Tuesday, September 30, 2008

FR*EE 90 Day Healing Program Begins Tomorrow!

Hi There,

With media, newspapers, friends
and family all talking and
thinking about gloom and doom,
I've created a 90 Day Healing
Program. This program is
absolutely FR*EE and my intention
is to aide you in healing ONE
area of your life.

Please consider what ONE area
if you were to heal it would
make the BIGGEST positive impact
on the rest of your life.

When you have that ONE area
that you want to heal in mind
please register here:


There will be a FRE*E 60 minute
call tomorrow evening at 5:00pm
pacific explaining all about
this program. You MUST register
to receive the mp3 recording. I
encourage you to clear your calendar
and make EVERY effort to be live
with me tomorrow evening.

I also want to REMIND you that
my pricing changes tonight at
midnight eastern time. Be sure
to take advantage of TODAYS


Looking forward to tomorrow and
the next 90 days together!!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

P.S. PLEASE forward this email
in it's entirety to ANYONE who
could even possibly benefit from
this FRE*E program. You KNOW who
they are ;-)

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, September 29, 2008

It's all changing in 36 hours...Do you know what it is?

my business!

Hi There,

Happy Monday! It's The LAST
Monday in September. Fall is
fully under way here in the
United States and I'm READY!!

All weekend I've been a
participating in a workshop by
Roger Hamilton called 'Wealth
Dynamics Experience'. I've met
some wonderful people, contacts
connections and also have
learned a few new things ;-)

That's the beauty with programs,
events, books, cod's or continued
learning of ANY kind. They keep
you at the top of your game and
keep your mind soft, pliable and
able to change QUICKLY.

Did you know that if you're not
growing you're literally dying?
It's true. Look at nature.
EVERYTHING in nature is constantly
growing and changing. If a plant
ceases to grow for ANY reason, it
will die. The same is true for

I too am growing AND changing.
I've become more clear about my
path and what programs and services
mean the most to ME. So I'm
changing things ups a bit!!

Beginning tomorrow at midnight
(eastern time) ALL of my programs
and services will be changing in
some form or another. The pricing
will be changing and some of my
current programs will be combined
together, and a few will be GONE
FOREVER! So WHY am I sharing?

Because NOW is your chance to take
advantage of my CURRENT pricing
and selections. Remember
EVERYTHING will be changing. So
if you're interested in my:

- audio programs
- ebooks
- Limitless Possibilities Email Coaching
- Mind Powers Program
- 30 minute sessions
- 3 months personal mentoring program
- 30 day Miracles Ecourse
- Manifesting Home Study Course OR
- handwriting analysis

NOW would be the time to take action.

In case you're wondering....If you ARE
a member (or become one today) of either
my two monthly programs (Limitless
Possibilities Email Coaching or Mind Powers)
you're current monthly membership is
grand-fathered in and CANNOT be changed.
I still have MANY clients in my Mind
Powers Program for OVER 2 1/2 years now
and their membership hasn't gone up even
one cent.

Look over my Programs and Services
page and if something sound interesting
Take Action.


If you have ANY questions please email
Amy at support@shelbycollinge.com. I'm
headed off to Green Valley Ranch for the
FINAL day of Roger Hamilton's Wealth
Dynamics Experience because I KNOW
that the more I learn the easier life gets!


Have a fabulous week!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge

Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, September 26, 2008

a Lesson You Can Learn From My Son!

You may or may not know that I
have a teenage son. His name
is Derrick and he will be 16
this November. He's a sophomore
this year and if you can
remember back to that age, not
only will you appreciate this
story, but there is MUCH to
learn from.

Another fact you may not know is
that I'm a single parent and have
been all of Derrick's life. So
it's always been him and I ;-)
You may also find it almost
unbelievable that I find parenting
to be one of the EASIEST
experiences ever!!

Now that he is getting older he
is quite interested in my business
and ESPECIALLY about making
money. As you can imagine we
spend a lot of time together and I
always enjoy our conversations,
especially when we go out to eat.

Well a few weeks back we were
out to dinner and chatting as always.
He asked me what was new with
business and I began to share.
He offered a few suggestions (some
of which were QUITE good) and then
we proceeded to order dessert.

Still chatting I mentioned how
I liked one of his ideas. He
smiled, put out his hand and said
'that idea is worth $100'. I was
stunned......... Where does a
15 1/2 year old get off thinking
his ONE idea is worth a $100,
and then I got it. He could teach
me a thing or two!!

So I said to him. 'You think your
idea is worth $100, why?' His
response was amazing he said 'because
you asked ME. AND you liked my
answer, so why not pay me? My
idea is worth WAY MORE than $100,
it's a bargain!'

I laughed and laughed so loud that
he was almost embarrassed. I share
this story for a NUMBER of reasons,
but the major reason is.......

What are YOUR ideas worth?

You're worth far more than you can
possibly imagine. You have the
answers that another fellow human
being NEEDS and desires. What are
you waiting for?

Can you imagine what you would
achieve if you had the belief that
your ideas were all worth at least

Can you imagine what you would
achieve if you BELIEVED that you
were WORTHY of $100 for every
idea that you thought?

What do you suppose the difference
is between you and my son Derrick?
The answer is your BELIEFS. You
have beliefs about what money is
and how you attract it, but what if
those beliefs are WRONG?

What if there were ANOTHER way to
think about money and how you attract
it? Good NEWS!! There IS.

I taught and recorded a 60+ minute
teleclass on the Truth about Money and
How to Allow More. It was a HUGE
success. Not only will you think
about money in a whole new way, but I
walk you through an exercise were you
will uncover exactly what YOU REALLY
THINK about money!

You can purchase and download this
audio immediately here:


Let's face it. Money is necessary in
ANY economy. Even Maslow said that
'every human MUST have their basic
needs met'. NOW is the time you learn
a NEW way to think and FEEL about
money and how you attract it. I teach
you how here:


You CAN!!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, September 25, 2008

FREE Resource for Financial Fear and Worry

Hi There,

A colleague and friend of mine
has teamed up with some incredible
individuals to create and offer
some FR*EE stress reduction
classes around financial fear and

If you or ANYONE you know has
been affected by what's happening
in our environment, PLEASE utilize
this resource.

Classes are offered online in an
interactive classroom so it's
SUPER easy to attend. You can
find out more about classes and
times here:


Please do forward and pass this
email on to those who may benefit
from these classes.


Beginning Wednesday October 1st
I will be offering a FR*EE '90
day Clearing' program. I can't
tell you much more than that, but
be sure to READ all future emails
for details and where to register.

MAKE it a fabulous day. Be sure
to take advantage of my TWO WEEK
Mind Powers Trial for $1.00. It
can ONLY help you make sense of
WHY things are happening and HOW
you can learn and leverage ANY/ALL


Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

FR*EE Call This Morning at 10:00/1:00 Join Me!

Hi There,

Hope your week has been GREAT
so far. I invite you to join
me THIS morning at 10:00am pacific
1:00pm eastern for a FR*EE call
on 'How to the Pull the Weeds of
Your Mind'.

It's going to be very eye opening
AND you'll get the mp3 audio as
well. Go right now and register at:


I hope to hear you there!!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mind Powers Call Tomorrow - Fears of Success

Hi There!

Tomorrow morning at 10:00am
pacific is my monthly Mind
Powers Member Call. Would you
like to join us? I will be
talking about Fears of Success.

It's going to be a GREAT call.
There's a two week trial to see
if it's right for you. Go see


MAKE it a great week!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Did you remember that TODAY is....

the LAST day you can get my
INSTANTLY downloadable, 7+
hour, DEEPLY awakening
'Manifesting, Attraction &
Alignment, Secrets to Getting
EVERYTHING You Want' home
study program for ONLY $88?

You MUST use coupon code
'SEPTEMBER' to receive your
special price of ONLY $88.

With the media covering stories
on war, recession, rising gas
prices, the housing crisis, AND
local problems, NOW more than
ever it's important to TAKE BACK
CONTROL of your mind and what
you're thinking about all day.

You can not look at negativity
all day, talk about negativity
all day, worry about problems
all day and prosper. You CANT!

You must be thinking about what
you WANT. And guess what? I
KNOW that in at LEAST two KEY
areas of your life, you're NOT
focused on what you want. In
fact you're worried and stressed.

Do yourself an IMMEDIATE favor
and put your mind and thoughts
to work FOR YOU. You do this
by taking back control of your
thoughts and focusing on what
you WANT. I will show you how
literally HUNDREDS of ways in
my 7+ hour Manifesting Home Study
Program. Which if you use coupon
code 'SEPTEMBER' upon checkout,
you can purchase for ONLY $88,
must move quickly.


Go here:


Oh and if you haven't registered
for my FR*EE upcoming teleclass
on Wednesday September 24th AND
the mp3 audio on 'How to Pull the
Weeds of Your Mind' register here:


Have a FABULOUS beginning to FALL,
(which begins tomorrow - Monday).
Fall is when you REAP your harvest,
I will show you how!



Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm Making It EASIER and EASIER For You!

PLEASE read this post in FULL!

Wouldn't you like things to get
EASIER rather than harder? Seems
like no matter where I turn I
hear the terms 'hard times',
'struggle', 'recession'. These
are WEEDS.

These weeds get planted in your
mind and just like the dandelions
you blew as a kid, their seeds
plant themselves in incredible
numbers TOO. Before long ALL you
can think about is HOW BAD things
are, have been, continue to be,
seem, etc.

Just like in a garden if you're
not careful the WEEDS will take
over your crop. You MUST pull
the weeds and the smaller the weed
and the quicker you pull them the
shorter their roots! If you haven't
noticed the weeds that mom and dad
gifted you are difficult to uproot.
It seems we just create the same
struggles again and again. Why?
Long, large, deep, HEALTHY roots!!

I'm teaching a FR*EE call next
week on Wednesday the 24th at
10:00am pacific on 'How to PULL
the Weeds of Your Mind' enroll


When you register you will be
placed on the list to receive the
downloadable mp3 audio as well!

Manifesting Workshop SOLD OUT.

Great news for already registered
participants, but it's GOOD news
for you too! As I mentioned my
prices and offerings are changing
at the end of this month AND....
With my October manifesting work-
shop Sold Out I decided to put my
Manifesting Home Study Course

Included are OVER 7+ hours worth of
downloadable mp3 audios covering
manifesting. It's literally like
manifesting 101, 201, 301 AND 401!
AND....Purchase now until Sunday
September 21st (midnight eastern)
and you WILL SAVE 10% off the
current LOW price!

Use coupon code SEPTEMBER

when checking out to save! With
prices changing at the end of the
month, this is the absolute LOWEST
price I will ever offer this program
at again. EVER!

You'll LOVE IT!! USE your discount


Online Scheduling in REAL Time!

You can now schedule time with me
online in real time! I'm so excited
about this functionality. Sessions
are in 30 minute increments and are
ARE recorded.

You can see my availability for up to
three weeks out, making scheduling
SUPER easy. Go see:


Do you Twitter?

If so, follow me at:


See you there!

Have a magic filled week and I
hope to hear your voice NEXT
Wednesday September 24th!!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's Been a While....LOTS to Share.

Hi There!

If you're new to my community
WELCOME. I'm so glad you're
here. So much to say, so little
time ;-)

If you've heard me talk about
results then you know what they
reflect.....What you BELIEVE.

Your results are a direct
reflection of what you believe
and expect. You therefore can
NOT change what you experience
UNTIL you change your beliefs
and expectations. Makes sense

I'm a teacher and student of
EVERYTHING I teach. I honestly
speak from complete integrity
when say that 'I walk my talk'. I
too do this self reflective work
regularly. In fact, this past
weekend I was doing just that
and came to some HUGE revelations
in my own business. Some of which,
might affect YOU! I have decided
to change quite a few things....

The more you can align your every-
day life in a way that makes you
FEEL marvelous, the better life
gets. So I ask you 'why wouldn't
you arrange EVERY aspect of your
life so that you're doing things
that you truly enjoy and WANT to

Well that's exactly what I've
decided to do for MYSELF. I combed
my website, my offerings and my
programs and I'm changing just about
EVERYTHING in some form or fashion.
Some programs are going away forever,
(monthly email support already gone),
some will be combined together and
almost ALL prices will be changing.

I am also working on NEW projects
and programs, but they won't be
announced until next year.

NOW is the time to get clear about what
you REALLY want. Not what some
else told you, you should want. Not what
your parents told you, you should want,
but what YOU really want. I can't stress
it enough....When you do something you
really don't want to do, you sabotage
yourself. It's like you're working against
yourself. You're literally forcing yourself
to do something you don't want to do. As
a result, NOTHING good can come from

Are there areas you are settling in? Maybe
it's your finances? Your relationships?
Your career? Your support? Your weight?
Your health? YOU need to change what
you believe and what you're willing to accept
AND expect BEFORE your life will change.
Bringing this example back to myself, I'm
changing how I do business. I'm choosing to
do things I LOVE and nothing else.

The universe likes speed. It likes to KNOW
you're READY to receive what you've asked
for. The sooner you ACT the sooner it will
deliver. As such, ALL my program changes,
deletions and price increases will take place
on October 1st. So what does that mean for


It means if you've been thinking about joining
my Mind Powers Program or you've been
thinking about Handwriting analysis or you've
been thinking about my Limitless Possibilities
Email Coaching NOW is the time to enroll.

Here's a list of my CURRENT offerings:


Browse this webpage carefully and if you have
ANY questions at all please contact Amy at:

TODAY is the day to stand for what you
TRULY desire out of life. What will you
accept? What won't you accept any longer?
You are the chooser. You decide with your
feelings, your beliefs and your expectations.

Choose wisely..........

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, September 08, 2008

Mindset Matters - Better Late Than Never Edition!

Hi There,

I apologize that my ezine is
arriving so late, today just
seemed to get away from me!
But I PROMISE you it's worth
the read. I've been busy sending
out September's Mind Powers
Gifts. I sooo love the
creativity it brings out of me!

First things first. Ever
wondered what I do throughout
the day? If so you can follow
my every move on Twitter. I've
been playing with it for a few
weeks now and really enjoy
sharing what I'm up to. It's
absolutely FR*EE. If you want
to SEE what I do give it a try
you can follow me here:


Quote of the Week

"Suffering is the sandpaper of
our life. It does its work of
shaping us. Suffering is part of
our training program for becoming

- Ram Dass -

It's What’s Inside - Article

I want you to picture an orange.
You know the fruit that you find
at every fruit stand no matter
what time of year.

Now I want you to imagine me
cutting the orange in half and
squeezing that orange. What do
you suppose is going to come out?

Answer.....Orange juice.

Why.....Because that's what’s inside

Now I want you to picture you. I
want you to imagine you under a lot
of stress. I want you to remember
a day when it seemed that EVERYTHING
was going wrong. When you are
stressed and life happens to you,
and you become angry, frustrated,
tearful, fearful, worried, etc. it
has NOTHING to do with what did
the squeezing, that what's inside
of YOU.

You can act out anger, fear, worry,
doubt or frustration if it wasn't
in you. Much like the orange when
you get squeezed, what comes out
is what's inside.

And another important point to note
is that is DOESN'T MATTER who or
what does the squeezing. Back to
our orange example, if I fly to the
Bahamas and squeeze the orange, juice
would still come out. If I gave it
to the concierge and he squeezed the
orange, juice would come out too,
because that's what’s inside.

Whatever you are experiencing is
because of what's INSIDE of you.
Change what's inside you and no
matter who or what does the
squeezing you'll be able to handle
it. Our journey is NOT about trying
to make life easier on us, but in
making US able to handle more of

Want to KNOW What's Inside You?

Look at your results. What you see is what
you Believe. Plain and simple. Want different
results? You MUST change what you believe.
Plain and simple. But I have GREAT news.....

I created a FULL 30 day step by step,
day by day program that will SHOW you
exactly what beliefs you're MAKING true
in your life and HOW to CHANGE what
you're creating. It costs LESS than dinner
out and WILL change the way you view

I can and WILL help you change what you
believe and what you're receiving out of
life. DEEPLY consider this program. In
case you haven't noticed.....Life WON'T
wait until you're ready.


Talk to soon! Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, September 05, 2008

HUGE Announcement.... VERY Exciting. Open Now.

Good Evening!

I'm sooo excited that I'm nearly
busting at the seams! I just
had to send you a note and share
my excitement with YOU!

Over the past few weeks I have
been testing a small group of
mind powers members. It actually
all began about 3 years ago.

Depending on how long you've
been on my email list you may
remember a program I offered
called 'Monthly Mentoring and
Motivation by Mail'. EVERYONE
who was a member LOVED the
program and especially loved
receiving their monthly package.

Well.....In spirit of the success
of that program I've been testing
a small group within my Mind Powers
membership. I sent each of them a
small gift and they too LOVED it.
So I have decided to INCLUDE a
small gift/combo offer each and every
month to ALL Mind Powers Members
(does NOT include slim membership).

I mention this because Monday
September 8th will be the LAST
day that I mail the September gifts.
If you have EVER thought about
joining my Mind Powers Program, NOW
is the time. You can even try it
first! For ONLY $1.00 (a single
buck) you can join for a FULL 15
days AND receive your special
gift/combo by mail. Worldwide!

If you're interested become a
member NOW (before Monday) and
get on my LAST mail run for September.
You have absolutely NOTHING to lose
and EVERYTHING to gain. In fact
this months special offer (included
in your gift is worth $100!)

Join Here:


If you live in the United States
You should have your gift in your
mailbox by Friday of next week!
International members should receive
them by September 20th! How exciting!
Get Yours!! INCLUDED with your

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Your ONLY Obstacle Is YOU!

Yes you read that right!

"It is a true miracle when a
man finally sees himself as
his only opposition."

- Vernon Howard

Some of the most profound words
I've ever read.

Depending where you are currently
on your path to consciousness you
may or may not believe those words
or even be ready to hear them. But
if you are keep reading........

Words DON'T teach, life experience
teaches. But it can only teach if
you LEARN from it. Have you noticed
that there are a few areas of your
life that you seem to keep repeating?
You can't seem to get past the hurdles
and break free. THOSE are the very
areas you have yet to learn from.

You may be experiencing life in those
areas but you're not learning from
it. And as you've experienced, the
school of life WILL give you opportunity
after opportunity and circumstance after
circumstance to learn that same lesson
UNTIL you get the teaching.

If you have even ONE of these areas
where you seem to keep circling in the
same pattern month after month and
year after year I have good news! I'll
share this news with you here:


Think of it as Manifesting 101, 202, 303
AND 404!

Love and Hugs,

Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

Receive Universal and Spiritual
Coaching 3 times a week HERE......


Two Week Trial to my Mind Powers
Program ONLY $1.00.
Try it and
SEE your results change!


5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 658-0409
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved