call is recorded and
made available to you in a VARIETY of ways.
There are SO many benefits of staying in a
positive conversation that I can't possibly
list them all here.

Instead, I invite you to listen to yesterday's
call. We're discussing 'Receiving and
Allowing' and yesterday I talked about
dealing with negative people around us.
I talked about how to handle people
who don't know what you know. How to
co-exist with someone who isn't in to
the Law of Attraction, it was a GREAT

Membership for these weekly calls begins
at only $27 a month! Which is a BARGAIN
for what you will receive, I promise!! From
there you can add the option to receive all
recordings as mp3's, or even add email coaching,
the ability to call and ask me your questions
privately AND a yahoo support group!

Visit this link

Review the Bronze Level option. Sign
up and if you don't LOVE it in the first
20 days, I'll buy you lunch! That's how
SURE I am that these weekly calls will
TRANSFORM how you think, feel and

If you're REALLY ready to clear out the
cobwebs and step into you power consider
my Silver Level of membership. OR for
those ready for a beliefectomy, my Gold
Level awaits you ;-)

In ANY case, join and I will immediately
give you access to yesterdays call. It
WILL open you up like nothing before!
Remember I have lunch riding on this.

Join here

Summer is here. The vacation you desire
and DESERVE is beckoning you. Whatever
circumstances you need, I'll help you
manifest them! Let's go

BIG Hugs to YOU,

Shelby Collinge

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Sunday, June 07, 2009

There is STILL Time! You can have the audio bonus too!

Hello There!

Yesterday I sent you an email about
money ( I have included it below). I
offered the first 100 who picked up my
'Truth About Money -Part 2' a special
FREE audio bonus.

Well the response has been phenomenal
so I've decided to let EVERYONE who
picks up my 'Truth About Money - Part 2'
have access to the FREE Bonus audio.

If you're interested in receiving an
additional 60+ minute special audio
program at NO additional charge go
ahead and pick up my 'Truth About Money
Part 2' audio below and I will email it

**Please NOTE** ONLY for orders
purchased on 6/6/09 & 6/7/09. The special
audio bonus will END promptly at midnight

Here is yesterdays email.........

If you have LESS than a $100 in
your wallet right now, pay CLOSE

Money is an interesting energy. When
you NEED it, it's no where to be found
and when you don't need it, it's
EVERYWHERE, have you noticed?

Well I have some VERY good news!

I was recently updating the audio
program section of my website and
realized I had never offered a VERY
powerful audio program. I'm not
sure how it happened or why but I
feel NOW is the time to release it!

As I'm sure you know I have a 60+
minute audio on the 'Truth About
Money and How to Allow More', this
is my TOP selling audio by FAR.

Well.......NOW you can get your
hands on my even DEEPER 'The Truth
About Money - Part 2' audio program.
I recorded this program last year and
the results my clients have gotten as
a result have been incredible!

Let's face it, we all MUST have money
to survive. Money is the form of
exchange we use to buy things.

Now I'm SURE you don't think $100 is
a lot of money. Maybe you think $10,000
or $100,000 or $1million is a lot of money,
but $100 is NOT a lot of money. So I
ask you..... Do you have $100 in your
wallet right now? When was the last time
you spent a $100 bill?

BELIEVE me, you have MANY unconscious
beliefs about money that are keeping it from
you. In less than an hour you can completely
change the energy your omitting around
money, CASH, abundance and ease.

Wouldn't it be nice to make money your
friend? Wouldn't you like to know what
to do to become a magnet to money? It all
begins with what you REALLY believe about
money AND how you think you're supposed
to receive it and WHY.

If you're ready for a NEW story around
money I invite you to pick up my Truth
About Money Audio Programs- Part 1 and

To do something a little fun.....The first
100 people who purchase my Truth about
Money Part 2 audio program, will ALSO
receive a special BONUS audio program!
I'm not going to tell you which audio program
it is but I will tell you this....

- It's NOT available on my website

- You couldn't buy it EVEN if you wanted to

- You will uncover at LEAST 20 limiting
beliefs holding you back!

Pick up my Truth about Money Program Part 1,
Part 2 or both here

I will personally email the first 100 who
purchase my 'Truth About Money - Part 2'
a special download link to access the FREE
audio bonus ($20 value, 60+ minute program)

Finally learn how to SMILE when you think
of money. :-) You'll learn how to make money
serve you, rather than YOU serving money.
Pick up my 'Truth about Money Part 2' here

Enjoy your weekend and SMILE often ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. The first 100 to purchase my 'Truth About
Money Part 2', will receive an additional special
BONUS audio. ($20 value, 60+ minute audio
program, get Yours!!)

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, June 06, 2009

If you have LESS than $100 in you wallet right now, Read This!

If you have LESS than a $100 in
your wallet right now, pay CLOSE

Money is an interesting energy. When
you NEED it, it's no where to be found
and when you don't need it, it's
EVERYWHERE, have you noticed?

Well I have some VERY good news!

I was recently updating the audio
program section of my website and
realized I had never offered a VERY
powerful audio program. I'm not
sure how it happened or why but I
feel NOW is the time to release it!

As I'm sure you know I have a 60+
minute audio on the 'Truth About
Money and How to Allow More', this
is my TOP selling audio by FAR.

Well.......NOW you can get your
hands on my even DEEPER 'The Truth
About Money - Part 2' audio program.
I recorded this program last year and
the results my clients have gotten as
a result have been incredible!

Let's face it, we all MUST have money
to survive. Money is the form of
exchange we use to buy things.

Now I'm SURE you don't think $100 is
a lot of money. Maybe you think $10,000
or $100,000 or $1million is a lot of money,
but $100 is NOT a lot of money. So I
ask you..... Do you have $100 in your
wallet right now? When was the last time
you spent a $100 bill?

BELIEVE me, you have MANY unconscious
beliefs about money that are keeping it from
you. In less than an hour you can completely
change the energy your omitting around
money, CASH, abundance and ease.

Wouldn't it be nice to make money your
friend? Wouldn't you like to know what
to do to become a magnet to money? It all
begins with what you REALLY believe about
money AND how you think you're supposed
to receive it and WHY.

If you're ready for a NEW story around
money I invite you to pick up my Truth
About Money Audio Programs- Part 1 and

To do something a little fun.....The first
100 people who purchase my Truth about
Money Part 2 audio program, will ALSO
receive a special BONUS audio program!
I'm not going to tell you which audio program
it is but I will tell you this....

- It's NOT available on my website

- You couldn't buy it EVEN if you wanted to

- You will uncover at LEAST 20 limiting
beliefs holding you back!

Pick up my Truth about Money Program Part 1,
Part 2 or both here

I will personally email the first 100 who
purchase my 'Truth About Money - Part 2'
a special download link to access the FREE
audio bonus ($20 value, 60+ minute program)

Finally learn how to SMILE when you think
of money. :-) You'll learn how to make money
serve you, rather than YOU serving money.
Pick up my 'Truth about Money Part 2' here

Enjoy your weekend and SMILE often ;-)

BIG Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. The first 100 to purchase my 'Truth About
Money Part 2', will receive an additional special
BONUS audio. ($20 value, 60+ minute audio
program, get Yours!!)

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

Follow me on Twitter

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, June 04, 2009

If you were ASSURED of success would you try?

If you said 'Yes', Congratulations!
Most wouldn't. Most are too afraid

Believe it or not victim-hood and
desperation is what you've witnessed
MOST of your life.

For some reason your elders didn't
want you to think life was easy.
They didn't want things to come to
you without hard word and a TON of
effort and some cases A LOT of begging
and pleading your case. It was
righteous to sweat hard and struggle.

You learned if you didn't NEED it,
you couldn't have it. And now, decades
later, it's your NEEDS that get met
(MOST of the time) and your 'fun' life
is non existent. Am I right?

In my email coaching program you
will receive mindset and perspective
changing information THREE days a
week delivered discretely through
your email account. I will share
with you how to take 100% responsibility
for your life and how to change
ANY/EVERY area (financial, relationships,
health, spiritual or career) by leveraging
the laws of the universe to work FOR

Three times a week you'll learn how
to raise your vibration, release negative
beliefs and patterns and align with
positive energy and beliefs. Learn how
to CHOOSE consciously which beliefs
you want and learn how to shed the
beliefs that you don't.

Give up struggle, ill health, depression,
lack and scarcity based thinking, (just
to name a few). Embrace NEW spiritual
principles and awaken to the truths you
KNOW at a core soul level.

If you're not manifesting and experiencing
the results you truly desire......

If you don't believe in yourself, your
dreams or your abilities to be successful

If you're frustrated and don't know what
you're doing wrong.......

If you think you're acting and thinking
positive and yet aren't manifesting and
attracting the life you want.......

If you're not getting the support you
need from family, friends, colleagues or
those around you.......

If you haven't been able to integrate
'The Secret' and ALL that you know about
the Laws of the Universe into your daily

If you're just NOT getting results or
NOTHING is changing fast enough.......

Join Now for Personal Email Coaching 3
Times a Week!

I will share with you EVERYTHING you need
to know to make significant, QUICK,
LASTING change in EVERY area you need a
tune up. This program is the BEGINNING
step you've asked for. Move confidently
now and watch!

Your life will NEVER be the same, I
guarantee it!!

MUCH Love,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. There is online library with MONTHS
and MONTHS of back issues just BEGGING to
be read. You will gain IMMEDIATE access
to ALL that you need!

I'm a Mindset Expert!

Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week

Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here

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5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved