Sunday, December 30, 2007

Check This Out!!

Hello There!

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

The best blogging techniques.
How to get traffic to your blog.
How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

What a Weekend..... Yikes!

Hi There,

What a weekend and its still
not over! I moved my personal
residence on Friday morning and
the school of life had me by the
ankles. Maybe you've had this

The movers arrived right on time,
things were moving sooo slowly and
then I felt it....I was getting
stressed. Things were taking longer
than I had planned (sound familiar).

I started getting irritated. Then
I felt like it was never going to end.
The more I thought about it, the more
upset I became. I had a schedule to
keep. I had things to do. Having
my move take OVER 5 hours was NOT
what I had planned.

So we arrive at the new house. I'm
still stuck in my story that things
are not going well. I'm behind
schedule. All the other things I had
to do started flooding my mind. And
so the nightmare got worse!

The gas guy arrived and made the
movers come to a complete stop for a
full 15 minutes. The movers are
sitting around, having a good time
and I'm about to pull my hair out,
not to mention I'm paying them to
sit around.

Then the satellite took 4 hours to
install. Have you ever heard of such
a thing? Me either. It was ME who
was blocking. I was NOT living in
the Now, I was living in my story.

The story that said, moving is ALWAYS
awful, it never goes as planned, I'm
always having to wait for others. I
wish I could have done it myself, etc....

What we resist persists.

When we live in the NOW, nothing goes
wrong. It's a brand new moment at
every moment. We get to start over
whenever we want. In order to get
through my move without pulling my
hair out I had to 'reset' myself.

I had to pull myself out of my story
and consciously recognize that I'm 100%
responsible for the results that I get
in EVERY area of my life, INCLUDING my

It was ME, who wasn't allowing. It
was ME who was resisting. When I
change my energy, my thoughts and
my expectations, my results change.

The movers finished up quickly and
my day took a much more pleasant,
positive, flowing rhythm to it.
But it isn't always easy is it? It
can sometimes seem like life really
is happening to us. But it isn't!

You must understand that you are
creating your results. You're
keeping yourself from ALL that you
desire. And you do it by holding
on to your story and not living
in the now.

Like I mentioned earlier when we live
in the 'Now' nothing goes wrong.
We have complete control. The real
question is..... Do you know how to
live in the now?

If you don't fully know how to live in
the now or if you need a refresher
course... OR if you just aren't achieving
all that you would like AND are open
to learning something new, I have good

I have both a 60 minute audio program
AND a step by step ebook on this very
topic. The new year is coming! It's
time to let go of your old story and
attract what you REALLY want. This
audio or ebook (or both) will definitely
help you on that path.

In order for your results to change,
YOU have to change your expectations.
You must change your energy and your
thoughts to a more positive, ease and
belief in yourself.

The good news is..... It CAN Be easy.

If you love to listen to audios in your
car, Ipod, online or at the office, I
suggest you instantly download my 60
minute audio program for only $13.
You can access right now by using this

If you would rather read how to live
in the now you can instantly download
my ebook 'The How To’s of Deliberate
Creation; The Power of Living in the
Now' for only $19 by using this link:

OR if you would like both the audio
AND the ebook, you can use this special
link (Which is not on my website) to
purchase BOTH the audio and the ebook
for only $25 by using this link:

The key is to take back control. To
become the captain of your life. When
we live in the now, expect good things
to happen we are handsomely rewarded.

I'm off now to finish a fabulous weekend
and to unpack one more of the nearly 100
boxes I have to unpack. Make it a great
weekend...... ONLY you can.


Shelby Collinge
Limitless Possibilities, Inc.

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702)658-0409 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, November 05, 2007

Heres a Thought to Think About!

Hi There,

Happy Monday!!

Monday's are my most favorite day
of the week. Exciting things are
always happening on a Monday.

I came across this quote again
recently and I felt compelled to
share it with you. I KNOW it will
mean something to you.

Here's the thought I want you to
think about today.....

'We must be willing to let go of
the life we have planned, so as
to accept the life that is waiting
for us.'

- Joseph Campbell

Believe it or not, right now you
are the only one stopping your
desires from arriving. AND what
you're dreaming is so much smaller
than what the Universe is trying
to give you.

We must let go of the old to let
in the new.

Think of it this way.

Picture an apple pie with 6 slices.
Unless you eat a slice of the apple
pie you can't possibly add another
slice. There are already 6 slices.

When you eat a slice or two, you
make room for something else. But
unless you make room FIRST the
new has no where to go.

You must let go of your old ways of
thinking and believing in order
to let the NEW in. Does this make

Another fabulous point to ponder is:

'Man becomes what he thinks about
all day long'

- Thoreau

What do YOU think about all day? Are
you thinking successful or failure thoughts?
Positive or fearful feelings?

Do you expect a good outcome or a bad
outcome. Do you attempt everything that
you want to? What are afraid of?

Until you address your fears (and there
are MANY), they only keep growing stronger
and stronger. Eventually they paralyze us.
We can't move.

You must regain control of your thoughts,
FEELINGS, beliefs and most importantly
fears. When you work on the inside your
results will take care of themselves on
the outside. Guaranteed.

I have made this process as easy as possible.
Including monthly interactive learning sessions,
a fabulous audio library, new video library,
articles, ebooks, question and answer forum
and a like minded support group. I call it
my Mind Powers Program.

Go read the testimonials and LISTEN to a few
clips of some recent trainings at:

P.S. Space is filling for my fabulous One
Day Workshop on Saturday December 1st! If
you're interested, click on the link below.
I have a short audio message for you there.

This is the ONLY time this full day workshop
will be at this price. You don't want to
miss it!


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

Join me in Las Vegas, NV December 1st for
a one day life transforming 'How to Uncover
the Real You' intimate workshop!
Space is VERY limited, register NOW at:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Did you know.....

Hi There,

As your weekend is off to a fabulous
start, I just wanted to mention a few
things you may not know about!

On Thursday we had our monthly Mind
Powers training and it was amazing.
I talked about Fear and it was a
GREAT call.

I KNOW it will change your outlook
if you listen to it. You can become
a member and listen to it right now.
I just posted it to the forum this
morning. To listen to this and 50+
other audios visit:

(next month we are talking about
conscious parenting and relationships,
it's going to be fabulously different)

Even though I can hardly believe that
next week marks the end of October,
there are two fabulous offers that
are ending soon.

The $50 early bird discount to my
Saturday December 1st workshop ends.
If you are available on 12/1 and can
be in Las Vegas, join me for an
extremely eye opening day.

Read all about it here:

Oh and did you get your FR*EE
and personally autographed copy of
my book? There is a fabulous
little gift that arrives with it too!

Get your copy here:

As I mentioned, this marks our last
weekend in October. Do something fun.
Take a walk. Go for a bike ride.
Get outside with nature. Take a picnic
lunch and spend an afternoon with a
loved one.

MAKE today a special day. When we make
the most of EACH moment, magic occurs.
Life works with us, the Universe conspires
on our behalf.

Enjoy yourself.


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

Join me in Las Vegas, NV December 1st for a
one day mind changing all inclusive workshop!
Early bird pricing ONLY $97! Space is VERY
limited, register NOW at:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, October 22, 2007

Here is a Core Success Principal


If you have been on my email newsletter
list for any time you know that we
create our own experiences. We create
OUR reality.

If you're new to my newsletter, then
this is a GREAT introduction.

Knowing that we are 100% responsible
for our results in EVERY area of our
life, what area do you desire a success

What one area if you had a breakthrough,
would make the biggest positive impact on
your day to day life?

That is where I want you to focus. Now
you know what area you desire a breakthrough,
you know that you are 100% reality. You
probably even have a basic understanding of
Law of Attraction.

So why aren't you achieving your success

Think about this statement:

To be success in ANY area of your life you

Offer a vibration that matches your desire
rather than offering a vibration that keeps
matching what-is.

This is where we ALWAYS get stuck. We
think a few positive thoughts, do something,
make some phone calls and then take a look
at what is showing up.

We notice that NOTHING has happened yet and
we get frustrated, angry and give up hope.
Then we get upset when nothing does happen.

YOU need to jump on board and believe in
yourself FIRST. You need to have a conviction
about your desire. You must commit to your
desire with 100% certainty that you WILL be
successful. 98% won't work.

You MUST.....

Offer a vibration that matches your desire
rather than offering a vibration that keeps
matching what-is.

Do this and WATCH as everything you desire
flows to you easily and effortlessly. Learn
how to navigate your mind, find out what's
in your way and REMOVE the obstacle. the
belief. Now if you're available on Saturday
December 1st, join me in Las Vegas!!

I will be holding a one day workshop and will
teach you how to achieve success in EVERY area
of your life. You will learn how to BE the
person that can attract anything. Sometimes all
it takes is the right question......

This will be a small group environment. We
will do energy work, work on limiting beliefs,
core negative beliefs from birth, have a great
lunch together, you will receive a fabulous
workbook AND meet some fabulous people!

The early bird discount expires in just a few
days. For more information on my one day
workshop visit:

If you can't attend the workshop but would
like to learn more ways to identify and
remove limiting beliefs and feelings from you
life, see what feels right here:

Have a magical day!


Shelby Collinge

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Problem(s)? You know the solution


That's right.

If you have areas in your life
where you feel stuck, frustrated
and out of control the only person
who knows what to do is you.

I know you may be thinking, 'If I
know what to do, then why am I having
the problem(s) in the first place?'

The answer... You forgot that you know
the solution.

I want you to think back to a time, 1
5, 10 or 15 years ago when you had a
problem. Maybe it was getting out of
a bad relationship, moving, changing
careers, etc.

Think back and remember how you felt
just before you moved through the problem
and past it. What was your self talk?
How did you act? What were you thinking?
Did you have a plan? Did you wing it?
Did you have a support group of some kind?

You have had thousands of examples in
your own life of how you have
successfully handled problems, setbacks
AND crisis'.

But somehow when life sends experiences
our way and we don't like them we forget.
We get temporary amnesia to that fact
that we KNOW how to handle this already.

It may look different. It may make you
feel different, but you have the skills
and the know how of how to deal with ANY
experience. Good or bad.

The key is to remember. Think back to
how you felt when you dealt with a
negative experience the last time. BE
that person NOW. It's the same thing.

I did a 60 minute call on living in the
power of now, that talks about this
very topic. For only $13 you can download
it instantly AND it comes with a downloadable
workbook. Change begins with you.

Only YOU can affect your results and your
reality. Step into your power and live
the life you desire. BE the successful
person you KNOW you can be now. First.

Pick up my 60 minute 'Living in the Power
of Now' audio and workbook here:

Have a fabulous weekend. You deserve it!

P.S. My FR*EE autographed book offer
expires shortly. If you haven't picked
up your copy, visit:

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

Join me in Las Vegas, NV December 1st for a
one day mind changing all inclusive workshop!
Early bird pricing ONLY $97!

Space is VERY limited, register NOW at:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Did You Claim Your Free E-course?


Have you registered yet?

I wanted to remind you again because
this offer is going to end VERY

If you were planning on sharing
this FR*EE 32 Day E-course with
a friend, be sure to do it quickly
before this offer expires.

So in case you didn't know or in
case you just haven't taken advantage
of this incredible opportunity yet.....

I am going to give you a FR*EE 32 Day
ecourse. Over those 32 incredible
days I will share with you:

32 Easy Ways to Move, Handle and Process
Energy and Emotions To Heal Your Mind,
Body and Spirit

I encourage you to register AND experiment
with the 32 exercises you receive.
They are incredibly EASY and yet WILL
have a huge impact on your energetic
vibration and how you attract and manifest!

To begin your 32 day journey at absolutely
no cost please use the link below. And
PLEASE do let me know what shifts and
results you experience. Also, be sure to
tell ALL your friends and family about this
ecourse. The more the merrier!

OK, go now to:

*** A short while ago I did an incredible
60 minute call on:

'The Truth about Money and How to Allow
More in Your Life'

I received more 'thank you' emails for
this one training than I have for ALL of
my other trainings combined.

It really was an amazing call and I
Promise you will learn at least
5 new ways to attract more money.

You MUST listen to this audio at once.

If you didn't attend the live call
and you would LOVE to own it to listen
to again and again, you can download
it immediately for ONLY $13!

Download your copy and email me YOUR

Get 'The Truth About Money' Audio here:


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

Join me in Las Vegas, NV December 1st
for a one day mind changing all inclusive
workshop! Early bird pricing ONLY $97!
Space is VERY limited, register NOW at:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, October 05, 2007

A FREE Gift For You!

Hi There,

I had mentioned in an audio message
a few days back a Fr*ee gift I wanted
to share with you.

While deeply contemplating a few things
it became clear that I wanted to share
something a little different with you.


I am going to give you a FR*EE 32 Day
ecourse. Over the 32 days I will share
with you:

32 Easy Ways to Move, Handle and Process
Energy and Emotions To Heal Your Mind,
Body and Spirit

I did a fabulous training yesterday on
our Health and the power our thoughts
have on how we feel both short term AND
long term. The feedback was inspiring and
I KNOW this ecourse will REALLY help you
to move past some of your emotional blocks.

I encourage you to register AND do each of
the 32 exercises you receive. They are
incredibly EASY and yet WILL have a huge
impact on your energetic vibration and how
you attract!

To begin your 32 day journey at absolutely
no cost please use the link below. And
PLEASE do let me know what shifts and
results you experience. Also, be sure to
tell ALL your friends and family about this
ecourse. The more the merrier!

OK, go now to:

*** As you may or may not know, I am
holding an interactive training for ALL
Mind Powers Members on 'Fear' soon. It
will be a fabulous call. If you would
like to join us please enroll here:


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

Join me in Las Vegas, NV December 1st
for a one day mind changing all inclusive
workshop! Early bird pricing ONLY $97!
Space is VERY limited, register NOW at:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, October 01, 2007

Do You Know the Power of Your Emotions?

Hi There!

Welcome to October!

Do you know the power your emotions
hold? Do you know that it's the
feeling that gets the blessing in life?

This Thursday at 9:30am I am teaching
a 60 minute training on:

How our Biography becomes our Biology,
the Power of Everyday Thoughts.

I promise this will be an amazing
training! I will also be providing
downloadable notes for an in-depth look.

This call will NOT be available for
purchase. Even if you can't attend
the live training, register and receive
the mp3 download of the call and notes.

To register for this special call visit:

Of course this training IS included with
my Mind Powers Membership. To become a
member and receive this and ALL other
trainings please visit:

ANY questions, just let me know.

Have a fabulous day and we'll talk Thursday!

P.S. I am donating 10% of ALL sales during
the month of October to the Susan B. Komen
breast cancer fund. Register for our training
and support a GREAT cause!

P.P.S. Register NOW for my December 1st
workshop in Las Vegas for the early bird price
of ONLY $97. Find out ALL about it at:

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

Join me in Las Vegas, NV December 1st for a
one day mind changing all inclusive workshop!
Early bird pricing ONLY $97! Space is VERY limited,
register NOW at:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108 (
702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Special Training This Thursday at 9:30!

Hi There,

As your weekend continues I want
you to ask yourself 'How do I feel?'

How have you been feeling lately?
Are you stressed or tense anywhere in
your body? Maybe you have daily
headaches and a stiff back?

If so, these are messages from your
body. From your subconscious mind
and they mean something. You have
aches and pains for a REASON and I
will explain it all in detail this

If you have ANY health concerns,
maybe you’re over weight, have bad
knees or diabetes, whatever it is
you can learn WHY. This training
will be a very NEW way of healing
your body and mind.

I will also be sharing some great
downloadable notes with this

If you would like to learn more
and register (space IS limited)
please visit:

Oh and guess what.......

I am holding a one day workshop
here in Las Vegas, NV on Saturday
December 1st. Space is VERY limited.

Early bird pricing for a FULL day
workshop, workbook, lunch AND special
bonus gifts are ONLY $97. Hurry and
register now while space is available.

Read all of what's included here:

MAKE it a tremendous weekend. You deserve it!


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Sunday, September 23, 2007

TWO Anniversary Specials for You!

Hi There,

I hope your weekend has been fabulous
so far. I am super excited to be sharing
this email with you.

I am extremely honored to announce that
my fabulous Mind Powers Program is one
year old this month! I can hardly believe
that just a year ago I started this program
and how much it has grown.

We now have OVER 225 members waiting to meet you
and it's growing every day!

Because September has very special meaning I am
offering TWO very special discounted offers!

The first offer is.....

For just a few DAYS.... you can enroll in
my Mind Powers program for one year and
receive One Year FR*EE! Can you believe it?
That comes out to ONLY $9.00 a month.

For only $9.00 a month you can attend ALL
new monthly tele-trainings, get the mp3 download
links of all new trainings, watch 2-3 new Videos
a month, listen immediately to over 60+ hours
in our audio library, download articles, ebooks
and access additional resources right now.

I can't think of even one reason why you
wouldn't want to take advantage of this offer.

AND even if you are current monthly member of my
Mind Powers Program currently, you can still take
advantage of this anniversary special!

With monthly tele-trainings and the additional
resource and cost of video training on October
15th the cost of my Mind Powers Program WILL

Take advantage of this fabulous offer and learn
some new techniques to achieving your desires.
There is so much there it would be impossible not
to learn at least 10 new ways to attract your desires.

Go right now and read the testimonials, what's
included and all I have to offer at:

The Second anniversary special is that I am
GIVING away personally Autographed copies of
my book 'Walking With the Wise - Entrepreneur'
for only the small cost of shipping.

I will sign a book personally for YOU! And
you will get a copy of my new Newsletter too!

To pick up your autographed copy please click here:

If you have ANY questions, please reply to this
email and either myself or my assistant Amy will
answer ANY questions you may have.

Learn something new this weekend. Something that
will make like EASIER!! I know you will find it
when you read what my Mind Powers has to offer at:

In service to help YOU!


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Friday, September 21, 2007

Do You Have Problems?

Hi There,

Do you have problems? It seems like
whenever I ask that question, the hands
go up. If you answered yes, you're not

I want you to think about what a problem
is. Do you know what a problem is? Have
you ever even thought about it?

A problem is the replaying of a previous
experience. Plain and simple.

A problem isn't a problem until YOU say
that it is. Did you know that every
thought we have is either about a desire
we have or a memory we've experienced.

Which do you find yourself thinking more
about? Memories or desires? Even more
clearly....Your problems or your desires?

As Thoreau had said:

'Man is what he thinks about ALL day long'.

We ARE what we think about. We do experience
exactly what we put our mind to. I write
this email to plant a seed in your subconscious
mind. To slip into your mind that you are
either thinking about your problems or your

Choose today to dream about what you WANT,
rather than what you don't want. As I mentioned
in a previous email, you are 100% responsible
for the results that you get.

Focus more on your desires and I promise, your
problems will disappear. I have just the book
to help you do it.

I recently wrote a fabulous ebook titled:

‘The How To’s of Deliberate Creation; The Power
of Living in the Now'

I explain how to choose your experience and
how to leverage the Laws of the Universe to make
it easy. For Only $19, you can learn entirely
new ways to change your vibration around success,
money and relationships.

Do yourself the favor and download my ebook
instantly! Use this link to get your hands
on the extremely powerful information I share:

Have a fabulous weekend and remember....Focus
on what you WANT, rather than what you don't


P.S. Download your copy at:

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Do You Have Infinite Patience?

Hi There,

Do you FEEL you have infinite patience?

Do you FEEL frustrated with your results?
Find that success isn't happening fast enough?

There is a saying that says 'with infinite
patience comes immediate results.'

This is a VERY true statement. When
we relax, detach and allow, our desires
seem to flow to us with the utmost ease.
The key, however, is in the detaching.

Detachment of outcomes really boils down

Do you trust that if you let go you will
get what you desire? Do you believe paying
clients WILL show up? Do you trust that
your bank account will continue to grow
if you take your foot off the gas?


Do you trust that if you let go and detach
everything will fall apart and you will fail
miserably, so you hang on very tightly and
try to control the situation from beginning
to end?

Much like with exercise, working out over
time will build stronger and stronger muscles.
We need to work, stretch and exercise our
muscles on a continual basis. The more
exercise we do, the stronger we get.

The same is true with trust. The more you
exercise your Trust muscle, the stronger
and stronger it will get.

Makes sense right?

So I ask you....

Do you work out your trust muscles? Do you
have faith in your manifesting power to
attract your success? Or do you struggle
your way day after day wondering why this
keeps happening to you?

The first lesson for today is to realize that
you are 100% responsible for the results you
get in EVERY area of your life.

Your outside world is a DIRECT reflection of
your inside thoughts and beliefs. A perfect
picture. What does your picture show you?
What would you like to change in your picture?

Change begins with YOU.

You would experience HUGE changes if you begin
to exercise your trust muscles. Trust is the
stream in which success flows. You must trust
FIRST, then success WILL arrive. The more you
trust the more success, it's that simple!

The exciting news is that you can now exercise
your trust muscles very easily. With new tele
trainings every month, two to three new videos
a month, and an audio library of Over 60+ hours,
my Mind Powers Program will exercise ALL of your
trust muscles.

Imagine how different life would be if you could
learn new insights on:

- How to deal with fear

- How to use the Power of 'Now'

- The truth about Money and how to allow more

- How to tame the negative voice that sabotages
your success

These are just a FEW of the topics you can access!
Do yourself the favor and read the information I
share with you here:

Begin today to trust in YOU. It can all be yours
if you Choose it!

Have a fabulous day..

P.S. Go right now to:

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I Have FIVE Things to Share with You!


I hope this email finds you well. It
has been a while since I have sent you
an update of all the new and exciting
things going on. So.....

Be sure to skim through this entire
email and see what jumps out at you, it
is packed with FR*EE opportunities to
learn and tools that can help you.

First things first. Do you watch movies
or DVD's?

I am super excited about my new Video
Lessons! Members of my Mind Powers program
can now access new videos three times a
month on ALL kinds of topics.

Leverage the immense power of your mind
to make success in ALL areas of your life
easy! This is a new visual way to learn
and interact via the web. I love it!

**If you're interested in my Mind Powers
program, I'm offering a FR*EE five day
trial. Please email
for your username and password. You can
then test drive my Mind Powers program for a
full five days for no absolutely charge.**


FR*EE Quiz - 'Do You Know You?'

How well do you know who you really are -
your deep values, priorities, interests,
fears, beliefs, and hopes? It takes a good
deal of work to realize your essence and
personal meaning. How far along this process
are you?

Test your self awareness, your identity
and your direction in life for FREE. Take
this mind opening self quiz now at:


NEW Monthly Tele-training - October 4th!

This month’s tele-training will be Thursday
October 4th at 9:30am. For a full 60 minutes
I will be teaching....

'Why Our Biography Becomes Our Biology,
the Power Our Thoughts Have on Our
Everyday Health.'

Space IS limited. Find out more about this
training and save your spot at:

(all mind powers members attend this training
at no charge)


$ Money, $ Money, $ Money

A few weeks back I held a tele-training on

'The Truth About Money and How to Allow
More in Your Life'

Here is just one of the email comments I


hi shelby,

i purchased the money call and it was
great. thank you for what you do, it rocked.
a call that gets you thinking seriously in
that direction. if you felt compelled to do
a moneycall2 and take us further into the
topic I'm IN and will be so fast in buying
the next mp3.

heheh, here's an idea. Call2 is 2x the price,
2x the content 2x as long. you really have a gift
and i appreciate your content.

Your style and a conference call to burn to a
cd is an amazing combination. i'll be
watching my emails so i can buy the next one. :)



If you would like to learn NEW strategies for
changing your Money Mindset and Beliefs, you
can purchase this and other audios here:


Three Month Unlimited Email Support

Did you know I offered email coaching support?
Many of my clients don't realize that you can
access me 24x7 via email. It is such a fabulous
option to get started and stay started and
extremely economical!

Email responses in hours and unlimited support
for YOU and your goals for a full three months.
Maybe you want to attract more money, a new
relationship, a new business partner. I can
help you stay aligned and work with you one on
one on your mindset via email.

If email support seems like a fabulous option
for you, let's get started! I'm waiting to
help you Right NOW. Your email support starts
by clicking here:


Above I have listed five ways to change and
expand your current limits and beliefs. What
sound like a great next step for you?

I promise that if you try something different
you WILL get different results. Read this email
again and take action on at least TWO offers.

Then relax, wait and watch.

Stay tuned..... In my next email I will be
talking about how infinite patience brings
immediate results!

You CAN do it. I believe in you.

Have a tremendous weekend.


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Before Success We Must Grow Roots! Read Now.

Hi There

In a conversation with my mother earlier
this morning she read me this poem. I
did some research and had to share it.

Please read it word for word.....Enjoy :)
Feel free to forward this email in it's
entirety to anyone you feel might enjoy
the read.


One Day I Decided To Quit...
I quit my job,
My relationship,
my spirituality.

I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last
talk with GOD."GOD", I said.

"Can you give me one good reason not
to quit?" His answer surprised me...

"Look around", GOD said.
"Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes", I replied.

"When I planted the fern and the bamboo
seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light. I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor.

Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did not quit on the bamboo.

In the second year
The Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo
seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo."
GOD said.

"In year three there was still nothing
from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.

In year four, again, there was nothing
from the bamboo seed. I would not quit."
GOD said.

Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout
emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern
it was seemingly small and insignificant. ..
But just 6 months later the bamboo rose
to over 100 feet tall.

It had spent the five years growing roots.
Those roots made it strong and gave it
what it needed to survive.

"I would not give any of my creations a
challenge it could not handle."GOD said to me.

"Did you know that all this time you have
been struggling? You have actually been growing

"I would not quit on the bamboo, I will
never quit on you."

"Don't compare yourself to others." GOD said.

"The bamboo had a different purpose than the
fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful."

"Your time will come", GOD said to me.
"You will rise high"

"How high should I rise?" I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise?"GOD asked
in return.

"As high as it can?" I questioned
"Yes." GOD said,
"Give me glory by rising as high as you can."


Your bamboo is so close to blooming. Allow
your success ALL the time it needs. Water,
tend and fertilize your seeds. I can help

If you feel like you need support, nudge,
guidance or just options, please consider my
Mind Powers Program. You will have access to
over 50+ hours of audios, over 220+ members to
network with, monthly tele-trainings included FR*EE,
articles to download and coming soon.... Videos
to watch.

Find out how my Mind Powers program can help
you by going to:

Create a FABULOUS weekend.


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, pleasevisit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Only 30 spots available for tomorrows Money Call! Read Now!

Hi There,

Hope your week has been great so far.
We are at the mid-way mark and tomorrow
I am holding a VERY special tele-training.

There are 30 or spots available and I
wanted to give you one last opportunity
to register and join us tomorrow AND
everyone who registers will also receive
an mp3 download of the training as well
for added learning and repeat listening.

Here are the details.....

Tomorrow September 6th at 9:30am
pacific I am teaching a 60 minute
teleclass on:

'The Truth about Money and How to

It WILL blow your mind. I KNOW what
you're DOING wrong. In fact it has
Nothing to do with DOING anything!

I know what it is you're thinking
that is keeping you stuck and
I'm going to show you how to stop
your negative cash flow results.

You can only attend if you are READY
to drop ALL your current beliefs about
money. ALL of them. What your parents
told you about money, what you've read
about money, experienced all of it.

You must bring some cash to our training.
Not a lot of cash, but at least one (1)
five, ten, one, twenty, fifty or hundred
dollar bill. It can be one (1) dollar bill,
that perfectly fine, but you must have
cash. If you live outside the US, please
bring your local currency to the call.

This WILL be a tremendous training if you
have or have ever had ANY type of money
problems. If you have ever experienced
lack, on and off, spurts of NO income,
than this call will turn you around.

The cost is $9.97. This is NOT a webcast
or webinar and therefore space will be
limited to my bridge line. Please enroll
as soon as possible if you're interested.

You can find out more and register here:

Have a fabulous Labor Day today!

P.S. If you can't attend the call LIVE,
register anyway. You will get the audio
sent right to your email an hour or so
after our call!

The price WILL be higher when it becomes
a downloadable audio! Register now:


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:
5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Monday, September 03, 2007

You cant solve a problem w/ the same mind that created it!

Hi There,

It's true!

You can't solve a problem with the
same mind that created the problem
in the first place. You MUST learn
something new.

Here's a fabulous quote to think

'Any man can make a mistake,
but only an idiot persists in
his error.'


Isn't it the truth? We do ALL make
mistakes, we learn from them and try
again. Or do we?

Some of us have to relearn the same
life lessons over and over and over
again. Especially when it comes to

If you have EVER had times of NO
cash, limited cash, fear around money,
struggle mentality, ANY of these
problems I have some really good news.

OR if you haven't achieved the financial
goals that you feel you deserve I
have some fabulous news for you too!

In just 3 days....

This Thursday September 6th at 9:30am
pacific I am teaching a 60 minute
teleclass on:

'The Truth about Money and How to

It WILL blow your mind. I KNOW what
you're DOING wrong. In fact it has
Nothing to do with DOING anything!

I know what it is you're thinking
that is keeping you stuck and
I'm going to show you how to stop
your negative cash flow results.

You can only attend if you are READY
to drop ALL your current beliefs about
money. ALL of them. What your parents
told you about money, what you've read
about money, experienced all of it.

You must bring some cash to our training.
Not a lot of cash, but at least one (1)
five, ten, one, twenty, fifty or hundred
dollar bill. It can be one (1) dollar bill,
that perfectly fine, but you must have
cash. If you live outside the US, please
bring your local currency to the call.

This WILL be a tremendous training if you
have or have ever had ANY type of money
problems. If you have ever experienced
lack, on and off, spurts of NO income,
than this call will turn you around.

The cost is $9.97. This is NOT a webcast
or webinar and therefore space will be
limited to my bridge line. Please enroll
as soon as possible if you're interested.

You can find out more and register here:

Have a fabulous Labor Day today!

P.S. If you can't attend the call LIVE,
register anyway. You will get the audio
sent right to your email an hour or so
after our call!

The price WILL be higher when it becomes
a downloadable audio! Register now:


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, September 01, 2007

You Create Your Reality. Doubts? Read Now

Hi There,

What is reality?

Let's look at its definition(s):

1. the state or quality of being real.

2. a real thing or fact.

3. Philosophy. a. something that exists
independently of ideas concerning it.

b. something that exists independently
of all other things and from which all
other things derive.

By its own definition; reality is what
YOU and I make of it. YOU create your
reality for you. No one else. We create
our own stories about life, success, money
sex, relationships, religion ALL of it.

We take in what we have been taught, what
we have learned, over heard, experienced,
etc. and then come up with our own story,
our own reality of how life will be.

We have our own story for our successes,
failures, the amount of money we will make,
how the money will come to us, our relationships,
the examples go on and on.

I hope you understand the power of
what you're reading. You create your
world. 100% positively. Reality is only
real to the observer looking.

Here is another way of looking at it:

Your reality or world as it stands right
now as you look around.... The world that
you are living in right now is nothing more
than a manifestation of your PREVIOUS thoughts
and beliefs.

You CAN create something totally different
today if you were to choose it. Allow me
to help you with that. At least where it
comes to MONEY. :)

Did you know about this?

I am teaching a class THIS Thursday 9/6 about
MONEY. I KNOW you're set in your reality about
the amount of money of you right now, how you
receive it and I'm positive you judge the
amounts in which you receive it.

I encourage you to attend and open your
mind to how 'you are your source of your supply'.
I promise it will open your mind to a
whole new way of thinking!!

THIS Thursday September 6th at 9:30am
pacific I am teaching a 60 minute
teleclass on:

'The Truth about Money and How to

It WILL blow your mind. I KNOW what
you're DOING wrong. In fact it has
Nothing to do with doing anything your

I know what it is you're thinking
that is keeping you stuck and
I'm going to show you how to stop
your negative cash flow results.

You can only attend if you are READY
to drop ALL your current beliefs about
money. ALL of them. What your parents
told you about money, what you've read
about money, all of it.

You must bring some cash to our training.
Not a lot of cash, but at least one (1)
five, ten, one, twenty, fifty or hundred
dollar bill. It can be one (1) dollar bill,
that perfectly fine, but you must have
cash. If you live outside the country,
please bring your local currency to the call.

This WILL be a tremendous training if you
have or have ever had ANY type of money
problems. If you have ever experienced
lack, on and off, spurts of NO income,
than this call will turn you around.

The cost is $9.97. This is NOT a webcast
or webinar and therefore space will be
limited to my bridge line. Please enroll
as soon as possible if you're interested.
I expect this call to fill quickly.

You can find out more and register here:

Have a fabulous holiday weekend!

P.S. It's all about how you feel. If
you like your reality in your finances
and life you're all set.

IF you're looking for some dramatic changes
in your finances, checkbook and daily flow,
join me Thursday. It will change your life.

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, pleasevisit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Do You Judge Your Success, Checkbook Balance or Direction?

Hi There!

If you are in the US, this weekend
is Labor Day Weekend. The BBQ's
will be in full swing. Do you have
anything fun planned this weekend?

Do you know what judgment is?

We ALL judge. We judge whether or
not something is good or bad. We
judge what our children do as
good or bad. We judge what our
checkbook balance is and how successful
we are in our business or careers.

We take a look at what others are
doing or achieving and then Judge
that we are not up to par. That we
fall short somehow.

The problem with judging is that
by judging you're accepting the
problem or circumstance as TRUE.

You can't judge something you don't
accept as true for you. Think about

When you drive to the store, you leave
your house and begin your journey.
When you come to the first stop light
you don't start judging why you're not
there yet. You don’t' get all upset with
yourself that you haven't arrived,
you KNOW that you're on your way to
the store. You KNOW you will be there

The is a path that you MUST travel to
get to the store. You drive and have
faith you will show up. But many of us,
if not all of us forget this is true
with EVERYTHING that we attempt.

We must start, travel a path and then
arrive. We must NOT judge or stop and
take notice on our journey. It is merely
our path, just like on the way to the
store. Relax, trust and have faith that
you WILL arrive at your destination.

By stopping, and judging the situation
you are basically accepting your failure.
You are accepting that you have somehow
made a mistake, where in reality, it is
just a stop light on your path.

I want you to observe areas where you
are judging yourself or someone else.
Where are you accepting outside circumstances
as true for you, rather than a mere
stop on your path? Really take a look
and realize that the sooner you release
ALL judgment about yourself, where you are,
how you've gotten here and where you're
going, the sooner Universe can help you.

And you're in luck!

I am teaching a class next week about MONEY.
I KNOW you're judging the amount of money of
you right now, how you receive it and I'm
positive you judge the amounts in which you
receive it.

I encourage you to attend and open your
mind to how 'you are your source of your supply'.
I promise it will open your mind to a
whole new way of thinking!!

Next Thursday September 6th at 9:30am
pacific I am teaching a 60 minute
teleclass on:

'The Truth about Money and How to

It WILL blow your mind. I KNOW what
you're DOING wrong. In fact it has
Nothing to do with doing anything your

I know what it is you're thinking
that is keeping you stuck and
I'm going to show you how to stop
your negative cash flow results.

You can only attend if you are READY
to drop ALL your current beliefs about
money. ALL of them. What your parents
told you about money, what you've read
about money, all of it.

You must bring some cash to our training.
Not a lot of cash, but at least one (1)
five, ten, one, twenty, fifty or hundred
dollar bill. It can be one (1) dollar bill,
that perfectly fine, but you must have
cash. If you live outside the country,
please bring your local currency to the call.

This WILL be a tremendous training if you
have or have ever had ANY type of money
problems. If you have ever experienced
lack, on and off, spurts of NO income,
than this call will turn you around.

The cost is $9.97. This is NOT a webcast
or webinar and therefore space will be
limited to my bridge line. Please enroll
as soon as possible if you're interested.
I expect this call to fill quickly.

You can find out more and register here:

Have a fabulous holiday weekend!


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731

Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Limitless Possibilities, Inc.
All rights reserved

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Truth about Money and How to Allow More

Hi There!

How are you?

Are you ready to REALLY learn the
truth about money? The truth about
how we attract and manifest it? The
truth about how we KEEP the FLOW open?


On Thursday September 6th at 9:30am
pacific I am teaching a 60 minute
teleclass on:

'The Truth about Money and How to

It WILL blow your mind. I KNOW what
you're doing wrong. I know what it is
you're thinking that is keeping you
stuck and I'm going to show you how to
stop your negative results.

You can only attend if you are READY
to drop ALL your current beliefs about
money. ALL of them. What your parents
told you about money, what you've read
about money, all of it.

You must bring some cash to our training.
Not a lot of cash, but at least one (1)
five, ten, one, twenty, fifty or hundred
dollar bill. It can be one (1) dollar bill,
that perfectly fine, but you must have
cash. If you live outside the country,
please bring your local currency to the call.

This WILL be a tremendous training if you
have or have ever had ANY type of money
problems. If you have ever experienced
lack, on and off, spurts of NO income,
than this call will turn you around.

The cost is $9.97. This is NOT a webcast
or webinar and therefore space will be
limited to my bridge line. Please enroll
as soon as possible if you're interested.
I expect this call to fill quickly.

You can find out more and register here:

Create a FABULOUS day. You deserve it.


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of programs, products
and services available to you, please visit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Weeds of the Mind..... You must pull them.


I hope your weekend has been extremely
restful and you are ready to create
another fabulous week.

As you know I just returned from a
four day vacation. I write this email
with complete admiration for mother
nature. Here's why.

I live in Las Vegas NV. As you know
this climate is that of a desert.
This summer has been extremely hot
and even more dry. But.....that
doesn't stop the weeds from growing.

I returned home to find two large
planters of plants (which I spent
hours planting) dead and yet 4 or 5
weeds were large, full, vibrate and
smiling happily in their place.

Have you ever noticed that we don't
plant weeds, we don't water weeds,
we don't even fertilize weeds and yet
they still grow luscious, large and
determined? Not only do we not plant
them, but they plant themselves again
and again, sometimes in the exact same

But what about our plants? The
ones that we plant intentionally?
We HAVE to water them, we have to
fertilize them AND we have to keep
the weeds OUT. Weeds will strangle
the life right out of your plants.

The same is true with your mind.
We don't plant the weeds. We don't
plant the thoughts that say:

'It's going to be too hard'

'I've never done that before'

'It didn't work last time'

'Where am I going to get the money'

They seem to plant themselves. AND
if left unattended they fertilize
themselves and they grow stronger
and stronger and multiply by the

Like our gardens or our plants we
HAVE to plant the seeds of what we
want. Weeds will grown in their
place if we don't. We have to pull
the weeds that are slowing us down
right now. NONE of this will happen
on it's own.

If you don't want the negative weeds
to take over your mind (and I'm sure
you have a few in their right now)
then you MUST plant good, fertile
seeds in your mind that will grow
and produce a harvest. The more seeds
you plant, the more abundant the
harvest. Makes sense right?...

This is difficult if we do it by
ourselves. First, You have to take
100% responsibility for where you are
right now. You must admit that you
DO have weeds pulling at you and
you must commit to planting a good
hearty crop. That's were I come in :)

My Mind Powers program will do just
what I'm talking about. It will enable
you to plant hundreds if not thousands
of NEW, hearty seeds. This program
will also help you pull the weeds you
have currently. It will squash the
weeds and fertilize your seeds.

AND....the beauty of this program is
all you have to do is listen to audios
and allow them to sink into your sub-
conscious mind. Listen to two or three
a week and your harvest will be HUGE.

We MUST tend to our mind garden. We
must not allow the weeds to take over
the land and make life difficult.

Allow me to help you. Find out more
about my fabulous mind changing,
Mind Powers Program by clicking here:

Change begins with YOU.
Only YOU can pull the weeds and plant
the seeds for a better future for YOU.
You are your creator. Get busy.
I WILL help you.

Join now:


Shelby Collinge

P.S. The first five people who take
action and enroll for a full year will
receive a FR*EE 30 Minute personal
session with me. Together we will pull
the weeds that are stopping your success!

Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

For a FULL list of progams, products
and services available to you, pleasevisit:

5348 Vegas Drive #763 Las Vegas, NV 89108
(702) 363-3731 Copyright (c) 2006-2007
Limitless Possibilities, Inc. All rights reserved

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Have Any Plans September 8th & 9th?

Hi There,

I have just returned from a fabulous
four day vacation. It is so good to
get away and explore new areas.

It's especially great to go with the
flow. I mention this only because
originally I was only supposed to be
gone for 3 days, but the Universe had
something else in store for me :)

On Saturday and Sunday September 8th
and 9th myself and a small intimate
group of ready individuals are going
to explore the depths of limiting
beliefs, fear, anxiety, worry, doubt
and many more joy squashing feelings.

Would you like to join us?

This is a full 2 day workshop retreat
in my personal home in Las Vegas, NV.
Your meals, workshop materials, personal
goodie bag and much, much more is ALL

If you live in the Las Vegas area and
are reading this email, you should
ABSOLUTELY make sure you attend. It
is going to be absolutely transforming.

These two days WILL make a huge impact
on your flow of abundance.

These two days WILL make a huge impact
on your personal relationships.

These two days WILL make a huge impact
on your career or business (or lack

I am excitedly busy making the final
plans for the menu, carpool and other
details. If you are even slightly
interested, please visit the link below
and select the '2 day workshop retreat'

There are details and a brief outline
of what we will be covering. I would
also welcome ANY questions you may have.
Please just reply to this email and I
or my assistant will get back to you.

Go now to:

I really hope to meet you in person
on Saturday September 8th, say around
8:00am. I will have breakfast waiting!!

Until then....


Shelby Collinge

P.S. I am putting together a fabulous
personal breakthrough mastermind group
limited to 12 individuals. If you're
ready for the next step on your life
path, this may be it.

More details to follow, but if you're
interested let me know!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Power of Faith, Trust and Surrender.

Hi There,

Happy Monday Morning!

If you're new to my newsletter you
may not know that Monday's are my
absolute favorite day of the week.
And today is no different.

I have been busily preparing for
my upcoming two day workshop retreat
here in my home in Las Vegas, NV.
(if you can attend, I HIGHLY recommend
it). and while working with an out
of the country client early this morning
I was inspired to write this email.

I want to talk about the power of
Faith, Trust and Surrender.

Answer these questions 100% honestly.....

- Do you have faith in your dreams and
desires coming true?

- Do you FULLY trust that Universe IS
working on your behalf, right at
this very moment.

- Do you surrender to this faith and
trust and RELAX knowing that what
you want is on its way?

If you answered 'no' to ANY of the
above questions or if you hesitated
for even a moment, we have work to do.
In order to attract and manifest what
you want, you must work your faith and
trust muscles. You must work and
exercise these muscles every day.

Faith and trust (which go hand in hand)
are the final critical components that
really bring our dreams, desires and
manifestations all together.

You cannot attract what you want if you
trust more in NOT receiving it. You
cannot manifest the new job, partner,
money or car if you have faith in it
NOT happening.

It's not that you don't trust or have
Faith. But it IS possible
that you have faith and trust in the
wrong beliefs. Is it possible that you
believe MORE in it NOT happening than
in it happening.

No need to worry... I can help you in
two ways right now!

the first way.....

Tomorrow Tuesday August 7th at 10:00am
pacific I am going to hold a 50 minute
Bonus Teleclass/Webcast and YOU’RE invited.

You will be able to listen via conference
call OR your web browser. You choose.
If you join via webcast (your browser),
you will be able to send me your questions
via a chat box (very cool).

If you're new to my work, need some new
ideas to make a significant shift in your
life, I invite you to join me. I promise
I will share at least 4 ideas that have a
profound effect on your life.

If you're interested in joining me for this
special 50 minute BONUS call for absolutely no
charge please send an email right now to:

here are the details:

What: 50 Minute Teleclass/Webcast

Topic: It's a Surprise!

When: Tuesday August 7th

Time: 10:00am pacific / 1:00pm eastern

the second way......

You can browse the fabulous programs,
products and services available right
now. Everything from email support,
to audio programs, to having your
handwriting analyzed, to working with
me one on one, to my powerful Mind Powers

Let your fingers do the walking. You're
just a belief or two away from allowing
your good to flow. There is NO time,
like now to start your engines. I can help
you. Visit:

MAKE it a great week. Only YOU can.


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

**If you're interested in attending my 2
day workshop retreat, please respond to
this email, put 'workshop' in the subject
line and let's schedule some time to talk!**

Mind Powers participants receive $500 Discount!

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at:

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Free Bonus Call/Webcast Tuesday. Open Now.

Hi There,

I am really excited to be sending this
note to you.

I feel inspired to connect with you and
share some valuable ideas and thoughts
at the same time. I haven't done a fr*ee
call in a while and sooo......

On Tuesday August 7th at 10:00am pacific
I am going to hold a 50 minute Bonus
Teleclass/Webcast and YOUR invited <$firstname$>.

You will be able to listen via conference
call OR your web browser. You choose.
If you join via webcast (your browser),
you will be able to send me your questions
via a chat box (very cool).

If you're new to my work, need some new
ideas to make a significant shift in your
life, or if you're just available, I invite
you to join me. I promise I will share
at least 4 ideas that have a profound effect
on your life.

If you're interested in joining me for this
special 50 minute BONUS call for absolutely no
charge please send an email right now to:

Obviously, space is limited so the sooner
you respond via email the better. You will
then receive an email with the call details
or the details to join via your browser.

If you don't receive an email within one
hour, please contact me.

Again here are the details:

What: 50 Minute Teleclass/Webcast

Topic: It's a Surprise!

When: Tuesday August 7th

Time: 10:00am pacific / 1:00pm eastern

I look forward to sharing!! Have a fabulous


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

**If you're interested in attending my 2
day workshop retreat, please respond to
this email, put 'workshop' in the subject
line and let's schedule some time to talk!**

Mind Powers participants receive $500 Discount!

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at:

Sunday, July 29, 2007

VIP Price for my Newest Ebook. Order Today!

Hi There,

On Wednesday August 1st, my newest
ebook will be released. It's titled

'The How To’s of Deliberate Creation;
The Power of Living in the Now.'

It will be available for $19, but because
you, are a member of my Mindset Matters
Newsletter Community you can pre-order
your copy for ONLY $14.

That's right. Until midnight Tuesday
July 31st, you can pre-order your copy
(you'll receive your copy on opening
day, Wednesday August 1st) for only
$14. You MUST use this link to get
the pre-order discount.

Once the ebook is made available this
link price will be $19, so order now
and get your 27% discount!

Please feel free to share this email
in it's entirety with your friends,
family and colleagues.

Just imagine:

'The How To’s of Deliberate Creation;
The Power of Living in the Now.'

I share ALL the secrets! Again the
special pre-order link for your 27%
discount is:

Make it a fabulous week!


Shelby Collinge
Mindset Expert

**If you're interested in attending my 2
day workshop retreat, please respond to
this email, put 'workshop' in the subject
line and let's schedule some time to talk!**

Mind Powers participants receive $500 Discount!

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at:

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Your Mindset Matters Monthly Update!

Hi There,

Here it is Thursday July 26th 2007.
Where has the time gone? Summer is
almost over and soon the kids will
begin school again.

How have things been going for you for
the first 7 months of this year?

Is there anything you would like to
speed up, change or alter all together?

I'm sure that there is; and so I am
thrilled to let you know that there are
MANY new and exciting things happening
for YOU over here! AND I promise I'm
going to keep this short.

First things first.

This Saturday at 9:00am pacific I'm
hosting a 90 minute LIVE Group Coaching
Webcast. You can dial in via your phone
OR your web browser. You choose! The
cost for this exciting 90 minute class
is ONLY $11.

The questions that I will be addressing
with our LIVE coachees is going to be
amazing. I REALLY hope you can join us.

Find out more about my webcast here:

I receive about 150 emails a day from
subscribers, clients and friends from
all over the world. I DO read each one.

I also listen to what you need, would
like to see in the future, and what you
feel is most important.

With ALL of that feedback I have developed
what I call a 'Personal Prosperity Program'.
It's a full six months and includes unlimited
email support with me, a recorded personal
session with me and much, much more.

If you're ready to step into your power
and claim the prosperity that is WAITING
for you, let's work together! Take a peek
at what I have for you here:

If you're knew to my community you may
not realize ALL that I have available to
you for ANY setback you may be experiencing.

Or you may be someone who likes to let your
fingers do the walking :) You can find a
complete list of services, products and
workshops available here:

** Remember ** If you have ANY questions, I
have a fabulous team of Online Chat Support
Specialists who can answer your questions.
Just click on the orange 'Live Chat Support'
box on any of my webpages. Another way to
make it easy for you to get where you're

Last but not least.... There are still spots
available for my 2 day 'Heal Your Mind, Heal
Your Life' workshop retreat. If you are
interested in what it has to offer YOU, I
would like to spend a few minutes with you
on the phone.

I would love to answer any question(s) you
have personally. Please email me and let's
schedule 10 minutes to talk.

The weekend is coming fast. Plan something
fun and exciting for yourself. Take in a
movie, get a massage, pack a picnic lunch,
go bowling.

Do something you wouldn't normally do.
Spoil yourself, you deserve it!! Positive
reinforcement is incredibly important.

I wish you a fabulous weekend. If I can
be of service in any way, please let me know.
Smile, it's contagious!


Shelby Collinge

Mindset Expert

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at:

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Would You Like to be Coached LIVE this Saturday?

Hi There,

Would you liked to be coached LIVE this
Saturday during my 90 minute fully
interactive Group Coaching Webcast?

Would you like to learn how your thoughts
and your beliefs are runing the show
with your finances, health AND relationships?

Now's your chance.

Today is the last day to be considered for
the LIVE coaching. If you are even one
bit interested, you must take a look!

Go see what past participants AND listeners
have had to say:

MAKE it a Miraculous Day!


Shelby Collinge

Mindset Expert

**If you're interested in attending my 2
day workshop retreat, please respond to
this email, put 'workshop' in the subject
line and let's schedule some time to talk!**

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at:

Monday, July 23, 2007

Important News - Mindset Matters Podcast On HOLD!


I hope you're able to read this email :)

I say this because Universe has been
VERY clear with me that my weekly
podcasted show 'Mindset Matters' is
to be put on hold.

Last week I didn't record an episode.
I have always waited to be 'inspired'
to do the show and the inspiration didn't
come last week. No big deal I thought...

Then this morning. I had mixed
messages. but it was raining! I
live in Las Vegas and we don't get
rain, so when it started this morning
I was thrilled.

I thought 'I'm going to talk about
starting anew. A fresh start'. That's
it. That's what my podcast should
be about. Off to my studio I went.

Well. Needless to say TWO microphones
that have always worked, didn't. I
thought, OK.... I will use my conference
call bridge line and record it over
the phone. About 2 minutes into the
recording, the voice came on and I had
been cut off.

I DON'T need another whisper or worse
a shove to take the hint. I can't say
that I am totally shocked by this
path; my schedule is filling up and
new doors are opening.

I send you this email for TWO reasons.

- 1 -

To inform you that my weekly podcasted
show will be put on hold until further
notice. You will still be able to
access the 25+ hours of previous episodes
currently in the archive library. But
I will no longer be recording future

- 2 -

The second reason I send you this email
is PROOF for you that change is not only
GOOD but it is inevitable. You CANNOT
buck the current. You MUST notice the
signs that are being shown to you.

We don't usually know what is on the other
side. I know I have no clear reason
why July 9th was my last recorded episode,
but it was.

I know that I have tried about 10 times
to record an episode with NO success.
The sign has been shown, I have received
it, now I must ALLOW this change.

I know that new and exciting things are
around the corner for you and me!! I
welcome these changes and TRUST that
more of my desires and dreams are around
this corner if I trust and have faith.

I want to wish you abundant success this

If you would like to access the current
audio archives of my show 'Mindset Matters'
please use this link:


** NEW Online Chat Support **

If you would like to browse the programs
and services available right NOW and talk
to our LIVE Online Chat Support about ANY
questions you may have, please use this link:


Love change. Love what change brings.
Start fresh today in just one area of your
life. Believe a NEW reality for yourself.
I can help you. MAKE it a fabulous day!


Shelby Collinge

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ P . S .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tomorrow I'm hosting a 30 minute LIVE Q&A
call about my upcoming 'Heal Your
Mind, Heal Your Life' 2 day workshop
retreat (September 8th & 9th) in my
home in Las Vegas.

The call will begin promptly at
8:30am pacific / 11:30am eastern
Tomorrow Tuesday July 25th.

This call will NOT be recorded. If
you are interested in listening in
and attending, please reply to this
email and I will provide you with the
dial in number and passcode.

Our last call was FABULOUS. So
if you have been considering a life
changing, transformative experience,
please respond to this email and put
'Q&A Call' in the subject line and
let's chat Tuesday!

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at:

Sunday, July 22, 2007

New Online Chat Support Begins Testing Now!

Hi There,

With a growing worldwide client base
and a commitment to GREAT service,
beginning tomorrow (Monday July 23rd)
you can now access online chat support.

Online chat support is a real-time
typed conversation between you and
a friendly support staff member.

This chat feature is accessible on
nearly ever page of my site. You will
see the orange square box on each page
that says 'Real Time Support Click Here'
Just click that box and you're on your

You can use the online chat support
for things like:

- If you have ANY question(s) about
what programs or services would be right
for you.

- For upgrading your membership or
adding additional programs/services.

- For ANY customer service related
questions or comments.

- To make a comment or suggestion

Now although this service officially
begins tomorrow, members and myself
WILL be testing the service today.

The hours for this service have not
been firmly set. We do want to
'test' this feature and see what
the traffic flow demands.

So if you have a quick question or
just want to say hello, please
visit my site and click the orange
Real Time Support button.

If support is not available when you
click the button, please DO leave
a message and someone will get back
to you promptly.

Feedback is ALWAYS appreciated and
remember ANY question(s) are welcomed.

Smile, I adore you!


Shelby Collinge

Mindset Expert

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at:

Friday, July 20, 2007

Join Me July 28th for my Last Group Coaching Event!

Hi There,

Next Saturday July 28th at 9:00am
I am going to coach 6 LIVE individuals
on their beliefs, thinking and mindset.

With my current schedule and upcoming events
this Group Coaching Event will be the last
event I do of this kind for a while.

It's going to be an extremely powerful
90 minutes.

Have you registered yet?

Would you like me to coach you LIVE?

If there is anything in your life that
you would like to change or improve
this call WILL help you identify WHY
it hasn't happened yet and what YOU
can do about it.

Our LIVE coaching call on the 28th will
show you where your energy is blocked
and how YOU are getting in your own way.

You really must consider this 90 minute
opportunity to learn something exciting!!
Take advantage of this powerful experience
and watch your life change rapidly.

Here are what a few participants had to
say after our last Group Coaching call:

'That was an amazing call. It really
demonstrated the power of what we think
of ourselves and how we block ourselves.
I loved listening in and would enjoy
doing so again! Thanks for your amazing
coaching abilities!'

'Hi Shelby, I would just like to let you
know how much I appreciated the call today,
I had plenty of ah-ha moments and some bits
got me really emotional as well (those are
the bits that I know I have to work on now!!)
It was strange how some of your callers had
the same issues as well (isn't that always
the way??)'

'Hello Shelby, Hope you feel as good about
your first live coaching session as I/we do.
It was a powerful 90 + minutes of
enlightenment and affirmation. Your energy
and enthusiasm complements your knowledge
and practice of the laws of abundance
and attraction.'

The BEST part of this Group Coaching Call
is that it costs ONLY $11. Join me on
Saturday July 28th at 9:00am pacific /
12:00pm eastern for a FULL 90 minutes of
coaching, learning and moving energy.

Our call WILL be recorded and you will
receive the mp3 download if you register.

For more information, more comments from
our last session and how to register please
click here:

Space is limited so register right away.

I will also be taking LIVE Q&A throughout
our session. I hope you will join us and
learn something transformative.

**AND If you are interested in being coached
LIVE, you must register by Wednesday (if
space is still available) and email me.

Directions will be included with the dial
in number and passcode**

++++ ALSO ++++

I am hosting a 30 minute LIVE Q&A
call about my upcoming 'Heal Your
Mind, Heal Your Life' 2 day workshop
retreat (September 8th & 9th) in my
home in Las Vegas.

The call will begin promptly at
8:30am pacific / 11:30am eastern on
Tuesday July 25th.

This call will NOT be recorded. If
you are interested in listening in
and attending, please reply to this
email and I will provide you with the
dial in number and passcode.

Our last call was FABULOUS. So
if you have been considering a life
changing, transformative experience,
please respond to this email and put
'Q&A Call' in the subject line and
let's chat Tuesday!

Make it a fabulous weekend!


Shelby Collinge

Mindset Expert

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at:

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Begin Your Personal Prosperity Program Now!


I know you've got an exciting day
planned so I will make this brief.

It's just two things really. :)

- 1 -

I am hosting a 30 minute LIVE Q&A
call about my upcoming 'Heal Your
Mind, Heal Your Life' 2 day workshop
retreat (September 8th & 9th) in my
home in Las Vegas.

The call will begin promptly at
8:30am pacific / 11:30am eastern on
Tuesday July 25th.

This call will NOT be recorded. If
you are interested in listening in
and attending, please reply to this
email and I will provide you with the
dial in number and passcode.

Our last call was FABULOUS. So
if you have been considering a life
changing, transformative experience,
please email and put
'Q&A Call' in the subject line and
let's chat Tuesday!

- 2 -

Do the words 'Personal Prosperity Program'
make you smile?

Do you have any idea what a Personal
Prosperity Program is or what it can do
for you?

Please visit this link and find out.

I know you will be extremely excited with
what I have typed there. Please read
every word.

Any questions, please let me know.


Mindset Expert

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life"
September 8th & 9th in My Beautiful Home
in Las Vegas, NV! Find out more at:

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Two Weeks From Today, I Share it All!


On Saturday July 28th at 9:00am
pacific / 12:00pm eastern I will
host a LIVE Group Coaching Training.
This in depth call will be a full
90 minutes.

Would you like me to coach you?

I am looking for 6-8 LIVE participants
to work on ANY issue that you are
struggling with. It can be health,
relationships, money, career, fear,
whatever YOU desire.

The cost for this fabulous opportunity
is ONLY $11. You can read what past
participants have had to say here:

I WILL be opening the lines and taking
LIVE calls as well. Come say 'HI'
Saturday July 28th. Come learn a NEW way
to look at life. A new way to align
your thoughts, feelings and actions.

End the self sabotage and struggle once
and for all. I promise you will learn
something transformative on the 28th.

Won't you join me?

Even if you can't join us LIVE, the call
WILL be recorded and made available as
an mp3 download. You can enroll and listen
when it's convenient for you.

Space IS limited to first come first served
so be sure to enroll ASAP.

- What if you learned just ONE new way to
change a belief?

- What if you identified just ONE fear that
you didn't know you had?

That ONE idea could mean the breakthrough
you've been seeking. It could mean the
'A-HA' that opens the floodgates.

Think about it.... Join me on the 28th!

ALL of the details and the registration
button can be found at:

Have a tremendous weekend.


Shelby Collinge

Mindset Expert

**If you're interested in attending my 2day
workshop retreat, please email me,
put 'workshop' in the subjectline and let's
schedule some time to talk!**

Join Me For My 2 Day Workshop Retreat
"Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life" September
8th & 9th in My Beautiful Homein Las Vegas, NV!

Find out more at: