Are you ready to let it be EASY?
I will teach you how to align
your energy, feelings and beliefs
with miracles, magic and mystery
rather than conflict, crisis and
confusion. NOW you can LEVERAGE
my decades of study of the mind,
spiritual principles and quantum
physics. You can leverage the 2500+
books I have read and re-read.
You'll receive a distilled, PURE
knowing at a vibrational SOUL level.
If you're struggling, if you can't
make enough money, or create the
relationship you want, if you can't
get yourself to do what you DESIRE
to do, or if you're having trouble
creating a happy and fulfilling life,
I'm going to show you Step-by-Step
how to turn things around.
Through my Mind Powers program I
will show you how to harness your
immense mind and personal power for
success in ALL areas of your life.
One Caution: Just reading about
why you're life isn't working isn't
going to solve the problem. I
wish it was that easy. Yes, knowing
you're sabotaging yourself is a
great first step. Creating real
and lasting change, however, is
going to require.....
a whole new way of thinking and
These secrets of how your mind
REALLY works are only being revealed
to magnetic human beings LIKE YOU,
who long to go beyond where they
have been... it is reserved for
those rare individuals who are weary
of limitation, and who instinctively
know -- deep down inside their heart,
mind and soul they are only
scratching the surface of what they
can achieve.
Let me share just ONE secret with
you: For any outcome you want whether
internal or external, there's a
certain way of thinking and FEELING
that will manifest it for you. You
just have to find it - and be willing
to adopt it.
This is a very profound and important
statement, let's take a closer look at
it. If each result you want, inside
or out, is associated with and generated
by a certain way of thinking and acting
(which it is), then to get a NEW result,
you're going to have to adopt and use...
.....a new way of thinking and FEELING.
You're life isn't working because of
your current way of thinking and
FEELING. To get different results,
you'll have to give up your current way
of thinking and FEELING and be willing
to adopt new deliberate thoughts,
beliefs and mental pictures.
Hoping for a different result without
changing the way you think, feel and
BELIEVE is, well, insane... hopeless..
and futile.
If you're unaware of these processes
(as 99% of people are), you live on
autopilot. Life seems to just happen
-- no matter what you do, the safe
always falls on your head or your
life explodes in your face.
It seems as if you have NO control --
at all, am I right?
If however, you say to yourself, 'I
have no idea how I'm creating my life,
but somehow I am' -- and then become
incredibly curious HOW you're doing it
.... I CAN HELP!
Here's a BIG HINT: pay attention to
what you believe, what is important to
you, what you focus your attention on
and what meanings you place on things.
This is YOUR opportunity to learn about
an entirely new way to approach success,
prosperity, health and abundance in your
life. This is your opportunity to learn
about how to awaken the genius inside of
you TODAY and live an Extraordinary,
Limitless Life.
Are you ready? Join me NOW.....
BIG Hugs,
Shelby Collinge
I'm a Mindset Expert!
Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week
Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thoughts create feelings, feelings create your reality.
When I receive emails from clients
all over the world who have experienced
significant shifts in their thinking,
experiences and outcomes I just get
giddy. NOTHING makes me feel more
grateful than to share my concepts,
stories and understanding of universal
and spiritual principles with people
like you, who are interested in expanding
BEYOND what you've ever thought possible.
I want to share a few of these personal
experiences with you. It's so powerful
to SEE how others, just like you, have
aligned with the success they've dreamed
Success is NOT for a select few. It's an
energy alignment process innate within us
that we only need to REMEMBER how to
use. It's FAR EASIER than you're making
it. FAR EASIER than you think.
Read the stories below and notice what YOU
resonate it. Maybe you too would like to
experience these results? Maybe you didn't
think it was possible? Until NOW!
'Hi Shelby,
Your Truth about Money call was mind-blowing!
(LOVE your advise about carrying money) -
I swear I've instantly become a money magnet
since applying your advise! It all started
about a month ago when I came across your
'Power of Living in the Now' audio. After a
little over a year of studying/practicing the
law of attraction/universe, this audio
literally brought everything together... All
I can say is LIFE CHANGING!'
Charles M - Korea
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your 'Guilt'
audio. It truly was inspiring. I am starting
to see small results as a result of aligning
myself with the proper life sources. It is
truly amazing. My faith is growing by leaps.
I have a couple of major projects that I'm
working on! I'll let you know the results
and what they are when they manifest.'
Thanks again!
Amadee R G - India
Thank you to you Shelby.
I just downloaded your recordings and am
enjoying listening to the vibrancy in your
words. As these things go, these recordings
have come to me at the perfect time....a
neat reminder to me!
With happy and heart-felt appreciation,
Karen - South Africa
'Hi Shelby,
I listened to the money call and it was
great. thank you for what you do, it rocked.
I love a call that gets you thinking seriously
in that direction. if you felt compelled to
do a moneycall2 and take us further into
the topic I'm IN and will be so fast in
buying the next mp3.'
Steven A - Georgia
When you become conscious of your fears,
limiting beliefs and negative stories, then
AND ONLY THEN can you let them go. Because
you're divine, you can't do something that
doesn't serve you CONSCIOUSLY.
The trick then.....become more conscious!
NOTHING happens until you identify where
YOU ARE and where you desire TO GO.
Years ago I created a top 3 audio bundle.
I bundled my top 3 selling audios and it
sells AMAZINGLY well on my website for $47.
Well I'm re-launching this bundle, giving
it MAXIMUM exposure, and for the next 24
hours you can pick up my top 3 audios for
only $40!
Included in my top 3 audio bundle is:
- 'The Truth about MONEY' & How to Allow
More into Your Life'
- 'How to Create Everything You Desire
by Utilizing the Power of Now' AND
- 'The Negative Power of GUILT'
You must use a PRIVATE order link to receive
your ADDITIONAL $7 discount
NOW more than ever it's so important to stay
grounded and positive about what's to come.
Your thoughts create your reality. You must
gain conscious control of those thoughts and
then you must focus on what you WANT, rather
than what you keep experiencing.
My top 3 audio bundle will help you with money
blocks, your relationships, your health, your
business or career, stress, etc. It will give
you a BRAND NEW perspective on ANY setback or
struggle you may be facing. Here is your PRIVATE
link for an additional $7 off for the next 24
hours ONLY:
Have a FABULOUS weekend and I look forward to
hearing from YOU!
BIG Hugs,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Benefit from the RE-LAUNCH of my best
selling top 3 audio bundle, and for the next
24 HOURS ONLY you can pick all three top
selling audios for ONLY $40!
I'm a Mindset Expert!
Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week
Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
all over the world who have experienced
significant shifts in their thinking,
experiences and outcomes I just get
giddy. NOTHING makes me feel more
grateful than to share my concepts,
stories and understanding of universal
and spiritual principles with people
like you, who are interested in expanding
BEYOND what you've ever thought possible.
I want to share a few of these personal
experiences with you. It's so powerful
to SEE how others, just like you, have
aligned with the success they've dreamed
Success is NOT for a select few. It's an
energy alignment process innate within us
that we only need to REMEMBER how to
use. It's FAR EASIER than you're making
it. FAR EASIER than you think.
Read the stories below and notice what YOU
resonate it. Maybe you too would like to
experience these results? Maybe you didn't
think it was possible? Until NOW!
'Hi Shelby,
Your Truth about Money call was mind-blowing!
(LOVE your advise about carrying money) -
I swear I've instantly become a money magnet
since applying your advise! It all started
about a month ago when I came across your
'Power of Living in the Now' audio. After a
little over a year of studying/practicing the
law of attraction/universe, this audio
literally brought everything together... All
I can say is LIFE CHANGING!'
Charles M - Korea
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your 'Guilt'
audio. It truly was inspiring. I am starting
to see small results as a result of aligning
myself with the proper life sources. It is
truly amazing. My faith is growing by leaps.
I have a couple of major projects that I'm
working on! I'll let you know the results
and what they are when they manifest.'
Thanks again!
Amadee R G - India
Thank you to you Shelby.
I just downloaded your recordings and am
enjoying listening to the vibrancy in your
words. As these things go, these recordings
have come to me at the perfect time....a
neat reminder to me!
With happy and heart-felt appreciation,
Karen - South Africa
'Hi Shelby,
I listened to the money call and it was
great. thank you for what you do, it rocked.
I love a call that gets you thinking seriously
in that direction. if you felt compelled to
do a moneycall2 and take us further into
the topic I'm IN and will be so fast in
buying the next mp3.'
Steven A - Georgia
When you become conscious of your fears,
limiting beliefs and negative stories, then
AND ONLY THEN can you let them go. Because
you're divine, you can't do something that
doesn't serve you CONSCIOUSLY.
The trick then.....become more conscious!
NOTHING happens until you identify where
YOU ARE and where you desire TO GO.
Years ago I created a top 3 audio bundle.
I bundled my top 3 selling audios and it
sells AMAZINGLY well on my website for $47.
Well I'm re-launching this bundle, giving
it MAXIMUM exposure, and for the next 24
hours you can pick up my top 3 audios for
only $40!
Included in my top 3 audio bundle is:
- 'The Truth about MONEY' & How to Allow
More into Your Life'
- 'How to Create Everything You Desire
by Utilizing the Power of Now' AND
- 'The Negative Power of GUILT'
You must use a PRIVATE order link to receive
your ADDITIONAL $7 discount
NOW more than ever it's so important to stay
grounded and positive about what's to come.
Your thoughts create your reality. You must
gain conscious control of those thoughts and
then you must focus on what you WANT, rather
than what you keep experiencing.
My top 3 audio bundle will help you with money
blocks, your relationships, your health, your
business or career, stress, etc. It will give
you a BRAND NEW perspective on ANY setback or
struggle you may be facing. Here is your PRIVATE
link for an additional $7 off for the next 24
hours ONLY:
Have a FABULOUS weekend and I look forward to
hearing from YOU!
BIG Hugs,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Benefit from the RE-LAUNCH of my best
selling top 3 audio bundle, and for the next
24 HOURS ONLY you can pick all three top
selling audios for ONLY $40!
I'm a Mindset Expert!
Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week
Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I'll coach you personally 3x a week!
In my NEW coaching program you will
receive mindset and perspective
changing information three days a week
delivered discretely through your email
account. I will share with you how to take
100% responsibility for your life and how
to change ANY/EVERY area (financial,
relationships, health, spiritual or career)
by putting the laws of the universe to work
for YOU.
Three times a week you'll learn how to
raise your vibration, release negative beliefs
and patterns and align with positive energy
and beliefs.
Give up struggle, ill health, depression, lack
and scarcity based thinking, (just to name a
few). Embrace NEW spiritual principles
and awaken to the truths you KNOW at a
core level.
If you're not manifesting and experiencing
the results you truly desire......
If you don't believe in yourself, your
dreams or your abilities to be successful 100%...
If you're frustrated and don't know what
you're doing wrong.......
If you think you're acting and thinking positive
and yet aren't manifesting and attracting the life
you want.......
If you're not getting the support you need
from family, friends, colleagues or those around
If you haven't been able to integrate 'The Secret'
and ALL that you know about the Laws of the
Universe into your daily life.......
If you're just NOT getting results or NOTHING
is changing fast enough.......
Join Now for Personal Email Coaching 3 Times
a Week!
I will share with you EVERYTHING you need to
know to make significant, QUICK, LASTING
change in EVERY area you need a tune up. This
program is the BEGINNING step you've asked
for. Move confidently now and watch!
Your life will NEVER be the same, I
Have a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend!
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. There is online library with MONTHS of
back issues just BEGGING to be read. You
will gain IMMEDIATE access to ALL that you
I'm a Mindset Expert!
Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week
Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
receive mindset and perspective
changing information three days a week
delivered discretely through your email
account. I will share with you how to take
100% responsibility for your life and how
to change ANY/EVERY area (financial,
relationships, health, spiritual or career)
by putting the laws of the universe to work
for YOU.
Three times a week you'll learn how to
raise your vibration, release negative beliefs
and patterns and align with positive energy
and beliefs.
Give up struggle, ill health, depression, lack
and scarcity based thinking, (just to name a
few). Embrace NEW spiritual principles
and awaken to the truths you KNOW at a
core level.
If you're not manifesting and experiencing
the results you truly desire......
If you don't believe in yourself, your
dreams or your abilities to be successful 100%...
If you're frustrated and don't know what
you're doing wrong.......
If you think you're acting and thinking positive
and yet aren't manifesting and attracting the life
you want.......
If you're not getting the support you need
from family, friends, colleagues or those around
If you haven't been able to integrate 'The Secret'
and ALL that you know about the Laws of the
Universe into your daily life.......
If you're just NOT getting results or NOTHING
is changing fast enough.......
Join Now for Personal Email Coaching 3 Times
a Week!
I will share with you EVERYTHING you need to
know to make significant, QUICK, LASTING
change in EVERY area you need a tune up. This
program is the BEGINNING step you've asked
for. Move confidently now and watch!
Your life will NEVER be the same, I
Have a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend!
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. There is online library with MONTHS of
back issues just BEGGING to be read. You
will gain IMMEDIATE access to ALL that you
I'm a Mindset Expert!
Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week
Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, May 22, 2009
My 5 Steps Call from Today is NOW Available :-)
Hi There!
If you didn't attend my live
call this morning you missed a
GREAT time!!
I have been made aware that the
link I included in my last email
was rejected by MANY email
servers and you may or may not
have received my invitation to
participate. Or maybe you didn't
register because you didn't
think my '5 Steps for Self Soothing'
was a topic of interest for you?
In EITHER case, I have good news!
The call WAS of course recorded
and ended up being a FULL 90 minutes!
We had some great questions and I
KNOW for a fact you will benefit
immensely from listening to it.
In fact I think you will be VERY
pleasantly surprised at what you
take away from this audio program.
You can download the FULL 90 minute
mp3 audio AND the PDF notes from
today's call for ONLY $15 until
midnight tomorrow! Sunday it will
be added to my Audio Programs Page
and the price will increase.
There is ALWAYS a benefit on MANY
levels of getting in on the creation
of my audio programs. Grab your
copy now!
Here is the your special order link: This link will
work until midnight tomorrow (Saturday
May 23rd).
Burn this audio to a CD or download it
to your computer or mp3 player.
Listen to it over the long weekend
and WATCH as things begin to change
for you.
If you have ANY questions, email me!
Have a FABULOUS weekend and ENJOY
today's audio ;-)
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Grab your PDF notes and FULL 90
minute audio here
I'm a Mindset Expert!
Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week
Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
If you didn't attend my live
call this morning you missed a
GREAT time!!
I have been made aware that the
link I included in my last email
was rejected by MANY email
servers and you may or may not
have received my invitation to
participate. Or maybe you didn't
register because you didn't
think my '5 Steps for Self Soothing'
was a topic of interest for you?
In EITHER case, I have good news!
The call WAS of course recorded
and ended up being a FULL 90 minutes!
We had some great questions and I
KNOW for a fact you will benefit
immensely from listening to it.
In fact I think you will be VERY
pleasantly surprised at what you
take away from this audio program.
You can download the FULL 90 minute
mp3 audio AND the PDF notes from
today's call for ONLY $15 until
midnight tomorrow! Sunday it will
be added to my Audio Programs Page
and the price will increase.
There is ALWAYS a benefit on MANY
levels of getting in on the creation
of my audio programs. Grab your
copy now!
Here is the your special order link: This link will
work until midnight tomorrow (Saturday
May 23rd).
Burn this audio to a CD or download it
to your computer or mp3 player.
Listen to it over the long weekend
and WATCH as things begin to change
for you.
If you have ANY questions, email me!
Have a FABULOUS weekend and ENJOY
today's audio ;-)
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Grab your PDF notes and FULL 90
minute audio here
I'm a Mindset Expert!
Allow me to coach YOU personally
3x a week
Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Last call for my specail training tomorrow - Join Me?
Hello There!
Have you registered for my call
tomorrow? You know the one at
9:00am pacific/12:00pm eastern?
I'm teaching something that would
be of HUGE benefit to you immediately!
You'll learn my BRAND NEW 5 step
process for dealing/transcending
ANY setback or difficulty. I will
also answer ANY question you have
during our Q&A portion. This call
will be a full 75 minutes and will
launch you to incredible miracles
during our holiday weekend ;-)
When you register you'll be taken
to a special personal pin creation
page and there you will be given
your OWN personal pin number. This
will enable you to ask me a question
with the press of a button and for
me to coach you PERSONALLY!
I promise to share with you BRAND
NEW information that will shed light
on MANY areas where you're currently
If you're interested in attending or if you
just want the audio at the pre-call
discounted price be sure to register right
I'm offering a full money back guarantee
for this training, so you have absolutely
NOTHING TO LOSE and everything
to gain ;-)
I hope to talk with you tomorrow!
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. You'll be SO glad you did!
I'm a Mindset Expert!
Allow me to coach YOU personally
3 times a week
Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Have you registered for my call
tomorrow? You know the one at
9:00am pacific/12:00pm eastern?
I'm teaching something that would
be of HUGE benefit to you immediately!
You'll learn my BRAND NEW 5 step
process for dealing/transcending
ANY setback or difficulty. I will
also answer ANY question you have
during our Q&A portion. This call
will be a full 75 minutes and will
launch you to incredible miracles
during our holiday weekend ;-)
When you register you'll be taken
to a special personal pin creation
page and there you will be given
your OWN personal pin number. This
will enable you to ask me a question
with the press of a button and for
me to coach you PERSONALLY!
I promise to share with you BRAND
NEW information that will shed light
on MANY areas where you're currently
If you're interested in attending or if you
just want the audio at the pre-call
discounted price be sure to register right
I'm offering a full money back guarantee
for this training, so you have absolutely
NOTHING TO LOSE and everything
to gain ;-)
I hope to talk with you tomorrow!
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. You'll be SO glad you did!
I'm a Mindset Expert!
Allow me to coach YOU personally
3 times a week
Ready for your Quantum Leap? I
await you here
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Inside: the CURE for your case of 'what-is-itis'
So I have a question for you.
Think about it VERY carefully
before you answer. This ONE
question and your ONE answer
could be the breakthrough you've
been seeking. Here goes...
How quickly do you MOVE
TOWARD what you desire/want?
1) I wait until conditions are
perfect - still waiting to
move, I know it will be soon.
2) I move quickly - making
changes as needed as I go,
I don't look back.
3) I don't move at all - I
stay stuck, complain about it
and feel sorry for myself instead.
If you had to pick only ONE
answer which would it be? Here's
some VERY valuable coaching,
whichever answer you chose, is
the pattern you're comfortable
with in most if not ALL areas
of your life.
I took my son down to the strip
here in Las Vegas yesterday to
do a little sight seeing and we
saw a FABULOUS billboard on
the way.
it said 'Act your wage'
I LOVED it. I literally wrote
it down as I was driving down the
freeway (YES, I always have pen
and paper handy) telling my son
how brilliant a quote that is.
What about trying to ACT the wage
you desire? I bet you ACT like
someone who needs change. I bet
you ACT like life is going to be
hard on you. In fact I would bet
you ACT like money is in SHORT
SUPPLY and is NOT your friend.
Here's another question.
If you ACT like money is hard to
come by, why would universe send
you MORE money?
If you're on the 'life is hard'
channel how is it you convince
yourself that money SHOULD be
coming to you anyway? How is it
that you STILL get upset,
frustrated and angry that life is
so hard on you, when that's what
YOU EXPECT, talk about and
visualize ALL DAY LONG?
It's time to wake up! It's time
to understand YOUR role in this
illusion called life. It's time
to reclaim the power you've been
giving AWAY to anyone and anything
that will take it. No more blaming,
no more suffering, no more crying,
not more stiff necks. Sound good?
FIRST make the decision. Second
go here and enroll as fast as you
I have never been this bold about
ANYTHING I've ever offered. There's
a reason. It's a mind blowing
program and your results will change
the world. I'm counting on it!
What are you waiting for? OWN your
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Think about it VERY carefully
before you answer. This ONE
question and your ONE answer
could be the breakthrough you've
been seeking. Here goes...
How quickly do you MOVE
TOWARD what you desire/want?
1) I wait until conditions are
perfect - still waiting to
move, I know it will be soon.
2) I move quickly - making
changes as needed as I go,
I don't look back.
3) I don't move at all - I
stay stuck, complain about it
and feel sorry for myself instead.
If you had to pick only ONE
answer which would it be? Here's
some VERY valuable coaching,
whichever answer you chose, is
the pattern you're comfortable
with in most if not ALL areas
of your life.
I took my son down to the strip
here in Las Vegas yesterday to
do a little sight seeing and we
saw a FABULOUS billboard on
the way.
it said 'Act your wage'
I LOVED it. I literally wrote
it down as I was driving down the
freeway (YES, I always have pen
and paper handy) telling my son
how brilliant a quote that is.
What about trying to ACT the wage
you desire? I bet you ACT like
someone who needs change. I bet
you ACT like life is going to be
hard on you. In fact I would bet
you ACT like money is in SHORT
SUPPLY and is NOT your friend.
Here's another question.
If you ACT like money is hard to
come by, why would universe send
you MORE money?
If you're on the 'life is hard'
channel how is it you convince
yourself that money SHOULD be
coming to you anyway? How is it
that you STILL get upset,
frustrated and angry that life is
so hard on you, when that's what
YOU EXPECT, talk about and
visualize ALL DAY LONG?
It's time to wake up! It's time
to understand YOUR role in this
illusion called life. It's time
to reclaim the power you've been
giving AWAY to anyone and anything
that will take it. No more blaming,
no more suffering, no more crying,
not more stiff necks. Sound good?
FIRST make the decision. Second
go here and enroll as fast as you
I have never been this bold about
ANYTHING I've ever offered. There's
a reason. It's a mind blowing
program and your results will change
the world. I'm counting on it!
What are you waiting for? OWN your
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver & the other gold....
and now BRONZE!!
I hope your weekend has been fabulous
thus far, but it's going to get EVEN
better. :-)
I'm beyond words 'THRILLED' to
announce my Bronze level in my Mind
Powers Program. This level will gain
you access to my WEEKLY Wednesday calls.
AND this last week I talked about
$Money$. I created this level so EVERY-
ONE (including YOU) can participate and
be proactive at changing their beliefs
and expectations. And the best part is
it's ONLY $27 a month!!
Of course I still have my Gold and
Silver level of membership (which include
my weekly calls) but this is for those
of you who aren't quite sure what to
do or how to do it when it comes to
CHANGING your beliefs. My Bronze level
includes LIVE participation access to my
WEEKLY call and replay archives. There
is a mind changing call Every week,
including question and answer calls!
When you enroll today you will even get
immediate access to last week's money
call. Join me now
ALSO..... I'm teaching a BRAND NEW
healing technique this Friday at 9:00am
pacific. This will be a 75 minute live call
with question and answer period. In
fact EVERY participant is giving their own
personal pin number. You will be able to
ask ANY question with the press of a button!
This call AND recording is only $15 and
during this training I will teach you FIVE
steps that will allow you to transcend ANY
problem, setback, habit or challenge. You'll
learn a brand new way to get above ANY
challenge and gain control of your mind and
thoughts to find a solution.
Even if you can't join me live, you can
get the recording at the pre-call price.
Register now here
Life moves at an ASTOUNDING speed.
It's not hard to keep up when you're free of
the beliefs and thoughts that KEEP you
stuck and you feel in charge. I will SHOW
you how easy it can be. ;-)
Have a great rest of your weekend, you
deserve it!!
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. ANY questions, contact me!
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I hope your weekend has been fabulous
thus far, but it's going to get EVEN
better. :-)
I'm beyond words 'THRILLED' to
announce my Bronze level in my Mind
Powers Program. This level will gain
you access to my WEEKLY Wednesday calls.
AND this last week I talked about
$Money$. I created this level so EVERY-
ONE (including YOU) can participate and
be proactive at changing their beliefs
and expectations. And the best part is
it's ONLY $27 a month!!
Of course I still have my Gold and
Silver level of membership (which include
my weekly calls) but this is for those
of you who aren't quite sure what to
do or how to do it when it comes to
CHANGING your beliefs. My Bronze level
includes LIVE participation access to my
WEEKLY call and replay archives. There
is a mind changing call Every week,
including question and answer calls!
When you enroll today you will even get
immediate access to last week's money
call. Join me now
ALSO..... I'm teaching a BRAND NEW
healing technique this Friday at 9:00am
pacific. This will be a 75 minute live call
with question and answer period. In
fact EVERY participant is giving their own
personal pin number. You will be able to
ask ANY question with the press of a button!
This call AND recording is only $15 and
during this training I will teach you FIVE
steps that will allow you to transcend ANY
problem, setback, habit or challenge. You'll
learn a brand new way to get above ANY
challenge and gain control of your mind and
thoughts to find a solution.
Even if you can't join me live, you can
get the recording at the pre-call price.
Register now here
Life moves at an ASTOUNDING speed.
It's not hard to keep up when you're free of
the beliefs and thoughts that KEEP you
stuck and you feel in charge. I will SHOW
you how easy it can be. ;-)
Have a great rest of your weekend, you
deserve it!!
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. ANY questions, contact me!
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Monday, May 11, 2009
Would you like ANOTHER day like yesterday today?
Hi There,
You may have noticed that it seems
as if life plays a cruel joke on
you from time to time. It's as if
ALL the worst things that could go
wrong, DO. It's as if you live
the SAME experiences again and again.
It's the same stuff different day
Sound familiar?
Of course it does. So why does
this happen you ask? Are you ready
for the answer? REALLY ready? It
may shock you......
Here goes. You have these experiences
to LEARN something about yourself.
to learn what you're made of, to learn
just what you CAN do when needed.
The key however is to LEARN quickly
and not have to repeat the school of
life even one more time.
I can make a prediction! I predict
that you definitely have at least TWO
areas of your life right now that you
continually repeat the same negative
experiences again and again. There are
at least two areas that cause you grief
on a fairly regular basis.
Am I right?
If so, I invite you to attend a very
special training I'm holding on Friday
May 22nd at 9:00am pacific. This training
will be made available to 100 live
participants and each and every live
participant is assigned their own personal
pin number. This is going to make our interactive
Q&A session so much fun and also make
it so ALL your questions get answered.
In fact, you'll literally be able to
ask your question with the press of a
button. This call will be 75 minutes
long and WILL be recorded. In fact
if you can't attend live for ANY reason
you can register and receive the
recording right after our call at the
PRE-call price! This call will be sold
for $17 following this training under
my 'audio programs' section.
I'll be teaching you one of my newest
healing techniques. I call it my '5
Steps for Self Soothing'. You'll
LEARN 5 steps that can transform ANY
block, limiting program, negativity or
grief in your life. You'll awaken to
the learning life is trying to teach
you, hence transforming your limits
before your very eyes.
I'm offering a full money back
guarantee for this training, so you
can be sure I stand behind this and
EVERY training I offer.
Let's change what tomorrow looks like
%$firstname$%! Are you Ready? :-)
Register now for the recording and if
you're available next Friday at 9:00
am pacific register for your personal
pin number too! (you'll be taken to
the pin number page immediately following
your purchase.) Please only register
for a personal pin number if you can
and will be attending LIVE on Friday
May 22nd.
This is going to be a fabulous training
and I promise if you have a question,
I'll have an answer. I look forward to
talking and sharing with you on Friday
the 22nd!
If you have registered yet, go here
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. You'll be SO glad you did!
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
You may have noticed that it seems
as if life plays a cruel joke on
you from time to time. It's as if
ALL the worst things that could go
wrong, DO. It's as if you live
the SAME experiences again and again.
It's the same stuff different day
Sound familiar?
Of course it does. So why does
this happen you ask? Are you ready
for the answer? REALLY ready? It
may shock you......
Here goes. You have these experiences
to LEARN something about yourself.
to learn what you're made of, to learn
just what you CAN do when needed.
The key however is to LEARN quickly
and not have to repeat the school of
life even one more time.
I can make a prediction! I predict
that you definitely have at least TWO
areas of your life right now that you
continually repeat the same negative
experiences again and again. There are
at least two areas that cause you grief
on a fairly regular basis.
Am I right?
If so, I invite you to attend a very
special training I'm holding on Friday
May 22nd at 9:00am pacific. This training
will be made available to 100 live
participants and each and every live
participant is assigned their own personal
pin number. This is going to make our interactive
Q&A session so much fun and also make
it so ALL your questions get answered.
In fact, you'll literally be able to
ask your question with the press of a
button. This call will be 75 minutes
long and WILL be recorded. In fact
if you can't attend live for ANY reason
you can register and receive the
recording right after our call at the
PRE-call price! This call will be sold
for $17 following this training under
my 'audio programs' section.
I'll be teaching you one of my newest
healing techniques. I call it my '5
Steps for Self Soothing'. You'll
LEARN 5 steps that can transform ANY
block, limiting program, negativity or
grief in your life. You'll awaken to
the learning life is trying to teach
you, hence transforming your limits
before your very eyes.
I'm offering a full money back
guarantee for this training, so you
can be sure I stand behind this and
EVERY training I offer.
Let's change what tomorrow looks like
%$firstname$%! Are you Ready? :-)
Register now for the recording and if
you're available next Friday at 9:00
am pacific register for your personal
pin number too! (you'll be taken to
the pin number page immediately following
your purchase.) Please only register
for a personal pin number if you can
and will be attending LIVE on Friday
May 22nd.
This is going to be a fabulous training
and I promise if you have a question,
I'll have an answer. I look forward to
talking and sharing with you on Friday
the 22nd!
If you have registered yet, go here
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. You'll be SO glad you did!
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Thursday, May 07, 2009
If I could teach you 5 steps that would.....
allow you to transcend ANY problem,
setback, memory or experience would you
want to know the steps?
Well if you said "YES" I have GREAT news!!
I launched my first Quantum Leap Virtual
Workshop this week. I taught my '5 Step
to Self Soothing' on Tuesday morning and
have been BLOWN AWAY by the response
from my workshop participants.
They really loved my process and could
immediately see the value in being able
to coach themselves in ANY environment
or experience.
I decided that I MUST share this infor-
mation with those who are interested in
transforming fear into personal power
and eliminate negative emotions on the
I'm going to teach a 75 minute teleclass
on Friday May 22nd at 9:00am pacific.
On this call I will teach you my 5 step
process AND have a LIVE question
and answer period.
The cost of the call will be $15 and
DOES include an mp3 recording as well.
After the call this audio WILL be
available on my audio programs page for
$17, so be sure to get the PRE-call
If you plan to attend LIVE (with AT LEAST
a 90% expect to attend), you will register
and receive a personal pin number. This
will allow our Q&A portion to run smoothly
and be 100% personalized ;-)
You CAN enroll for the call just to receive the
audio. If you are only interested in the call,
please do NOT register for a personal pin.
**Please Note** There are ONLY 100 personal
pin numbers available, so PLEASE only claim
one if you plan to attend live.
Register here:
I promise to open your mind on this call! Register
right away to attend LIVE!! You're gonna LOVE
this call. I hope to hear/see you there!
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Register here
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
setback, memory or experience would you
want to know the steps?
Well if you said "YES" I have GREAT news!!
I launched my first Quantum Leap Virtual
Workshop this week. I taught my '5 Step
to Self Soothing' on Tuesday morning and
have been BLOWN AWAY by the response
from my workshop participants.
They really loved my process and could
immediately see the value in being able
to coach themselves in ANY environment
or experience.
I decided that I MUST share this infor-
mation with those who are interested in
transforming fear into personal power
and eliminate negative emotions on the
I'm going to teach a 75 minute teleclass
on Friday May 22nd at 9:00am pacific.
On this call I will teach you my 5 step
process AND have a LIVE question
and answer period.
The cost of the call will be $15 and
DOES include an mp3 recording as well.
After the call this audio WILL be
available on my audio programs page for
$17, so be sure to get the PRE-call
If you plan to attend LIVE (with AT LEAST
a 90% expect to attend), you will register
and receive a personal pin number. This
will allow our Q&A portion to run smoothly
and be 100% personalized ;-)
You CAN enroll for the call just to receive the
audio. If you are only interested in the call,
please do NOT register for a personal pin.
**Please Note** There are ONLY 100 personal
pin numbers available, so PLEASE only claim
one if you plan to attend live.
Register here:
I promise to open your mind on this call! Register
right away to attend LIVE!! You're gonna LOVE
this call. I hope to hear/see you there!
Much Love,
Shelby Collinge
P.S. Register here
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
Friday, May 01, 2009
Howdy!! A Quick Message w/updates ;-)
Hi There!
I know it's been a while. Almost
two weeks to be exact since I've
I've recorded a short audio message
(it's about 3 minutes) and I talk
about the shipping status of my
book and cd offer, a BRONZE level
and Cinco de Mayo :-)
Listen here:
Here is the link for my book offer:
Here is the link for my workshop:
Have a great weekend!
Much Love, :-)
Shelby Collinge
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
I know it's been a while. Almost
two weeks to be exact since I've
I've recorded a short audio message
(it's about 3 minutes) and I talk
about the shipping status of my
book and cd offer, a BRONZE level
and Cinco de Mayo :-)
Listen here:
Here is the link for my book offer:
Here is the link for my workshop:
Have a great weekend!
Much Love, :-)
Shelby Collinge
Visit my site for my information:
Personal email coaching 3 times
a week
Follow me on Twitter
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved
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