Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How have you been? Been watching the....

news or reading the newspapers
or talking with negative friends
and family?

Negativity is everywhere you
look for it, but SO IS positivity.
It's a choice. Like is says in
the bible, 'seek and you shall
find.' What exactly are you
seeking? Are you looking for
ways in which it WILL work and
how you WILL be successful or
are you seeking PROOF that it

You may think that every
circumstance in your life that
you would like to change is the
result or fault of someone or
somthing else. But it ISN'T.
Your thinking, believing and
reactions are what is creating
your life experience. And YOU
are the only one who can control
your thoughts, beliefs and
actions. So TODAY IS THE DAY
you step forward and MAKE things

I'll walk you through the steps
to Manifesting, Attracting and
Aligning with your desires in my
7+ hour Home Study Program. I'll
share with you why things haven't
been working the way you would
like up until this point and how
to get in the flow of GOOD. I'll
answer ALL questions you have
around 'HOW' to manifest 'HOW' to
make things happen quicker and
most importantly what NOT TO DO!

I'm even going to throw in TWO
bonus one hour VIDEO teleclasses for
the first 100 success minded
individuals who pick up my Manifesting,
Attraction and Alignment Home Study
Program. This way you have more than
enough time to put into practice all
that you learn AND you will still have
TWO opportunities to ask questions and
get answers. I will also record the
videos and make them available to the
first 100 participants.


Mark your calendar NOW for these two
dates and times:

Tuesday November 4th 5:00pm pacific
Tuesday December 2nd 5:00pm pacific

Join me for a NEW kind of online
visual learning. Purchase my instantly
downloadable Manifesting, Attraction
and Alignment Home Study Program here:


The first 100 buyers will receive a
separate PERSONAL email shortly
after purchase with video details
and further instructions. Any
questions please contact

I'm so excited to SEE you on Tuesday
at 5:00pm!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......

Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00. Try it and
SEE your results change!

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What Triggers You? What Does it Mean?


AS you might imagine I too am
learning as I go and becoming
more and conscious of my habits,
patterns and BELIEFS about life
and what it all means.

Well just the other day I was
having a VERY in depth conversation
with a colleague and I became
triggered. In a flash I felt
judgment, frustration, and a
little bit of anger entering
my mind and thoughts. I was
USING HIM as my excuse to get
upset. Somehow I let HIS opinions

Has that every happened to you?

I'm SURE it has. That's what
triggers do. But here's the
interesting part. These same
triggers that get us upset and
out of flow ARE THE VERY teachings
that will propel us to that
next level. They're steps that
WE'VE MANIFESTED to learn from.
The question is.....are you
learning or RESISTING?

Learning FEELS GOOD and you gain
a new perspective around the person,
issue or circumstance. Resisting
FEELS BAD and you tend to create
the SAME type of person, issue or
circumstance again and again. It
can almost feel like you're running
a hamster wheel, not really getting
anywhere. Have you ever experienced

I'm SURE you have! The key is to
as possible. To learn from it and
get on with living the life you DESIRE.
And the sooner you observe exactly
what is triggering you the LESS YOU
SUFFER. So here's a question.

What person, circumstance or life
issue is triggering you? What's
keeping you up at night? What are
you WORRIED about MORE than you
know is good for you? Who has the
ability to get you upset easier than
anyone else you know? What thoughts
bring tears to your eyes the moment
you think about them?

These are your triggers. These
are your teachers. Want to learn
from them? I KNOW YOU DO and I
KNOW YOU MUST to get further.

I offer 30 minute sessions. AND I
now offer them VIA WEBCAM as well
as by phone. You can SEE ME LIVE
and not even need a webcam yourself!
Webcam session are COMPLETELY
ONLINE, completely private and you don't
need a land line or special calling plan!
How's that for 100% EASY!!


Because I KNOW you have triggers
that are robbing you of piece of
ENERGY, I'm going to GIVE YOU an
extra 10 minutes of precious time
with me at absolutely NO ADDITIONAL

That's right. You'll get 40 full
minutes to uncover and peel away
the negativity and emotional wounds
your nursing, instead of my normal
30 minutes! BUT you must purchase
your session WITHIN 12 hours! That
means you have until midnight pacific
time TONIGHT! You can even book
your session time online in real

please book your session and email
support@shelbycollinge.com with your
order number and two ideal times for
you and we will accommodate you!

How's that for EASY!!

Go right now to:


ALL emotional triggers are mirrors
of the parts of us that we DON'T
LIKE. They're the un-owned traits
OURSELVES. Learn from them and
let them go you'll FEEL SO MUCH


Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409 Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, October 17, 2008

Making Sure You Saw this, Open Now!


Have you picked up your $0
cost (yep, NO COST) Mind
Mastery 101 audio course?

I recently met a new friend.
He's AMAZING at teaching you
how to use your mind to get
what you want in life.

You KNOW how passionate I am
about the power of your mind
and how FEW of us are using
it with ANY deliberate intent.

Well, I have FABOULUS news...

He and I were talking a few
days ago and I asked him if
he wouldn't mind sharing a
few nuggets with YOU about
how to use the 95% of YOUR
MIND that normally lies

Bruce Muzik (that's his name)
graciously agreed!! Not only
that, he said he'd GIVE you
his entire Mind Mastery 101
audio course that he sells
for $67 for NOTHING!

This costs you nothing,
obligates you to nothing AND
just may lead you to EVERYTHING.

Go see!


Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. Rule of Reciprocity - Do some
good for SOMEONE ELSE by
telling them about this gift!!


Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

There is NO such thing as NO.

Hi There!

I hope your weekend was
relaxing and your week is
off to a miraculous start.
Things are getting COLD
here in Vegas and I'm
reminded once again that
the winds of CHANGE are
in full swing.

Today ends our last Mercury
Retrograde of this year
and things will REALLY
begin to speed up once
again. Get READY for
some BIG changes.

I'm busily writing today's
email coaching email and
it's too good to not tell
you about. Did you know
that I offer email coaching?
It's delivered in your email
box three times a week (Mon,
Wed, Fri) and in it I teach
you HOW to create the life
you keep striving to achieve.

I show you how to clean up
your thoughts, your energy,
your expectations and those
pesky limiting beliefs that
you're hanging on to like
some kind of life raft. WHY?
Do you feel safe with this
raft? Really?

You can ask questions, chat
with others, attend quarterly
tele-trainings AND I post ALL
emails online in our Yahoo
Members Area so email delivery
is NOT a problem. It also
means that this resource is

You're only as ready, prosperous
and successful as you BELIEVE
yourself to be. Isn't it time for
LASTING change and to LEARN to
create from the INSIDE OUT?
Are you open to try?

I will SHOW you how beginning
TODAY with the concept 'There's
NO such thing as NO'......


Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, October 11, 2008

This May Be EXACTLY What You're Looking For!

Hi There,

This may be EXACTLY what you're
looking for. In fact, I'm SURE
you've been asking for this. I
don't want to say too much here
or try to seduce you with a lot
of emotionally moving sales copy
(I don't have to it's THAT GOOD)
but I will share this.

==> The cost is UN HEARD OF.

==> The length is a FULL MONTH.

==> It WILL change YOUR LIFE.

==> It WILL improve ANY problem(s).



Sound intriguing? Go See......
Spaces will FILL FAST!!


Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Power of Faith, Trust and Surrender....

Hi There,

While working with an out
of the country client early
this morning I was inspired
to write this email.

I want to talk about the power
of Faith, Trust and Surrender.

Answer these questions 100%

- Do you have faith in your
dreams and desires coming true?

- Do you FULLY trust that Universe
IS working on your behalf, right
at this very moment.

- Do you surrender to this faith
and trust and RELAX knowing that
what you want is on its way?

If you answered 'no' to ANY of the
above questions or if you hesitated
for even a moment, we have work to

In order to attract and manifest what
you want, you must work your faith and
trust muscles. You must work and
exercise these muscles every day.

Faith and trust (which go hand in hand)
are the final critical components that
really bring our dreams, desires and
manifestations all together.

You cannot attract what you want if
you trust more in NOT receiving it.
You cannot manifest the new job,
partner, money or car if you have
faith in it NOT happening.

It's not that you don't trust or have
faith. But it IS possible that you have
faith and trust in the wrong beliefs. Is
it possible that you believe MORE in
it NOT happening than in it happening?

No need to worry... I can help you
in about TWENTY ways right now!

Browse the fabulous programs,
products and services available right
NOW. Everything from email coaching,
to audio programs, to having your
handwriting analyzed, to working with
me one on one, to my powerful Mind
Powers program.

Let your fingers do the walking.
You're just a belief or two away from
allowing your good to flow. There is
NO time, like now to start your
engines. I CAN help you. Visit:


Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409 Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

PLEASE READ. Today is the LAST time I...

Hi There,

Happy Wednesday! I have TWO
important reminders so please
read this email completely.

FIRSTLY TONIGHT at 5:00pm pacific
8:00pm eastern will be our second
call in my FR*EE 90 Day Healing

If you haven't registered and still
want to participate you MUST enroll
today. Upon registering you will
receive a link to download call number
one AND subscribe to our Yahoo Chat
Group, which will become VITAL to the

ALL future 90 Day Healing Program
details and reminders will be sent
via the Yahoo Chat Group ONLY. If
you are registered in the program and
haven't clicked the button requesting
membership please do so TODAY or you
may contact support@shelbycollinge.com

If you're not in the Yahoo chat Group
you will not receive further program
information or instruction.


SECONDLY if you are a Mind Powers
Member TODAY at 10:00am pacific/
1:00pm eastern is our online Personal
Coaching Chat Session. If you have
questions be sure to login to the
forum and follow the instructions under
the 'Personal Coaching Chat' tab, I'll
be online ready to chat with YOU!

If you would like to join us you can
become a member here:


I seriously hope you will join me for
both of these events but MOST especially
my FRE*E 90 Day Healing Program. It
will have a dramatic impact on your
results if you commit to it and MAKE

I'll talk with you tonight!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Has this ever happened to you?

I was thinking about this tonight
in the hot tub and HAD to ask
to you too.

In the last three weeks I have
attended two three day events
and two networking type events.
I estimate that I collected
around 50 GOOD contacts (NOT
including those who only took
my contact info). I have since
contacted ALL 50 people that I
had met. How many do you think
I have heard back from?

The answer may shock you, it
CERTAINLY DID ME. The answer...
3. Now I realize that some
people are quicker than others,
but only three have ALLOWED
it to be easy. As easy as
someone contacting THEM. It blew
my mind and then it clicked.

The reason why I've only heard
from three people is the SAME
REASON why you haven't attained
the income goal you REALLY want
or the weight you would love to
be, or found the relationship
that would support you in ALL

It's the SAME reason why less
than 300 people have registered
for my FR*EE 90 day program.

It's called RESISTANCE.

Do you know what resistance is?

It's that voice that kicks up
whenever you try something new,
meet someone new or THINK
something new. It's the 'negative
nilly' that KEEPS you stuck,
frustrated and in the same place
day after day. It's the voice that
if you listen to it long enough
becomes FEAR.

But here's the REALLY interesting
part... the ONLY way to get to
where you want to go is to
resistance that keeps you afraid. To
literally deal with it HEAD ON. When
you avoid resistance it chases you
and no matter what you just can't run
quick enough!!

It just so happens that identifying,
penetrating and releasing resistance
is my specialty! It's the part of my
work that I find MOST rewarding.
The miracles I witness EVERY
session leave me speechless and
extremely excited to work with
each and EVERY client!

Imagine for a moment how GOOD
it would FEEL to release YOUR
resistance and allow the success
you're seeking to finally SEEK YOU?
I'll meet with you for 30 minutes,
record our session and provide
you with unlimited email support
for a full week following our
session. Together we will work
out the mental kinks and breathe
life back into your dreams!

Scheduling of your session is
done online and in real-time.
Grab the perfect time for you


Enjoy your week.

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

Had resistance kept you from
enrolling in my FR*EE 90 day
program? Ready now?


Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Would Really Love Your Feedback. Only Takes 4 Minutes!

Hi There,

I hope your weekend is coming
along nicely. Mine has been
FABULOUS and I've gotten a
TON done as well. This is
where you come in....

I just posted a short (less
than 3 minutes) audio at the
top of this page.


PLEASE give it a listen and
let me know what you think.
PLEASE THEN post your
comments here for others to

I will randomly select 5 individuals
who have posted their comments on
Sunday at 6:00pm pacific / 9:00pm
eastern. Each will receive an audio
program of their choice for FR*EE!
Be sure to post your comments by
tomorrow afternoon!

I hope you enjoy the audio
and I'm excited to read your
thoughts. Thank you!!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Do You Want Hear Last Nights Call?

If you didn't register for my
FRE*E 90 day healing program
and attend our first call last

You can download and listen to
an AMAZING 60 minute call AND
join our Yahoo Community all
at completely NO COST.

I am absolutely 100% positive
that you WILL learn some
amazing things in this program.
Please accept this gift and
register now here:


Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

FREE 90 Day Healing Program Begins TONIGHT!

It's October 1st and time for
some BIG changes.If you haven't
yet registered for my FR*EE
90 day program please see the
email below.

Hi There,

With media, newspapers, friends
and family all talking and
thinking about gloom and doom,
I've created a 90 Day Healing
Program. This program is
absolutely FR*EE and my intention
is to aide you in healing ONE
area of your life.

Please consider what ONE area
if you were to heal it would
make the BIGGEST positive impact
on the rest of your life.

When you have that ONE area
that you want to heal in mind
please register here:


There will be a FRE*E 60 minute
call TONIGHT at 5:00pm pacific
explaining all about this program.
You MUST register to receive the
mp3 recording of our call . I
encourage you to clear your calendar
and make EVERY effort to be live
with me tomorrow evening.

This program is FR*EE so be sure
to take FULL advantage of this
healing opportunity.

Looking forward to tomorrow and
the next 90 days together!!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. PLEASE forward this email
in it's entirety to ANYONE who
could even possibly benefit from
this FRE*E program. You KNOW who
they are ;-)

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved