Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'll coach you personally 3x a week!

In my BRAND NEW program you will
receive mindset and perspective
changing information three days a week
delivered discretely through your email
account. I will share with you how to take
100% responsibility for your life and how
to change ANY/EVERY area (financial,
relationships, health, spiritual or career)
by putting the laws of the universe to work
for YOU.

Three times a week you'll learn how to
raise your vibration, release negative beliefs
and patterns and align with positive energy
and beliefs.

Give up struggle, ill health, depression, lack
and scarcity based thinking, (just to name a
few). Embrace NEW spiritual principles
and awaken to the truths you KNOW at a
core level.

If you're not manifesting and experiencing
the results you truly desire......

If you don't believe in yourself, your
dreams or your abilities to be successful 100%...

If you're frustrated and don't know what
you're doing wrong.......

If you think you're acting and thinking positive
and yet aren't manifesting and attracting the life
you want.......

If you're not getting the support you need
from family, friends, colleagues or those around

If you haven't been able to integrate 'The Secret'
and ALL that you know about the Laws of the
Universe into your daily life.......

If you're just NOT getting results or NOTHING
is changing fast enough.......

Join Now for Personal Email Coaching 3 Times
a Week!

I will share with you EVERYTHING you need to
know to make significant, QUICK, LASTING
change in EVERY area you need a tune up. This
program is the BEGINNING step you've asked
for. Move confidently now and watch!

Your life will NEVER be the same, I
guarantee it!!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. There is online library with MONTHS of
back issues just BEGGING to be read. You
will gain IMMEDIATE access to ALL that you

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Are you ready and WANTING change? Are you?

Some people, maybe even you, think
they aren't 'good at manifesting',
or creating miracles in their life.
Not so. Every person, INCLUDING
YOU, infallibly manifests whatever you
predominantly hold as the picture in
your mind. Always! But here's the
problem. Few people (perhaps 1-2%)
are actually aware of what they're
focusing on.

If you would like the POSITIVE results
and experiences, YOU MUST learn how
to align your thoughts and energy
vibrations with what you WANT rather
than what you don't want or what you
continually experience. If you continue to
LOOK at 'what is', you CAN ONLY manifest
MORE of 'what is'.

I created a fabulous 30 day step by
step attunement that will slowly and
easily SHOW you step by step HOW you're
creating and attracting EVERYTHING that's
happening to you AND HOW TO CHANGE IT!!
You will IMMEDIATELY learn how to think
NEW limitless thoughts and beliefs for
PROVE to yourself how EASY creating miracles
and life changing events can be.

You will BEGIN IMMEDIATELY to see results
when you change your energy, feelings and
vibrations. Over a 30 day period you WILL
experience HUGE shifts in your thinking
and results.

You CAN create Miracles and Life Changing
Events. If you can read this email, you
CAN change what you attract AND quickly.
But it is a choice.

Why would you choose to struggle and
experience lack, frustration and worry
for even another 10 minutes? What are
you waiting for?

Think about it. Change awaits you NOW!


Shelby Collinge

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Imagine what you could manifest
receiving powerful personal coaching
aligning your thoughts, beliefs and
expectations 3 times a week.....

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Database Update is Under Way! Important Update!

Well it's that time! I'm updating
my database and LIFE IS GREAT!!

I've recorded one last short audio.
It's only four minutes and is a
message you need to hear.

Listen here :)

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. If you're not a member of my
Mind Powers Program, TONIGHT is
our weekly self exploration call
and it's going to be AMAZING! You
can join us by becoming a member here: - 2 memberships
to choose from! ;-)

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Imagine what you could manifest
receiving powerful personal coaching
aligning your thoughts, beliefs and
expectations 3 times a week.....

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, February 13, 2009

tt's ALL changing.

Hey There!

This post may seem like a bit
of a shock to some but I wouldn't
be authentic if I didn't send it.

If you're new to my community
'WELCOME'! Those of you who have
joined us in the last 7 days will
continue to receive a few more
emails from me, HOWEVER if you
have been a member of my community
for longer than 7 days, THINGS ARE

I hope you're excited! This is
GREAT news for you! I care about
your results. I care that you
experience ALL that you desire and
I especially care about the impact
you make on ALL of us as your
internal light becomes brighter
and brighter.

Because I care so much I've noticed
a trend forming that I'm NOT
comfortable with. It's a kind of
dependence and it's not healthy.

Let me share a quick story to

I worked in Corporate America for
OVER 12 years prior to stepping out
on my own. In that time I negotiated
hundreds and hundreds of MULTI-million
dollar contracts with TOP business
leaders. No matter the terms of the
deal we both knew two things for sure.

1) we had a date or deadline in which

2) we could both or either of us walk
away at ANY time

These two points are CRITICAL in making
change of ANY kind. You need to know
there is a time frame in which to move
AND that there is ALWAYS another option
if you should choose it.

As I too get clearer and clearer on MY
desires I notice that I have email
subscribers, maybe it's even you, who
have been on my list for OVER 2+ years.
They don't take action, they don't move
past FREE and therefore they don't
experience the results they want.

Well two years of reading ANYTHING and
not getting results means something's a
miss. What's missing is HEART AND SOUL.

I'm looking to connect with your heart
and soul and that isn't happening via
email no matter how many I send out. I
don't have access to your heart and soul
from that far a distance to the degree
that I desire.

I'm asking you to move forward. I'm
asking you to become my CLIENT, my pride
and joy. I'm asking you to make YOU
a priority. Now is the time. Now is
when change IS HAPPENING.

As in my corporate story example, I'm
taking option 2 and I'm walking away.

I'm so confident and KNOWING in what I
have to offer that I'm seeking those who
are ready NOW. If you're ready, please
join my Mind Powers Slim Membership for
$47 a month and let's make CHANGE HAPPEN.

If you're not ready, I love you and I
wish you ABUNDANT success. I will be
updating my database in 5 days and your
email address will be removed at that

I'm pushing you out of the nest. I'm
better served in a higher capacity and
welcome this next chapter in my life!
I've enjoyed the ride and as with all
of life's experiences I have learned
immensely! I can hardly breathe I'm so
excited as to what the future holds and
I truly hope you're a part of it!

Have a fabulous weekend and I hope your
Valentine's Day is Smile Filled :)

MUCH Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Imagine what you could manifest
receiving powerful personal coaching
aligning your thoughts, beliefs and
expectations 3 times a week.....

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Have you ever visited an all-inclusive resort?

If so then you know that EVERYTHING
is included, hence the name All-
Inclusive. Well the universe works
the same way.

Listen to the four minute audio I
recorded especially for you about
manifesting and the secrets to an
all-inclusive universe.

Enjoy ~

If you want to attend tonight's Self
Exploration call you enroll here

Audio's can be found here

Have an AMAZING day!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Imagine what you could manifest
receiving powerful personal coaching
aligning your thoughts, beliefs and
expectations 3 times a week.....

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, February 06, 2009

Thoughts create your feelings, your feelings create your reality.

When I receive emails from clients
all over the world who have experienced
significant shifts in their thinking,
experiences and outcomes I just get giddy.
NOTHING makes me feel more grateful
than to share my concepts, stories and
understanding of Universal and Spiritual
Principles with people like you, who are
interested in expanding BEYOND what you've
ever thought possible.

I want to share a few of these personal
experiences with you. It's so powerful
to SEE how others, just like you, have
aligned with the success they've dreamed

Success is NOT for a select few. It's an
energy alignment process innate within us
that we only need to REMEMBER how to
use. It's FAR EASIER than you're making
it. FAR EASIER than you think.

Read the stories below and notice what YOU
resonate it. Maybe you too would like to
experience these results? Maybe you didn't
think it was possible? Until NOW!

'Hi Shelby,

Your Truth about Money call was
mind-blowing! (LOVE your advise
about carrying money) - I've swear
I've instantly become a money magnet
since applying your advise! It all
started about a month ago when I came
across your Power of Living in the Now
audio. After a little over a year of
studying/practicing the law of
attraction/universe, this audio literally
brought everything together... All I can

Charles M - Korea


I thoroughly enjoyed listening
to your 'Guilt' audio. It truly
was inspiring. I am starting to
see small results as a result of
aligning myself with the proper
life sources. It is truly amazing.
My faith is growing by leaps. I
have a couple of major projects
that I'm working on! I'll let you
know the results and what they
are when they manifest.'

Thanks again!

Amadee R G - India

Thank you to you Shelby.

I just downloaded your recording
and am enjoying listening to the
vibrancy in your words. As these
things go, this recording has come
to me at the perfect time....a
neat reminder to me!

With happy and heart-felt

Karen - South Africa

'Hi Shelby,

I listened to the money call
and it was great. thank you for
what you do, it rocked. I love a
call that gets you thinking seriously
in that direction. if you felt
compelled to do a moneycall2
and take us further into the topic
I'm IN and will be so fast in buying
the next mp3.'

Steven A - Georgia

When you become conscious of your fears,
limiting beliefs and negative stories, then
AND ONLY THEN can you let them go.
Because you're divine, you can't do something
that doesn't serve you CONSCIOUSLY.
The trick then.....become more conscious!

NOTHING happens until you identify
where YOU ARE and where you desire

18 months ago or so I created a top 3
audio bundle. I bundled my top 3 selling
audios and it sells AMAZINGLY well on my
website for $47. Well I'm re-launching
this bundle, giving it MAXIMUM exposure,
and for the next 24 hours you can pick
up my top 3 audios for only $33!

Included in my top 3 audio bundle is:

- 'The Truth about MONEY' & How to Allow
More into Your Life',
- 'How to Create Everything You Desire
by Utilizing the Power of Now' AND
- 'The Negative Power of GUILT'

You must use a PRIVATE order link to receive
your ADDITIONAL $14 discount

NOW more than ever it's so important to stay
grounded and positive about what's to come.
Your thoughts create your reality. You must
gain conscious control of those thoughts and
then you must focus on what you WANT, rather
than what you keep experiencing.

My top 3 audio bundle will help you with money
blocks, your relationships, your health, your
business or career, stress, etc. It will give you a
BRAND NEW perspective on ANY setback or
struggle you may be facing. Here is your PRIVATE
link for an additional $14 off for the next 24 hours

PLEASE then send me YOUR comments on what
you've experienced and manifested through the month
of February. ANYONE who sends me their
comments (good or bad), along with their receipt
number for my $33 top 3 audio bundle purchased today
and their mailing address will receive a FREE personally
autographed copy of my book 'Walking with the Wise -
Entrepreneur'. I will even pay the shipping! (that's OVER
a $25 value!). So download the audios, USE what you
hear, watch what show's up and then SHARE it with me!!

Have a FABULOUS weekend and I look forward to
hearing from YOU!

Love and hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Benefit from the RE-LAUNCH of my best
selling top 3 audio bundle, and for the next
24 HOURS ONLY you can pick all three top
selling audios for ONLY $33!

P.P.S. Upon ordering you will receive an email
with ALL download links AND more information
on how to claim your FREE book!

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Imagine what you could manifest
receiving powerful personal coaching
aligning your thoughts, beliefs and
expectations 3 times a week.....

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

What Does Spirituality Have to do with Success?

Nothing teaches like life experience.
There are NO words that can explain
something better than actually
experiencing it for yourself.

Here is a true life story that
recently happened to me.

I live in a gated community and
we have many community features.
One of my favorite features is
our glorious, huge, delightful
hot tub. Nothing can clear my
mind faster than the sound of
water and soaking my cares AWAY.

Well....I was soaking my stress
away and a fellow neighbor comes
to join me in the hot tub. He
enters and really wants to talk
rather than relax and begins a
very nice conversation with me.
Our careers come up rather quickly
and he asks me the very general
'What do you do for a living?'.
I chuckle and explain that I'm a
Mindset Expert and Spiritual Teacher.
A glazed look comes over his face.

'What is that he asks?' I explain
that I teach people how to align
their thoughts, feelings and beliefs
with what they WANT, rather than
what they don't want. He nods as
if to say he totally understands.
We talk a few moments more back and
forth. He then sits quietly as he
ponders his next question and then
he says.....

'What does Spirituality have to do
with success?'

I couldn't believe it. I was some-
what shocked by the question.
Visually I did NOT let on that I was
dumbfounded by his question but I
thought.....'This is a question that
others must have'.

Well I said.... 'EVERYTHING!'

There is absolutely NOTHING that you
can attract, experience or own that
you don't manifest on the spiritual
plane FIRST. Even though you were
not taught how to manifest as a child,
you ARE doing it, quite well actually.

But the fact of the matter is that
to get DIFFERENT results in ANY area
of your life, you must change, grow
or increase your beliefs of what is

NOW more than ever you need to pull
out of the drama, hysteria and fear
that the society at large is talking,
showing and continually bringing to
your attention.

Spirituality is the basis of ALL
creation. Increase your personal
awareness, own your thoughts and
examine your beliefs and your life
CAN NOT NOT change! Whether
you want more money, to lose weight,
to rid yourself of a disease, to attract
more business, to find your soul mate,
NO MATTER WHAT, you need to
examine your beliefs and thoughts
that TO DATE haven't allowed you
to experience it.

The key is not necessarily to learn
anything new, but rather UNLEARN the
limitations you currently now think
and believe in. The time HAS come.

My Mind Powers Program does just this.
I will challenge what you believe now.
You will uncover the unconscious
programs hindering your success and
running the show. I will walk you
through the process of self
examination AND teach you how to
align your feelings, thoughts and
actions with what you WANT rather
than what you keep getting.

Changing circumstances on the outside
will NEVER work. It's NOT the
economy, your clients or your website.
It's your STINKIN THINKING!! You must
make changes on the inside and then and
ONLY THEN will life dance with YOU.

Become a member now and you can
browse the 100+ hours of audios as if
you were in a custom bookstore! Not to
mention watch videos, learn NEW ways to
handle stress, learn how to live green,
how to Fung Shui your environment for
success, read countless articles and
workbooks and SO much more.

Here is what a few NEW members have
had to say:

Good evening Shelby:

I've been a recent subscriber to your
newsletter, and tonight I signed up
for the Mind Power program.

That is a pretty amazing site you have
there and other than Louise Hay, I
don't know if anyone has been able to
so effectively and repetitively promote
so much good advice.

Jeff D.
commenting on our LIVE Q&A Calls!

Just a note to say Thank You! You are
always just what I need to re-ignite
my fire!! I just love talking with you,
you bring out the best in me!!

Thanks for being you!!





I love the info titled " Shelby's 10
Step Guaranteed Success Telephone
Approach". I've been in sales for over
50 years and that material is as good
as I have ever seen.



Hi Shelby:

I know you don't get to read all your
mail directly, but I am sending this
thank you as yet again I've found one
of your audio archived calls "Clearing
the Slate", just right for the time.

No doubt you've heard this again and
again, but it was one of those things
where the message was played and all
that was said was like it was meant
for me at that moment. These are

Thanks so very much.


Your success IS worth it too!! There are TWO
memberships to choose from. See which one
is perfect for you and your budget! Become
a member now....

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. We just finished up our weekly
Wednesday Self Exploration call, and you
can download it NOW when you're a
member. This ONE call is worth the cost
of membership alone, I guarantee it!

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Imagine what you could manifest
receiving powerful personal coaching
aligning your thoughts, beliefs and
expectations 3 times a week.....

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, February 02, 2009

Today is Ground Hog's Day Which Means....

in this case another six weeks
of winter. Yep, he DID see his
shadow. In short we have another
six weeks to go within and

In the movie 'Groundhog's Day'
life happens again and again,
every single day. The main
actor awakens to the SAME events,
same people, same food, same
experiences. He begins to go
insane with the sameness in VERY
short order. In the movie we
all laugh about how silly that
would be, but in REALITY that's
exactly what most of us are

We're doing the same life EVERY
single day. We talk to the same
people, complain about the same
things, experience the same
emotions and hence get the same

I think it's only fitting that
today on the Official Groundhog's
Day, that I ask you if life has
begun to repeat itself? If the
sameness is getting to you too?
If you can PREDICT what's going
to happen tomorrow or later this
afternoon then here's your wake
up call. You're thoughts and
beliefs are what KEEP creating
the same experiences.

On Saturday I taught a 90 minute
teleclass on Fear and Worry. Please
know that I talked about FAR MORE
than just fear and worry. It's an
unbelievable audio and for one more
day it will be available for ONLY

I told you I hadn't planned on
adding it to the list of available
audios for purchase on my website,
but the feedback has been TOO
GOOD to not make it available to
anyone who wants it. So beginning
tomorrow (Tuesday) it will be available
for purchase on my website for my
normal audio price of $17.

Pick up this audio now and then
PLEASE let me know what you think.
Email me your picture, your comments
and a website you would like promoting.
I would love your feedback and the
world deserves to know about YOU, so
if I can promote you in ANY way I
would LOVE to do that.

Here's the link for my Fear and
Worry Audio, let me know what you
think :)

MAKE it a great week!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Imagine what you could manifest
receiving powerful personal coaching
aligning your thoughts, beliefs and
expectations 3 times a week.....

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved